[:0] I knew Splash Damage had to be continuing Enemy Territory (which is, without a doubt, one of the best online fps's out there!), but they've been very quiet for a long time. Well, Shacknews has just posted the press release about [url="http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/37057"]Enemy Territory: Quake Wars[/url], and I am *sold*. I can't wait for this game [:X]
Anyway, post your most anticipated E3 titles when they're announced here. Links would be cool too [8D]
It looks like they have some interesting ideas planned for it, I just hope it doesn't move too far towards open battles ala Battlefield 1942, than the close quartered fighting/few choke points of Enemy Territory.
The footage of ShadowStorm on the PS3 looks *amazing*. Some of the titles out there are a huge leap over the Doom3/Half Life 2 stuff that we're all used to by now. [url="http://www.eurogamer.net/view_screenshot.php?image=assets/articles/a591…"]This pic of ShadowStorm[/url] has got some site's knickers in a knot though, who are claiming that Sony is flat out lying about some titles being in realtime.
The Getaway looks awesome, and I can only imagine what the next Grand Theft Auto will look like on the PS3. And Gods of War looks the shiznit. [:D]
[url="http://pc.ign.com/articles/614/614886p1.html"]Fallout 3[/url] [:O]
Two more pics of [url="http://www.shacknews.com/screens.x/et_quakewars/Enemy%20Territory:%20Qu…"]ET: Quake Wars[/url]...
That pic of the car crashing is so possible to do, did you notice that there are several discrete dirt particle clouds, not to mention all the broken pieces just being made out of triangles torn off from the car's mesh. It would just take some modellers/designers some time to input relative strength values for the major parts of the car so that the physics engine would be able to do its job. Making a complex simulation like that run in real time would only take more processing power, and since the PS3 is meant to have oodles of it (more than some super computers) I don't see this as a problem at all.
The terrain looks pretty stock standard too, though maybe they were referring to the actual nice rendering of the grass in the background when they said that sony was lying? :-P
quote:On demo footage:
Regarding your question on the [Xbox 360 FFXI video], that is merely a demonstration to show you how the 360 looks in real-time. So what you saw is not Final Fantasy XI, we are currently studying and making plans for it. If I may add one point, that is that yesterday we had introduced the demo at the Sony conference as well as for the MS conference, and the demo we provided at the end of both conferences is an example of the quality of the visual content that we would be able to provide. That was to underscore the fact that with the PS3, that is the type of quality that the users can expect. It's not a Final Fantasy per se, it was strictly a demonstration to show the quality of the graphics in real time. It's not in a position where we can have people in the audience hold the controller, but it was in real time. ***We felt everyone else would be taking the same approach, but it seemed like Square Enix was the only one that provided a real time demonstration.***
I wouldn't have minded having [url="http://www.joystiq.com/entry/1234000873043851"]a go in one of these[/url] [:D]
Gears of War is going to be [url="http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=9096"]Xbox 360 and PC as well[/url]! Anyway, the link is to a gameindustry.biz interview with Microsoft's J Allard, which I highly recommend reading. He's asked some tough questions about the Xbox 360. Also worth reading is gameindustry.biz's interview with Sony's [url="http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?aid=9051"]Phil Harrison[/url]. Great interviews.
If anyone's interested in seeing the ET: Quake Wars trailer, [url="http://xfer03.ign.com/%5E996111858/movies/xboxmovies.gamespy.com/docroo…"]click here[/url]. Prey is looking pretty good as well! [url="http://dmode.datamachine.net/Preye32k5.wmv"]Movie here[/url].
I'm afraid of being labelled a FPS loser, but I'm looking forward to Quake Wars, Gears of War, UT2007, and Spore!
If there is one E3 2005 image to remembered for all time, then I nominate it [url="http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/oddities/link-loses-head-at-e3-passes-out-…"]to be this one[/url].
The Trailer for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is out and you can download it from here: (might add its looking pretty good)
One thing to note on the trailer is the beginning:
"The following trailer is comprised of entirely in-game footage"
Do developers have say that these days to rid of misconceptions between fmv and in game?
The screenie makes a really good desktop snap @:-) Should be tasty indeed!