THEME: Create a marketable sidekick character with one original form and two evolved forms (3 in total). It can be anything from a robot, a pokemon-eque creature
to a sea urchin. Make it appealling - doesn't necessarily have to be cute but G-rated is best. Creature can evolve as a hero or villain (read above brief) - what would happen
if the creature was heroic but the main character was villainous? And vice versa?
STYLE: Any you want. Just remember you're trying to appeal to the lucrative 6-12 year old market, so parents are also a consideration. Ideally your product would be
easily put on lunchboxes, stickers etc.
RESTRICTIONS: No blood and guts. No detachable guns or real world bullet shooters. ie - shooting water or lava is fine, bullets/lasers are not). Try and show the link between the first and third stage of evolution. Eg - why would a creature have
full flowing wings from one step to the next?
Kiwi's and Ockers only. Unless of course, you've got residency or you send me copious amounts of money.
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: 3 concept illustrations/sketches/pieces (one for each of the evolutionary stages). Judged on design, not technical ability.
Include working sketches, WIPs (optional).
Default lit orthographics (side, front etc) as well as any shots you think might be necessary to convey your idea.
Untextured wireframe
Texture flats
Splash Page - be creative. Maybe you could do this as a sticker for a lunchbox?
A name for the character(s). Make it catchy.
A logo with the pair (optional).
OPTIONAL: the main character to go with the sidekick - as above, but include it/him/her in the splash page. Just one concept needed though.
EDIT/CLARIFICATION: In short, do a concept for your main character, but you don't have to model it.
3200 polys over the 3 versions. Distribute as you see fit.
2000 polys for the main character/owner (optional)
1 512 texture sheet for each version of the creature.
1 x 512 texture sheet for the main character (optional)
Alphas are allowed.
Cannabilism allowed - but only from models used in this comp. ie - you dont have to remake each vers from scratch.
No photosourcing.
EDIT: Hero concept is required, but doesn't have to be modelled. The definition of 'no guns' has been clarified - basically, no bullets, lasers, mortar shells. You can twist this meanings tho' eg - maybe the creature fires stinkbomb pellets (kinda like mortar shells but not).
Challenger #1 - Pantmonger
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Splash Page
Challenger #2 - Doyle
Models - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
No Splash Page
Challenger #3 - JI Styles
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe
Texture Flat
Splash Page
Challenger #4 - Mark
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Splash Page
Challenger #5 - Wizenedoldman
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic and Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic and Texture Flat
Splash Page
Challenger #6 - Shath
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Trainer Wireframe
Splash Page
Challenger #7 - GoldenChocobo
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Splash Page
Challenger #8 - Palantir
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Wireframe, no Lit Orthographic, and no Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Wireframe, no Lit Orthographic, and no Texture Flat
Splash Page
Challenger #9 - Hazard
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
No Splash Page
Challenger #10 - Sinister
Model 1 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 2 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Model 3 - with Lit Orthographic, Wireframe, and Texture Flat
Splash Page