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Sumea Challenge #6 -3d - Aven

Submitted by Aven on

After not finishing the last two, I defenitely want to get this one done :) This will also be the first low poly character I will have made in over two years. Thank Ra that the poly count is high :D Spent all weekend thinking up ideas and seeing what other people are doing. That way I wouldn't run the risk of doubling up with someone. I'm going to skip out on the concept art stage and just go into the modelling. I have a good idea what I would like my little character to look like. I'm not going for the fear side of things as we all have different ideas of what is scary. Instead, I'm just going for plain twisted :D The is only one thing with horror themes that really makes me feel uneasy. Anything that involves mother hood. My first idea was to do the mother of all evil. Decided that was a bit too cliched. Instead I decided to go for a poor disfigured flesh craft mother. With part of her daughter. So. The never needed story to make the design seem feasible. Set up in log form :) 10th September - Purchasing this small clinic proved to be a very good idea. There are plenty of sick people in the area that can be used for test subjects 12th September - Today a single mother and her daughter came in. The child just has a common cold. Both are very skinny and quite sickly. During the checkup, they were both drugged. They will prove to be interesting subjects. 18th September - After a week of experiments, the daughter is holding up quite well. The drugs seem to be strengthing her to a remarkable level. The mother seems to be going though imense psychological trauma at the sight of her daughter being experimented on. 19th September - The mother was started on a weaker form of one of our drugs. It seems to have sedated her a bit as well. All she does is sit there with a vacant look in her eyes. She is still always watching her daughter though. 29th September - The daughter is still holding up well to the various experiments. She has sustaned some very serious wounds and so far she only has scars to show for it. It is time to take it further. 30th September - One of my associates tried some skin crafting on the small child today. After successfully peeling off a skin sample from her arm, we decided to try it on her face. This proved to be too much for the small child. She died before the skin sample was completely removed. The mother finally showed some sort of reaction since we started her on the drugs. She slouched forward a little and started to weep. 3rd October - Today the experiments on the mother started. Preparing her for a longer period of time with the drugs has seemedto have payed off. We have preformed similar procedures to the mother as what was done to her child. Her vital signs have hardly changed since we started. Remarkable. 5th October - We peeled the skin away from her left rib cage and placed some IV cables directly to her major organs. We can now flood her system with the drugs. We left the skin peeled away from her ribs and she seems unafected by it. 21st October - After two weeks, the mother is still in perfect condition. Since stopping the original drugs, she has started to show some emotion again. She keeps on begging to see her daughter. 28th October - The mother is still wanting to see her daughter. Tomorrow we will make it so that she will be with her daughter forever. 29th October - We tried removing a large portion of skin from the mother's face. Not only did she survive the ordeal, she didn't even move during it. The portion of her daughter's face that was removed was grafted into her face. The area around the center of the graft was healed incredibly quickly. It has taken hold and it even has feeling there. I am sure that the edges will never completely hold, so we had to hold them down with alternate methods. The mother was given a mirror so that she can see her daughter. 6th November - The mother seems to have become completely complacent since we grafted her daughter's face onto hers. We are now able to mold her mentally. So. I am making a mother who has half of her deceased daughter's face over top of hers. She is just meant to be a grunt. Not a boss character of any sort. In a similar style to Clive Barker's works. She will be incredibly scared and manipulated. Her clothing will be a mixture of leather and lace (good girl/bad girl). She will have some drips on her back that lead up into her rib cage. Her feet will be bound and generally look unpleasent. The last thing to make her look a little more freaky (for the moment) will be to give her some extreme corseting. I saw this photo ages ago and it really freaked me out. I wont go quite that far, but it will still look very bad :) And a WIP after a days work: [img][/img] Just trying to get the rough proprtions in. Don't worry too much about the details. Most of her will be bound anyway :) Crits appreciated.

Submitted by denz on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:44 PM Permalink

nice start, freaky concept. even freakier ref[:0]

Model is coming along good aswell, you have to keep that head!

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:58 PM Permalink

Thanks Matt, now I feel a little sick. [:(]

Hope it looks as sick as it sounds.

Submitted by Jozvex on Tue, 20/07/04 - 11:08 PM Permalink

And that was one of his less gross ideas too!

Submitted by conundrum on Wed, 21/07/04 - 2:15 AM Permalink

brilliant concept and the mdels looking good, although im so freaked out i probably wont visit this thread again.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 2:51 AM Permalink

Denz - I wont make any promises, but I will try to keep that head :D Brendan - Wow. What a coincidence. You and the model have something in common. You are both having difficulties keeping your lunch down ;) Jared - 'Bout time you joined up. I still think that you should give the challenge a go :) Conundrum - Thank you. It isn't that bad is it? I have been tossing up an idea, but was unsure if I should go with it or not. I will axe my girl friend if I can use her for reference (bless you Giger). If she says yes, then I wont be able to get any photos of her until Friday. It may be a fairly slow week then.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:13 AM Permalink

You will axe your girlfriend?!?!? Dude! I think you need to lie down, this challenge is really disturbing you ;)

Seriously, really cool idea. The log is a nice touch.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 6:10 AM Permalink

Makk - Futurama. Leela - Christmas? It must be some archaic pronunciation. Just like when you say ask instead of axe. Woo. I just got off the phone with my girlfriend and she said it is cool. I don't think she really understands what she is getting herself into... Since I wont be able to take some ref photos until later in the week, I will do up some concept art (sketches) to get feedback about her clothing :)

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:16 AM Permalink

Just a little update. I took some ref photos of my girlfriend. I took about a dozen of them and she has a different expression in all of them. Instead of tempting fate and trying to take more photos of her, i'll just settle for generic asian tortured woman #627. Here is her head so far. sits in at just 1800. I have a feeling that I will need to cull quite a few poly, which shouldn't be too hard. I see some areas that can be cut down quite easily (bridge of the daughter's nose, mother's ear, teeth can still be made better). I also need to shift the ear out a bit more. it is too flat for my liking. [img][/img] Any crits welcome :) I am still deciding on her clothes. I have a few very rough sketches to help me out. I'm thinking of a stained sundress that has been strapped and bound to her body.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:18 AM Permalink

hey good idea for when ill eventually have to do a female character (never really been in my ellement there), force GF to help! :D
are you gonna get her to do her best zombie impersination? :P

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 30/07/04 - 10:48 AM Permalink

Girlfriend? Pfft, what kind of game developers are you...

Story is rather nice, though one has to wonder what exactly it was that the scientists were trying to achieve. Design isn't all that different from a lot of the other entries, but your construction is good enough for it to stand out.

You might like to accentuate the cheekbones a bit to give her a more feminine appearance, she's kind od androgynous at this stage. Eyes could do with a more realistic shape too.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 06/08/04 - 7:36 AM Permalink

Jackblade - Game dev? Phht. I'm more into movies. Therefore I don't have to worry about ugliness, poor hygiene and lack of social skills like you guys :p (Thanks go to SB for that come back :D). As for what the docs and scientists were trying for... Um... A game dev studio approached them and asked them to make a chemical that would make for some scary creatures :) Just to make a more plausible one. They are trying to make a chemical that elevates the patient's stamina, strength and what ever else. Eventually sell it off to the highest bidder so that armies can have super soldiers. They realise that it will take time to iron out any imperfections (makes for more games *cough*). Thanks for the advice. Her eyes have been fixed a little, but I left them so that I could start on the body. I made her cheek bones a little more prominent, but I want them to be fairly smooth as she is a more frumpier character. At the moment, she looks like a little decrepit Asian lady who always used to come into my old work. I'm guessing I'm on the right track then :) Moony - Get inspiration wherever you can :) I may have to wake her up at 3am one morning, take a photo with the flash at full power, and see what kind of look I get :p Update - I got a Game Cube the other day including Resident Evil Remade. I played RE on my PC ages ago but never got too far (lack of control pad). I read up on all the monsters in it, and found one called Lisa Trevor. This is the description of her (excuse their grammar :) ): "The daughter of George Trevor, Lisa was experimented with various kinds of virus that Umbrella have created. She is now immortal, but in exchange, she have degraded in intelligence. Lisa ripped off the faces of her mother's imitators, and decided to put them onto her so she can return it to her mum when she sees her. She have built an altar for her mother, and will attack anyone who gets near. As such, she have grown increasingly difficult to handle, and she was chained up." I started to get pretty worried (with the face comment), so I did some searching for a shot of her: [img][/img] (taken from I think I'm safe with my character, but if people think they have too much in common, I will change. Started on her body. I decided to make her more frumpy as I am tired of standard game 'chicks'. I was happy with the way her shape turned out, so I dropped the bound stomach idea (just didn't look right with her current proportions). Her body is really rough and is just there to serve as a guide. I will start making it better tomorrow. Unfortunately when trying to squeeze her stomach, I did it and saved over the normal version. A bit of her shape was lost because of that. I still need to fix that up again and make her more pear shaped. Just ignore the body appearing through her clothes :) Poly count is roughly 5k, but that shouldn't have too much attention paid to it as there are way too many extra faces in there at the moment. Straps on her arms and legs are told hold together split skin (still to be done). I will also move the second strap on her left arm down to her forearm. Rough Smoothed [img][/img] Wire [img][/img] Once again, any comments, crits and suggestions are welcome :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 06/08/04 - 7:57 AM Permalink

looking great, awesome human form/proportion etc

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 06/08/04 - 10:53 AM Permalink

That looks sweet aven [:)] Does she have shoes on or are those supposed to be bare feet ?
Reason why is im trying to decide myself whether i should model each toe on her foot if i model every finger on her hand. I mean neither areas need all that detail and attention in my character but maye yours does ? Just a thought.

I like the side profile - nice balance and weight.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 06/08/04 - 6:53 PM Permalink

Moony - Thanks HazarD - I don't really know with the feet just yet. I am pretty much changing my mind with her clothing as much as I am changing my clothing :p I don't know if I will leave her feet uncovered or not, that is why they are so basic. I don't really know about how much detail to have in her feet (if they are bare) either. I saw your feet, and have to admit that I did snicker to myself a little as it looks like she has on oven mits :D The way I always learnt things is have the most detail at the top and slowly fade it out as you go down. This is because we are used to having light sources at the top of an area. How many houses have you been into that have lights around the floor? Another reason is because people don't look at other's feet too often (my friend only realised that I was wearing a pair of sneakers the other day, even though I have had them longer than I have known him). And finally, we don't tend to move our toes too much, so it would probably be wasted to have so much detail in there :) The last game character I made was 1k, so I am learning these things as I go along. See what works best and go with it I guess.

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 06/08/04 - 11:28 PM Permalink


Oven Mits! [:O] ROFL fair comment!

Submitted by shath on Sat, 07/08/04 - 7:47 AM Permalink

i like your idea and the model looks great, a nice zombie walk would go nicely

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 19/08/04 - 7:07 AM Permalink

HazarD - I want to go the whole Billy Jean route one day :D Including a toilet that lights up when you sit on it :p Shath - Thanks. Update - Finally got around to finishing the model. I am placing it up here to get as much feedback as possible before I start the unwrap. Any crits, suggestions or feedback are greatly appreciated. Thanks go out to Joel for his help :) At the moment she is at 8490 tris (includes all the backfacing on the parts of her dress that are seen and the daughter's face). Model (Warning: long picture) Wire (Warning: long picture again)

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 19/08/04 - 5:32 PM Permalink

She's looking awesome! Nice tight looking mesh.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 19/08/04 - 9:37 PM Permalink

great work, thats a really good human model, should be great once youve got it textured (im expecting some nice rotting flesh :D )

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Fri, 20/08/04 - 5:37 AM Permalink

Looks cool. Nice smooth figure and cloth details. Also look forward to your textures [;)]

Posted by Aven on

After not finishing the last two, I defenitely want to get this one done :) This will also be the first low poly character I will have made in over two years. Thank Ra that the poly count is high :D Spent all weekend thinking up ideas and seeing what other people are doing. That way I wouldn't run the risk of doubling up with someone. I'm going to skip out on the concept art stage and just go into the modelling. I have a good idea what I would like my little character to look like. I'm not going for the fear side of things as we all have different ideas of what is scary. Instead, I'm just going for plain twisted :D The is only one thing with horror themes that really makes me feel uneasy. Anything that involves mother hood. My first idea was to do the mother of all evil. Decided that was a bit too cliched. Instead I decided to go for a poor disfigured flesh craft mother. With part of her daughter. So. The never needed story to make the design seem feasible. Set up in log form :) 10th September - Purchasing this small clinic proved to be a very good idea. There are plenty of sick people in the area that can be used for test subjects 12th September - Today a single mother and her daughter came in. The child just has a common cold. Both are very skinny and quite sickly. During the checkup, they were both drugged. They will prove to be interesting subjects. 18th September - After a week of experiments, the daughter is holding up quite well. The drugs seem to be strengthing her to a remarkable level. The mother seems to be going though imense psychological trauma at the sight of her daughter being experimented on. 19th September - The mother was started on a weaker form of one of our drugs. It seems to have sedated her a bit as well. All she does is sit there with a vacant look in her eyes. She is still always watching her daughter though. 29th September - The daughter is still holding up well to the various experiments. She has sustaned some very serious wounds and so far she only has scars to show for it. It is time to take it further. 30th September - One of my associates tried some skin crafting on the small child today. After successfully peeling off a skin sample from her arm, we decided to try it on her face. This proved to be too much for the small child. She died before the skin sample was completely removed. The mother finally showed some sort of reaction since we started her on the drugs. She slouched forward a little and started to weep. 3rd October - Today the experiments on the mother started. Preparing her for a longer period of time with the drugs has seemedto have payed off. We have preformed similar procedures to the mother as what was done to her child. Her vital signs have hardly changed since we started. Remarkable. 5th October - We peeled the skin away from her left rib cage and placed some IV cables directly to her major organs. We can now flood her system with the drugs. We left the skin peeled away from her ribs and she seems unafected by it. 21st October - After two weeks, the mother is still in perfect condition. Since stopping the original drugs, she has started to show some emotion again. She keeps on begging to see her daughter. 28th October - The mother is still wanting to see her daughter. Tomorrow we will make it so that she will be with her daughter forever. 29th October - We tried removing a large portion of skin from the mother's face. Not only did she survive the ordeal, she didn't even move during it. The portion of her daughter's face that was removed was grafted into her face. The area around the center of the graft was healed incredibly quickly. It has taken hold and it even has feeling there. I am sure that the edges will never completely hold, so we had to hold them down with alternate methods. The mother was given a mirror so that she can see her daughter. 6th November - The mother seems to have become completely complacent since we grafted her daughter's face onto hers. We are now able to mold her mentally. So. I am making a mother who has half of her deceased daughter's face over top of hers. She is just meant to be a grunt. Not a boss character of any sort. In a similar style to Clive Barker's works. She will be incredibly scared and manipulated. Her clothing will be a mixture of leather and lace (good girl/bad girl). She will have some drips on her back that lead up into her rib cage. Her feet will be bound and generally look unpleasent. The last thing to make her look a little more freaky (for the moment) will be to give her some extreme corseting. I saw this photo ages ago and it really freaked me out. I wont go quite that far, but it will still look very bad :) And a WIP after a days work: [img][/img] Just trying to get the rough proprtions in. Don't worry too much about the details. Most of her will be bound anyway :) Crits appreciated.

Submitted by denz on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:44 PM Permalink

nice start, freaky concept. even freakier ref[:0]

Model is coming along good aswell, you have to keep that head!

Submitted by Doord on Tue, 20/07/04 - 9:58 PM Permalink

Thanks Matt, now I feel a little sick. [:(]

Hope it looks as sick as it sounds.

Submitted by Jozvex on Tue, 20/07/04 - 11:08 PM Permalink

And that was one of his less gross ideas too!

Submitted by conundrum on Wed, 21/07/04 - 2:15 AM Permalink

brilliant concept and the mdels looking good, although im so freaked out i probably wont visit this thread again.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 2:51 AM Permalink

Denz - I wont make any promises, but I will try to keep that head :D Brendan - Wow. What a coincidence. You and the model have something in common. You are both having difficulties keeping your lunch down ;) Jared - 'Bout time you joined up. I still think that you should give the challenge a go :) Conundrum - Thank you. It isn't that bad is it? I have been tossing up an idea, but was unsure if I should go with it or not. I will axe my girl friend if I can use her for reference (bless you Giger). If she says yes, then I wont be able to get any photos of her until Friday. It may be a fairly slow week then.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 21/07/04 - 3:13 AM Permalink

You will axe your girlfriend?!?!? Dude! I think you need to lie down, this challenge is really disturbing you ;)

Seriously, really cool idea. The log is a nice touch.

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 21/07/04 - 6:10 AM Permalink

Makk - Futurama. Leela - Christmas? It must be some archaic pronunciation. Just like when you say ask instead of axe. Woo. I just got off the phone with my girlfriend and she said it is cool. I don't think she really understands what she is getting herself into... Since I wont be able to take some ref photos until later in the week, I will do up some concept art (sketches) to get feedback about her clothing :)

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:16 AM Permalink

Just a little update. I took some ref photos of my girlfriend. I took about a dozen of them and she has a different expression in all of them. Instead of tempting fate and trying to take more photos of her, i'll just settle for generic asian tortured woman #627. Here is her head so far. sits in at just 1800. I have a feeling that I will need to cull quite a few poly, which shouldn't be too hard. I see some areas that can be cut down quite easily (bridge of the daughter's nose, mother's ear, teeth can still be made better). I also need to shift the ear out a bit more. it is too flat for my liking. [img][/img] Any crits welcome :) I am still deciding on her clothes. I have a few very rough sketches to help me out. I'm thinking of a stained sundress that has been strapped and bound to her body.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 30/07/04 - 8:18 AM Permalink

hey good idea for when ill eventually have to do a female character (never really been in my ellement there), force GF to help! :D
are you gonna get her to do her best zombie impersination? :P

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 30/07/04 - 10:48 AM Permalink

Girlfriend? Pfft, what kind of game developers are you...

Story is rather nice, though one has to wonder what exactly it was that the scientists were trying to achieve. Design isn't all that different from a lot of the other entries, but your construction is good enough for it to stand out.

You might like to accentuate the cheekbones a bit to give her a more feminine appearance, she's kind od androgynous at this stage. Eyes could do with a more realistic shape too.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 06/08/04 - 7:36 AM Permalink

Jackblade - Game dev? Phht. I'm more into movies. Therefore I don't have to worry about ugliness, poor hygiene and lack of social skills like you guys :p (Thanks go to SB for that come back :D). As for what the docs and scientists were trying for... Um... A game dev studio approached them and asked them to make a chemical that would make for some scary creatures :) Just to make a more plausible one. They are trying to make a chemical that elevates the patient's stamina, strength and what ever else. Eventually sell it off to the highest bidder so that armies can have super soldiers. They realise that it will take time to iron out any imperfections (makes for more games *cough*). Thanks for the advice. Her eyes have been fixed a little, but I left them so that I could start on the body. I made her cheek bones a little more prominent, but I want them to be fairly smooth as she is a more frumpier character. At the moment, she looks like a little decrepit Asian lady who always used to come into my old work. I'm guessing I'm on the right track then :) Moony - Get inspiration wherever you can :) I may have to wake her up at 3am one morning, take a photo with the flash at full power, and see what kind of look I get :p Update - I got a Game Cube the other day including Resident Evil Remade. I played RE on my PC ages ago but never got too far (lack of control pad). I read up on all the monsters in it, and found one called Lisa Trevor. This is the description of her (excuse their grammar :) ): "The daughter of George Trevor, Lisa was experimented with various kinds of virus that Umbrella have created. She is now immortal, but in exchange, she have degraded in intelligence. Lisa ripped off the faces of her mother's imitators, and decided to put them onto her so she can return it to her mum when she sees her. She have built an altar for her mother, and will attack anyone who gets near. As such, she have grown increasingly difficult to handle, and she was chained up." I started to get pretty worried (with the face comment), so I did some searching for a shot of her: [img][/img] (taken from I think I'm safe with my character, but if people think they have too much in common, I will change. Started on her body. I decided to make her more frumpy as I am tired of standard game 'chicks'. I was happy with the way her shape turned out, so I dropped the bound stomach idea (just didn't look right with her current proportions). Her body is really rough and is just there to serve as a guide. I will start making it better tomorrow. Unfortunately when trying to squeeze her stomach, I did it and saved over the normal version. A bit of her shape was lost because of that. I still need to fix that up again and make her more pear shaped. Just ignore the body appearing through her clothes :) Poly count is roughly 5k, but that shouldn't have too much attention paid to it as there are way too many extra faces in there at the moment. Straps on her arms and legs are told hold together split skin (still to be done). I will also move the second strap on her left arm down to her forearm. Rough Smoothed [img][/img] Wire [img][/img] Once again, any comments, crits and suggestions are welcome :)

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 06/08/04 - 7:57 AM Permalink

looking great, awesome human form/proportion etc

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 06/08/04 - 10:53 AM Permalink

That looks sweet aven [:)] Does she have shoes on or are those supposed to be bare feet ?
Reason why is im trying to decide myself whether i should model each toe on her foot if i model every finger on her hand. I mean neither areas need all that detail and attention in my character but maye yours does ? Just a thought.

I like the side profile - nice balance and weight.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 06/08/04 - 6:53 PM Permalink

Moony - Thanks HazarD - I don't really know with the feet just yet. I am pretty much changing my mind with her clothing as much as I am changing my clothing :p I don't know if I will leave her feet uncovered or not, that is why they are so basic. I don't really know about how much detail to have in her feet (if they are bare) either. I saw your feet, and have to admit that I did snicker to myself a little as it looks like she has on oven mits :D The way I always learnt things is have the most detail at the top and slowly fade it out as you go down. This is because we are used to having light sources at the top of an area. How many houses have you been into that have lights around the floor? Another reason is because people don't look at other's feet too often (my friend only realised that I was wearing a pair of sneakers the other day, even though I have had them longer than I have known him). And finally, we don't tend to move our toes too much, so it would probably be wasted to have so much detail in there :) The last game character I made was 1k, so I am learning these things as I go along. See what works best and go with it I guess.

Submitted by Kalescent on Fri, 06/08/04 - 11:28 PM Permalink


Oven Mits! [:O] ROFL fair comment!

Submitted by shath on Sat, 07/08/04 - 7:47 AM Permalink

i like your idea and the model looks great, a nice zombie walk would go nicely

Submitted by Aven on Thu, 19/08/04 - 7:07 AM Permalink

HazarD - I want to go the whole Billy Jean route one day :D Including a toilet that lights up when you sit on it :p Shath - Thanks. Update - Finally got around to finishing the model. I am placing it up here to get as much feedback as possible before I start the unwrap. Any crits, suggestions or feedback are greatly appreciated. Thanks go out to Joel for his help :) At the moment she is at 8490 tris (includes all the backfacing on the parts of her dress that are seen and the daughter's face). Model (Warning: long picture) Wire (Warning: long picture again)

Submitted by palantir on Thu, 19/08/04 - 5:32 PM Permalink

She's looking awesome! Nice tight looking mesh.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 19/08/04 - 9:37 PM Permalink

great work, thats a really good human model, should be great once youve got it textured (im expecting some nice rotting flesh :D )

Submitted by Thardswrothe on Fri, 20/08/04 - 5:37 AM Permalink

Looks cool. Nice smooth figure and cloth details. Also look forward to your textures [;)]