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About the new child pic

  • In my first and previous post in this game dev log entry, I had written that I wanted to do a game which was a collection of simple retro games. Unity released a new major release (2019.3) while I was putting the initial project together, and I…

  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

  • Just a test #2. Still working on the new section.

  • So, I got a Commodore 64 when I was in the 4th grade. It came bundled with a Rolf Harris picture building program on casette tape which never loaded properly but from what I could tell by its box cover, you could build pictures from a selection…

  • Yes, the site looks very different and I've had to prematurely switch to this new theme that I'm working on for a few reasons, the main one is that changing certain aspects of the site to fit the new theme will affect how the old one looks for…

  • (this is just a test, please ignore this entry)

    Here is some of my old work.. the first pic is of a 3d model of a human head I was working on about 2 years ago in 3dsmax, using nurbs. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't model a head with…

I currently work for

Submitted by souri on

I'm guessing you did it with Maya personal learning edition? I've never used it, how are you finding it? Did you find a stack .. are you box modelling / mesh smoothing , or is it a spline model ? It looks awesome, and I admire you for doing a child model. They're pretty tough to do.

Submitted by bouncy roo on Fri, 27/09/02 - 9:45 AMPermalink

Yeah I thought doing a child model would be easier then an adult but i think it's tougher! Because it is way to easy to add tooo many points I should upload another pic but i'm using my parents laptop to model the kid and it doesn't connect to the net, i've finished the head but i'm still trying to shape the back of the head a bit nicer because i added to many points so i had to delete the back half and remodel it a bit, lol she was looking kind of alienish before....i acciently gave her an egg head hehe so i had to reshape it to something more, normal. whoops forgot(almost) Because i need to quickly make some models i reverted back to max for serious modelling until i figure out what's with the rendering engine in maya, i started my girl in maya and then i found the rendering to be all jagged so i stopped modelling it and started a new one in max. it'll be a while before i can grasp the rendering thing in maya the modelling in maya is the same as max but i can't get it to render right.. :) I need to learn more. It's just a box model and meshsmooth of 2 iterations. You know now that i have used the box technique i think i probably wont use nurbs maybe not even patches! but i guess it will depend on what i have to model.

p.s the little girl is going to star a role in a short animation for next years fest, hehehe along with my other model and about 6 other ones i gotta start on, lol i better get moving.

p.p.s x2 sorry I tend to ramble. I'm computer loving girl what more needs to be said *grin* :P~

//Have at you!*throws another sticky tissue*\

Submitted by bouncy roo on Fri, 27/09/02 - 9:51 AMPermalink

OMG I really hope you can decipher my typing errors!
question: Should i be putting much more detail in the face? or is it a "keep it simple" rule for children models? see i'm not sure if the face should have more i dunno..denty bits? *laugh* ThAT'S RIGHT!! That's what i forgot hahahhaha meet my earless 3d kid, haha oh that's priceless , jeez i knew the head felt a little out of place in my scene how funny. :)

*note2self: kirsten remember people have ears*

//Have at you!*throws another sticky tissue*\

Submitted by souri on Sat, 28/09/02 - 12:15 PMPermalink

Ah, the 'ole box modelling and mesh smooth with 2 iterations trick !
Yeh, I think box modelling is the fastest method of them all, and it usually gives the least heart aches.. Patch editing (where you add one patch, adjust the beziers in the corners, then extend) was what I tried first for a human head. In the end, I was just adjusting, and re-adjusting hundreds of these bezier curves just to make things look natural across patches.. (argh!).. I did manage to make something ok, but I dropped it and tried nurbs (which is the head you see in my profile).. nurbs was much better than patches, but darn, maybe it's me, but my attempts at attaching parts (like ears) were no good.. so I had to do the whole thing as one nurbs object.. which means that I have many vertex points running horizontally across the head because of the ears.. anyway, enough of my problems. I've seen the light, and it's box modelling.
Yeh, you gotta have ears.. Is this for the Australian Animation & Effects Festival for next year? What are you planning, I wonder!

Submitted by bouncy roo on Sat, 28/09/02 - 1:05 PMPermalink

Yeah it's for the aussie animation fest, I've just been asked to do the character modelling and animation I'm doing it with a few guys from uni, they weren't sure what the ending was but they mentioned having a little girl in the scene so i basically want to get started asap they haven't finished the storyline or plot etc but I'm just happy modelling what I think they might need for now. besides I figure i can do an individual short with some of my characters as well as doing the team thing. See I'll end up doing two, One as a part of a student group and the second will be individual so that i can do my own quirky animation, I like making funny animations cos lifes too serious to be throwing stressful things into a 3d short.

I think it will be pretty cool doing something as a team but, I cant wait to make up some odd looking characters for my own individual short, I'm thinking i should make some seriously silly yet cute looking creatures but not to silly I want to make sure they are sort of believable!Mind you I might have to have a repulsive looking character as well hehe I love doing freaky characters I should turn some of my weirder sketches into 3d sometime they might make for an interesting animation. :)

heh I suppose i better go to bed now : I'm SO NOT tired but it's 3:10am and i do have to go to the gold coast tommorrow. I'll try to sleep but I can't because I want to go and tweak my model. Do you think from looking at the older picture of the girl that her cheeks need fattening up? I'm thinking about it, I think I'll make up some cariations, thankgoodness for incremental save. Least I'll be able to go to the beginning and do printscreen so i can compile up some images for the tutorial, of course i have to finish up the hole in her head hehe.

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by bouncy roo on Sat, 28/09/02 - 1:08 PMPermalink

doh! I meant variations not cariations , darn my typing skills

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Mon, 30/09/02 - 12:10 PMPermalink

quote:Do you think from looking at the older picture of the girl that her cheeks need fattening up?

Yeh, maybe a little, I think. Her cheekbones are showing more than her cheeks, which makes her a little more adult looking, although I'm looking at your model and I can imagine it being a child of about 10, so you're definately doing something right.

Submitted by bouncy roo on Fri, 04/10/02 - 8:44 PMPermalink

wooo I'm back from holidays *although i did take my laptop with me* hehe couldn't handle the pain of being computerless. I'll upload it during the week first i have to meet with my uni marketing group and make changes to a m.plan if they want to make changes to it. next week i'm going to see a doctor because i think i must be getting arthritis or something because my hand has been painful and stiff and everytime i close my fist everysingle bone cracks making a nasty gringyclick mums father had osteomyelitis so i'm hoping that they just diagnose rsi instead of that otherone. :) I'm just worried that if i don't get it checked out that my hand might just close up and be so stiff that i can't use it..and i darn well need this hand.but the fact that osteomyelitis and arthritis both prey on sickle cell anemia isn't very calming. Oh well It'll be fine eitherway but if they make me rest my hand i'll eat them alive!!! >:)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Tue, 08/10/02 - 11:03 AMPermalink

That's a bummer about your hand [:(].. Hope it all gets better soon!.. it had to happen on your mouse wielding hand too! Let us know how it turns out, ok.

Submitted by bouncy roo on Wed, 09/10/02 - 5:37 AMPermalink

Yeah it should be right hopefully! , I'll find out from the doctors on thursday and hopefully she'll refer me to some specialist so that we can fix it before it becomes more of a problem. I will not have some stupid hand interfering with my love of 3d. :) No worries , at least I'll catch it early :) and as back up I'll slowly introduce my right hand to the computer mouse ;) but my other hand should be fixed by then. Hopefully it won't come to having to swap hands. hehee that could be frustrating :)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by davidcoen on Thu, 10/10/02 - 5:49 AMPermalink

the human body is not ment to work on computers. know what you when through with your hands... would advise to start doing exercises and to never bend your wrist back (have small pillow or something under your wrist so your hand dangles down to the mouse~

would also recoment moving to use the mouse left handed (if you are right handed) and to get an optical mouse (less resistance) and not to make the speed too small (want to be making biger movements, it is the stress of making very small movements that is killing you)

saw cryropractor and physio when i went through this, they where of little help other than strongly recomending not to do more than 10 hours a day on a computer and to strech/ exercise....

best of luck,

Submitted by bouncy roo on Sat, 12/10/02 - 8:58 AMPermalink

Yeah I've been resting it a bit, but it's getting worse, which is a bit of a worry :) I saw the docs and they told me they couldn't find anything in the tests except that i have an immune disorder, too many haemoglobins and white cells etc I dunno, she kinda put me in the too hard pile and wanted me out of her office. so they are more or less saying that I'll probably have to go back to the sarcoidosis man.. but he was freaky. last time i had sarcoidosis a few years back really bad in the neck and back(i ended up missing out on rowing, which really sucked ). i couldn't turn my head, when i went to see that specialist he was interested.. and more or less wanted to find out what happens next, for some reason he said i was going to get bone cancer and die. I think he was hoping to find out about the disease. He is a bit nutty in the head. :) but nothing like what he said will happen, i think he was just trying to scare me. but i'll probably see if i can go back to someone for it and get some treatment. but for now the doctor is forwarding me on to other doctors, to eventually get forwarded on to someone else.

You know I think they should make a gel mouse, one that moulds into the hand. I made a prototype for one last year because i was sick of my own mouse. I have an optical one now , which is far better then having to pick out all the gammy poo particles in the wheel of the mouse. :)

It's really weird , the doctor said to stop exercising to me, but i only go to gym like maybe four times a week if i'm free. : I might start putting a hot chux towel around it.. i dunno :) I might just try wrist exercises as well , because if they do nothing then they just cease up anyway :)

thanks for the support, I love your work dude.

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Wed, 16/10/02 - 9:38 AMPermalink

quote:for some reason he said i was going to get bone cancer and die.

That is such a shitty thing to say to a patient [:(] You take it easy, ok!
Oh, and the new pictures look great!!.. one thing about the eye lashes - from the side view, they look great, but maybe a bit too uniform in the front view.. Hey, next time you do a render, do one with a global illumination ? Would be interesting to see! I can't find the credits to the person who did this, but it's cool.. put your model in the dome. [:)].. each light is an instance of another, so you can set the brightness/colour of one light, and the others change also.. also, muck around with your shadow map settings.. it actually gives good results if the settings aren't too high (it'll blur the shadow, and render faster).. ave a go!

Submitted by bouncy roo on Thu, 17/10/02 - 10:31 AMPermalink

excellent thanks Souri I'll give it a go! :) I know about the lashes, I think i might make some stick a bit together and all that sort of thing[:D] but for the moment I have been conceentrating on getting the lids more natural, Have a look at the new pick I added, I've made a crease in each corner of the eye and also brought some flab over her eyelids a tincu bit. Do you think they look more natural apart from the eyelashes [;)]

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Mon, 21/10/02 - 11:01 PMPermalink

Hey, latest batch of pictures are awesome! Nice work [:)].. how are you going to approach the hair? Doing it by a fur plugin, or patches with hair textures?

Submitted by bouncy roo on Tue, 22/10/02 - 12:08 AMPermalink

I think I'd rather more control over the hair when it comes to animating, I think I'll try get my paws on a fur plugin either that or do it the tedious way through particles. [;)] wish me luck! hopefully I won't give her a moustache by mistake. It has happened before *grin*.

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Tue, 29/10/02 - 8:47 PMPermalink

How would you do hair with patches?
For that matter what are patches? [:D]
I only use box modelling, extrude here, pull in verts there etc.
I have never used (i don't know how either) to do NURBS moddeling or use patches. Both of which i have heard much about.
Anyway the model is coming along really well.
Are you going to do a body for her?[:I]
Anyways good work.

Bloody hell its a giant harmonica!

Submitted by souri on Wed, 30/10/02 - 8:46 AMPermalink

Patches are basically flat square sheets (thats how I'd describe them at first! [:)]. You have bezier curves in ever corner which you can extend and move around to control the patches's form. You can extend any side to make another patch. They're a common way to do hair as they're no where near as cpu intensive as hair/fur plugins which do strands individually (it doesn't look as cool though). Just slap on a hair texture with transparencies for the ends, and wala!

Submitted by bouncy roo on Wed, 13/11/02 - 12:05 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Meatex_Salami

How would you do hair with patches?
For that matter what are patches? [:D]
I only use box modelling, extrude here, pull in verts there etc.
I have never used (i don't know how either) to do NURBS moddeling or use patches. Both of which i have heard much about.
Anyway the model is coming along really well.
Are you going to do a body for her?[:I]
Anyways good work.

Bloody hell its a giant harmonica!

Yeah! She has a body now and hair, I've just uploaded a pic of a business card for myself atm, It's part of a scene in an animation I've been working on, that's why I haven't been to sumea for a while *sorry* :) I managed to use the university computers that have shag hair in max so I'm set for that :) Patches was going to be last resort but i would've deleted it in the end anyway because otherwise i'd have no control over individual pieces of hair etc. and i like control :)

I'll have to put some more things up soon, I'm working on a mentally challenging animation and a cartoonish cutesy one, also on side I've been tutoring in max and finishing scenes in a uni animation for next years film fest etc. bouncy roo becomes *busy_bee* :)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by tsumea post on Fri, 15/11/02 - 11:36 PMPermalink

The eyes on the baby are looking great. You really know how to use the map editor. Is the outer oval film like layer another map or is that a second sphere with a cut away? - Very effective anyway.

My eyelashes look like yours do, do you attach them individually? It takes so long. I have grouped mine and then applied a bend modifier to the shape of the eyelid and attached that to the lid mesh - lazy way out.

Anyway great stuff


Submitted by bouncy roo on Tue, 19/11/02 - 10:13 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by samon

The eyes on the baby are looking great. You really know how to use the map editor. Is the outer oval film like layer another map or is that a second sphere with a cut away? - Very effective anyway.

It's actually mostly raytace reflections that give it that look, but I did have a look at some anatomy sites and sliced different overlaying segments for the iris etc :) I'm working on severla different things atm and I hope to upload some of the animations shortly! :) I'll be on holidays for a week up at noosa with a few close friends of mine which should be fun, so i will try to not bring my laptop otherwise they could get quite frustrated with me ;) thanks for the comment!

I would really love to get some hi-res photos for mapping instead of photoshoping my mapping, it'd look so much more realistic, I was originally working off a low res jpg photo but it got too pixely so i started over and psp one up. I plan to get my camera back into gear and take some reference shots of my sister so that i could do her in 3d and apply really good quality shots, it'd be so much more realistic ;)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Posted by souri on

I'm guessing you did it with Maya personal learning edition? I've never used it, how are you finding it? Did you find a stack .. are you box modelling / mesh smoothing , or is it a spline model ? It looks awesome, and I admire you for doing a child model. They're pretty tough to do.

Submitted by bouncy roo on Fri, 27/09/02 - 9:45 AMPermalink

Yeah I thought doing a child model would be easier then an adult but i think it's tougher! Because it is way to easy to add tooo many points I should upload another pic but i'm using my parents laptop to model the kid and it doesn't connect to the net, i've finished the head but i'm still trying to shape the back of the head a bit nicer because i added to many points so i had to delete the back half and remodel it a bit, lol she was looking kind of alienish before....i acciently gave her an egg head hehe so i had to reshape it to something more, normal. whoops forgot(almost) Because i need to quickly make some models i reverted back to max for serious modelling until i figure out what's with the rendering engine in maya, i started my girl in maya and then i found the rendering to be all jagged so i stopped modelling it and started a new one in max. it'll be a while before i can grasp the rendering thing in maya the modelling in maya is the same as max but i can't get it to render right.. :) I need to learn more. It's just a box model and meshsmooth of 2 iterations. You know now that i have used the box technique i think i probably wont use nurbs maybe not even patches! but i guess it will depend on what i have to model.

p.s the little girl is going to star a role in a short animation for next years fest, hehehe along with my other model and about 6 other ones i gotta start on, lol i better get moving.

p.p.s x2 sorry I tend to ramble. I'm computer loving girl what more needs to be said *grin* :P~

//Have at you!*throws another sticky tissue*\

Submitted by bouncy roo on Fri, 27/09/02 - 9:51 AMPermalink

OMG I really hope you can decipher my typing errors!
question: Should i be putting much more detail in the face? or is it a "keep it simple" rule for children models? see i'm not sure if the face should have more i dunno..denty bits? *laugh* ThAT'S RIGHT!! That's what i forgot hahahhaha meet my earless 3d kid, haha oh that's priceless , jeez i knew the head felt a little out of place in my scene how funny. :)

*note2self: kirsten remember people have ears*

//Have at you!*throws another sticky tissue*\

Submitted by souri on Sat, 28/09/02 - 12:15 PMPermalink

Ah, the 'ole box modelling and mesh smooth with 2 iterations trick !
Yeh, I think box modelling is the fastest method of them all, and it usually gives the least heart aches.. Patch editing (where you add one patch, adjust the beziers in the corners, then extend) was what I tried first for a human head. In the end, I was just adjusting, and re-adjusting hundreds of these bezier curves just to make things look natural across patches.. (argh!).. I did manage to make something ok, but I dropped it and tried nurbs (which is the head you see in my profile).. nurbs was much better than patches, but darn, maybe it's me, but my attempts at attaching parts (like ears) were no good.. so I had to do the whole thing as one nurbs object.. which means that I have many vertex points running horizontally across the head because of the ears.. anyway, enough of my problems. I've seen the light, and it's box modelling.
Yeh, you gotta have ears.. Is this for the Australian Animation & Effects Festival for next year? What are you planning, I wonder!

Submitted by bouncy roo on Sat, 28/09/02 - 1:05 PMPermalink

Yeah it's for the aussie animation fest, I've just been asked to do the character modelling and animation I'm doing it with a few guys from uni, they weren't sure what the ending was but they mentioned having a little girl in the scene so i basically want to get started asap they haven't finished the storyline or plot etc but I'm just happy modelling what I think they might need for now. besides I figure i can do an individual short with some of my characters as well as doing the team thing. See I'll end up doing two, One as a part of a student group and the second will be individual so that i can do my own quirky animation, I like making funny animations cos lifes too serious to be throwing stressful things into a 3d short.

I think it will be pretty cool doing something as a team but, I cant wait to make up some odd looking characters for my own individual short, I'm thinking i should make some seriously silly yet cute looking creatures but not to silly I want to make sure they are sort of believable!Mind you I might have to have a repulsive looking character as well hehe I love doing freaky characters I should turn some of my weirder sketches into 3d sometime they might make for an interesting animation. :)

heh I suppose i better go to bed now : I'm SO NOT tired but it's 3:10am and i do have to go to the gold coast tommorrow. I'll try to sleep but I can't because I want to go and tweak my model. Do you think from looking at the older picture of the girl that her cheeks need fattening up? I'm thinking about it, I think I'll make up some cariations, thankgoodness for incremental save. Least I'll be able to go to the beginning and do printscreen so i can compile up some images for the tutorial, of course i have to finish up the hole in her head hehe.

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by bouncy roo on Sat, 28/09/02 - 1:08 PMPermalink

doh! I meant variations not cariations , darn my typing skills

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Mon, 30/09/02 - 12:10 PMPermalink

quote:Do you think from looking at the older picture of the girl that her cheeks need fattening up?

Yeh, maybe a little, I think. Her cheekbones are showing more than her cheeks, which makes her a little more adult looking, although I'm looking at your model and I can imagine it being a child of about 10, so you're definately doing something right.

Submitted by bouncy roo on Fri, 04/10/02 - 8:44 PMPermalink

wooo I'm back from holidays *although i did take my laptop with me* hehe couldn't handle the pain of being computerless. I'll upload it during the week first i have to meet with my uni marketing group and make changes to a m.plan if they want to make changes to it. next week i'm going to see a doctor because i think i must be getting arthritis or something because my hand has been painful and stiff and everytime i close my fist everysingle bone cracks making a nasty gringyclick mums father had osteomyelitis so i'm hoping that they just diagnose rsi instead of that otherone. :) I'm just worried that if i don't get it checked out that my hand might just close up and be so stiff that i can't use it..and i darn well need this hand.but the fact that osteomyelitis and arthritis both prey on sickle cell anemia isn't very calming. Oh well It'll be fine eitherway but if they make me rest my hand i'll eat them alive!!! >:)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Tue, 08/10/02 - 11:03 AMPermalink

That's a bummer about your hand [:(].. Hope it all gets better soon!.. it had to happen on your mouse wielding hand too! Let us know how it turns out, ok.

Submitted by bouncy roo on Wed, 09/10/02 - 5:37 AMPermalink

Yeah it should be right hopefully! , I'll find out from the doctors on thursday and hopefully she'll refer me to some specialist so that we can fix it before it becomes more of a problem. I will not have some stupid hand interfering with my love of 3d. :) No worries , at least I'll catch it early :) and as back up I'll slowly introduce my right hand to the computer mouse ;) but my other hand should be fixed by then. Hopefully it won't come to having to swap hands. hehee that could be frustrating :)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by davidcoen on Thu, 10/10/02 - 5:49 AMPermalink

the human body is not ment to work on computers. know what you when through with your hands... would advise to start doing exercises and to never bend your wrist back (have small pillow or something under your wrist so your hand dangles down to the mouse~

would also recoment moving to use the mouse left handed (if you are right handed) and to get an optical mouse (less resistance) and not to make the speed too small (want to be making biger movements, it is the stress of making very small movements that is killing you)

saw cryropractor and physio when i went through this, they where of little help other than strongly recomending not to do more than 10 hours a day on a computer and to strech/ exercise....

best of luck,

Submitted by bouncy roo on Sat, 12/10/02 - 8:58 AMPermalink

Yeah I've been resting it a bit, but it's getting worse, which is a bit of a worry :) I saw the docs and they told me they couldn't find anything in the tests except that i have an immune disorder, too many haemoglobins and white cells etc I dunno, she kinda put me in the too hard pile and wanted me out of her office. so they are more or less saying that I'll probably have to go back to the sarcoidosis man.. but he was freaky. last time i had sarcoidosis a few years back really bad in the neck and back(i ended up missing out on rowing, which really sucked ). i couldn't turn my head, when i went to see that specialist he was interested.. and more or less wanted to find out what happens next, for some reason he said i was going to get bone cancer and die. I think he was hoping to find out about the disease. He is a bit nutty in the head. :) but nothing like what he said will happen, i think he was just trying to scare me. but i'll probably see if i can go back to someone for it and get some treatment. but for now the doctor is forwarding me on to other doctors, to eventually get forwarded on to someone else.

You know I think they should make a gel mouse, one that moulds into the hand. I made a prototype for one last year because i was sick of my own mouse. I have an optical one now , which is far better then having to pick out all the gammy poo particles in the wheel of the mouse. :)

It's really weird , the doctor said to stop exercising to me, but i only go to gym like maybe four times a week if i'm free. : I might start putting a hot chux towel around it.. i dunno :) I might just try wrist exercises as well , because if they do nothing then they just cease up anyway :)

thanks for the support, I love your work dude.

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Wed, 16/10/02 - 9:38 AMPermalink

quote:for some reason he said i was going to get bone cancer and die.

That is such a shitty thing to say to a patient [:(] You take it easy, ok!
Oh, and the new pictures look great!!.. one thing about the eye lashes - from the side view, they look great, but maybe a bit too uniform in the front view.. Hey, next time you do a render, do one with a global illumination ? Would be interesting to see! I can't find the credits to the person who did this, but it's cool.. put your model in the dome. [:)].. each light is an instance of another, so you can set the brightness/colour of one light, and the others change also.. also, muck around with your shadow map settings.. it actually gives good results if the settings aren't too high (it'll blur the shadow, and render faster).. ave a go!

Submitted by bouncy roo on Thu, 17/10/02 - 10:31 AMPermalink

excellent thanks Souri I'll give it a go! :) I know about the lashes, I think i might make some stick a bit together and all that sort of thing[:D] but for the moment I have been conceentrating on getting the lids more natural, Have a look at the new pick I added, I've made a crease in each corner of the eye and also brought some flab over her eyelids a tincu bit. Do you think they look more natural apart from the eyelashes [;)]

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by souri on Mon, 21/10/02 - 11:01 PMPermalink

Hey, latest batch of pictures are awesome! Nice work [:)].. how are you going to approach the hair? Doing it by a fur plugin, or patches with hair textures?

Submitted by bouncy roo on Tue, 22/10/02 - 12:08 AMPermalink

I think I'd rather more control over the hair when it comes to animating, I think I'll try get my paws on a fur plugin either that or do it the tedious way through particles. [;)] wish me luck! hopefully I won't give her a moustache by mistake. It has happened before *grin*.

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by Meatex Salami on Tue, 29/10/02 - 8:47 PMPermalink

How would you do hair with patches?
For that matter what are patches? [:D]
I only use box modelling, extrude here, pull in verts there etc.
I have never used (i don't know how either) to do NURBS moddeling or use patches. Both of which i have heard much about.
Anyway the model is coming along really well.
Are you going to do a body for her?[:I]
Anyways good work.

Bloody hell its a giant harmonica!

Submitted by souri on Wed, 30/10/02 - 8:46 AMPermalink

Patches are basically flat square sheets (thats how I'd describe them at first! [:)]. You have bezier curves in ever corner which you can extend and move around to control the patches's form. You can extend any side to make another patch. They're a common way to do hair as they're no where near as cpu intensive as hair/fur plugins which do strands individually (it doesn't look as cool though). Just slap on a hair texture with transparencies for the ends, and wala!

Submitted by bouncy roo on Wed, 13/11/02 - 12:05 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Meatex_Salami

How would you do hair with patches?
For that matter what are patches? [:D]
I only use box modelling, extrude here, pull in verts there etc.
I have never used (i don't know how either) to do NURBS moddeling or use patches. Both of which i have heard much about.
Anyway the model is coming along really well.
Are you going to do a body for her?[:I]
Anyways good work.

Bloody hell its a giant harmonica!

Yeah! She has a body now and hair, I've just uploaded a pic of a business card for myself atm, It's part of a scene in an animation I've been working on, that's why I haven't been to sumea for a while *sorry* :) I managed to use the university computers that have shag hair in max so I'm set for that :) Patches was going to be last resort but i would've deleted it in the end anyway because otherwise i'd have no control over individual pieces of hair etc. and i like control :)

I'll have to put some more things up soon, I'm working on a mentally challenging animation and a cartoonish cutesy one, also on side I've been tutoring in max and finishing scenes in a uni animation for next years film fest etc. bouncy roo becomes *busy_bee* :)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)

Submitted by tsumea post on Fri, 15/11/02 - 11:36 PMPermalink

The eyes on the baby are looking great. You really know how to use the map editor. Is the outer oval film like layer another map or is that a second sphere with a cut away? - Very effective anyway.

My eyelashes look like yours do, do you attach them individually? It takes so long. I have grouped mine and then applied a bend modifier to the shape of the eyelid and attached that to the lid mesh - lazy way out.

Anyway great stuff


Submitted by bouncy roo on Tue, 19/11/02 - 10:13 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by samon

The eyes on the baby are looking great. You really know how to use the map editor. Is the outer oval film like layer another map or is that a second sphere with a cut away? - Very effective anyway.

It's actually mostly raytace reflections that give it that look, but I did have a look at some anatomy sites and sliced different overlaying segments for the iris etc :) I'm working on severla different things atm and I hope to upload some of the animations shortly! :) I'll be on holidays for a week up at noosa with a few close friends of mine which should be fun, so i will try to not bring my laptop otherwise they could get quite frustrated with me ;) thanks for the comment!

I would really love to get some hi-res photos for mapping instead of photoshoping my mapping, it'd look so much more realistic, I was originally working off a low res jpg photo but it got too pixely so i started over and psp one up. I plan to get my camera back into gear and take some reference shots of my sister so that i could do her in 3d and apply really good quality shots, it'd be so much more realistic ;)

//Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve. \(anon)