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Sumea Challenge #8 - Peter Davis - CH#1

Submitted by PeterDavis on

Ok, Im done. i dont want to destroy my thread, so ill just put up the money shot and ill link to all the rest

images 1-6 are as Souri requested. image 7 is the Specular map, and image 8 is the opacity map.

Enjoy!, also, tell me what you think, even though its unlikely ill change anything this late.

Submission Images, for good measure:

Also, when judging, please put into consideration that the model actually uses 512x (4 of them, of course) maps, but they are compiled into one 1024x map for convenience. It just means that the layout of the unwrap is different than it would be had i used 1x1024 textures.PeterDavis2006-10-01 05:31:52

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 07/06/06 - 5:02 AMPermalink

ok here's my first concept scribble. hes not a werewolf. he's simply hairy and has claws and is quite vicious. but the idea is that he does emulate animalistic fighting forms. so he pounces a lot, crouching, claw swinging and stuff.

i originally wanted to give him a simple brown jacket but that means i cant model his upper arms so im working on ideas to cover his upper body. updates later.PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:40:34

Submitted by Johnn on Wed, 07/06/06 - 11:51 PMPermalink

how about a leather biker vest - then you got a bit of leather jacket action combined with bare arms. if you have it open at the front you got some pec and ab action to work with too.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 08/06/06 - 12:08 AMPermalink

Heh, funny, thats exactly what ive drawn already and i think it looks alright. i dont like the idea of biker so its probably not going to be leather, but well see. leather has potential for awesome texturing.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 08/06/06 - 2:31 AMPermalink

heres the 3 main ideas im toying with. i think i prefer the middle one, but i like the idea of the jacket (in both the left and right variants) flailing about when he spins around.

let me know what people think.PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:40:50

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Thu, 08/06/06 - 3:33 AMPermalink

The left one has a cool 'King-of-Fighters' feel to it so I like that one. For some reason, the one on the right makes him look a bit like a homeless person or a bit like the biker/gang member look you said you were trying to avoid. The middle one looks good but a bit 'spandexy'.

My pick is the white one. Nice stuff.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 08/06/06 - 3:47 AMPermalink

the other option is to combine the sleeved and the black versions, having the jacket over the black tights, but removing the black collar.
not sure about the jacket colour. i was originally aiming for brown, see what happens.

Submitted by Johnn on Thu, 08/06/06 - 4:28 AMPermalink

Warning Warning: the white one is VERY 'Miami Vice' :P

Submitted by poppin fresh on Thu, 08/06/06 - 5:55 AMPermalink

What is wrong with the miami vice look??? :O

I say make it red and black thriller style.

Submitted by Johnn on Thu, 08/06/06 - 8:46 AMPermalink

nothing is wrong with the miami vice look... aarrrghoo! why do my eyes bleed like that when I lie!

on a more constructive note I think the white jacket might be the pick of the three as far as making a distinctive character goes

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 08/06/06 - 10:36 PMPermalink

Personally im a fan of the "spandexy" version, especially in black and red. Its just cut real well, then again im a marvel fanatic. Failing that i actually woulda combined it with the sleeveless and cut the colar off one of them. The jacket just takes away from the whole primal aspect for me.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 09/06/06 - 12:07 AMPermalink

hrm. its tricky. i like the jacket but i also think the arms would look really cool normal mapped. the jacket could also.....arg

Submitted by Johnn on Fri, 09/06/06 - 12:39 AMPermalink

the fact that there is much indecision regarding your concept probably means that it ain't working on some basic level for ya (or us) - I recommend that you start a-fresh rather than attempting to fix fundamental short commings with cosmetic changes. I don't necessarly mean throw the baby and the bath water out though. but maybe revisiting your base sketch from a new angle will provide a more satisfactory path to follow. Doing this might also highlight aspects of your current concept that are not quite jelling at the moment - so keep the option of then returning to this one and pushing it forward open... hope that made sense

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 09/06/06 - 2:27 AMPermalink

im going to take a crack at adapting the middle concept. something still makes me think thats my favourite

Submitted by caseyjones on Fri, 09/06/06 - 10:06 PMPermalink

Yeah, I quite like the middle one too for some reason, but the jacket just reminds me of a character you'd find in a fighting game like Street Fighter or Fatal Fury or something. Keep pushing the ideas and you'll get something you'll like.


Submitted by Makk on Thu, 29/06/06 - 10:15 PMPermalink

Off to a good start. The face looks pretty well built. Something about the side view makes his eyes look a little strange. Maybe their too high up?
Anyway as for the hair its looking good but extended the very bottom part of the hair outward more, like what you've done with the planes.
Keep it up :)

Submitted by caseyjones on Fri, 30/06/06 - 1:55 AMPermalink

Yeah, the eyes are looking a little... wrong?
I think they are spread a little too far out. You don't have a front render so its hard to tell, but from the perspective one it looks a little too wide, maybe bring them in just slightly.
Also, you cut down a fair few polys on the face. He seems to have a lot going on around his mouth, which is fair enough if you plan on having facial deformation. If not, you could cut down a lot!
Other than that, great start to the model.


Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 30/06/06 - 2:49 AMPermalink

these are shot of how the face looks like now, also the same as in the 2nd progress shot. so there was some tweaking thats harder to see with all the hair.

ill think about the mouth, i think its just old habits really making sure that the mouth and edge loops are clean. if i were to change things there, id leave it until i model the rest of the character. i may not need to, and itll mean that the character can have facial deformations later on if i want.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:16

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 06/07/06 - 6:06 AMPermalink

ok taking a crack at the normal map just to get grounded. the low poly was thereafter culled somewhat, but i still want to retain the silhouette at a certain level.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:29

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 07/07/06 - 12:50 PMPermalink

heres the direction im heading in. dont mind the cap at the top, the hair will be in layers which i havent done yet. also itll be either black or dark brown in colour, i just wanted to get the transparencies down first.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:41

Submitted by caseyjones on Sat, 08/07/06 - 1:49 AMPermalink

Great job on the model so far dude, its coming along really well!


Submitted by shika on Sat, 08/07/06 - 3:49 AMPermalink

yep, the normal map is looking pretty damn spiffy, the bridge of his nose has a bit of a sharp edge to it though.

really looking forward to seeing the finished hair :)

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sat, 08/07/06 - 5:27 AMPermalink

ok progress on the hair. im quite happy with it even though im decidedly not very good at realistic hair. it still has its issues.

also first look at face colours.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:52

Submitted by silvermirage on Sat, 08/07/06 - 8:42 PMPermalink

up close it might look a a little jagged,
but i think the hair is pretty swell lookin from a relative distance,

Ok, Im done. i dont want to destroy my thread, so ill just put up the money shot and ill link to all the rest

images 1-6 are as Souri requested. image 7 is the Specular map, and image 8 is the opacity map.

Enjoy!, also, tell me what you think, even though its unlikely ill change anything this late.

Submission Images, for good measure:

Also, when judging, please put into consideration that the model actually uses 512x (4 of them, of course) maps, but they are compiled into one 1024x map for convenience. It just means that the layout of the unwrap is different than it would be had i used 1x1024 textures.PeterDavis2006-10-01 05:31:52

Submitted by PeterDavis on Wed, 07/06/06 - 5:02 AMPermalink

ok here's my first concept scribble. hes not a werewolf. he's simply hairy and has claws and is quite vicious. but the idea is that he does emulate animalistic fighting forms. so he pounces a lot, crouching, claw swinging and stuff.

i originally wanted to give him a simple brown jacket but that means i cant model his upper arms so im working on ideas to cover his upper body. updates later.PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:40:34

Submitted by Johnn on Wed, 07/06/06 - 11:51 PMPermalink

how about a leather biker vest - then you got a bit of leather jacket action combined with bare arms. if you have it open at the front you got some pec and ab action to work with too.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 08/06/06 - 12:08 AMPermalink

Heh, funny, thats exactly what ive drawn already and i think it looks alright. i dont like the idea of biker so its probably not going to be leather, but well see. leather has potential for awesome texturing.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 08/06/06 - 2:31 AMPermalink

heres the 3 main ideas im toying with. i think i prefer the middle one, but i like the idea of the jacket (in both the left and right variants) flailing about when he spins around.

let me know what people think.PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:40:50

Submitted by JonathanKerr on Thu, 08/06/06 - 3:33 AMPermalink

The left one has a cool 'King-of-Fighters' feel to it so I like that one. For some reason, the one on the right makes him look a bit like a homeless person or a bit like the biker/gang member look you said you were trying to avoid. The middle one looks good but a bit 'spandexy'.

My pick is the white one. Nice stuff.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 08/06/06 - 3:47 AMPermalink

the other option is to combine the sleeved and the black versions, having the jacket over the black tights, but removing the black collar.
not sure about the jacket colour. i was originally aiming for brown, see what happens.

Submitted by Johnn on Thu, 08/06/06 - 4:28 AMPermalink

Warning Warning: the white one is VERY 'Miami Vice' :P

Submitted by poppin fresh on Thu, 08/06/06 - 5:55 AMPermalink

What is wrong with the miami vice look??? :O

I say make it red and black thriller style.

Submitted by Johnn on Thu, 08/06/06 - 8:46 AMPermalink

nothing is wrong with the miami vice look... aarrrghoo! why do my eyes bleed like that when I lie!

on a more constructive note I think the white jacket might be the pick of the three as far as making a distinctive character goes

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 08/06/06 - 10:36 PMPermalink

Personally im a fan of the "spandexy" version, especially in black and red. Its just cut real well, then again im a marvel fanatic. Failing that i actually woulda combined it with the sleeveless and cut the colar off one of them. The jacket just takes away from the whole primal aspect for me.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 09/06/06 - 12:07 AMPermalink

hrm. its tricky. i like the jacket but i also think the arms would look really cool normal mapped. the jacket could also.....arg

Submitted by Johnn on Fri, 09/06/06 - 12:39 AMPermalink

the fact that there is much indecision regarding your concept probably means that it ain't working on some basic level for ya (or us) - I recommend that you start a-fresh rather than attempting to fix fundamental short commings with cosmetic changes. I don't necessarly mean throw the baby and the bath water out though. but maybe revisiting your base sketch from a new angle will provide a more satisfactory path to follow. Doing this might also highlight aspects of your current concept that are not quite jelling at the moment - so keep the option of then returning to this one and pushing it forward open... hope that made sense

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 09/06/06 - 2:27 AMPermalink

im going to take a crack at adapting the middle concept. something still makes me think thats my favourite

Submitted by caseyjones on Fri, 09/06/06 - 10:06 PMPermalink

Yeah, I quite like the middle one too for some reason, but the jacket just reminds me of a character you'd find in a fighting game like Street Fighter or Fatal Fury or something. Keep pushing the ideas and you'll get something you'll like.


Submitted by Makk on Thu, 29/06/06 - 10:15 PMPermalink

Off to a good start. The face looks pretty well built. Something about the side view makes his eyes look a little strange. Maybe their too high up?
Anyway as for the hair its looking good but extended the very bottom part of the hair outward more, like what you've done with the planes.
Keep it up :)

Submitted by caseyjones on Fri, 30/06/06 - 1:55 AMPermalink

Yeah, the eyes are looking a little... wrong?
I think they are spread a little too far out. You don't have a front render so its hard to tell, but from the perspective one it looks a little too wide, maybe bring them in just slightly.
Also, you cut down a fair few polys on the face. He seems to have a lot going on around his mouth, which is fair enough if you plan on having facial deformation. If not, you could cut down a lot!
Other than that, great start to the model.


Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 30/06/06 - 2:49 AMPermalink

these are shot of how the face looks like now, also the same as in the 2nd progress shot. so there was some tweaking thats harder to see with all the hair.

ill think about the mouth, i think its just old habits really making sure that the mouth and edge loops are clean. if i were to change things there, id leave it until i model the rest of the character. i may not need to, and itll mean that the character can have facial deformations later on if i want.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:16

Submitted by PeterDavis on Thu, 06/07/06 - 6:06 AMPermalink

ok taking a crack at the normal map just to get grounded. the low poly was thereafter culled somewhat, but i still want to retain the silhouette at a certain level.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:29

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 07/07/06 - 12:50 PMPermalink

heres the direction im heading in. dont mind the cap at the top, the hair will be in layers which i havent done yet. also itll be either black or dark brown in colour, i just wanted to get the transparencies down first.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:41

Submitted by caseyjones on Sat, 08/07/06 - 1:49 AMPermalink

Great job on the model so far dude, its coming along really well!


Submitted by shika on Sat, 08/07/06 - 3:49 AMPermalink

yep, the normal map is looking pretty damn spiffy, the bridge of his nose has a bit of a sharp edge to it though.

really looking forward to seeing the finished hair :)

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sat, 08/07/06 - 5:27 AMPermalink

ok progress on the hair. im quite happy with it even though im decidedly not very good at realistic hair. it still has its issues.

also first look at face colours.

PeterDavis2006-09-21 07:38:52

Submitted by silvermirage on Sat, 08/07/06 - 8:42 PMPermalink

up close it might look a a little jagged,
but i think the hair is pretty swell lookin from a relative distance,