GTA IV Teaser impressions at IGN. I'm currently downloading the 720p version of the trailer, but what does everyone think?
Stand def trailer at Game Trailers
HD trailer at Game Trailers
I've uploaded the 720p trailer up on Download it here.Souri2007-03-29 21:06:55
wow, a pretty decent looking living city, imagine if they put all that effort into something that wasn't just a boring shoot em up....
Seriously though, I've never liked the games, not because I'm a morale elitist or don't like the odd drive by. I'm as taken by guns and boobs as the next guy.
Its just I've always felt the games have sold themselves short.
I know they sold bazillions and all the GTA fan boys will love this but man I'd love to see them add a decent story and some depth to the gameplay and characters for a change.
They are the only developers close to a realizing a fully 3D interactive city/world with some decent human interaction and it always comes down to you becoming a glorified gun totting delivery boy with a sordid past....yawn.
Fingers crossed.
[QUOTE=Malus] wow, a pretty decent looking living city, imagine if they put all that effort into something that wasn't just a boring shoot em up....
They are the only developers close to a realizing a fully 3D interactive city/world with some decent human interaction and it always comes down to you becoming a glorified gun totting delivery boy with a sordid past....yawn.
I agree with you that the story isn't as engaging as other games, but, i think that can be a positive aspect to the game too. When i come home from work and i just want some fun fast action without too much thinking involved, there isn't too many games out there that could beat the GTA series as just pure damn simplistic fun.
My hope is that they learn from MTA (Multi Theft Auto) and that other online mod for GTASA which actually kept stats and you could bank your money and log in the next day with all your cash.
Yeh, I'm hoping they'll do something to spruce up the gameplay a lot more, and make the experience a bit deeper. I think a lot of people are well accustomed to the GTA gameplay formula, and the open sandbox idea has been copied and improved a lot upon in many various ways since San Andreas, so it's a bit hard to get excited about that kind of gameplay. No developer really has made the next huge break through, I think.
San Andreas had a tonne of stuff to do, and the map was unbelievably huge. But I think what's needed isn't more content with better graphics. I'd be hugely disappointed if all you could do in IV is the standard escort / deliver, assassinate, chase / escape, race etc plus side missions missions that we've come to expect. To me, GTA has become a sort of quick brainless mini-game experience and I want something more cerebrally challenging and deeper in that huge world. What Team Bondi have mentioned about L.A Noire and the detective nature of the game and all that entails (communicating with npc's, puzzle elements) etc sounds highly interesting.
There are some new details at this naughty site which has put up some magazine scans of a feature on GTA IV...
I guess what i really want to see is the implementation of a deformable environment. Red Faction 2 on PS2 proved that this offers a lot of good fun and some interesting possibilities.
I think it would be really cool to have missions where you have to rob a bank or something along those lines, although you go in rob it, you come out to realise the police are out the front waiting for you, what do you do?
You blow a hole in the wall and escape via the freshly made tunnel.
I think another idea based on the deformable terrain could be that sure, you can blow ANYTHING up, but you come back in 2 - 3 game days and you see workmen fixing the hole. Perhaps they could include some sort of weakpoints on building in which instead of having to run in and destroy a platoon of enemies, you could investigate where the structural weakpoint of the building is and level it that way (obviously it would be more of a challenge that i would care to explain) but i think it's little things like that which keep me playing these games for so long.
I think stuff like that, would add to the complexity of the game, without destroying it's core appeal and fun.
That's my two cents anyway.junkers2007-05-03 16:15:08
I like it. I like it a lot. I think I will have to upgrade my computer to play it though.