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  • ‘When it’s cold outside, am I hear in vain?’ The first of IGDA Sydney’s new events coined: “Bits & Pieces” took place on a chilly 9th of August 2011 at The Arthouse Hotel’s attic bar to the crowd of approximately 100 local game developers, if…

  • In BittersBBB Episode 002, we look at Bioware’s Mass Effect 2 to discover how Core game Elements are Introduced at the outset of the game.

    BittersBBB is my somewhat new project where I aim to analyse/deconstruct a game along the lines of a…

  • Moving Target Games – March

    Deadlines, demos and development.

    Moving Target Games Team

    Andrew Bittman – Project Manager / Designer
    Matthew Tuxworth – Game Programmer
    Craig Peebles – Audio Programmer

  • Moving Target Games – February

    I think this is our first report since August, and yes, I plan to do these monthly, at least, this time. Probably more when we get the full website up, but moving on to the report:

    Moving Target Team…

Submitted by Bittman on

Will we get it going again? I remember reading somewhere you were looking for something else Souri, did you keep looking or give up?

It would be useful for the indie game project in particular, makes it an open session others can visit. Especially since most of us are students hoping to get into the industry, I can see the team being greatly encouraged if there is the possibility of our meetings being viewed by people who visit this site and potential employers.

Of course, it might sit there completely un-used except for our possible abuse of it, but hey right now it's a pretty dead icon at the top of the page...

Submitted by souri on Wed, 28/01/09 - 10:37 PMPermalink

I will look around for some chat function, but if anyone has suggestions, please feel free to offer them. I'm looking for an elegant and new solution - the java chat application we had before was a bit of a pain to set up and was a simple irc chat. It would be great if there's another chat application that we can embed on the chat page which offered a whole lot more features and wasn't a pain to install.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 04/02/09 - 1:23 AMPermalink

I've been looking around for chat solutions, and there are a heck of fancy solutions out there. unfortunately they cost a lot of money and a dedicated server to run on, but it's amazing to see what's on offer (letting visitors stream mp3's, video, a canvas where many people can draw on etc).

That would probably be overkill for what we'd need, so I've placed back the old java Sumea chat on here. If you ever need to use a simple chat for anything, it's there if you need it.

Submitted by Bittman on Wed, 04/02/09 - 2:04 PMPermalink

I'll sit my butt in this most nights and some days whilst I'm still kick starting the indie game project in case anyone wants to discuss things whether they're in the team or not.

Dunno if we'll hold the meetings there yet, maybe we'll test it this sunday and see how we go.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 04/02/09 - 6:55 PMPermalink

It's there if anyone needs a convenient place to chat. I know some people (well, me personally) don't really use msn much, or doesn't want to be contacted via msn for any reason, then the java chat is a handy solution.

Posted by Bittman on

Will we get it going again? I remember reading somewhere you were looking for something else Souri, did you keep looking or give up?

It would be useful for the indie game project in particular, makes it an open session others can visit. Especially since most of us are students hoping to get into the industry, I can see the team being greatly encouraged if there is the possibility of our meetings being viewed by people who visit this site and potential employers.

Of course, it might sit there completely un-used except for our possible abuse of it, but hey right now it's a pretty dead icon at the top of the page...

Submitted by souri on Wed, 28/01/09 - 10:37 PMPermalink

I will look around for some chat function, but if anyone has suggestions, please feel free to offer them. I'm looking for an elegant and new solution - the java chat application we had before was a bit of a pain to set up and was a simple irc chat. It would be great if there's another chat application that we can embed on the chat page which offered a whole lot more features and wasn't a pain to install.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 04/02/09 - 1:23 AMPermalink

I've been looking around for chat solutions, and there are a heck of fancy solutions out there. unfortunately they cost a lot of money and a dedicated server to run on, but it's amazing to see what's on offer (letting visitors stream mp3's, video, a canvas where many people can draw on etc).

That would probably be overkill for what we'd need, so I've placed back the old java Sumea chat on here. If you ever need to use a simple chat for anything, it's there if you need it.

Submitted by Bittman on Wed, 04/02/09 - 2:04 PMPermalink

I'll sit my butt in this most nights and some days whilst I'm still kick starting the indie game project in case anyone wants to discuss things whether they're in the team or not.

Dunno if we'll hold the meetings there yet, maybe we'll test it this sunday and see how we go.

Submitted by souri on Wed, 04/02/09 - 6:55 PMPermalink

It's there if anyone needs a convenient place to chat. I know some people (well, me personally) don't really use msn much, or doesn't want to be contacted via msn for any reason, then the java chat is a handy solution.