I'm pretty new to modelling (this will be my 3rd model so far if I manage to finish it [:p] ) but I think this is a good learning experience for me so I give it a go anyway. Here is my rough concept design. I knew I have a slow start. Just hope I have enough time to finish the model [;)]
C&C and welcome. Thanks [:)]
i always find that if something doesnt look right and you cant see what, i use this technique that i picked up from some drawing manual somewhere.
get a mirror and look at your drawing from its reflection.
its strange but it actually works, it allows you to look at your drawing from a completely different perspective.
nannoo nannoo
Thanks for the comments [:I]
adie: guess I've read too much Japanese manga. It has become my habit to draw characters with long legs and big eyes [:p]
malus: chicken wing? Isn't she tasty [:p] It wasn't planned that way. When I nearly finished the drawing, I found her whole body leans towards to the left too much. So I have to draw her right leg that way to give the character more balance [B)] She'll be right in her low poly model form [:)]
shiptu_shaboo: yes, I used to hold up my drawing to a light source and see from the other side of the paper (same effect as looking at it from mirror) I found my drawings looks funny most of the time [8)]
her legs are to long(her hands should come to just above the knee, pelvise is a bit long to , but u might like the legs long and sexy , if so try and exaggerate the shape a little more ..when I design for low polly 3d i try and draw things a bit square'sh so it makes it a bit easyer to work out how i will moddle it..nice clean design though..good luck hope u have time :)