Okay I'm creating a new post for a new character concept.
Here is a my new character Idea.
He is a priest by day with his own ministry.
He is sick and tired of all the filth in the world and with everything he hears in confession.
So he takes it on himself to clean up the filth.
At night he becomes a killer. He thinks he is the Avenging Arm of The All Mighty. His calling card is a cross he always leave his victims in a crucifix position. Also he only goes after people who have committed one or more of the 7 Deadly Sins.
So what do you think people.
Is this Chris Nolan plausable.
Going to draw up a few sketches
or should I go with my first concept.
We are all hanging out to see your stuff. Great idea, it is bound to be really good.
Come on give us a look.
Poke prod poke ")