i'm learning as i go, as this is my first time participating.
i'm sure this will be a valuable experience,
and looking forward to the next four months,
and would like to say to my fellow participants,
gl hf!
Great image. Really like the linework in the image and your character gives off a real sense of bulk and power. Really like the goddess image on the shield, or is it a bracer/buckler?
Maybe a half-moon axe for the weapon so something with a different weapon at each end - eg, a crook for hooking their legs and a bludgeoning weapon at the other end? For some reason, this guys weapon looks like it'd be a bludgeoning weapon. Something that'd break bones as opposed to cleaving someone in half.
Very cool design.
Nice! I can't put my finger on it but something definitely reminds me of that particular Gladiator character - if you're sticking to that influence maybe go with a chrome finish on the armour?
Something about the proportions doesn't look quite right, especially around the neck and shoulders. I think his pecs are coming together a little too high as well. I'm not sure, it could just be the helmet and the neck guard thingy are confusing me - I'm easily confused.
The finger shaped poking stick is a mighty weapon of terror to be sure.
JonathanKerr - Thanks buddy, btw thats a shield, and yeah I reckon a bludgeoning weapon is awesome with this character
Bunny - Hehe all's good. Once I start the model maybe its easier to see,
caseyjones - Thanks man, I can't wait either. ZBrush ing this character should be great.
nice concept and clearly illustrated. My initial thought that it looked Greek Mythology inspired with dose on Ancient Egyptian rather than Roman gladiator. The character you referred to in the movie is, I suspect, Greek inspired, so you must ahve captured a good about of the right features
Regarding the Egyptian aspect (beard style, angular neck guard and hair detail) I think the character would benefit from a remodel of these elements to fit more with the Greek Myth stylin' ...but just my personal opinion - other might disagree.
Bunny commented on the pec too - they are not attached correctly to the arms - would be good to see that detail corrected as his barrel chest is a focus of the design.
ello ello people,
Just a quick update,
been dabbling around in Zbrush today
and did a preview of the man behind the mask
I'm still playing around with zbrush as
im still learning the program itself
the second concept is progressing fine too,
but its way too complex which is why i fear i wont be able to
fit it within the 6000 tris budget, damn...
i'll have to alter it when i have some time later,
i'll post it after i colour it.
wow, seems like everyone's been burning the midnight oil.
not to get left behind, here's my concept.
TAURUS, he's a gladiator inspired from that dude that russel crowe killed in the movie,
cant remember his name, but for some reason hes turning out very similar to
the mummy fighter dude from darkstalkers.
i havent decided on the weapon,
as i ran out of space on the paper i didnt bother drawing it as yet,
im thinking along the lines of an axe or a mace, or maybe even a finger shaped poking stick
The second concept is a valkyrie named Edith,
once a protector of God, she was banished due to her jealousy to mankind
she is the wielder of the Longinus, the mythical spear that pierced Christ.
anyway, c&c are most welcome
feel free to suggest alternatives for the weapon too