This was heaps fun last time. I reckon Ive got my head around normal maps now so I am keen to test my skillz!!!
still need to do concepts
some images I hope[IMG][/IMG]
Character Bio { Radio Bird Man }
Super Villain Name: Radio Bird man
Bird man is an Air wave vandal a noisy obnoxious twit. Through the use of multiple speakers stitched into his cloths and a petrol powered amplifier / jet pack strapped to his back, Bird man is able to shake buildings to there foundations when the volume dial is set to 11.
Calling card: Transistor radio with a bloodied ear tapped to it.
Eats: Red lentil Dahl, vegan jelly snakes.
Drives: jet pack and a sweet as EH Holden ute with a loud shouty engine.
Hobbies: Listening to live bands and his transistor radio through a skin colored glass ear piece.
Age; 55
H8s: tv
Lookin pretty sweet there
Lookin pretty sweet there seb, although something doesnt seem quite right. The arms and chest dont seem to fit together. It might be that the arms are too thin, or the chest is to thick. It depends on how buff you want your guy to be. The arms seem to be closer to your concept but your chest and neck seem like your other beefy characters. Also i find that the clavicle tends to arch slightly downwards instead of in a strait line. It also tends to form a neat line for the start of the deltoid :)
good example:…
Modelling already wow man
Modelling already wow man your a quick one.
Awesome work so far Seb, you have made an excellent start. I see your getting pretty good with your normal mapping skills and your sculpts are becoming better and better :D keep up the good work.
MMMMooo box
Thanks virus I use mud box for the high polygon sculpts, it makes me a bit of freak, it would seem most people prefer Z brush I find the pick up and go with mud box instantly satisfying. I must admit the Z brush models looks really good and tend to have heaps more detail then Mud box models.
Cheers for the advise Tee Jay, I so often get to carried away with the muscles they just get bigger and bigger as I go along. I think I will try shifting my initial focus on revealing skeletal parts of the figure first then add muscle detail. You are absolutely right, the collar bone is all wrong. I reckon I have a some good reference, I purposely picked Iggy pop cose' he likes getting his shirt off and he is wrinkly and he has nasty looking vains, I will have to pay more attention to my reference.
yeah that seems to be some
yeah that seems to be some pretty good reference for your model, it fits perfectly
Looking forward to seeing what you can put out here sebp along with what i can learn from you over the next few months