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Sumea Modeller Challenge


This is where you'll find all the details and contestants for the Sumea Modeller challenges!

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- azmodai

Concepts soon to come, but basically I'll be extending a concept that has appeared in resident evil, but of course, with a twist.

A zombie thas has a combination of mutations, scientific experiments and the ever happy T-virus to create a zombie that is utterly horrific to look at. But here is the twist, because of the combination of effects that happened to him, this zombie has lost ALL cranial capacity, included the desire to feed. The zombie has been reduced to the mental state of a child, or somewhere between a child and an amoeba.

My objective is to create a zombie that looks fairly terrifying, but is actually a fairly silly and pretty much useless NPC, wanders around, waves at the character but doesn't attack them, and waves at the other zombie and pretty much runs around providing cheesy comic relief. The kind of monster that you would scratch your head and wonder if to shoot it, or to let it run around to see what It can do.

So, Survival horror with a twist :)

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- HazarD

Heres a quick brief on the concept.

Basically a worm-esque creature, that uses human beings as hosts, in which it grows to a python sized worm.

Its orgins are unknown but sceptics believe they are every day garden worms that have come in contact with carcasses used for testing at a research and development bio-tech plant based in the Nevada desert, and have since spread under ground latching themselves to small rodents and burrowers.

Slowly but surely the worms dominated all forms of underworld life, and took to feasting upon each other, which only increased the potency of what deformed them to begin with.

Eventually they come in contact with humans, while they sleep.
They enter through any oriface, nose, ears, mouth. Inside they feed, and grow, slowly killing the host and infecting it with the same horrible disfiguring disease.

Eventually, the worm grows and becomes one with the human body, using the humans skeleton like a suit of armour, to protect its own soft fleshy body.

The main body of the worm stays in the stomach of the host and sprouts tentacles that
wrap around the bones in the arms and legs, controlling it, forcing it to move and travel on all fours, rather than the normal upright walking position.

The worm can retract itself into the stomach of the host, protected within the ribcage, leaving another disjointed horrible, lifeless corpse, but can spring forth ( usually from the mouth of the host ) using its length to strike out in hope of finding new flesh, and a new host. They can control the host with suprising speed when necessary.

So for the concept I will be doing, a female that has been overcome by a worm. They would fall into the cannon fodder category, being simply to kill once identified, but use surprise to their advantage, as any old corpse laying about could contain one.

A quick Sketch so far.

Submitted by tojo on Thu, 22/07/04 - 4:48 AMPermalink

really cool idea dude! >> adds to the just hang around in the body till i'm born idea....
i like it..... i dont know if my girlfriend would though........... ;)( They enter through any oriface, nose, ears, mouth) ........ she has aproblem with worms

cant wait to see it in the next stages .... :)

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 22/07/04 - 5:26 AMPermalink

Eeeewww, that looks, bizarrely sexual. In a very twisted way. Maybe it's just me...

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 22/07/04 - 6:19 AMPermalink

it's just you, cos that is seriously freaky and discusting. a really good one too i think! i could totaly see that in a s/h game, walking by a bunch of corpese and all of a sudden a buch of huge worms launch out of them! argh!

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 22/07/04 - 7:32 AMPermalink

Yay. You finally posted. Been waiting to see what you would do. Cool idea. The thing coming from it's mouth looks like a tampon cable... :p

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 22/07/04 - 7:47 AMPermalink

Oh, I love it! Awesome concept! [:D]

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 22/07/04 - 7:54 AMPermalink

Yeah, there are actually quite a few sexual metaphors going on in that image. lol

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:03 PMPermalink

lmao. Sweet man. Ver' cool :D

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:18 PMPermalink

Damn thats nasty, good idea man.

Submitted by denz on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:21 PMPermalink

haha oh god. thats an awsome concept. I don't wanna know where that tail is coming from. Can't wait for the model.

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:29 PMPermalink

denz, i was just thinking the same thing... urgh...

Submitted by Kane on Thu, 22/07/04 - 10:29 PMPermalink

man, that freaks me out... [:D]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 23/07/04 - 4:42 AMPermalink

damn, well we know your going to do ok with texturing the blood :P

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 23/07/04 - 4:53 AMPermalink

Heh! thats not going ot be the final colour, there will be a bit less claret, and a few smatterings of colour in the clothes and more rigor mortis skin colours. Mmmm im hungry. [:D]

Submitted by goodgod on Fri, 23/07/04 - 9:39 PMPermalink

You have gone too far, way too far. You are being judged on how scary it is. Your picture does not scare me. You scare me.

Submitted by Triton on Fri, 23/07/04 - 11:32 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by goodgod

You have gone too far, way too far. You are being judge on how scary it is. Your picture does not scare me you scare me.

I disagree, how has it gone too far? Is it because it is using a 'host'? Explain.

Well done Hazard, this is one of my favorite concepts.

Submitted by goodgod on Sat, 24/07/04 - 1:00 AMPermalink

Do I even have to explain what I mean? Why does that evil thing have to do that to that poor girl? It?s not scary. It?s more disturbing and depressing. And it is way to sexually suggestive on both ends. It is sickening.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 24/07/04 - 1:09 AMPermalink

GoodGod: I think you might be looking too far into things [:P], this is a modelling competition based on the survival horror genre, my aim is purely to create an entity that scares, and repulses ala Silent Hill / Parasite Eve.

Im glad I've managed to stir this kind of emotion [:D]

Submitted by Malus on Sat, 24/07/04 - 1:44 AMPermalink

Goodgod: I'd have to agree with Hazard, I don't think he has gone too far.

Yes its not a subtle image and its quite grotesque, but the act itself isn't in plain view, he isn't actually showing anything sexually explicit, its implied, as far as we know it enters through her lower back?!

Also I have to say your going to find things that horrify you on this challenge when its theme is Horror, its sort of the point.

I suggest you use your discrestion and don't open any other posts if your offended by this one.

Submitted by Aven on Sat, 24/07/04 - 1:46 AMPermalink

I say it doesn't go far enough :p A few more sexual innuendos can be placed in it. I'm just so disappointed in you HazarD :D

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 24/07/04 - 3:34 AMPermalink

Aven : [:0] .... [;)]

GoodGod : I'd also like to add, the hosts sex doesnt affect the worms behaviour, it will enter and exit via any oriface, and should it feel the need to create a new one, it will.

I've decided to give the female a skirt rather than pants, to leave the audience to make of it what they will, and draw their own conclusions.

Submitted by tojo on Sat, 24/07/04 - 4:57 AMPermalink

nice work dude ............ realy dig the jaws.... they will model well i think :)

evil evil....

Submitted by palantir on Sat, 24/07/04 - 8:24 AMPermalink

God Hazard, your such a sick bastard?

?you have know idea how much I respect you for that! [:D]

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 24/07/04 - 10:40 AMPermalink

Thanks Palantir! [:D]

I promise to produce something to fit the silent hill horror-verse, and maybe step it up a notch or too in the gross factor while im at it. [:O]

Sumea Challenge #6 -3d- Blackjack

Alrighty!!!! I'm in, and concepts should be up ASAP!!!

Submitted by BlackJack on Sun, 01/08/04 - 10:53 AMPermalink

Sorry it has been a while. I figure I need a concept story, but for now I'm going with the generic evil / misguided organisation that has geneticaly created monstrosities and unwitingly set them upon a small out of the way town.

For my Beast i want to steer away from the generic Blood and Guts zombie kind of monsters and go the more freaky alien thing. I have a few sketches done, but still finalising the total design, having trouble with the body but the head ROCKS.

I will have these up in my next post, which should be tommorow.

At this stage I have 80% finished the head modeling, and I am really happy with it, but need to hear ur critiques. so here is a screenie of what I have done.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]beasthead1.jpg[/url]

Submitted by conundrum on Sun, 01/08/04 - 11:13 AMPermalink

looking good, but what id say it needs is a bit of variation in its shape its very straight right now which makes it less believable. you shoud try to add some thicker and or thinner areas to give it more definition, this is mainly coming from the top view as the others are pretty good .other than that maybe try adding some gums as i find the teeth very nice but they look odd without gums around them. keep it up though as its turning out nicely, looking forward to the body.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 01/08/04 - 12:07 PMPermalink

yeah that guy really needs some lips and gums, it looks weird. Otherwise neatness :D

Submitted by BlackJack on Thu, 05/08/04 - 12:17 AMPermalink

This is a simple concept for the beast, I am thinking alien / raptor / runner kind of body, but I do have a concept with wings, making it more of a gargoyle. not sure which I will use yet, but it will probobly depend on the polies I have left after the models body is constructed.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]runner.jpg[/url]
70.41 KB

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 05/08/04 - 6:47 AMPermalink

has a sort of insect look to it, dunno if thats what yo wanted, also it looks like itd be a bit imbalanced with those claws! :o

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 05/08/04 - 7:11 AMPermalink

Cool, someone else is doing a gargoyle type of thing! I like it. I think massive dragon like wings might look cool on it ? plus they would be fun to model! (Though my gargoyle type thing has wings... so maybe not [:P]).

What kind of skin has it got? I get the impression it?s something hard and armoured, like a shell, or dragon scales kind of thing. I think that tough armoured hide would work for it better then soft fleshy skin. And I agree with MoonUnit also, I think you need to work on those claw things ? the fore claws seem too big and unwieldy.

Looking good. [:)]

Submitted by BlackJack on Fri, 13/08/04 - 4:16 AMPermalink

Alrighty, had some time to make a little progress on this beast. he still needs alot of work, but the basic body shape is right, and this is the main portion of the model done. I am still deciding on wether or not to put bone plates or metal plates on him as an armoured carapace. just not sure. He also will most likely have wings, but they are still in development, will depend on style.

I have had so many ideas for other monsters from playing with this one that it keeps sidetracking me, but I am trying to stay true to concept.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]progress.jpg[/url]
57 KB

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 13/08/04 - 4:33 AMPermalink

cool, hes looking more dinasour like now then insect like, ive gotta say though his arms look very posed, i mean i know that people dont have their arms out at 90 degree angles either but they look very odd the way they are, where of the rest of him looks relaxed and natural. If you dont do a money shot then that may be a problem.

Submitted by BlackJack on Fri, 13/08/04 - 9:09 AMPermalink

yeah, I put them there when I joined em on. cos I built a seperate peice, going to rotate them out after I finish up the hand area and redefine the shoulders a bit. but I agree, it does look odd.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 14/08/04 - 5:13 AMPermalink

ah cool something else is are you planning to add a lot more detail, because whats your poly count like there? (im not sure there was discussion about wether or not you have to reach the limit in the main thread, might wanna check with souri).

Submitted by BlackJack on Wed, 18/08/04 - 4:48 AMPermalink

my poly count is way low at moment, and I'm plannin to add more detail, when I gety a chance to work on this again, been flat out with work and school.

Submitted by BlackJack on Tue, 24/08/04 - 9:22 PMPermalink

I feel really bad saying this, but due to school and work, I think I will not get this %100 completed. I will try however to still submit it.

Submitted by BlackJack on Tue, 24/08/04 - 9:29 PMPermalink

this is the latest screenie of my dude. basically i have started refining the body, and have completed the basics of the mouth-hand sections. The next step will be to create armoured carapace sections to his body, and texture. also i will try to refine the body a bit more, and possibly the teeth.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]base.jpg[/url]
66.78 KBhis

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 26/08/04 - 8:43 AMPermalink

It?s a shame you don?t think you?ll complete it, your doing really well. I really like the way your model is coming along. The only crit I have to offer is that the hands look a little weird being so mouth-like. Personally I think big crab-like claws might suit it better? Or perhaps just make the ?teeth? wider/fewer? I?m not sure, but I think the hands need more thought. One possible idea for the hands is to give them eyes or something to make them look more like little heads?

And I think large spiky dragon wings would definitely suit it ? though its centre of mass would then need to be lower to the ground.

Another thought is that with the end of the tail, maybe the outside edge could have some spikes?

Great work ? try to finish it! A bump mapped dragon scaled skin texture would look awesome!!

Submitted by BlackJack on Fri, 27/08/04 - 4:29 AMPermalink

Ok, I have made the hands into more like spiked mace mouths, and tried to clean up the mesh a bit. The poly count is at 7342 tris, so I still have a fair bit to work with.

I have decided against wings, as I see this beast as more of a runner. Most of the body features i have decided on for a purpose, based on attacks that he would have in game, I will complete a render or something labeling all this at a later date.

I have an idea on what he will look like textured, my only problem will be the unwrap. Any helpful hints on this would be appreciated, as I am an uber noob at it.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]runner2.jpg[/url]
80.93 KB

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 27/08/04 - 5:45 AMPermalink

looking good, personally id take out the teeth from the tail spike and widen the space between the tips of the blade tip things.

Submitted by BlackJack on Sun, 12/09/04 - 4:03 AMPermalink

Unfortunatly i have to pull out, i won't get this finished in time as i have a major school assignment and work.

Sooo pissed off, but I will try and finish it in the future and post it in my gallery section, along with my characters for my assignment.

Good luck to everyone else, the work i have seen so far is exceptional, can't wait to see a winner.

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- JAK

I just wanted to outline an idea before I post concept sketch/es.
(In case anyone else is thinking of similar theme)

House on Haunted Hill/Silent Hill feel (What is it about Hills in the Horror genre?)

The patient

Male/female/transgender gone wrong, it has no lower body is hung/suspended by wire's, IV tubes under a hospital gurney (With its usually attachments /Drip trolley etc..), and uses the trolley for movement through the hospital corridors (But can detach from trolley and scuttle off into a dark corner). Body is asymmetrical, one side looks perfect, even beautiful from certain angles will look perfectly normal.The perfect side of the face has been stitched/stapled onto a severely disfigured face where the left eye is huge and distended.

Not necessarily an evil figure more of a hopelessly lost deranged/psychotic figure search for the perfect body (Yours?).

Submitted by Bunny on Wed, 21/07/04 - 11:04 PMPermalink

Mmm, tasty fish. I like the theme.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Thu, 22/07/04 - 12:30 AMPermalink

Yeah nice, would fit right in with the Hospital Horrors in the Silent Hill games.

Submitted by Jak on Mon, 26/07/04 - 6:41 AMPermalink

Finaly!!! got some rough Sketches together....[B)]
Starting to think of incorperating a symbiot(Lost Twin?)... becoming more attached attached to the main figure... under the trolley...will see if final model goes that way - not sure whether the final character will be male or female too.
But keeping the Medical/Asylum theme.
May post an adittional image, before starting to dump WIPs of model.
DAMN keen to actually complete the model...especialy as its a higher poly count than I have had to work with before.


Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:13 AMPermalink

Love the concept so far JAK! welldone - I have to say I love that massive buldging eye in that first concept though [:D]

Submitted by mikamika on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:19 AMPermalink

very nice mate, maybe opening up the trolley up a bit on top would help. But i can see myself runnig away form that. :)

Submitted by Toasty on Mon, 26/07/04 - 8:06 PMPermalink

Hey looking cool. [:D] The whole transgender thing is really freaky. I'd love to see more interaction between the creature and the trolly. A few more limbs wrapped around the trooly would look cool.

Submitted by Jak on Mon, 26/07/04 - 8:22 PMPermalink

Yep ... think I will reduce the amount of pipe-ing on the trolley, and integrate the trolley and second character(dead twin/host)more.
Maybe use the gurney to carry additional spares (Body parts), IV's and miscellaneous surgical equipment.

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Tue, 27/07/04 - 7:06 AMPermalink

Sweet dude, liking this design. Look forward to seeing some modeling and texturing for the char.

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 27/07/04 - 11:04 AMPermalink

Yeah i can just imagine creeping around in some dark lit hospital with a flashlight, and in the distance you can hear a squeeky gurny wheel turning and some odd gurgling, but your torch cant quite light the entire length of the hallway, and its a bit hard to make out exactly what it is...

thats a great concept I really like this one [:D]

Submitted by Malus on Tue, 27/07/04 - 7:14 PMPermalink

You sicken me, but hey you already knew that. lol [:P]

I prefer the top image, maybe transgender-ify it slightly more than it is and fuse it to the gurney.

For the gurney I'd add impliments of torture/surgery along with extra bits they couldn't fit in to the victim.

Submitted by goodgod on Thu, 29/07/04 - 11:43 AMPermalink

Those pictures are painfully disturbing. Your rendering makes sure of that. Nice artwork anyway but the content is not very nice at all. And that?s a good thing apparently. For this challenge anyway.

Submitted by Avalanchex on Fri, 30/07/04 - 12:50 AMPermalink

thats really really sick and disgusting, i love it :)

id love to see it hung from the underside of the trolley with meathooks.

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- JD

Hey guys,

I have been keeping track of the last 3 competitions, and thought it was about time I join one and have a crack at it. Once I find a scanner I shall upload my concept.

I'm going for an insect like tortured being. Easier to explain when you see it. And by that i meant evil giant tortured insect +1

Good luck everyone.

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:28 PMPermalink

Yeah but i've already shotguned big giant evil zombie insect!

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:47 PMPermalink

it's very different to my design so your forgiven :)

Submitted by arcane on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:03 PMPermalink

Looks good! Perhaps the legs should be a little "beefier", too?

Submitted by JD on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:25 PMPermalink

Yeah, good point. Im thinking having the upper half of the legs smaller (perhaps a little beefier) Then the lower half of the leg or shin will be really beefy with some intricate designed armour. Will have a 3 joint leg similar to a cat not human.

Submitted by JD on Fri, 23/07/04 - 10:02 AMPermalink

Side View:

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]concept1.jpg[/url]
102.58 KB

I'm going to redo all these as part of an Introduction to drawing assessment for Qantm. So i will upload them next thursday when they are due. Critism please, i know the legs are to be bulkier, but any other critz?

Also that hole in the chest will be a place for the creature to store spare organs it finds inside other living beings. Its way of survival basically.

Submitted by MarkMash on Sun, 25/07/04 - 7:15 AMPermalink

Dont forget to connect those ribs to a sternum. Everyone wants a sternum once in a while. Unless he has 2 rib cages! oh cool idea me, should have put that in mine!

Submitted by JD on Tue, 27/07/04 - 8:30 PMPermalink

Yeah Thanks MarkMash. I have actually just completed the front and side redone. Mouth is now changed, has 4 arms really bulky legs and the chest is all nice and open.

Once i find a working scanner i will put it up.

Submitted by JD on Wed, 28/07/04 - 12:51 AMPermalink

Re-concepted. Also have the side and back, but wont put those up. This demonstrates his look enough.
[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]horrorconcept1.jpg[/url]
95.68 KB

As you can see the face has been altered dramatically legs are bulky like suggested (Great suggestion). Will being modelling soon enough.


Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 28/07/04 - 1:58 AMPermalink

looking good, like its carapace. Personally i think the face could be more scary, but otherwise gw

oh and did you do those lines by hand or in a program (if so which).

Submitted by JD on Wed, 28/07/04 - 8:55 AMPermalink

Nah those lines are all done in Ink. Though the program i'd use to get lines like that would be StreamLine. Its a marcomedia program, really good for vectorising lines that have been drawing.

I didn't want to make this guy too scary as i was thinking of him (it) as a playable character. Your objective to survive by collecting organs from living beings to shove in your chest so they can degrade into nutrients. That is why the ribcage is currently empty. *He'd be pretty hungry at the moment.*

Submitted by goodgod on Thu, 29/07/04 - 11:15 AMPermalink

I think if you don?t give a playable character much for the player to relate to it, it?s hard to make the player feel or be scare for the character unless he is like a deformed version of a player or something.

Submitted by JD on Tue, 03/08/04 - 8:29 PMPermalink

Good point goodgod, was thinking of making him look weak and pathetic, because ppl are usually apathetic with weak creatures. Possibly an of the humans as he is a fallen creature from his race and can no longer return home.

Submitted by Discmage on Tue, 03/08/04 - 10:41 PMPermalink

Think of Abe in the Oddworld series as a good example of weak that people relate to. As odd as the character is, he still makes for a good playable character.

Maybe you could make it so he is a baby monster in a world full of major monsters, trying to get to his Mother :) Each monster you defeat you take a part of and add it to your own abilities or something (like taking an arm from a big monster you kill and add it, so you have an extra arm to kill things with :)

Because it's a little kid (in essence) you can do the whole fright thing (kids are scared of the smallest things) so you'd play on the whole fear of the unknown, eyes in the darkness etc.

Sumea Challenge #6 - Farmergnome

Hey all just thought id start a thread im interested in doing a scary zombie girl :> , this is my first challenge and first time posting so go easy :)

I wanna try and do a innocent litte girl who is like all corrupted and undead, everyone seems to be doing big scary monsters so I thought id try somthing a bit different, dunno how it will turn out but ill post my progress here guys :)

Submitted by farmergnome on Thu, 22/07/04 - 7:52 PMPermalink

Can anyone tell me if concept is nessisary? I have some but im kind of embarrased how bad it is, do I have to submit it or can i start modeling the little undead girl ? :)

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:35 PMPermalink

Making a small girl freaky looking always works. It is just a really hard line to walk. Not freaky enough and it is just some weird little girl. Too freaky and people will be too repulsed. If you can get it right though... :)

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:40 PMPermalink

you dont need to show your concept as far as i know

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:56 PMPermalink

I don't think there is such a thing as 'too freaky' for this thread, Aven.

Submitted by farmergnome on Thu, 22/07/04 - 9:06 PMPermalink

Hehe i was thinking "too freaky" to start, oh thats cool about not posting concept, ill just post model pics as i go, keep you guys posted and thanks for answering :)

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Tojo - Challenger #20

right here goes........ this is my idea

set in the future... lets say 20 years from now........ food companys have started growing animal parts and meat on

large membrane walls in factories.....

gentically modified, this food source can grow without an animal being created or killed... just grows on racks of

membranous tissue.. very clinical and sterile.....
except ........ one day..... evil american greedy company....or cia ... or something like that... gets there hands on

the technology and grows human parts...

using a special extra strong blue 'life formula' these experiments went terribly wrong... and before they knew it ....

there were genetic atrocities floating out of every sewer and alley feeding on anything livng they could find to

satiate thier extra high need for protien... oh ... and brains of course...

alot of people died ..... and it is the hero's job to clean up this mess and find out how far the geno-mutant-zombie

problem has extended...

this particularly ugly marylin manson/ exorcist/blue-bottle- zombie dude is a rather stationary but still a

particularly nasty breed of mutant...... thinking about calling it a 'camper'...

..cause it sits in the one spot where the killing is good ( just like me in fps's ) and attacks with it's unholy


makes alot of whaling noise (because his life is really painfull and sucky and he is always hungry) and has a

blue-bottle like sack of that blue gooey stuff i was talking about... (especially put in for extra cool blow-up

animations :) )

so what do you think?....

any ideas on a better name?

allready started modelling it... and will gets some images up soon......

[img] [/img]
[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]monster.jpg[/url]
86.84 KB

Submitted by conundrum on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:16 AMPermalink

wow, great concept and story, i love the expression and the torn and empty ribcage, cant wait to see your first modelling stage

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 6:16 PMPermalink

I really like the art. Fantastic idea.

Submitted by tojo on Wed, 21/07/04 - 7:57 PMPermalink

cheers dudes.... :)

i really want to give it a kinda wet/damp look...... cold and dead..... so it kinda would leave a wet trail whenever it dragged itself across the floor ( rarely anway ).... and obvious callouses on the back of it's poorly-genetically designed stumpy bits, showing signs of how much difficulty this thing has when trying to move...

Submitted by tojo on Wed, 21/07/04 - 11:28 PMPermalink

ok here is the first progess image..

i am really just trying to nut out the expression on it's face...

i'll see where it takes me....

would like to stay true to the drawing..... although i will change the mesh where needed or where i think it improves from the drawing...

i am planning to spend a few poly's on the face alone...

i want a tounge and mouth that can be animated ...

as well as eyeballs that move..


[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]progress01.jpg[/url]
86.61 KB

Submitted by Kalescent on Thu, 22/07/04 - 12:26 AMPermalink

Insane! Love the concept! and the work in progress looks fantastic, more!

Submitted by bullet21 on Thu, 22/07/04 - 1:24 AMPermalink

That's some twisted shit, i like it. Great concept and great story. Can't wait to see it finished

Submitted by Nomad on Thu, 22/07/04 - 6:29 AMPermalink

Heyyyyy, very Cronenberg + Barker wrapped up in one wet, sloppy, visceral package. Well, most of it is in the package, some of it is kinda hanging out and trailing slimy muck. Wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that right hook. Looks nasty.

Seems like u r a little vague about the supporting story details, I guess that isn't your focus though. If you want some creative story ideas
amessettingsscenarios, I may be able to help you, big fan of horrorsci-fi (Stoker, Lovecraft, Herbert, Gibson, Kubrick) and I've written storyboard concept before. Let me know...

Looking forward to the dev renders, providing this isn't vaporware.
I think I'll be checking back here soon.

Submitted by tojo on Thu, 22/07/04 - 9:47 PMPermalink

feel free to expand on the plot if you want... ie add sinister american company name... or expand on the mutant idea thing..... definately in my head there is a resident evil thing happening.....
it would be cool if there was a touch of spiritual evil in there is well........ dont know how it would fit though.... would be cool if there were a real demonic evilness residing in these creatures that was some how genetically induced..... not just brain-feeding zombies..... sentient, calculative.... problem solving .....primitive in thier aim, advanced in thier means...

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 23/07/04 - 12:05 AMPermalink

Looks fantastic Tojo! Have a play around with the eyes, by sinking them further into the head, for that black hole sort of look, and maybe define her cheekbones for that extra gaunt factor.

No crits really, just more of a play around with what youve done, see if you cant squeeze that extra bit of horror from the face [:)] its a great concept !!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 23/07/04 - 1:42 AMPermalink

that face is coming along really well, great expression

Submitted by Malus on Fri, 23/07/04 - 3:38 AMPermalink

I would work a bit more on the way you approach the mesh, the feeling of the concept is obviously there and its great but the mesh is quit messy in its construction.

This comp is judged on mesh and texture ability alone, so don't rely on just wowing with the concept, even though it is a great one. [:)]

Submitted by tojo on Fri, 23/07/04 - 4:36 AMPermalink

it just seems to be the way i work... i dont know why.... i just really throw the mesh about and clean it up later....

i totally agree with you though..... i hope the contest really is judged on the mesh and texture alone,, because i feel i dont have any other tricks up my sleeve than that :)
i am thinking about cleaning it up with quads??? for subdivision reasons.... and like wise i was thinking about working the mesh for animation.... do you think the judging will factor these things in?? or should be focusing on things like baking lighting into the texture from a higher mesh??

i am hoping the judging will focus more on clean meshes and well painted textures rather than using advanced texturing methods that will blow most of us out of the water..... probably should have just done the normal-mapping thing if that is going to be the case???

might post this one on the main forum.... try an attract some feedback.................

Submitted by denz on Fri, 23/07/04 - 4:47 AMPermalink

Great expression on the mesh, very much like the concept, which i also like :)

Although yeah it does need alot of cleaning I'm sure you will get to that. Also I don't know why you keep talking about subd when this is low poly, I think you should really concentrate on the nonsubd mesh foremost.

Also, you definately should be working the mesh for animation, IMO and I'm sure pretty much everyonelse, a model that animates well, is a successful model, its the point of good topology.

Keep it up, can't wait to see this develop. [:D]

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 23/07/04 - 11:23 AMPermalink

You've got an 8000 poly budget. Why are we talking about subdivision at all?

I'm liking your concept. Your mesh is rather more scary though. I'd highly recomeng you model in Quads. Its far easier to model, it'll rig and animate better, it'll shade better and it'll be easier to read and critique. It takes a while to learn the nuances, but its well worth the effort.

Submitted by tojo on Fri, 23/07/04 - 8:37 PMPermalink

cheers dudes... i really appreciate the advice.. i saw how neat and tidy Lara Croft was modeled in the last tr game... from memory all quads.. i dont use a box method ...obviously :) so it will be a process of clean up for me... i think i am going to experiment more with spline based stuff in the future.... maybe even for the body??...

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 24/07/04 - 7:46 AMPermalink

If your going for nice facial closeups etc ALA Project Zero / Fatal Frame - then a good deal of your polycount should go into the face for some nice animation look to spend about a good quater to a third of your polycount there.

It realy depends on what part you really want the player to look at, in general use your count wisely, but spend those extra tri's on places that you really want the player to notice. [:D]

Hope that helps [:)]

Submitted by tojo on Sat, 24/07/04 - 8:25 AMPermalink

yeh..... i agree .... i was checking out the low poly ut engine 3 characters...... alot of facial detail and still relatively low modelling on the body.... 5000+ or so ......... i am going to use this as a basis.....

hey...... i sank the eyes in like you suggested ( HazarD ) .... will do it a bit more.... but it wont stand out until you see the red eyelids.......

oh..... and i have to try an make her a bit more feminine some how...... that will be a challenge in itself

still want her to be a her/thing not a him/thing at this point..:)

Submitted by denz on Sat, 24/07/04 - 8:56 AMPermalink

Very cool, I love the gum.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 24/07/04 - 8:53 PMPermalink

thats looking just great, im loving that expression

Submitted by Jackablade on Sun, 25/07/04 - 10:24 AMPermalink

Hm, you're gonna have a hard time making that beastie more feminine. You could work on the nose a bit which'd help, but not sell it entirely as female. The big dimple at the temples is giving her a more masculine look. You could try giving the lower lip a more feminine shape. I dunno how well it'd work, but you haven't left yourself a lot to work with given the inhuman lips and eyes and lack of chin. Maybe some girly eyebrows? Some hair would probably help the femininity a bit if you wanted to go in that direction.

Submitted by xyz on Sun, 25/07/04 - 5:52 PMPermalink

She looks like my old boss. Hey your going to put a dress on her aren't you ?
That will cover the girl side of things I guess. Nice one.

Submitted by tojo on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:15 AMPermalink

there wont be any dress........ or any clothing..... just lots of slimey crap......

i am also going to make the eyes more exorcist style......... giving that apiritual/possessed look that hints at more than just the plain old bio-waste product bad-dude.... dude/chicky

Submitted by Discmage on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:30 PMPermalink

I think framing the head in long hair/hair like elements would make it more female for one...

I really like the model so far, I have no idea how you have it at that polycount as when I did my jester initially it was already around the 4500 mark and didn't look as smooth as yours...

I have, of course, reduced that somewhat :)

Look forward to seeing this one progress with the skills you have at hand.

Submitted by tojo on Mon, 26/07/04 - 11:28 PMPermalink

thats my bad ........ um that image has subd's on... i model this way...... sitting at about 4000 i think there..

the core model beneath it is at about 900 or so..... i optimaize as i go .... using subd's to help find smoother lines and so forth... helping me to define a smoother mesh......

i was actually refering to my estimated budget rather than the image :)

ill post another image... showing the difference and where i am at now

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 27/07/04 - 3:48 AMPermalink

Wow, that?s looking really good. My only concern is that if that's at 4000 ish polys, won't it be really difficult to keep the rest of your model around the same poly count? I'm sure you'll work it out and everything, but I'm just wondering if you intend to use about half the allowed poly count all on the face, and the other half on everything else. That just kind of sounds like maybe a bad move to me - maybe the face won't match the body?

Just my humble thoughts ? I don?t really know what I?m talking about! :P I just hope you get the rest of the model looking as cool as the face. [:)]
Great job on the expression, BTW.

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Arcane

Well... I'm not much of a modeller, but I thought I'd give this competition a go.

Inspiration is a mix of Alien(s), Starship Troopers and some other junk floating around in my head. This character (?) is intended to be a minion.

I've got a couple of initial sketches, but I haven't bothered to upload them, as they're even worse than the model!

Modelling is being done in Wings3d, and is currently sitting at 726 tris. Only basic legs and head have been done so far - I haven't decided what to do for the body yet (ideas would be appreciated!). Feel free to critisize as much as you'd like!


Submitted by tojo on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:11 AMPermalink

looks good so far dude.......
cant wait to see more ..

Submitted by conundrum on Thu, 22/07/04 - 2:08 AMPermalink

looking good, thats a really nice base to work from, its got really nice proportions, cant wait to see it when you put in all the detail

Submitted by Jackablade on Thu, 22/07/04 - 9:23 AMPermalink

I think you're going to have trouble working on the body with a mesh that dense. Its also pretty wasteful, particularly given you've got very few other parts done as yet. Save your poly budget for when you've got a few details in there.

You could probably also use some reference material of scorpions and the like. It'll really help you get a more believable character going.

Good luck with it.

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- FlyingMonk

Alright, time I made my entry.

I'm aiming for an ancient demonic/evil kind of thing with this guy, I have a few idea's of what it will look like, but I'll work out most of the detail as I go.

First WIP:
Just fleshing it out a bit, kind of taking shape, since I have 8k to work with I think I should at least make it look like it could be used for facial animation.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]Horror_Wip01.jpg[/url]
15.73 KB


Submitted by xyz on Wed, 21/07/04 - 4:01 AMPermalink

I like your handle. Have you seen the manga series - hellsing. the main character is this very cool vampire called arcard. Might give you some direction.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:15 AMPermalink

Nice work there Flying Monk! [:D] Will be looking forward to seeing this be developed.

Submitted by FlyingMonk on Thu, 22/07/04 - 11:17 AMPermalink


I think that I'm finaly getting some solid ideas for this now. Basicaly this is going to be one of those 'Hell broke loose', super natural horror games instead of the 'Scientists "acidently" made zombies' things.

I'll write something more coherent tomorrow, after I get some sleep

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]Horror_Wip02.jpg[/url]
17.93 KB


Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 23/07/04 - 11:34 AMPermalink

Nice nice. Thats a weird modelling technique you've got there. Seems to work well enough though. Could we get a smoothed version with a wire, the faceted model is a bit hard to read.

Submitted by FlyingMonk on Tue, 27/07/04 - 9:20 PMPermalink

bit more on the head:
[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]Horror_Wip03.jpg[/url]
10.66 KB


The heads 1210 polys right now, just need to add the real eyes and some teeth. Looking at it now the rest of the head, especaily the bit round his third eye needs to be jazzed up a bit. So by the time I do that and clean up the mesh a bit it should be closer to the 1500-2000 I wanted.

As for the 3rd eye, the other "real eyes will be blind/cateract and generaly icky. So his 3rd eye see's EVERYTHING. So in the game you shoot that out and hit him a few times while he can't see ya. Wash, rince repeat, just like any good video game.

As for the rest of the body:

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]Horror_Wip04.jpg[/url]
8.75 KB


Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 28/07/04 - 2:01 AMPermalink

looks cool but the elf like ears dull any horror effect into something fantasy.

Submitted by Jackablade on Wed, 28/07/04 - 8:06 AMPermalink

quote:As for the 3rd eye, the other "real eyes will be blind/cateract and generaly icky. So his 3rd eye see's EVERYTHING.A Yogi demon? That'd be something a bit different - more of an Indian influence instead of the Western zombie sort of approach. Could be very cool.

Submitted by goodgod on Thu, 29/07/04 - 11:28 AMPermalink

Aaaaw!!! Come on, where is your concept art? You?ve started modelling but you haven?t even done or at least shone us any concept pictures.

Before you start modelling you should really put your ideas on paper first. If not for our sake, then for your own. Its like guess work if you don?t

Submitted by Ferocitas on Thu, 29/07/04 - 12:08 PMPermalink

I like it, nicely modeled too, no mess ;)
i guess if u know what u want, u dont really need concept art, but it is handy when the minds eye (pun intended) can't totally capture what u want.

Submitted by Avalanchex on Thu, 29/07/04 - 8:35 PMPermalink

i dont think you guys will see any concept art, but judging from monks other work i dont think he even needs it.

Submitted by FlyingMonk on Thu, 29/07/04 - 10:49 PMPermalink

Yeah, there is no concept art for this mesh. I have a general idea what the rest of the character will look like but thats it. If I did do any concept art it would just look like some scribbles and only I would be able to decifer them. I only have a Lomis ref/pose in the background to get the basic shape and proportion.

Jakeblade, I like that idea! I think you just helped me make up my mind for the over all style of this thing.

Hopefully I'll get some time to finish up the head on the weekend.

Submitted by FlyingMonk on Tue, 03/08/04 - 6:42 PMPermalink

Horray, I'm still alive. I'm doing a TAFE course in web design at the moment that seems to take up a lot of my time...but anyway:

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]Horror_Wip07.jpg[/url]
13.11 KB


2600 ish. I've started on the legs and the rest of the body, but there not done very well yet.

Submitted by Avalanchex on Wed, 04/08/04 - 10:48 AMPermalink

thats looking good monk, the detail and creases (spelling?) in the face look great

Submitted by Jackablade on Wed, 04/08/04 - 8:10 PMPermalink

The smoothing group on the cheekbone looks a little odd.

You've got the Indian look going pretty well there. Where to from here?

Sumea Challenge #6 -3d - Aven

After not finishing the last two, I defenitely want to get this one done :) This will also be the first low poly character I will have made in over two years. Thank Ra that the poly count is high :D Spent all weekend thinking up ideas and seeing what other people are doing. That way I wouldn't run the risk of doubling up with someone. I'm going to skip out on the concept art stage and just go into the modelling. I have a good idea what I would like my little character to look like. I'm not going for the fear side of things as we all have different ideas of what is scary. Instead, I'm just going for plain twisted :D The is only one thing with horror themes that really makes me feel uneasy. Anything that involves mother hood. My first idea was to do the mother of all evil. Decided that was a bit too cliched. Instead I decided to go for a poor disfigured flesh craft mother. With part of her daughter. So. The never needed story to make the design seem feasible. Set up in log form :) 10th September - Purchasing this small clinic proved to be a very good idea. There are plenty of sick people in the area that can be used for test subjects 12th September - Today a single mother and her daughter came in. The child just has a common cold. Both are very skinny and quite sickly. During the checkup, they were both drugged. They will prove to be interesting subjects. 18th September - After a week of experiments, the daughter is holding up quite well. The drugs seem to be strengthing her to a remarkable level. The mother seems to be going though imense psychological trauma at the sight of her daughter being experimented on. 19th September - The mother was started on a weaker form of one of our drugs. It seems to have sedated her a bit as well. All she does is sit there with a vacant look in her eyes. She is still always watching her daughter though. 29th September - The daughter is still holding up well to the various experiments. She has sustaned some very serious wounds and so far she only has scars to show for it. It is time to take it further. 30th September - One of my associates tried some skin crafting on the small child today. After successfully peeling off a skin sample from her arm, we decided to try it on her face. This proved to be too much for the small child. She died before the skin sample was completely removed. The mother finally showed some sort of reaction since we started her on the drugs. She slouched forward a little and started to weep. 3rd October - Today the experiments on the mother started. Preparing her for a longer period of time with the drugs has seemedto have payed off. We have preformed similar procedures to the mother as what was done to her child. Her vital signs have hardly changed since we started. Remarkable. 5th October - We peeled the skin away from her left rib cage and placed some IV cables directly to her major organs. We can now flood her system with the drugs. We left the skin peeled away from her ribs and she seems unafected by it. 21st October - After two weeks, the mother is still in perfect condition. Since stopping the original drugs, she has started to show some emotion again. She keeps on begging to see her daughter. 28th October - The mother is still wanting to see her daughter. Tomorrow we will make it so that she will be with her daughter forever. 29th October - We tried removing a large portion of skin from the mother's face. Not only did she survive the ordeal, she didn't even move during it. The portion of her daughter's face that was removed was grafted into her face. The area around the center of the graft was healed incredibly quickly. It has taken hold and it even has feeling there. I am sure that the edges will never completely hold, so we had to hold them down with alternate methods. The mother was given a mirror so that she can see her daughter. 6th November - The mother seems to have become completely complacent since we grafted her daughter's face onto hers. We are now able to mold her mentally. So. I am making a mother who has half of her deceased daughter's face over top of hers. She is just meant to be a grunt. Not a boss character of any sort. In a similar style to Clive Barker's works. She will be incredibly scared and manipulated. Her clothing will be a mixture of leather and lace (good girl/bad girl). She will have some drips on her back that lead up into her rib cage. Her feet will be bound and generally look unpleasent. The last thing to make her look a little more freaky (for the moment) will be to give her some extreme corseting. I saw this photo ages ago and it really freaked me out. I wont go quite that far, but it will still look very bad :) And a WIP after a days work: [img][/img] Just trying to get the rough proprtions in. Don't worry too much about the details. Most of her will be bound anyway :) Crits appreciated.

Submitted by denz on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:44 PMPermalink

nice start, freaky concept. even freakier ref[:0]

Model is coming along good aswell, you have to keep that head!

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:58 PMPermalink

Thanks Matt, now I feel a little sick. [:(]

Hope it looks as sick as it sounds.

Submitted by Jozvex on Tue, 20/07/04 - 11:08 PMPermalink

And that was one of his less gross ideas too!

Submitted by conundrum on Wed, 21/07/04 - 2:15 AMPermalink

brilliant concept and the mdels looking good, although im so freaked out i probably wont visit this thread again.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 2:51 AMPermalink

Denz - I wont make any promises, but I will try to keep that head :D Brendan - Wow. What a coincidence. You and the model have something in common. You are both having difficulties keeping your lunch down ;) Jared - 'Bout time you joined up. I still think that you should give the challenge a go :) Conundrum - Thank you. It isn't that bad is it? I have been tossing up an idea, but was unsure if I should go with it or not. I will axe my girl friend if I can use her for reference (bless you Giger). If she says yes, then I wont be able to get any photos of her until Friday. It may be a fairly slow week then.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:13 AMPermalink

You will axe your girlfriend?!?!? Dude! I think you need to lie down, this challenge is really disturbing you ;)

Seriously, really cool idea. The log is a nice touch.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 6:10 AMPermalink

Makk - Futurama. Leela - Christmas? It must be some archaic pronunciation. Just like when you say ask instead of axe. Woo. I just got off the phone with my girlfriend and she said it is cool. I don't think she really understands what she is getting herself into... Since I wont be able to take some ref photos until later in the week, I will do up some concept art (sketches) to get feedback about her clothing :)

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:16 AMPermalink

Just a little update. I took some ref photos of my girlfriend. I took about a dozen of them and she has a different expression in all of them. Instead of tempting fate and trying to take more photos of her, i'll just settle for generic asian tortured woman #627. Here is her head so far. sits in at just 1800. I have a feeling that I will need to cull quite a few poly, which shouldn't be too hard. I see some areas that can be cut down quite easily (bridge of the daughter's nose, mother's ear, teeth can still be made better). I also need to shift the ear out a bit more. it is too flat for my liking. [img][/img] Any crits welcome :) I am still deciding on her clothes. I have a few very rough sketches to help me out. I'm thinking of a stained sundress that has been strapped and bound to her body.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:18 AMPermalink

hey good idea for when ill eventually have to do a female character (never really been in my ellement there), force GF to help! :D
are you gonna get her to do her best zombie impersination? :P

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 30/07/04 - 10:48 AMPermalink

Girlfriend? Pfft, what kind of game developers are you...

Story is rather nice, though one has to wonder what exactly it was that the scientists were trying to achieve. Design isn't all that different from a lot of the other entries, but your construction is good enough for it to stand out.

You might like to accentuate the cheekbones a bit to give her a more feminine appearance, she's kind od androgynous at this stage. Eyes could do with a more realistic shape too.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 06/08/04 - 7:36 AMPermalink

Jackblade - Game dev? Phht. I'm more into movies. Therefore I don't have to worry about ugliness, poor hygiene and lack of social skills like you guys :p (Thanks go to SB for that come back :D). As for what the docs and scientists were trying for... Um... A game dev studio approached them and asked them to make a chemical that would make for some scary creatures :) Just to make a more plausible one. They are trying to make a chemical that elevates the patient's stamina, strength and what ever else. Eventually sell it off to the highest bidder so that armies can have super soldiers. They realise that it will take time to iron out any imperfections (makes for more games *cough*). Thanks for the advice. Her eyes have been fixed a little, but I left them so that I could start on the body. I made her cheek bones a little more prominent, but I want them to be fairly smooth as she is a more frumpier character. At the moment, she looks like a little decrepit Asian lady who always used to come into my old work. I'm guessing I'm on the right track then :) Moony - Get inspiration wherever you can :) I may have to wake her up at 3am one morning, take a photo with the flash at full power, and see what kind of look I get :p Update - I got a Game Cube the other day including Resident Evil Remade. I played RE on my PC ages ago but never got too far (lack of control pad). I read up on all the monsters in it, and found one called Lisa Trevor. This is the description of her (excuse their grammar :) ): "The daughter of George Trevor, Lisa was experimented with various kinds of virus that Umbrella have created. She is now immortal, but in exchange, she have degraded in intelligence. Lisa ripped off the faces of her mother's imitators, and decided to put them onto her so she can return it to her mum when she sees her. She have built an altar for her mother, and will attack anyone who gets near. As such, she have grown increasingly difficult to handle, and she was chained up." I started to get pretty worried (with the face comment), so I did some searching for a shot of her: [img][/img] (taken from I think I'm safe with my character, but if people think they have too much in common, I will change. Started on her body. I decided to make her more frumpy as I am tired of standard game 'chicks'. I was happy with the way her shape turned out, so I dropped the bound stomach idea (just didn't look right with her current proportions). Her body is really rough and is just there to serve as a guide. I will start making it better tomorrow. Unfortunately when trying to squeeze her stomach, I did it and saved over the normal version. A bit of her shape was lost because of that. I still need to fix that up again and make her more pear shaped. Just ignore the body appearing through her clothes :) Poly count is roughly 5k, but that shouldn't have too much attention paid to it as there are way too many extra faces in there at the moment. Straps on her arms and legs are told hold together split skin (still to be done). I will also move the second strap on her left arm down to her forearm. Rough Smoothed [img][/img] Wire [img][/img] Once again, any comments, crits and suggestions are welcome :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 06/08/04 - 7:57 AMPermalink

looking great, awesome human form/proportion etc

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 06/08/04 - 10:53 AMPermalink

That looks sweet aven [:)] Does she have shoes on or are those supposed to be bare feet ?
Reason why is im trying to decide myself whether i should model each toe on her foot if i model every finger on her hand. I mean neither areas need all that detail and attention in my character but maye yours does ? Just a thought.

I like the side profile - nice balance and weight.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 06/08/04 - 6:53 PMPermalink

Moony - Thanks HazarD - I don't really know with the feet just yet. I am pretty much changing my mind with her clothing as much as I am changing my clothing :p I don't know if I will leave her feet uncovered or not, that is why they are so basic. I don't really know about how much detail to have in her feet (if they are bare) either. I saw your feet, and have to admit that I did snicker to myself a little as it looks like she has on oven mits :D The way I always learnt things is have the most detail at the top and slowly fade it out as you go down. This is because we are used to having light sources at the top of an area. How many houses have you been into that have lights around the floor? Another reason is because people don't look at other's feet too often (my friend only realised that I was wearing a pair of sneakers the other day, even though I have had them longer than I have known him). And finally, we don't tend to move our toes too much, so it would probably be wasted to have so much detail in there :) The last game character I made was 1k, so I am learning these things as I go along. See what works best and go with it I guess.

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 06/08/04 - 11:28 PMPermalink


Oven Mits! [:O] ROFL fair comment!

Submitted by shath on Sat, 07/08/04 - 7:47 AMPermalink

i like your idea and the model looks great, a nice zombie walk would go nicely

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 19/08/04 - 7:07 AMPermalink

HazarD - I want to go the whole Billy Jean route one day :D Including a toilet that lights up when you sit on it :p Shath - Thanks. Update - Finally got around to finishing the model. I am placing it up here to get as much feedback as possible before I start the unwrap. Any crits, suggestions or feedback are greatly appreciated. Thanks go out to Joel for his help :) At the moment she is at 8490 tris (includes all the backfacing on the parts of her dress that are seen and the daughter's face). Model (Warning: long picture) Wire (Warning: long picture again)

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 19/08/04 - 5:32 PMPermalink

She's looking awesome! Nice tight looking mesh.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 19/08/04 - 9:37 PMPermalink

great work, thats a really good human model, should be great once youve got it textured (im expecting some nice rotting flesh :D )

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Fri, 20/08/04 - 5:37 AMPermalink

Looks cool. Nice smooth figure and cloth details. Also look forward to your textures [;)]

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Denz


I said I was gona do this challange so here I am [:)]

If you can tell from the crappy sketch I am doing a zombie police man. I know its pretty generic, especially considering all the cool ideas coming out, but i think it will really push my skills.

C&C most appreciated [:D]

Submitted by denz on Fri, 23/07/04 - 5:13 AMPermalink

Blocked in!

I was walking the dog this arvo and came up with some new ideas for the zombie. I'm going to give him a white tshirt instead of the blue jacket thing. Two reasons for this, it will break up the blue and blood and guts will have much more visual effect against white [:)]

Also, I will give him one chopped off arm where bone will just remain, and maybe the opposite shin aswell, see how it looks.


Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 23/07/04 - 6:34 AMPermalink

hey what horror comp would be complete without a generic zombie :D hurray for the undead minions!
the block in looks good, like the pose

Submitted by denz on Fri, 23/07/04 - 6:40 AMPermalink

haha, someone had to do it [:)] thanks.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 24/07/04 - 8:50 PMPermalink

lookin great :D, good zombie head :)

Submitted by denz on Mon, 26/07/04 - 6:03 AMPermalink

MoonUnit, cheers :)

Bit more of an update. 3056 triangles. and hehe yes that is just a coincidence that my last update was 2056.

I'm pretty happy with the polycount atm, i don't have to use the 8000 or do I?

I'm also trying to get as close as I can to an aussie policeman, except for the whole zombie thing :)

There is somthing about the hat that isn't looking right but I can't put my finger on it?



Worked a bit more on the head, also I had the idea that, when in game when he gets shot his hat would fly off and you can see his rotting brains.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 26/07/04 - 6:12 AMPermalink

veeeeery cool, you could have his hat flying off for the money shot (theres a money shot (or posed render or whatever you wanna call it) in this challenge yeah?)
perhaps the top part of his hat is too wide... i dunno but i can see what you mean about it not being exactly right.

hes looking great, keep it up

Submitted by Jackablade on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:37 AMPermalink

Thats one big head... 4.5 heads high, that'd make him what, a bit over a metre tall.

He shouldn't have that much muscular definition under his shirt. The fabirc should flow fairly smoothly over the shoulder blades breasts and belly crease. Arm is too short. Hand is too small.

Looks like you need some reference material. Try here - [url][/url]

Submitted by palantir on Mon, 26/07/04 - 5:32 PMPermalink

Hey, what happened to his arm? That looks cool![:D]

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 26/07/04 - 8:17 PMPermalink

nice, but you have an anoying habit of posting dark screenshots :) try changing the backgroud to a light grey or something to make it easier to see and help the model stand out.

Submitted by denz on Mon, 26/07/04 - 8:51 PMPermalink

Jackblade, cheers. I agree and will fix those problems :) I always make heads too big. Thanks for the crit. Though, with the shirt thing, he is hunched over from the mid of his back. This causes the shirt to be stretched across his back, but the chest is definately over defined.

Thanks MoonUnit, Palantir and LiveWire, heh yeah I need to get my monitor fixed, I'll make the next ones brighter :) Yeah I will probably do that for the money shot :) mmm brains.

Submitted by tojo on Tue, 27/07/04 - 10:00 AMPermalink

dig the hat flying off idea........
could also animate him to look embarrased!!.. like a dude who's toupe (or however you spell it) has just blown down the street!

Submitted by denz on Tue, 07/09/04 - 12:26 AMPermalink



OK, I'm back [8D]

Sorry I havn't had time to comment on anyones entries I just have been very busy atm. Although I have looked at most of them and some awsome entries.

I found some time to work on him a bit more, so I adressed the things that people had mentioned, I hope heh.

I also unwrapped and started texturing the head.

I have a problem though with textporter though (max)[:(] Whenever I try to texport the second map it only does partial bits of the map? I dont have id's or anything like that. Anyonelse had this problem? Any help or feedback on the texture/unwrap would be greatly apreciated :)

tojo, lol yeah that would be cool.

I'll do bit more of an update when I can get the map to texport and work more on the texture.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 07/09/04 - 1:26 AMPermalink

Awesome texture Denz, looking good, great skin tones.

Few things though, are you sure you've got the poly count up high enough? From what I recall it has to be BETWEEN 8000-8500. Wouldn't want your entry to be disqualified because of that.

As for the Texport problem, do you have any doubled over UV's in your Unwrap? If so there's an option to turn off cull backface (?) in the texporter options which when turned off will display all your mesh.

Submitted by denz on Tue, 07/09/04 - 1:52 AMPermalink

cheers Wizned.

Yeah, I think I remember reading that it won't disqualify my model but it obviously will be taken into consideration for judging. But I'm fine with that, it's good practice still. :)

lol, and here I was thinking I had tried everything,thanks for the backface suggestion, did the trick! [:)]

Submitted by rannyroy on Tue, 07/09/04 - 2:38 AMPermalink

Great textures, the eye doesnt have the same depth that the rest of the texture but im sure youd already thoguth of that. A few more polys and he'll be lookin like a policeman. Top job though.

As far as makin him like a policeman, did you remove the brain. or has someone else alrady done that gag.. :)
im a law abiding citizen, just incase you were wondering :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 07/09/04 - 4:59 AMPermalink

thats a great texture denz, good work

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 07/09/04 - 8:37 PMPermalink

The face is awesome. The wounds are particularly nice.

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- GoldenChocobo - Challeng22

Ok heres my first concept for this thing. The Idea is that it is an alternate boss for resident evil 2, it what happens to ada after the vaccine is not administered in time ada begins to mutate and takes leon with her, and they fuse. Ada's final words before she loses her consciousness to the virus are "I'm glad we could be one"(or some crap[:)]). But the virus takes a liking to Leon(being the stronger more dominate body out of the 2)and he gets most of the mutation. Ada left neglected by the viruses influence become just a lifeless reminder to leon of a girl he once loved and is in constant emotional agony. Although he has lost most of his will to the virus and the urge to eat human flesh. He wants to die and is seeking out Clair Redfield to end his miserable existence.


Submitted by conundrum on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:05 AMPermalink

wow, thats a superb concept and backround story [pity i havnt played any of the games] its got a great feeling to it. originally i thought the leg looked out of place, but after a while i realised it balances our the arm of leon. brilliant work, cant wait to see the model.

Submitted by xyz on Tue, 20/07/04 - 10:36 PMPermalink

I like it. you could make it more fowl in the join area.

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/07/04 - 10:58 PMPermalink

Finally. Leon looks tough :D 'Bout bloody time. Good job fitting it into the universe :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 12/09/04 - 3:09 AMPermalink

i kinda liked the original design better, with that one she looked like she was part of the same object, now she looks lodged in him. Other then that its pretty neat

Submitted by Goldenchocobo on Mon, 20/09/04 - 9:53 AMPermalink

righto, submission time

[img]…] Download Attachment: [url="…"]goldenchocobo1.jpg[/url]
140.7 KB

[img]…] Download Attachment: [url="…"]goldenchocobo2.jpg[/url]
144.1 KB

[img]…] Download Attachment: [url="…"]goldenchocobo3.jpg[/url]
143 KB

[img]…] Download Attachment: [url="…"]goldenchocobo4.jpg[/url]
132.73 KB

[img]…] Download Attachment: [url="…"]goldenchocobo5.jpg[/url]
126.59 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]goldenchocobo6.jpg[/url]
140.15 KB

damn only ten minutes to 12 and still the money shot to go...[V]
[img]…] Download Attachment: [url="…"]goldenchocobo7.jpg[/url]
135.01 KB

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/09/04 - 10:01 AMPermalink

Congrats, you're challenger #22!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 20/09/04 - 9:29 PMPermalink

great work, thats a really good texture

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Makk

*gulp!* [B)]

Im going to be doing an infected soldier set in the Resident Evil franchise.
The story goes that he was defending Racoon city from the outbreak of zombies (infection epidemic, think dawn of the dead) and whilst under attack managed to get bitten and thus infected.

Probably wont do a concept since its optional and I already know what he is going to look like. Plus, I can spend time modelling instead.

My aim for this challange to finish off the modelling aspect since Im new to 3d and have never madea complete model before

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/07/04 - 1:51 AMPermalink

It's good to see you giving it a go :)

Good idea dropping the concept art. We all know what a Zombie looks like, so wee don't need too mech help to know what one looks like :)

Go Makk!

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:08 AMPermalink

Thanks guys, Im gonna need a lot of help!

Started on him already
Its his right leg.

Its at about 496 faces. There is a ton of polies under the boot that I have yet to optimize. can I make it better!?!?!
The wrinkles at the bottom of the pants, do they look ok?
How well will he animate at the knee area?
How do I render so it shows the wireframes?
Im not looking forward trying to figure out how to model the crotch.

On a side note, if Im lucky enough to get him mapped, I will be textureing him on 8 256x256 instead of 2 512x512 textures as Im pretending he will be on a console game (PS2 and Cube).

Submitted by xyz on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:47 AMPermalink

The wrinkles could be faked with textures instead.
If you are using max6, there is an option to render wire frames in the render dialogue box. (I think its force wireframes). If its maya -looks like it, you can use the wireframe option in the hardware render menu.

I normally do a rough model to get the feel of the shape, then go back and rebuild with splines. Work out what is going to move and give these areas even and high counts of polys. You can fake curves using rounded normals and curved decals on the texture.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 5:53 AMPermalink

Looking good so far Makk.

Like xyz said. Flesh out the idea first and then add in the detail. That way if you decide to change the proportions, it will be easier :)

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 21/07/04 - 11:37 PMPermalink

Its probably is a better idea to get the base model down then start adding detials.
I added the wrinkles cause I thought it would be a be good idea with the high polycount.

The force wireframe renders it in wireframes and not faces, I want to render the model with the wireframes on the faces. Im using the trail of MAX6.

Here is an update-


polycount for both legs is 1092
The crotch area sucks. How could I fix it? He looks like he is wearing a nappie or something underneath! [:(!]

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 27/07/04 - 7:48 AMPermalink

Well, this is where Im at... [:o)]

This is the base of which I will build upon. Crit me please!!!
Any advice on how to build the shoulder area?

Thought about giving up but I do want to be able to create 3d characters. Its soo hard and frustrating now but I must hang in there if I want to succeed.
I always forget to attach the pic instead of uploading to my webspace!

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 27/07/04 - 10:56 AMPermalink

Dont give up whatever you do - your effort is truthfully good for your first model - without a book or anything to tell you how to build what your building ie ( calipso ) your doing a helluva job makk. [:D]

My advice to you is to keep going the way you are - and block the model out just like you have been - and then once youve got all the rough 'blocks' in place - you can start moving edges and adding cuts etc and building on the detail level.

just persist and dont let it get the better of you [:)] and remember that theres a shitload of tools there to help you define what you want to.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 29/07/04 - 6:52 AMPermalink

dude you should see a close up wire of my dudes gums, its 5 sides and dodgyness galore! dw about it, your doing fine :D

Submitted by goodgod on Thu, 29/07/04 - 10:10 AMPermalink

What modeller in their right mind would start from the bottom up? And where is your concept? I know most people would know what a zombie looks like, but you should do some concept drawings for your own reference. It would make modelling a lot easier.

Submitted by Jackablade on Thu, 29/07/04 - 12:47 PMPermalink

His feet are a bit on the small side. You've also got a hell of a lot more polys in them than you really need. Likewise in the shoulder and hip. Try to get some better poly distribution going. It'll help when you're adding more detail later on.

Submitted by Kalescent on Thu, 29/07/04 - 11:35 PMPermalink

Goodgod: Does it really matter where one begins the model ?

Makk: That side ortha is a good shot, what I would do for posture sake of the model is select all the verts above the detail in his knee right up to the top of his head ( include the arms ) and move em all back slightly. Keep adjusting to kill that leaning forward appearance, and rather find a nice solid balanced / weighted feel.

The optimising in the shoe and shoulder areas can wait until youve got the model blocked out.

One thing I found when i was learning to model was that when you dont fully understand what your trying to do ( ie playing with max / maya ) you get frustrated fast, and when your stuck in an area trying to do something and getting nowhere, your spirits and interest drop dramatically. So I always pushed on and got the whole model built before I started worrying about details. Just so I could see progression and potential, rather than being stuck looking at a mess of tri's in a shoulder area [:P] Keep going [:)]

Submitted by Avalanchex on Fri, 30/07/04 - 12:42 AMPermalink

I agree with hazard, where you start is all upto preference and what works best for you.

For your first makk you have a pretty good shape started already, i know alot of people that didnt get anything even remotly human like on their first attempt, so good work. Just keep workiing at it and make sure you finish it. I dont know about you but personally nothing shits me more than an unfinished model that does nothing but sit on your hdd :)

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 30/07/04 - 1:02 AMPermalink

With regards to the back, you'll give him a much more dynamic pose if you accentuate the curves more make the area with his shoulder blades stick out more then give it a fairly deep elegant curve around the spine to the butt. Its amazing how much difference this makes to a model. Probably not really good for his back, but it looks nice.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 04/08/04 - 6:44 AMPermalink

haha moonunit thanks. I saw yours, its coming along well. The mouth area looks really good.
Goodgod Im using reference for anatomy but as far as design goes I know what it s going to be looking like so I didnt really bother with the concept.
I tweaked feet by making the longer Jackablade, thanks.
Haz, I did some moving of the verts so he isnt leaning forward to much, thanks for pointing that out. Yeah, when I get frustrated I move onto something else.........usaully TV!! :)
Thanks Avanlanchex. I would like to finish this model off, but Im more concerned with learning.

Here is the latest and possibly last WIP shot-
Its the probably the last shot because of this..


Started modelling this after I found some really good shots of the various character models from the Res1 Remake.
I would like to continue with this version and maybe turn him from an infected Racoon City soldier into an infected S.T.A.R.S member.
The shoulder has lots of polies in it but apart from that Im happy with it :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 04/08/04 - 7:01 AMPermalink

heh heh damn those shoulders -_- (having trouble with them a bit myself)
both models are lookin pretty good :D

Submitted by tojo on Wed, 04/08/04 - 7:43 AMPermalink

i dont know if it was intentional or not... but the feet kinda turn a bit inwards..... this is cool..
... it kinda suggests that it is infected.... or zombified allready!

cant wait to see the head!

you are doing well....... keep it up :)

Submitted by Jackablade on Wed, 04/08/04 - 8:13 PMPermalink

Curve that back in more. He's looking really off balance.

Submitted by conundrum on Thu, 05/08/04 - 6:35 AMPermalink

looking good, a nice shape. you could probably fix the leaning problem by just pulling the polies above the thigh backward, it should balance his legs and give him a bit more comfortable resting position as it will give him slightly bent legs. other than that there isn't anything else i can notice.

Submitted by Makk on Sat, 07/08/04 - 11:10 PMPermalink

Thanks guys.
Tojo I didnt mean for them too curve in soo far, it does look pretty funny.
Well I have been working on the hand-

Gah! Not happy with it. This is my second version BTW, you dont want to see the first one!!
I'll probably go back to it but for now its time to move onto the legs.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 07/08/04 - 11:27 PMPermalink

hands are freaking hard to model, but bloody easy to reference :P (ie.. theres a really good reference on the end of your own wrist! :o )
For a first (or first mark 2 :P ) go thats pretty good :D id only really go for making the tip of the thumb less flat and rounding out the area where the thumb connects with the palm. Maybe make the palm itself less flat but really you could go on tweaking anything for aaaages, only limited by your patience and caring :P Keep it up!!!

Submitted by Aven on Sun, 08/08/04 - 3:59 AMPermalink

Man. If my first hand attempst looked like that I would have been cheering :) I used to model hands completely flat and had great troubles getting them to look right, you may want (or not) try modelling the hand in a more relaxed fashion. ie: Making the thumb rop so that the palm has that natural curve to it :)

Submitted by Makk on Tue, 10/08/04 - 2:01 AMPermalink

Aha! but you didnt see the first version (and no one will!!!) [;)]
I tried to get the thumb into a more relaxed position but couldnt work out how to build it that way.
I have made some adjustments to the palm as Moonunit suggested but I will upload a pic later.

Here is the beginings of his torso-

I am modelling these in individual parts (the chest, shoulder, arm, hand and waist) then just positioning them in the tight spot. Will this effect the way it animates or anything? or does the model have to be all joined up together?
Also, I ran an STL check on a few of the areas and it came up with the following errors-
4 double faces and 20 multiple edges on the crotch part
66 multiple edges on the glove.
Anyone know how to fix these? if I try selecting one of the edges that has multipled edges and then delete, it deletes the entire face.
Is there a way to weild edges like you can with vertices?

Submitted by tojo on Tue, 10/08/04 - 8:07 PMPermalink

i am not entirely sure if this is the problem..... but cant you just select the remove button under the 'edge edit' in the command panel ...???

some games ie 'morrowind' only have seperately modelled limbs anyway.......

but better to have a nicely joined flowing single mesh that bends and flexes the way you want it to...

.......from my relatively limited experience with animating .....

sorry if thats not much help :)

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Thu, 12/08/04 - 11:31 AMPermalink

Pitty no one has bothered to Critt your work yet Makk.
First off I'll say get some propertions stuff happening.

I posted this in another forum. That went I start to model I like to model the head first this way I can use that as a reference to get the hight of you character and where things line up. Eg. Second head down should be where the nipples are [:)] Third is Navel etc. I'm sure you can just draw a line and use that as well just work out what works for you. For the where things line up I'm sure you can find reference for this on the net, I have it in a book.

As for shape your going for a human type look so run over to for some reference. At the moment I would drop the shoulder/and or bring the neck up at the moment he looks like his shrugging.

Don't get me wrong I think your going well you just need to fix a few bits up. no way am I saying its bad. Also it was a bit messy but I realy liked the shape of the legs on "finalfirst.jpg"

As for your questions:

I find games that have seperate joins are usally RPG games like Dungeon Seige. that you can't see close up to the characters and see how dodgy it looks. usally better to keep your mesh in 1 bit... usally.

STL check has a button you can check that selects the faces or edges when it shows the problem. Double faces usally means you have one on the back of another face so rotate your object and have a look around and you should see it. As for multiple edges I would say just select the verts at the end of the edges and collapse them togeather. Or just select the whole object and give it a weld to start with.

As for your comment at the start about the concept, if your serious about this stuff I'd say get in and get those ideas on paper first. I find that with out a good reference to work from you will spend time modelling something then want to change it then change it more and you would of saved a heap of time doing a concept from the start [;)]

Anyways sorry for rambling on and anyone who bothered to read that [:p] just had some time. So hope that helped you out a bit Makk and keep it up. Pratice makes perfect [:D]

P.S. I don't care about spelling mistakes [B)]

Submitted by Makk on Fri, 13/08/04 - 10:43 AMPermalink

THanks heaps man. Some really good stuff there :)
Im going to just put a very rough block there for the head, to use for reference. good idea thanks :)
The vest is pretty bulky so I dont think I will drop the shoulder too much, but I will try it and see how it looks anyway.

As far saying my model is bad, hehe, I dont mind at all. It IS a pretty bad model and really thats what Im expecting. What shits me the most is how messy the legs are.
I agree that the first version had better legs. I might try ripping them and putting em onto the new one.
I'll have to try that STL stuff out. I really hope it works.
It might be a good idea to weld some parts of the model together but after/if I finish the mapping.

Concept wise, well to be honest, I havent picked up a pencil in a few months and Im afraid of how crap it wil be. I do agree that concept work is defenitly helpful. I know exactly what it will look like so I dont really need it in that regard, but it would do good for stuff like proportions, etc. I'll see what happens.

Thanks agian for the reply USF. REally helpful :)

P.S. I dont really give a shit about spelling mistakes either as long as its readable ;)

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Wizenedoldman - Challger24

I'm in it for now, just hope I get the time to keep at it. I call this guy 'Old man of the Woods', he lives in the deep darkness of some haunted forest and he's a boss character for the end of the forest segment in the game, which would probably be the first level. That's how I see it anyway.


I'll probably end up putting some random branches poking out of his back.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 20/07/04 - 4:20 AMPermalink

looks cool, only thing is with a forest character its only too easy to acidently turn him into your RPG adventure style enemy, as apposed to horror. Not saying he is, just like.. beware... or something... ill go now

Submitted by conundrum on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:05 PMPermalink

thats looking a lot better, certainly seems like it would be fun to fight

Submitted by arcane on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:11 PMPermalink

That looks insane! The evil goat's head really sets it off.

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:15 PMPermalink

how big is it compared to a human? i'm just trying to figure out how it attacks. is it huge? i mean does it walk over the top of you and drop its weight (and obviously the blade) down on you? that would be fun to fight indeed.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:41 PMPermalink

It looks like the distance from the ground to it's elbows would be nearly as tall as a person. The weight shifting it from side to side while it er... walks... would make it's whole body swing the giant blade. Slicey fun :)

Heaps cooler than the first one Wizened :D

Submitted by Kalescent on Thu, 22/07/04 - 12:31 AMPermalink

The second concept looks great Wiz, a note on the blade, if it were to be rotated 90 degrees he would be able to swing on those great arms of his and slice things in a more pendulum type nature + stomp people with those fleshy arms. Just a thought [:D]

Submitted by conundrum on Fri, 27/08/04 - 4:01 AMPermalink

looking very nice, nothing to crit really, other than making sure you put some more detail into the face as you have big budget and only have the arms left. hopefully you wil give it some nice flowing muscles into the arms. cant wait to see the rest

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 27/08/04 - 5:48 AMPermalink

looking good, for scowling perhaps just bring the outer edges of the brow up.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 04/09/04 - 4:37 AMPermalink

heh heh he does look better without it. Thats some pretty good work though at the top of the pecs it seems to sort of cave in rather then gradually curve around and out, Other then that: spiffy :D

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 08/09/04 - 2:42 AMPermalink

that looks great wiz, the face has come out really well!!

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Sun, 12/09/04 - 3:34 AMPermalink

During the unwrapping phase I found that I hadn't welded the tips of this guys teeth which accounted for around 500 polys, so I went 'sweet!' , welded the tips and started adding more detail, this is what I came up with. He's now around 8400 polys with another model in the render for size reference.



Also nearly finished unwrapping so it looks like I'm on track to finish.

Submitted by conundrum on Sun, 12/09/04 - 7:38 AMPermalink

its looking really great right now, i think the render of it is superb, the only thing ive noticed (hopefully it shouldn't affect your uv's) is the deffinition in the back and perhaps the join between the body and the blade doesn't have enough detail. other than that its coming along well.

Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Sun, 12/09/04 - 9:11 AMPermalink

Cheers Conundrum, just wondering what you mean by definition in the back? Do you mean not enough polys? I guess without seeing the wire it's hard to tell but there's plenty of polys around there, I did a quick test rig the other night and it seemed fine.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 12/09/04 - 8:57 PMPermalink

i think what he means is that theres not enough detail as apposed to not enough polys, ie its just a smooth surface and needs some bone lumps etc.
could be wrong though :P

Submitted by conundrum on Sun, 12/09/04 - 10:26 PMPermalink

yeah, moonunit got it pretty much right, not so much the amount of polys but their uses to define the muscles. you have done it well in the front and the arms its just the back which does not seem to have as much muscle.

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/09/04 - 10:06 AMPermalink

You're challenger #24! But you need to put your polycount in the bottom of your textured three-quarter view pic.. can you do that for me in the next half hour please..

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 20/09/04 - 9:26 PMPermalink

great work :) i could really see that guy in a game

Sumea Challenge #6 -3d-xyz

I am really busy atm. But here goes.

I am thinking of something between a tree and a old women with saggy breasts that reach to the floor. I would like to combine parts of steam punk into this as well.

Will draw a concept at work if I get a chance.

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/07/04 - 1:53 AMPermalink

I'm already laughing :D

You have to do this one now :)

Submitted by xyz on Tue, 20/07/04 - 8:07 PMPermalink

yeah, night of the living dead style - evil but funny.

Submitted by xyz on Tue, 20/07/04 - 10:20 PMPermalink

This is a character from a steam punk world. People are punished in this world by doctors who can fuse flesh with metal or other types of flesh. The character is blind, using acute hearing to sense players. His lips are sewn shut to silence his constant screams (eats through a tube in his throat).

The player can trick him with sound. He uses ramming attacks to kill.

I might add some kind of machine on his back for rockets or blinding weapons (smoke grenade).

My thinking in making this character is that I can animate him easily and still add high detail to his mesh. He also has a mix of metal and flesh which will show off certain effects in game.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]boss.jpg[/url]


Submitted by xyz on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:36 AMPermalink

My 2nd concept.

Inspired by Britney Spears.

This is a junky from hell. She has 3 breasts, and attacks with either a dirty needle or an unborn baby attached to an ubilicle cord (like a mace). She will also have bare bones, undead style.

I am pondering attaching the baby to her back and using it as a scream attack. sudo total recal.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]britney_the_smacky.jpg[/url]


Submitted by conundrum on Wed, 21/07/04 - 4:30 AMPermalink

looking good, makes me think of the umbilical cord scen from freddy got fingered. i really like the previous concept, i can just see a bunch of them trundling behind you, only problrm might be the high polycount. keep it up, both could end up really good minions.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 5:50 AMPermalink

I love the Junkie idea. I was thinking along similar lines with the baby mace. Ended up ditching it as I thought soem people may find it too grotesque :)

Submitted by xyz on Wed, 21/07/04 - 6:05 AMPermalink

yeah, it's a fine line in horror. I thought that too. I was thinking, it would be creepy but the judges would prob say that the game might be banned by the right to lifers in the usa if the baby mace was included. But still...I might graft it onto her back instead.

Submitted by Kalescent on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:08 AMPermalink

BABY MACE BABY MACE ... ROFL!!! ahhhhhhh ok... anyhow, yes that looks fitting for this competition, both ideas! although the baby mace sounds.. grotesque!

Submitted by tojo on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:09 AMPermalink

that is a way cool idea.......... i would definately play a game where a freak-show undead prostitute chased me around the room swing an unborn baby and trying to stab me with a dirty needle......

Submitted by arcane on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:06 PMPermalink

Great idea - It's good to see an alternate line of thought.

Submitted by xyz on Thu, 22/07/04 - 2:59 AMPermalink

ok at first I was not sure if the first concept fitted the guideliness, so I designed the 2nd one. Now I am not sure which one to go for?

Which would a games company find more impressive ? ie. I want to get out of graphic design in the near future.


Submitted by conundrum on Thu, 22/07/04 - 3:10 AMPermalink

i cant speak for a game company but as a gamer i would say the first character, i think it would be more visually appealing and plays on the whole speak/hear/see no evil. If used as a minion i believe it would work well. My main problem with the second idea is that it loses its effect once it is no longer topical. Its very funny now in light of britney spears, as you said, but in the long run i dont see it being as effective as your first idea. my two cents

Submitted by xyz on Thu, 22/07/04 - 4:47 AMPermalink

Thats some good and thoughtful advise, many thanks.

Submitted by Jackablade on Thu, 22/07/04 - 9:10 AMPermalink

I don't think teenage pregnancy will become untopical any time soon. Theres no real reason to suggest that your character is Britney Spears (in fact I'd suggest you avoid it). She'll make a far more interesting character. The bloke on the wheels feels a little generic and would be trickier to make stand out in the crowd.

Submitted by xyz on Fri, 23/07/04 - 8:56 PMPermalink

hm, interesting. Yes thats another valid point.

Submitted by xyz on Sun, 25/07/04 - 6:34 PMPermalink

In light of watching Hanibal, and the amount of recent female characters, I am going to model my first concept.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 26/07/04 - 4:38 AMPermalink

heh that was my fave anyway, most people seemed to prefer the girl though :S

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:22 AMPermalink

hurray for rough outs, looks like the head could be bigger tho

Submitted by xyz on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:39 AMPermalink

I have just decided to cut off one of his arms. The remaining arm will be sewn to a joint conected to the wheel. His back will be an empty carcas, and his lips will be sewn to his chest. And the head will be bigger and more comic.

Oh and I might add 2 giant ears to his back like wings. That should do it.

Submitted by conundrum on Fri, 30/07/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

heh, i like the idea of his lip being sewed to his chest, you should try to exagerate it a lot. also im not so sure about the ears (although i havnt seen them yet[:)]) i like his head more streamlined. keep it up though, its nice proportions

Submitted by xyz on Fri, 20/08/04 - 11:11 PMPermalink

I finally got a few hours to work on my model. I decided to change back to my other concept of the smacky from hell but blend it a bit with the wheel chair man.

She will use a retractable baby mace to attack, with a terrible screaming animation when the baby is ripped from her. I will partially dress her in hospital atire - backless gown, and maybe some platform shoes.

Her lip is nailed to her chin.


[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]britney_the_smacky02.jpg[/url]
40.12 KB

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Bunny

Here's a real quick concept writeup. This is still very rough, just thrown together off the top of my head. Anything herein can and probably will change, so don't get too comfortable. [:p]

There's a lot of my love for Silent Hill showing here so far - bear with me if it seems derivative, it won't be by the time I'm done. And here we go...

Under the shadow of our reality, there is another. In this place, spirit is as potent as flesh, and your thoughts and feelings just might have thoughts and feelings of their own...

Once in a while an individual may stumble across this place and become trapped. Some wander lost for days or weeks before succumbing to starvation, dehydration, insanity, the local wildlife or each other. But some change, or are changed.

Those who are ruled by darker, baser emotions ? anger, lust, greed - will find those emotions growing far stronger and developing their own twisted, base sentience. In time this parasitic presence will grow, asserting itself and gaining control of their very flesh. The presence changes the victim?s body for its own needs, growing and spreading like a great, malign tumour. In time the remnants of the original soul is crushed, and its dark desires gain complete control, warped and mutated far from the original human flesh.

Urge slave ? while the individual still retains some control and sanity, the fledgling parasite has only limited control over the body. It is slow and stupid, clumsily trying to fulfil its horrible desires, staggering in pursuit of its victims, moaning, drooling and twitching. It does however possess a staggering degree of strength, and an instinctive cunning.

For all intents and purposes urge slaves are bog-standard zombies, except they?re not dead and are in better physical shape. They walk slowly, limping, jerking, twitching, moaning and mumbling as they go. The head lolls and flops around loosely, the mouth hangs open. They don?t blink. The longer they are in this state ? and the more horrible acts they commit ? the nastier they will appear. Clothes will tear, they will accumulate injuries, become splattered in filth and blood (blood, you hope :p). These guys are closer to Silent Hill nurses or System Shock II hybrids than Resident Evil zombies. They are zombie-like, but there?s a degree of intelligence and emotion motivating them, not just an empty stomach. In game terms they?re primarily an early challenge, helping set the scene and atmosphere, but they?ll be present throughout the game as a bullet sponge if nothing else.

Urge beast - when the urge mind begins to change the flesh of the victim, they become an urge beast. The urge beast in simplest terms is part human, part massive twisted nightmare beast. The urge-controlled flesh varies greatly by individual, but typically it is much larger and stronger than the urge slave, equipped with vicious teeth, claws, spines, quills and whatever else takes it?s fancy. Extra limbs and organs are common, and the human flesh is pushed aside to make room. Typically it takes the appearance of a horrible, evil Siamese twin of sorts, a blend of the original human and the final urge (see below), the human flesh twisted and weak, the urge flesh rapidly gaining control.

The urge beast is closer in concept to William Birkin of RE II than anything else. It?s obviously two minds struggling to control one body, with the urge winning the battle. Its mutations don?t need to be logical or sensible, although it will most likely take the form of a massively swollen quadrant of torso, one or two limbs hypertrophied, part of the face and head twisted around for it?s own needs. Maybe some extra eyes, mouths, etc. Their appearance will most likely stick to the urges and emotions that created them in the first place. These guys are the mid-game surprise. Just when you thought you had your head around the mumbling zombies, they get bigger, stronger, faster and pointier. It?s just not a survival horror game without the mutating enemy cutscene.

The final stage is reached when the urge takes complete control, becoming a fully fledged ? and fully fleshed - urge. This creature has no basis in our reality, and pays no heed to the physical strictures of our world. It exists only to fulfil the base emotions and desires that spawned it. It is inhumanly strong and fast, and is driven by hungers we are incapable of understanding.

The urge can take whatever form it likes or needs to do its nasty thang. It will probably have some remnants of the original human, even if only part of a face or an eye. This is of course your endgame tough bad guy, maybe even a sub-boss. Of course the concept outlined here would work for a main boss, spawned from a major character perhaps.

Submitted by Sinister on Mon, 19/07/04 - 9:53 PMPermalink

I've gotta say Bunny "this sounds very interesting!"
I can't wait to see what spawns from this vile peice of text. =)

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 20/07/04 - 2:36 AMPermalink

Excellent < Monty Burns voice > < gets comfortable > < watches this space >

Submitted by adie on Tue, 20/07/04 - 6:54 AMPermalink

less talk more drawing...I wana see this thing dam it[:D]

Submitted by Bunny on Tue, 20/07/04 - 12:06 PMPermalink

Got a couple of things to finish with before I seriously start with this guy, but I'll try and knock together some quick images. I think "vile piece of text" is the best compliment I've recieved in some time, thanks Sinister. :)

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- MarkMash

Just starting my thread aswell. I'm thinking of something like predator or alien 3, maybe with some doom 3 style in there too. Gonna do a couple of design before I decide.

Ok this sounds like it's WAY off genre, but i'm pretty sure my concept will be ok. I've veered from that first description. Will get the concept up asap.

Submitted by MarkMash on Fri, 23/07/04 - 2:58 AMPermalink

Ok here is my first piece of concept art. Basically the story of the game is similar to the movie the manchurian candidate. Bit of a rip though. Your character is in a hospital finding his friend/lover. But his friend/lover has been taken there against her will and is there to have special experiments and operations done to her.

As you arrive at the hospital. You see that it is in ruins and has been abandoned. The evil bad dood doctor who runs and carries out all of his operations has fled the country as authorities have found out about his horrible secret. His operations are to create his own slave race with biological implants etc. His nurses are slaves of his and since he was an army doctor he has alot of soldiers being operated on etc. He also gets people off the street by telling them that he will conduct a few x-ray tests on them for a small amount of money

This zombie is one of these unfortunate patients.

ok thats the back story

The character has all of his organs in a see through plastic type bag. His intestines are coming out his mouth and into his bag(for graphic effect :P) His back is filled with syringes and his skull is pinned open as he was previously being operated on but was abandoned! This character is almost a comic relief character as when you see him amongst all these other zombie like patients, this one has a bed pan stuck on his foot.

Also he will use a drip as an attacking weapon. Haven't draw that yet though.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]hospital-zombiecontrast.jpg[/url]


EDIT: Yeah forgot, this is most likely not the final design. I think he might be too muscley and needs to be redrawn again. His hands are lacking in flavour too. They need to be skewed or with some hooks or something.

Feedback welcome!!

lets have a feedback party.:D

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 23/07/04 - 4:46 AMPermalink

nasty, i really like the head with the stich on it.

Submitted by Sinister on Sat, 24/07/04 - 6:26 AMPermalink

The plastic bag that's holding his organs looks like see thru overalls. That's a fantasticly gruesome idea. Very nice!

Submitted by tojo on Sat, 24/07/04 - 6:46 AMPermalink

man ....... you certainly going to win the most painful comp :) ....

looking at that is worse than scraping your fingers down a blackboard........

seriously painful stuff!!

Submitted by Kalescent on Sat, 24/07/04 - 7:42 AMPermalink

HAHA great concept MarkMash! Im looking forward to how you handle all the organs and stuff in the translucent bag!

Submitted by MarkMash on Sun, 25/07/04 - 6:59 AMPermalink

Wow thanks for the replies!

argh, i just pressed the back button after i wrote this reply, so this is the second time im writing this.

But yeah, will be redrawing him properly over the next couple of days. There are a couple of things that dont work such as the intestines coming out of the mouth. I will keep them, but they might have to work differently. Will think about that one.

Also thinking Edward scissor hands style with the arms. or something to that effect. I will probably make him look sader as he is feeling alot of pain.

I got the idea of the syringes from the beithoven movie with the big dog. I remember the evil scientist dood at the end was pushed over by the dog onto a tray full of huge syringes. And his back was covered in them. The will containt purple, green and orange fluid... mmm orange fluid!

Yeah the bag is see through. I think I know how to tackle it. Will find out soon enough :P. I've seen something like it done before in a game model. BED PAN ALSO STAYS, REJOICE!!!

Submitted by xyz on Sun, 25/07/04 - 6:31 PMPermalink

haha, I just watched Hanibal. Love it. 1 thought, will this detail be obvoius to the player at a distance. Could you make these nice elements of detail more visual. My uncle has a bag for a bladder, very disturbing.

Submitted by MarkMash on Thu, 29/07/04 - 4:48 AMPermalink

"I thought, will this detail be obvoius to the player at a distance"

Hopefully. I'll have to make sure it does in the textures, though really it would be in the animation as the bag would bounce around alot


There is a car battery going to be hanging off his hears. Positive and negative charge on each ear stretching them right back and also stretching his face a bit. Burn marks around the ears aswell.

The webbing in his palm will be split so he will seem as though his fingers are extra long and has a small palm. The will be held together by a steel rod through the hand bones. Also steel rods will be going through his forearm bones aswell :D.

Will scan in the concepts tomorrow as they're due tomorrow morning :)

I was thinking about making his attack to be him reaching into his organ bag and throwing his organs at you. hehe. OR him wheeling around an operating wheelie tray/table with doctors instruments and he would wheel that around and through instruments at you. Might stick to the drip

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 29/07/04 - 6:49 AMPermalink

heh heh drip quaterstaff fighting :D

Submitted by goodgod on Thu, 29/07/04 - 10:14 AMPermalink

Oooo I?m scared. I?d better watch out for the hick rag dolls.

Submitted by MarkMash on Fri, 30/07/04 - 10:22 AMPermalink

Some more concepts.. sheesh, should get on to 3d soon, might start it this weekend.



[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]HZombieSMALL.jpg[/url]
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[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]detailsZ.jpg[/url]
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Sumea challenge #6 -3d- Thardswrothe -Challenger21

Yes, my first comp submission! Wee! Anyway, here?s the concept I quickly put together. You must ignore its badness, it was quite quick and messy, but it gives you the general idea. I want a tablet damnit !

I?ve titled the character for now ?The Twins?. Basically it?s 2 ?fused? females, one of which is quite dead, and another that is quite, not dead, and scary like. The alive one controls the arms of the dead one, so she can attack from front and back. Both their legs are stumped and joined to giant blades, and are both used while walking ? like a four legged creature. This is simply a rough concept, and I?ll probly change a few things when I get to modelling the twins, and certainly make it allot darker and scarier. Thank frugal we get a high tri-count!

Anywho, won?t bore you all any longer, I will submit some model shots when I get some time to do some modelling on it. Comments welcome [:D]!


Submitted by bullet21 on Mon, 19/07/04 - 6:20 PMPermalink

So many knives, it's a great concept, this comp is bringin out heaps of people who i've never even seen on the forums before. Great Stuff.

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 20/07/04 - 2:37 AMPermalink

HeH! Love the concept, cant wait to see this one. [:D]

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 20/07/04 - 6:16 AMPermalink

on the plus side she wouldn't be too fast so she'd be pretty easy to run away from!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 20/07/04 - 7:05 AMPermalink

thatd be creepy as hell tho to see that thing make an effort to come at you with a knife if it was well animated though, stumbling everywhere and everything, great concept.

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Tue, 20/07/04 - 10:40 AMPermalink

Hehe. Thanks peoples! I wouldn't be so hasty to assume she wouldn?t be fast though ? perhaps if you're talking realistically, but common, it's horror [:D]! And perhaps it?s a good thing she doesn?t look fast ? nice form of deception there [:)]

I like the stumbling arround idea for a normal walking animation, and I might just use that if I get time to do some animations (If you don?t mind MoonUnit). But I envisage when she's attacking she gets quite ?feisty?, somewhat fast, and moves allot like a spider, despite the actuall anatomy of her legs being fairly different to that of a spiders'. I'd say she can also extend her legs, to more of a standing upright position, and jump at you when you're far away.

What?s one's imagination of the horrific when limited to that which involves logic [:P] Hehe? Thanks again!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 20/07/04 - 10:14 PMPermalink

cours i dont mind, itd be even cooler if she saw you coming and tried to come at you then fell over and started swearing XP

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Fri, 23/07/04 - 10:42 AMPermalink

Ok ok, Here?s a high poly character I just finished in Maya named ?Mr Tickles?. Tis interesting that just as I finished this off this comp came along. Would?ve been pretty cool to add him to the comp., but of course, he?s way to high poly and it?d be against the rules. But anywho, just thought I?d share with ya?ll horror lovers (well, he?s kinda scary).

Link (more renders below also):…

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 23/07/04 - 11:45 AMPermalink

I dunno about the toothy jaw on the living sister. I reckon its kind of letting down what is otherwise a cool concept.

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Fri, 23/07/04 - 9:11 PMPermalink

Thnx for your comment Jackablade. Do you think she shouldn't have big teeth? Do you think she'd be better if she had normal teeth?

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 23/07/04 - 9:42 PMPermalink

personally i like the toothy jaw, but i like cartoony concepts. Oh and mr tickles rules :D

Submitted by Jackablade on Sat, 24/07/04 - 10:51 AMPermalink

Not necessarily normal teeth as such, but the big long tusks obscuring half the face just don't work as far as I'm concerned. Some of the problem stems from the fact that she has teeth growing from her jaw bone much to far back. while you're obviously going for a certain amount of stylisation, I think you'd be best to keep the teeth in the teeth area of the jaw, even if you're going to make them long and sharp. It could work I guess if you were to give her a sort of sharky looking mouth.

I think its just a matter of need for a little more conceptual experimentation.

Submitted by palantir on Sat, 24/07/04 - 8:05 PMPermalink

Mr Tickles is awesome! Looks like a lot of hard work went into it ? and it sure paid off. It could just about be the mascot for this challenge!

I kind of agree about the teeth on this concept. I think it could look better if they were maybe scaled down a little. The back teeth look like they are poking into her eye! [:P] Then again, maybe you have a particular vision for this that we aren?t seeing.
Oh, and I think those knives should have some blood and gore on them for that ?I just gutted something and your next? look. [:D]

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Wed, 04/08/04 - 6:25 AMPermalink

Thanks for your latest comments all. And yes, the teeth are perhaps a bit to big ? the concept is really quite comical, the final will be somewhat less so ? and I have quite a few revisions to the concept that I wont bother posting.

Anyway, had time today to do some modelling on my char. Screenshot attached ? the screenies a bit lazy, but gives you the general idea. Around 3600 tris all up so far, so I still have a reasonable amount left. Have a list on things I need to change on it - including adding more details/shape to the limbs and neck. And I obviously have to change their postures a bit to join them together and, well, heaps of stuff. Will get more done when I have some time.

Appreciate any c&c! Particularly on mesh construction.


Download Attachment: [url="…"]progressrender1.jpg[/url]

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 04/08/04 - 7:04 AMPermalink

wow, that looks really good. Im not much of a 3d artist so I really cant crit ya sorry. Not that I can see anything that needs fixing. Keep it up :)

Submitted by shath on Wed, 04/08/04 - 9:50 AMPermalink

nice work adu looks good very clean skirt

Submitted by Lucas on Wed, 04/08/04 - 7:51 PMPermalink

Nice work, this is properly something that your still working on, just in case you haven't noticed it yet. The concept drawing has the figures touching at the lower back, giveing them a fourced together look. Where your model at the moment has them touching at the upper back, which makes them look like they aced their finishing school. Other then that the model is fantastic, I especially chest and neck area.

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Thu, 12/08/04 - 1:36 PMPermalink

Thnx Makk, Shath and Lucas. And yes Lucas, as I said in my last post the way they're sitting against each other will indeed be changed. [:)]

Anywho, half way mark so I thought I should get off my arse and get the modelling over and done with so I can relax and put allot of work into textures. I've done some slight adjustments to my design, and I?ve modelled most of the bits and pieces for the character. I'll post the work I've done on the heads so far - but I'm probly not gonna bother posting any more screen grabs until I'm pretty much done with the modelling ? cause I?m lazy. As usual these aren?t necessarily finished meshes, and will be tweaked/cleaned later (particularly the skull).

Feedback muchly appreciated as usual!


Download Attachment: [url="…"]progressrender2.jpg[/url]
76.6 KB

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Sun, 22/08/04 - 9:38 AMPermalink

The twins are now conjoined! Everyone excited? What's that? No? Hmm.... I have to agree. Anywho, model seems to be approaching the completion stage, with alterations to the design and a few ploys left over (probly to be added to her skirt) C&C appreciated fellow sumeans!

[img]…] Download Attachment: [url="…"]progressrender3.jpg[/url]
131.45 KB

Submitted by tojo on Sun, 22/08/04 - 11:23 AMPermalink

i think this has turned out great so far dude!!!...... no real critisism ..... i think you have definately made something that is 'horror' and done a great job as well....... i especially like the head with the hair.. very evil.... !

every time i look at some ones model in this comp..... i kinda think to myself ... what would it be like in a game and imagine what it would be like if it were chasing me down some dark alley..... or through an abandoned shopping mall...... and i think this model would truly freak you out!!!

keep up the good work...... yours is one of my favourites!

Submitted by Aven on Sun, 22/08/04 - 6:51 PMPermalink

Hey cool. I was very unsure about the skeleton head in you concept, but it come out really well. Those hooks would have to chafe just a little :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 22/08/04 - 8:19 PMPermalink

hey wow thats looking great, cant wait to see that one textured. Those flesh hooks are particulary nasty

Submitted by animal on Sun, 22/08/04 - 9:21 PMPermalink

wow, that really is creepy, especially the half dead siamese twin thing, and those hooks look very painful. It would be intersting to see you make a walk cycle for this after you've finished. You could try use the last 150 polys to see if you can make the skeleton neck look more like spine bones. The changed you've made from the concept are really cool too.

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Mon, 23/08/04 - 12:44 AMPermalink

Thanks all for your comments! I would list out all your names but you know who are are [:)]
animal - yeah, i should probably try and betterise them, perhaps not to make them correct, but I'll at least make them a bit less blocky like.

btw, Who agrees that a games company should do a horror game and hire us all to do the art *wink wink* [:D]

Now, to layout my uvs and get texturing!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 23/08/04 - 6:59 AMPermalink

lol if they took the content from this competition itd be a very bizzare and random game with small children and giant hulking masses of muscle and spikes in the mix :P

Submitted by palantir on Mon, 23/08/04 - 7:19 AMPermalink

hehe - now that's incentive: Winner gets a job!

Excellent work Thardswrothe. It will be interesting to see how you approach the texturing.
Keep up the good work.

Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/09/04 - 9:50 AMPermalink

Nice work. You're challenger #21!

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Mon, 20/09/04 - 10:14 AMPermalink

Oh, in all the franticness I forgot to say?. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! *insert other words of support here* Seen some good stuff, hope to see you all in the next comp!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 20/09/04 - 9:27 PMPermalink

good luck to you too :D
scary stuff

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- melvosh

Well my scanner is ive got a preview of what ive started modelling. My concept is really open at the moment as im not sure where im going to go with this guy..Was thinking horns and what not but that makes it more medievil.
So hell probably end up more just a mutated human riding some kind of beast..mutant gator etc etc
Either way he will be a boss type character.


[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]screen.jpg[/url]
36.77 KB

Submitted by conundrum on Mon, 19/07/04 - 8:36 AMPermalink

looks good so far, but maybe you could give him more of a scowling expression, other than that its great.

Submitted by melvosh on Mon, 26/07/04 - 5:57 AMPermalink

Well ive done some more work on my character...And have worked out what im doing...The guy will either have his eyes removed or stappled shut and will have 3 of the guard mutant dogs as his "guides". The character will have a chain connected to the 3 dogs.
Overall he will end up pretty basic legs wise and what not as my main goal is to get it finished.


Insert Image: [img][/img]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 26/07/04 - 6:14 AMPermalink

looking good and thats a pretty neat dog model but since this is a horror comp maybe you could do some more to make the dog more of a evil hound then an ordinary dog if you get me.

Submitted by melvosh on Mon, 26/07/04 - 6:46 AMPermalink

Oh yeh defiently will work on the dog to turn it into a hound of some sort..just got a basic dog modelled so i can go from there with details. Might add some kind of spikes on its spine or something along those lines too. Going to give the main character some kind of gory belt to break up the blandness of the torso and upper legs too.


Submitted by Jackablade on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:20 AMPermalink

Whats the go with that fella's torso? He's got some weird anatomy going on there... You might want to get some reference material - you've got a whole bunch of problems there.

Submitted by melvosh on Tue, 27/07/04 - 3:21 AMPermalink

Well i dont know about anyone else but with this topic i dont think normal human anatomy applies here mate. So with the reference material im using there are no problems. Well just see how it turns out wont we.


Submitted by Jackablade on Tue, 27/07/04 - 9:03 AMPermalink

Correct anatomy is always worthy of consideration, simply because the human physique is so familiar that any discrepancy from the norm will stand out as wrong looking. Because of this, even a stylised or distorted human should be based around realistic proportions which can then be tweaked as necessary.

If theres a particular reason why his rib structure is warped like that then its fine, but you might want to look in to some of the other areas.

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 27/07/04 - 10:46 AMPermalink

Have to agree with Jack on that one, Something is odd with its latissimus dorsi. There also looks like a problem with his trapezius muscles and around his collar bone area.

Having no concept art makes it difficult for anyone to know what to try and help you with, if there is a reason for anatomy being so distorted then we probably wouldnt be commenting on these areas [:)]

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- rastus

opens my thread

Submitted by RasTuS on Tue, 20/07/04 - 12:41 AMPermalink

well its a bug so far not sure if this will be my entry character but its what i think i will use started this marning and been working on him and a couple other stuff at the same tim so im a bit slow

idea from star shit troopers and bugs and random stuff i seen arounf the place..

i showed hazard over msn and he said it looked like deans old entry but i check it up just b4 and it dont so thats all good


props to the image attachment works a treat

here is a spin about 1 mb with div-x 5.1

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 20/07/04 - 2:28 AMPermalink

Sorry Rastus, I was meaning the legs - not anything else, think steph got mixed up [:P]

It looks great so far [:D]

Submitted by conundrum on Tue, 20/07/04 - 3:04 AMPermalink

looking good, i like the proportions of it and i cant wait to see it fully detailed

Submitted by RasTuS on Tue, 20/07/04 - 3:24 AMPermalink

its cool mate i knew u meant the legs and yead other than the fackt they are sort of incest like on his i dont realy see similar in the modeling of them

think i have to add another 2 back legs and a scorpion tail and stuff to get to the 8000 tri count damn

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/07/04 - 11:02 PMPermalink

Haha. Skin your sister and make an example from her.... damn, this whole challenge thing is screwing with my head...

A cool idea, but it doesn't really scream out Survival Horror. It just looks like a bug (granted it is probably the size of two buses). Perhaps losing the hard caripace and making it more fleshy?

Submitted by RasTuS on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:42 AMPermalink

it can be done on the texture making it look more bloody and stuff

Submitted by xyz on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:57 AMPermalink

You could make its face human, like an filthy old women.Give her some other human objects like a dress or scarf. Aven is right, it's a very good model but not strong in the survival horror genre.

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Discmage

Would like peoples thoughts on this concept as I don't know if it's going right or not...or I should stick to something more 'standard' survival /horror. The body is going to be along the same lines, pretty gruesome in parts and stuff...

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]Head_01.jpg[/url]

Submitted by conundrum on Mon, 19/07/04 - 3:28 AMPermalink

looks good so far, i like the concept and think it would be great for the the theme but im not really into survival/horrors so im not sure, id say you need a second opinion.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 19/07/04 - 10:04 PMPermalink

looks really cool, but then ive allways liked manic grinning characters like that (blame it on spidermans green goblin and steve ditko)

Submitted by Sinister on Mon, 19/07/04 - 10:21 PMPermalink

Hmmm... An horific jester. I like.

Submitted by Malus on Mon, 19/07/04 - 11:29 PMPermalink

Might want to cull the size of those images man.

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 20/07/04 - 2:31 AMPermalink

Go the saggy bottom lip! get that lip drooping like crazy!!! Thats a great concept, I love it! [:D]

Submitted by Discmage on Tue, 20/07/04 - 4:17 AMPermalink

Yeah, sorry about the size. Will cut them down from here on in :)

Thanks for the heads up guys :) Will be getting to the modelling soon :)

Submitted by Discmage on Fri, 23/07/04 - 4:52 AMPermalink

OK, here is more of the character with it's body


Story is as follows...ish:

In the somewhat distance future with developments in psycholgy and science, a method of creating dreams into virtual reality was created. Soon, further highly advanced methods could turn these dreams into ACTAUL reality was created in order to play out peoples dreams and imaginations in a temporary controlled environment. Initially this was used on sane people, those of the rich. With the ability to guide peoples thoughts through subliminal triggers, relaxation and other techniques...most people could pull up whatever environment they wanted. Those who had lost love ones could be with them once again, even for short periods, recalled places they had been or fantasied about, the benefits were quite extensive in many areas from entertainment and beyond...

The sex industry, of course, blossomed with the new technology... :)

They also started testing patients in insanity wards in order to try and tap into their dreams and find if they could find the true reason for their mental state. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did not. ALL tests on patients were under strict conditions, and therefore regarded as safe environments and worth the risk for saving the mind of the mentally unstable. THey also used drugs to temper the nightmares to reasonable levels before testing...

The game starts with the player rising from the bed wired to the dream machine (as they call it :) and finds his head clear from the daymares and troubles of the past years...looking for those around he walks to hte nearest door to find a scene of hell incarnate, blood and gore and people piked to the ceiling and other first he thought his nightmares were back in his head...but he knew they were not there anymore...they were out here...

The Helljester is a leader figure in his dreams, now reality, he is neither an enemy or friend...he just rolls out the nightmares as he sees fit. Throughout the game he gives you riddles that can snare you or help you, kill you or save you, make you feel better and make you feel in so much pain you have nothing more to scream bar your own bones creaking under the weight of his maniacal laughter. This is why there are two sides/two heads to him, although you never truly know if he is helping or hurting.

With the Hell jester free from his bonds of the players mind, he starts to distort this reality into his own forsaken creation.

You do meet him, and eventually battle him...but for most of the game he is always on the fringe of your sanity. Luring you to the other side once more. The more you start losing to his puzzles and riddles, the more you feel as if THIS reality is where you always were and eventually give up and die a painful horrific death.

The game uses riddles extensively, puzzles, and FX to make a character hear things, do things they would otherwise not do etc...much like Eternal Darkness i think it is called.

So yeah, that's my bit. I'll probably get to modelling now, make the flipside of him as I go along :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 23/07/04 - 6:38 AMPermalink

I like the torso and arms but for some reason... the legs and wings dont seem to connect for me (put my hands over the legs and ignored the wings and i liked it like that)

i do however really like the story, the character being neither friend nor foe nor nuetral but all at once! :o

Submitted by Discmage on Fri, 23/07/04 - 10:52 AMPermalink

And here is the start of the model...looks a treat with meshsmooth on! :)


In regards to the arms and legs...they are more practical than for looks, I will be adjusting proportions as I go along (and I think that will help considerably), but as the character has two sides...and I mean 2 actual sides (two faces), his arms and legs can dislocate and move to the other side of his body...hence the huge rent in the wings to pass his arm through. The legs are double jointed with cloved feet facing two ways...basically it adds a whole new dimension to ambidextrous :)

Other things to can see his heart through the chest bones that a there, but his heart is inside a cage swinging from a chain. His intestines snake around his singular middle spinal colukmn with pieces of leather nailed to his torso and pelvic region for added tension if he gets pushed around by the girls at school.

And in THIS don't want to see the girls at school :)

I actually drew that image on an A3 and it STILL wasn't big enough to get the detail I wanted in a full I'll just get it in as I model. I know what I want now :)

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 23/07/04 - 11:04 AMPermalink

Interesting concept, seems a bit of a mish-mash of different ideas, but it should look cool if you can pull it off. The head looks a little too cartoony for a survival horror but you can probably work on that with the model and texture.

Submitted by Discmage on Sat, 24/07/04 - 8:05 AMPermalink

Here is the latest update...I did a meshsmooth version too cos it just looks so damn cool...well, in my opinion anyway. I won't waste time with that from here on though.

I plan to texture the side of his neck etc. to include stitching all the way down as if he was actually pieced together and then nailed to be sure it stuck.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]jester_02.jpg[/url]
45.7 KB

Submitted by Jackablade on Sat, 24/07/04 - 10:37 AMPermalink

Hnnm Its well executed, but its really not very scary. I think you could probably make things a bit more disturbing be giving him more relatively normal sized teeth and having a vast stretch of rotten gums. Check out the Mr Crow/Harlequin model from UT 2004 - its a similar design but manages to be quite scary while keeping a cheerful smile...

Submitted by Discmage on Sat, 24/07/04 - 11:18 AMPermalink

I hoping the scary element will come in with the texturing.Blood and stitching...I'll probably try and make it look so the patches of the Jesters clothes are actually made of skin...or each patch is a neatly cut strip of skin...allowing blood to seep from each square.

I'm going to be going the S&M look, with nails, leather and chains all over the shop. But I just realised the poly count is WAY I'm going to have to start watching that.

At the moment it looks very light hearted...but In truth the final effect should be pretty ghastly.

Submitted by palantir on Sat, 24/07/04 - 7:53 PMPermalink

That?s a pretty cool background story you created for it. I like the idea that the game doesn?t quite take place in reality.

As for the character model, I think once you?ve finished it, it should come across as being pretty scary, as long as you keep that psychotic look to his grin. [:)]. Keep up the good work. (And watch that poly count!)

Submitted by Discmage on Sun, 25/07/04 - 8:40 AMPermalink

OK, change of gampeplan...

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]Body_03.jpg[/url]
17.44 KB

I might be going against the brief even further...but I'm playing on mentality here rather than what I have done is converted my psychotic Helljester to create an even MORE psychotic Helljester by moving away from the generic demonesque type character and going for the plain insane. I like the idea of a different slant on the survival horror...but with the texturing and stuff (blood splatters and a few other ideas up my sleeve) I think it will still fall under the horror for sure :)

The fear factor comes in with texturing, with the straight jacket covered in blood splatters as if he is still capable of horrific deeds even tied up.

Now I do this cos a) I wanted to get away from the demon/body destruction's not really me and b) It appeals to my mentality and c) I have developed the actual game idea further.

What happens is to get through the game the purpose of the game is to actually survive your worst fears as they get progressivelly worse, but to save the real world you must get through to the fulfillment of your deepest and darkest then all the things in the real world will then get sucked back into your head...but to do so you must unlock the Jester to let HIS imagination run free...which in turn makes your reality even harder to deal with...there lies the difficulty curve (and crazier and crazier creatures to survive)

Hence the very large padlocks on the chains...each one represents a level key which you acquire by beating the level bosses. Each key given gets the jester to teach you a really cool trick against the marauding imagination...only for him to dream up even more things and throw them at you :)

The model of his face now has two sides...the eyes closed and the eyes open...each has a personality of it's own. I have also lowered the poly's still quite large for 'just a head' but I think it is the more important element of the character so I will keep it and adjust down if I need to later on.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]jester_03.jpg[/url]
31.23 KB

Submitted by conundrum on Sun, 25/07/04 - 8:48 AMPermalink

looks great so far, the only crit i have is his feet and legs. perhaps you could add a bit more to them as they look a bit comical and bland right now. thats all though, otherwise its shaping up well.

Submitted by xyz on Sun, 25/07/04 - 6:20 PMPermalink

Nice. Hey don't forget a coat of arms, jesters always wear them. I mused over the jester idea and thought he could have a coat of deformed arms he had cut off of other players. Some rotting and some just bones. This way he could have many different attacks based on the arm. my 2 cents hope it helps you stand out.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 26/07/04 - 4:41 AMPermalink

that looks so much better, great concept :)

Submitted by Kane on Mon, 26/07/04 - 6:54 PMPermalink

absolutely love it...i think it's much better than your original

Submitted by Aven on Mon, 26/07/04 - 8:36 PMPermalink

I like the new one a lot more. The older one just looked to mashed together :)

Submitted by Discmage on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:06 PMPermalink

Glad to hear you guys agree :) The character is a lot more interesting to me now so i'm going to enjoy it a bit more...which is y main point of entering the comp...enjoyment and learning...

Having the possibility of MAX at the end just gives me extra incentive to at least FINISH it...which is my biggest flaw with personal projects. I decide to do something, learn what I need then move on to another project. I'm trying to start focusing on finished works more often of late.

I still suffer from project creep though, where I get a new idea and pursue that...I think I have 5-6 projects when I'm trying very hard to keep it to a maximum of 4.

But anyway, thanks for your support on the revision :)

Submitted by Discmage on Thu, 29/07/04 - 9:49 AMPermalink

And another update. Took me two goes to get the arms where I want as seperate entitities and this one where it's all one object. As the arms won't be moving much, wriggling at a maximum, I didn't see the point in wasting all the polys underneath the arms.

I'm thinking one side has all the blades on the belt (sharp knife, meat cleaver all bloodied up) and the other I was thinking of either having body parts or a bloodied chainsaw hanging off his hip...any thoughts?

Now I will be focusing on the chains and padlocks...any ideas as to a good way I could pull chains off without wasting all my polys??

I was thinking just a strip with a bump, opacity map...but wouldn't mind something with at least a little more depth. Thoughts would be appreciated..on model so far and chains methods.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]jester_04.jpg[/url]
80.85 KB

Submitted by Jackablade on Thu, 29/07/04 - 1:02 PMPermalink

There was a guy on Polycount a while back who did some really good chains using opacity planes on a 3d version of the Pitt comic book character. I'll see if I can dig it up.

Here you go, shows more or less how he did it.
He was going to do a tutorial on how to make the chains, but I think he got a new job and hasn't gotten around to it.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 29/07/04 - 7:13 PMPermalink

models looking great, if you have enough polys to spare (and time) you could look into modelling the chains as 3d objects, but more then likely youll probably need alpha mapped surfaces.

Submitted by Discmage on Thu, 29/07/04 - 10:25 PMPermalink

That's great jackablade...I think I might use that for now unless I get a better idea.

Thanks for the word up Moonunit...I'm pretty happy with it so far too :)

I don't think I could afford the polycount for that...I want a LOT of chains :)

Submitted by Discmage on Fri, 30/07/04 - 10:21 AMPermalink

Here is the latest version with the chains..not much of an update but I was so impressed with the initial results I thought I'd post them :) So thanks again Jackablade for the links to those images, they really helped out.

In truth I think I'm up to the refining stage and final consideration as to what hangs off his other belt. That way I can have what I have look better, rather than trying to come up with more gimmicks :)

I think the legs need a lot of work, but now that I've made it so his head spins round, rather than there's two whole sides to him figured that'd be creepier (slow turning head ringin' a bell anyone?) and in essence more practical in regards to deformations and making him 'tick'.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]jester_05.jpg[/url]
68.95 KB

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 31/07/04 - 4:43 AMPermalink

good work on the chains, there looking nice :D

Submitted by Discmage on Sun, 01/08/04 - 12:51 AMPermalink

Here is the other side of the's sort of a belligerent 'friendly' face, if a little twisted as his eyes are stitched closed. Blood will be oozing from the lids also.

THe horror element comes in when the opposite side comes in, imagine getting tips or help from this side only for the manic side to suddenly twist around and laugh in maniacal glee that you fell for it...

I kind of like the idea that you can talk to this character as long as you want and he will either help or not...but the longer you stay, the more chance there is of the other side coming to the fore. Sometimes it takes a while and you get some really handy information, other times his manic side comes straight out and rips into you. so it's sort of like a gamble as to if you get the best out of him or not.


Submitted by Discmage on Fri, 17/09/04 - 1:24 AMPermalink

Just to make it sands through the hourglass these are the unfuilfilled promises of our lives...

Unfortunately I won't be finishing this little beasty. A huge project came through halfway and I also decided to focus on a mod I'm doing as it's not getting anywhere either. Figured a completed mod with multiple models is better for folio than one model (although Max WOULD have been very nice if I had a chance at winning :)

I wish everyone the best and I'm certainly impresed with a lot of the works here. Keep it up!

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Stu

This is my concept for a Genetically Enhanced Nuclear Insurgent Exemplar (or G.E.N.I.E) a fairly mid level boss, they are usually called in in squads of 4 or 5 to deal with riots and other forms of crowd control and are pretty much the big bad guys of law enforcement (think; Judge Dread) you wouldn't really want to mess with one of these guys let alone a whole squad.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]genie-web.gif[/url]
37.06 KB

Submitted by Makk on Mon, 19/07/04 - 1:51 AMPermalink

hmmm...does this fit into the horror survival genre though?

Submitted by Stu on Mon, 19/07/04 - 4:01 AMPermalink

Well I dont play much survival/horror, but I imagined a game kinda like red faction where you were part of a rebellion and these guys were one of bosses. Maybe I'll re-work the concept a bit.


Submitted by Sinister on Mon, 19/07/04 - 10:18 PMPermalink

Hmmm... more horror, less sci-fi. Think blood, guts, entrails, wounds, or even just sheer creepy.

Submitted by Malus on Mon, 19/07/04 - 11:30 PMPermalink

Stu: Red Faction is about as far removed from survival/horror as you can get.

Submitted by RasTuS on Tue, 20/07/04 - 6:57 AMPermalink

"Think blood, guts, entrails, wounds, or even just sheer creepy."

u described gore more than horror

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Schlumppy

[IMG] [/IMG]
[IMG] [/IMG]

Here is my submission for this challenge. This is a little some that I drew last month that might be suitable for this challenge. I still want add some more details to it. The character is bit like a centaur but is made up from a human torso attached to some kind of demon dog.


Submitted by conundrum on Sun, 18/07/04 - 10:01 AMPermalink

looks great so far, although i think you could make the mans torso attach directly to the pillar as it looks a little strange with it clutching its sides, looking forward to the modelling.

Submitted by bullet21 on Sun, 18/07/04 - 7:45 PMPermalink

Great concept, great name as well, Can't waiit to see it modelled.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 18/07/04 - 10:14 PMPermalink

Very Doom-esque, I like this concept - Well done Schlumppy.

Submitted by conundrum on Mon, 19/07/04 - 5:42 AMPermalink

looks superb so far, i especially like the face, no critiques right now, keep it up

Submitted by Sinister on Mon, 19/07/04 - 10:13 PMPermalink

Great concept, befittng name and excellent start to the model. I'll be watching with interest.

Submitted by RasTuS on Tue, 20/07/04 - 6:00 AMPermalink

post some better wires and i think with tmmount of poly's in there u could define the muscles a bit more and work on the feet i want to see if u can make em look as good as the 2nd concept

i like it better than the firse more definition in the monster

Submitted by Aven on Tue, 20/07/04 - 7:05 AMPermalink

Hey Dan. I agree with Rastus about making it more muscley. Like your concept. His legs also look a little bow-legged. Looks like you could just run up, kick him on the inside of his leg and watch him fall flat to the ground :) And make it look more evil or fierce. It looks to cute :D

Submitted by Schlumppy on Tue, 20/07/04 - 8:22 AMPermalink

Rastus and Aven: Beside the rough base mesh I haven?t put much definition in to his arms yet, planing on doing so soon. I must agree he does look a bit bow legged, have to fix that. Aven, yeah he doesn?t look as evil as I wanted him to, maybe when he is textured that will help.

I have just read Malus comment in the Sticky thread about some concepts not really being survival/horror. I think that I?m one of them, my guy is more DOOM 3 than Resident Evil or Silent Hill. So I have started a new concept. I will however finish Centerror. Here is my new concept. He is a gardener that has been taken over by his favourite plant.



Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:31 AMPermalink

looks cool, i suppose its fits the theme more, the doom feel was certainly with your last model.

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 20/07/04 - 7:15 PMPermalink

Ahh, now that?s a good submission for this challenge ? right on topic! It?s a clever idea. I?d like to see how you plan on doing his face. Will the plant life be evident? Or will he be more like a plant infected zombie type guy?

Cool idea [:)]

It?s good that you plan on finishing that other monster also. He was coming along nicely.

Submitted by xyz on Tue, 20/07/04 - 10:44 PMPermalink

It reminds me of a character in a game which looked like a friendly. It asked for help, then turned nasty. A good idea but it only works once? I think it was a child.

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 21/07/04 - 2:15 AMPermalink

your first concept is cool, but i agree, the second one is much more in with the theme.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 25/07/04 - 5:41 AMPermalink

I really like it Schlumpy - the plant aspect is really quite different from the norm of undead / zombie types that we see in resi evil / silent hill.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sun, 25/07/04 - 5:54 AMPermalink

i like it, perhaps make his veins poping up or somethig in places and make them green like that plant is spreading further. looks awsome

Submitted by Jackablade on Sun, 25/07/04 - 10:16 AMPermalink

I think I liked the one with the flytrap in his back better. Good design though, far better than the first one methinks.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 26/07/04 - 4:43 AMPermalink

great work, should keep the (errm whadda ya call em...) hedge trimmer things though

Submitted by Schlumppy on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:29 AMPermalink

Here is another concept that I did last night. This picture is for a front reference to model from. I think I have set myself a challenge with the vines, I can see them taking up a lot of polyies and should be interesting to model. I have started the model, it is fairly low in polyies at the moment. He doesn?t look too scary at the moment have to work on that.




Submitted by Jackablade on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:41 AMPermalink

Modelling an 8000 poly model in tris isn't going to be much fun. This'll go smoother if you work in quads.

Your new design is looking very swish. I''ll look forward to seeing your progress.

Submitted by Discmage on Mon, 26/07/04 - 10:23 PMPermalink

I really like the idea and the sketch is pretty cool.

My only crit would be to take away the mouth in a mouth on the torso...the long snake like one...I think it's a bit overkill in my personal opinion...but I could be wrong. If you look into actual plants like that (I forget their name) maybe there is enough detail in their mouth area to reduce it to the real version?? Like snagging spindles or poison barbs. That way the rest of him could pull in his prey and stab/tangle him until he can subdue them....

...or something :)

Submitted by Malus on Wed, 28/07/04 - 5:26 AMPermalink

quote:I never realised just how much 8000 polys is for making a model. I must say I?m a bit out of my depth, most of the models I make are no more that 3k.

And thats the reason I set it, I noticed everyone (myself included) had a nice little groove they liked to rest in. [:)]

Tis a challenge after all. [^]

Submitted by Schlumppy on Fri, 30/07/04 - 4:49 AMPermalink

I decided to concentrate on the face for the moment, I think I was getting a bit too far head of myself with the previous mesh, there wasn?t enough detail in it. I must thank my sister for suggesting that his tongue could be like the thing coming out of his chest. I think it looks good and makes him scarier. The poly count is abit high at 5.5k, but it shouldn't be too hard to reduce later. Next I?m going to add vines to one side of his face. Any comments?



Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:24 AMPermalink

lookin great, cant really fault that face

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 30/07/04 - 5:56 PMPermalink

I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of the plant coming out from his mouth. Mainly as most creatures look very odd with really long tongues that they can't store in their mouth (Killer Tongue for reference). It may also be a bit too much if you still decide to keep the one in his chest.

Submitted by Schlumppy on Sun, 01/08/04 - 4:35 AMPermalink

After seeing Delmo?s model my first thought was ?Game over Man, Game over!? Then my next thought was I can?t wait to see everyone else?s, for Delmo has defiantly raised the bar. Now we are all going to have to work a lot harder. But in the end we are all going to have some really good models that are sure to impress people. So here is an update of my work. I have reached the 8k mark. Now he has legs and a vine arm. Going to start his stumpy leg next

Aven: I?m going to leave the tongue the way it is for the moment, for I can always remove it later. I might though change the head/mouth of the planet so that it looks more like a Venus fly trap, same with the one coming out of his chest.



Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 01/08/04 - 6:07 AMPermalink

woweeee thats a damn good model you got there, super smooth, but i guess youll need to tone that down a bit once youve added the rest of the detail

Submitted by conundrum on Sun, 01/08/04 - 10:16 PMPermalink

looking superb, definately one of the forerunners right now. the only thing i notice is that his legs/pants don't seem to be quite up to the standard of the rest of the model (they seem quite shapeless and blocky, although im sure its only because you havnt worked on them as much as the rest, just though id point it out. keep it up though, its coming along really well

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- LiveWire

i've got an idea, but i'll wait 'til i've had a chance to go over it a bit before i post anything. havnt had a chance to enter a sumea challenge before - always never had the time. unfortunatly this time will probably be no different, but i'll see what i can get done non-the-less!

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:35 PMPermalink

I've go this idea for a large zombie insect, kinda like the bug guy out of men in black cros with a preying mantis:

six legs witht he fronones like the giant blades on that thing in starwars ep 2. a insect like body, all zombified, with the top of his head like the Alien aliens. the jaw is an oversized human jaw, and the chest is an oversize rottern human chest,with the rib cage torn appart to stretch the width of the body. thinking about pputing a beating heart inside :).
he will have a large trasparent stomach (like on those Shriek toys - from Red Roster i think) with limbs and other gory bits floatring around in it.

it's all a bit hard to describe, but i should get a concept sketch up shortly.

btw: JD - shotgun big giant evil zombie bug! just as long as your's dosnt walk on all fours (or six as is the case i guess)! :)

Submitted by tojo on Wed, 21/07/04 - 9:53 PMPermalink

oh no...... i was planning on doing the beating heart thing??
although i wasnt sure if my heart was going to be just out in the oped or had some kinda soft tissue slightly obscuring it... at either rate..... i was planning on having its beating animate-able
also was going to have the intestines and bits and pieces just under a semi transparent skin....
i guess it is a horror theme ;) ........... we probably wont be the only ones either....
sounds like a winner idea though! cant wait to see some concepts..

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 21/07/04 - 10:03 PMPermalink

yeah, i just had a look at some other threads and there are a few people doing bug type things, luily mine is different enough from them though so it's still original.

just had a look at your concept - freaking different from mine so i dont see any problem with the couple of simularities.
go the transparent skin for sure though, that would be awsome. mine has a transparent stomach only, not skin, and it has things it's eaten floating inside it. it wil have some exposed organs and stuff around the cest area, but i think it's very different to yours still.

and yeah, its a horor them so i guess there will be a lot of exposed guts and hearts and such. the reason i included them was to put more human elements into my hybrid monter thing.

Submitted by MarkMash on Thu, 22/07/04 - 6:28 AMPermalink

Looks great man, best drawing i've seen from you.

IDEA: You could make it excrete some sort of gooey substance that tastes irresitable to humans and then secretly sell it as a new soft drink :) NO ONE WILL KNOW YOUR DISGUSTING SECRET!

for all those that dont know that was a futurama reference.

But yeah looks cool man. I'd only suggest working on the head and putting some antennae in. You might want to work on the mouth so it can take substantial bites out of its victims. Maybe godzilla head would be good ref for it? (for the shape of jaw) your decision.

Submitted by JD on Thu, 22/07/04 - 6:29 AMPermalink

Looks cool man.. Good to see ours arent really that alike at all. Nice concept.

Is the seethrough back of the head thing going to still be included??


Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 22/07/04 - 6:34 AMPermalink

dunno about the see through thing, maybe, will have to redesign it a bit. i like the idea (for everyone else: i had this idea to make the back half of the skull transparent so you could see it's brain, it would also feature as a weak spot). i think i'll wait until i get a few more comments before i give it an overhall

antennae, yes, i forgot to mention them, they featured in an earlier design and i meant to ask: antennae yay or nay??

Submitted by Jackablade on Thu, 22/07/04 - 9:01 AMPermalink

You've got quite a nice concept going on there, but I'm not sure it really fulfills the necessary scariness quota. I'd work a lot on the human side of things as that tends to be what makes the better survival horror beasties so disturbing.

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 22/07/04 - 8:26 PMPermalink

the big lmp things on it's back and neck i'm going to have as spine type things pertruding through the 'shell' rather than being a part of it.
going to texture bullet holes and decay into it.
goingto collapse one side of it's head like it's an empty cavety, with all the eyes on that side diluted.
might change one back leg to a weid human like leg
one blade will be broken before the tip.
make it walk with a limp and lean to one side

basically ideas to make it more zombie like. a walking dead thing rather than a standard monster

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 03/08/04 - 6:46 AMPermalink

i've decided to scrap my giant evil zombie human bug monster. having to much trouble making it look good.

so a couple of new ideas in the works, i guess i'm falling behind but seeing as though i'm not likely to have any time to work on it for a few weeks anyway (until after trimester finsihes) i guess it isnt a problem...

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 09/08/04 - 5:38 AMPermalink

right, final idea, no concept yet but it will be comming:

(btw i havnt really got a chance to look through every single entry so if someone is already doing this let me know)

The Harvester

An old farmer limping around pulling his cart behind him. He wears a floppy hat with his head drooped down, so as he comes towards you don?t really know if he?s a bad guy or not ? until you notice the cart has a half completed body secured to it. Half completed because it?s obviously made up of several different sources. He stops and raises his head at you, revealing a half decayed face and zombie eyes (com?on if he wasn?t a zombie where would be the fun?).

- Until you get close you wouldn?t know he?s a zombie. His overalls cover most of his body. Although they are very grubby and stained with dry blood. So you wouldn?t know for sure until he got close enough.
- Cart is old and dodgy. Lopsided, one wheel partly broken, neither truly round, add this to the farmers limp and it all comes along at a fairly slow pace.
- over the surface of the cart is a ?sheet? of human skin
- on top of this is the body, secured to it with large rusty nails as to prevent it from falling off
- also on the cart are a few crude tools (eg. saw) used for the farmer?s ?operations?, including a nasty looking pick axe which he uses to subdue his patients.

Shotgun catchphrase:

?Care to make a donation??

now all i have to do is find the time to model it, and at the moment it's looking more and more likely i'm not even going to have the time to start, which sucks cos i really wanted to enter a sumea comp this year. dang.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 09/08/04 - 5:56 AMPermalink

sounds interesting, like the idea of the danger not being immediatly apparent. As for similarities.... someone (damn forget who) is doing a crazy half human gardener half living venus flytrap and ive got a guy who is attempting to assemble zombie bots through his own crude operations so he carries around a bag of spare parts (human and metallic), a meat cleaver and a cutting knife. Other then that no one is doing a farmer character i dont think :D

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 09/08/04 - 6:01 AMPermalink

cool, i've seen the plant dude and i mine's definalty different from that. i guess back story has some simularities to yours but overall i think it's very different character... so kewl! time to start sketching...

EDIT: just checked out yours (there are only a couple of entries that i know by name, but i rember yours now, it's nasty). the picture i have in mind for mine is VERY different, so no worries there [:)]

Submitted by MoonUnit on Mon, 09/08/04 - 6:33 AMPermalink

good stuff, looking forward to some piccys :D

Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- Bullet21

I'm in this for sure, but i don't think i will be able to texture it, cos i'm only learning, but i have a great idea and will give it my best shot, will post concept on Monday.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sun, 18/07/04 - 5:48 AMPermalink

comp dosent close until september man :) you got time to learn
i gotta learn how to make my own skeletons personally

Submitted by bullet21 on Tue, 20/07/04 - 3:50 AMPermalink

WEll, i've sketched out the concept (pardon my drawing skils :( ) and her it is:

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]Imortal-Korp.jpg[/url]
95.01 KB

I'll add some ink and colour it tomoz, but any way he is called an immortal Korp, and the story goes like this:

He was created by a German BioTech Giant called Engel Tech, in their efforts to create super soldiers from the dead (Inspired by Universal Soldier). It failed miserably creating this violent creature which desires the blood shed of all those who woke it from its eternal sleep. He also contains nanobots, which were put in to repair any wounds in the battlefield. He has a sword called the Flesh Whip and an attached Gun and Melee Weapon.

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 20/07/04 - 7:00 AMPermalink

Interesting. [:)]
It?s a pity it?s too big to see it all without scrolling ? I can?t really ?get? the picture as a whole. Seriously man, you really should scale your scans down to a more respectable viewing size [:P]
Good work though.

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 28/07/04 - 5:36 AMPermalink

Well, i'm still in. Here's a pic of the amount of work i've done on the head so far. But i doubt i'll get it finnished. School is extremely hectic at the moment. I've just started on the head and i'll try and do as mush as possible.

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]IK3d.jpg[/url]
38.71 KB

The only real change from the concept is that i have decided to go with horn instead of a pony tale cos i thought it was scarier.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 28/07/04 - 7:57 AMPermalink

yay i was hopin you hadnt dropped completely (go team firstimers :P), thats actually pretty reminiscant of your concept

Submitted by bullet21 on Wed, 28/07/04 - 6:00 PMPermalink

Yeah moony, i wasn't droppin out cos i didn't want to leave you stranded alone in the maze of experianced challenge entrants. Let's go play!

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 28/07/04 - 7:27 PMPermalink

actually i think theres one or two other beginners poppin outta the woodwork, but yes; on to me failing to draw an orthographic sheet that i like again XP

Submitted by goodgod on Thu, 29/07/04 - 10:42 AMPermalink

Go the bondage monster.

The picture is a bit crude. But I think I get the idea.