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Sumea Modeller Challenge #10 _CAD_

  • Hey Guys and Gals

    Just thought i'd post my latest mini comp entry. this is Gen'ral Scythe L'Kar (yes i forgot the ' in my entry :P) any screwups when it comes to spelling im blaming on submitting 10 mins before the deadline so i was…

  • This is just a quick sample of my stuff. although it centres around character art i am perfectly capable of working on environment assets as well.

    Hope You Like :D


  • Hey guys just thought id share and get your opinion on my entry for a mini comp over at the brief was to make a character and fit it to the Kingdom hearts universe and 'gear them for war'.

    So this is my interperatation of…

  • Name: Lawrence Jacobs

    Known Alias: 'The Pitbull'

    Age: 42

    Height: 6'' 8'

    Weight: 120kg

    Spouse: Carolyn Jacobs(deceased)

    Children: Nicole Jacobs(deceased)

    As a child Lawrence lived with his mother…

  • This is just a small summary of some of the stuff i omitted from the full backstory which if you would like to take the time to read, you can find it in another one of my journal posts as the four pages i wrote is a little more than the few…

Submitted by _CAD_ on

Just gotta wrap up some stuff on a previously completed comp and then ill get started on this one, 4 months wow sorta overkill, id better have somethin good with that sorta time frame.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Thu, 31/07/08 - 10:32 AMPermalink

Argh! im jealous of all the work everyone is already putting up:)

im a bit stretched atm to get to work on this but i finished a previous comp entered another one so as soon as i wrap up the comicon challenge i will be in this, crunchen out concepts and some killer models ASAP

Submitted by souri on Thu, 31/07/08 - 10:49 AMPermalink

Yeh, 4 months is plenty of time, even for beginners! That means there's no excuse for not finishing!

It's always been about the quality of the work rather than finishing in a shorter deadline, so I'm hoping to see some really cool stuff.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Mon, 08/09/08 - 10:32 AMPermalink

Ok so im not dead, i have actually been working i sorta got into a creative slump after doing the comicon challenge at gameartisans, but i have some concepts now and hopefully will be able to crunch out some decent work.

This is Just some early head sketches:
(The image hosting here is really strange so this is the link to the higher res:

Submitted by dark_virus_2007 on Mon, 08/09/08 - 4:05 PMPermalink

Good to see u kicking in some concepts love the look of your designs keep it up. I like the first set alot but then again the all look awesome.

It looks like your planning on making 2 characters as a team if not correct?

Submitted by dark_virus_2007 on Tue, 16/09/08 - 3:20 PMPermalink

oh its on now..... nice work so far :P. Defenitely alot of character in this guy CAD, i love the expression on his face really does capture his character :D Nice work so far.

I gotta get onto mineas well, been a bit busy lately though :(

Submitted by kit11 on Mon, 13/10/08 - 7:09 PMPermalink

hehe i just keep saying it "WOW" everytime you post a pic =)

are you going for a mauri look or just a general tat on the face........ oh and by the way theres a big seam lol =)

Submitted by Kookiemunster on Mon, 13/10/08 - 8:38 PMPermalink

hey CAD thats some top notch sculpting you have there. Im a mud box person myself, havent had time to learn Zbrush, and mudbox was closer to the traditional 3d programs that I know.

Anyway thats enough of a tangent. Love your stuff, can't wait to see this guy textured up. Looking forward to the money shot.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Tue, 14/10/08 - 11:43 PMPermalink

Thanx Kookie

yea i started in mudbox when i first started sculpting a while ago. tried Zbrush (failed the first time :) then came back to it and worked out the crappy shortcuts and stuff and sorta just got used to it, im planning on trying out the new mudbox 'pparently its supposed to be good so ill have to give it a look gotta try and make sure i can use both.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Tue, 14/10/08 - 11:45 PMPermalink

Thanx kit

lol stupid seam. yea i dont know wat i was going for with that tat, i just sorta threw it on it killed some time, this entire texture i will be getting rid of anyway, ill hopefully revisit the tattoo but we'll see as we go

Submitted by _CAD_ on Wed, 22/10/08 - 12:56 PMPermalink

Update 9

ok so unwrapped and texturing and its taking me a while i originnally did one pass but my heart wasnt in it so it looked like shit, so i left it for a weekend played force unleashed and came back with a fresh head and this is where im at. still got a lot to do i know there are seams in areas but i will get to painting them out a little later. ive also got to model his weapon and texture it but i will get to that (and the calling card) after ive got the bulk of him done.

as usual C&C is always helpful

link to hi res:

Posted by _CAD_ on

Just gotta wrap up some stuff on a previously completed comp and then ill get started on this one, 4 months wow sorta overkill, id better have somethin good with that sorta time frame.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Thu, 31/07/08 - 10:32 AMPermalink

Argh! im jealous of all the work everyone is already putting up:)

im a bit stretched atm to get to work on this but i finished a previous comp entered another one so as soon as i wrap up the comicon challenge i will be in this, crunchen out concepts and some killer models ASAP

Submitted by souri on Thu, 31/07/08 - 10:49 AMPermalink

Yeh, 4 months is plenty of time, even for beginners! That means there's no excuse for not finishing!

It's always been about the quality of the work rather than finishing in a shorter deadline, so I'm hoping to see some really cool stuff.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Mon, 08/09/08 - 10:32 AMPermalink

Ok so im not dead, i have actually been working i sorta got into a creative slump after doing the comicon challenge at gameartisans, but i have some concepts now and hopefully will be able to crunch out some decent work.

This is Just some early head sketches:
(The image hosting here is really strange so this is the link to the higher res:

Submitted by dark_virus_2007 on Mon, 08/09/08 - 4:05 PMPermalink

Good to see u kicking in some concepts love the look of your designs keep it up. I like the first set alot but then again the all look awesome.

It looks like your planning on making 2 characters as a team if not correct?

Submitted by dark_virus_2007 on Tue, 16/09/08 - 3:20 PMPermalink

oh its on now..... nice work so far :P. Defenitely alot of character in this guy CAD, i love the expression on his face really does capture his character :D Nice work so far.

I gotta get onto mineas well, been a bit busy lately though :(

Submitted by kit11 on Mon, 13/10/08 - 7:09 PMPermalink

hehe i just keep saying it "WOW" everytime you post a pic =)

are you going for a mauri look or just a general tat on the face........ oh and by the way theres a big seam lol =)

Submitted by Kookiemunster on Mon, 13/10/08 - 8:38 PMPermalink

hey CAD thats some top notch sculpting you have there. Im a mud box person myself, havent had time to learn Zbrush, and mudbox was closer to the traditional 3d programs that I know.

Anyway thats enough of a tangent. Love your stuff, can't wait to see this guy textured up. Looking forward to the money shot.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Tue, 14/10/08 - 11:43 PMPermalink

Thanx Kookie

yea i started in mudbox when i first started sculpting a while ago. tried Zbrush (failed the first time :) then came back to it and worked out the crappy shortcuts and stuff and sorta just got used to it, im planning on trying out the new mudbox 'pparently its supposed to be good so ill have to give it a look gotta try and make sure i can use both.

Submitted by _CAD_ on Tue, 14/10/08 - 11:45 PMPermalink

Thanx kit

lol stupid seam. yea i dont know wat i was going for with that tat, i just sorta threw it on it killed some time, this entire texture i will be getting rid of anyway, ill hopefully revisit the tattoo but we'll see as we go

Submitted by _CAD_ on Wed, 22/10/08 - 12:56 PMPermalink

Update 9

ok so unwrapped and texturing and its taking me a while i originnally did one pass but my heart wasnt in it so it looked like shit, so i left it for a weekend played force unleashed and came back with a fresh head and this is where im at. still got a lot to do i know there are seams in areas but i will get to painting them out a little later. ive also got to model his weapon and texture it but i will get to that (and the calling card) after ive got the bulk of him done.

as usual C&C is always helpful

link to hi res: