There's a fake Nintendo Revolution promotion video clip doing the rounds at the moment, and having seen it, I have to say, it's one very creative video! The bits that most impressed me were flying around the millions of Mario 64 castle's which all formed something else when the camera flew out. Damn nice. Also at the end is a really nice looking updated castle with Mario running out.
[url=""]Definately worth checking out[/url].
Oh boy. The details from Nintendo's press conference is a bit underwhelming. Sure, they're not aiming to compete hardware wise in the next-gen race, but reselling old games for the new machine shouldn't be a major selling point for the console itself. :/ No details on the revolutionary aspect of the console yet (it's expected to involve the input controller), but I hope this isn't [url=""]another in Nintendo's list of mistakes[/url]. I'm not sure if a slimmer GBA is what the fans want either. It's worrying that the fake clip got me more excited than recent Nintendo news...
updated link
I was impressed more with the imagination that went into that vid than I have been with the ideas and practicalities of most every next gen e3 video so far.
Hey, you know it's funny to read back on what you've written in the height of all that excitement that was E3. I take back what I wrote in that post about Nintendo. I'm glad they're not in the hardware race and that they're approaching things differently. In any case, the hardware specs of the Nintendo Revolution aren't that bad at all (4 or 5 times the power of the Gamecube, wasn't it?). That should be able to do some really cool things.
I hope they do another game in the style of Wind Waker. That game looked amazing.
I read that the "2 or 3 times the power of the Gamecube" was just speculation. Got it from here:
The power of the revolution could be anything. Just gotta wait and see. (like with everything else about the Rev)
"Harrison then confirmed that past-gen, Nintendo-created titles will indeed be downloadable for free."
[url="…"]Holy[/url]... [:0]
HORRAY! when i heared the news at E3 that nintendo was making it's prevoious titles available for download i thought: "sounds good, but i'm not paying any more than $5 do download a NES game" though i didnt consider that likly since they are charging $30 for NES to GBA re-releases.
free???? awsome. what's more, though the revolution will use wireless controllers, there are ports for gamecube controllers, so there shouldn't be any trouble playing older games on a weird new controller.
And the google japanese -> english translationish thing...
As for the virtual console when it is free, the rumor which does not have basis with the net is flowing, but there is no schedule which is transmited simply. When the new work is bought, it can download when, as benefit with consistency of campaign it can download with period limitation when, you think there is various application methods. Using past property, we would like to take the shape where the profit is produced to Nintendo Co. and to the software manufacturer the #65379;
Anyone speak Japanese and want to do a bit better translation? :)
1up has an interview with the guy who created the fake Nintendo clip. [url=""]Interesting[/url] [:)] He was working on some real cool stuff for it but suffered a HD crash.
"ut why spend all that time to create something so elaborately fake? The answer is surprisingly simple: attention. He wanted an outlet to prove his talents to the rest of the world, and the upcoming Revolution announcement offered the perfect opportunity."
Man i hate cable! i miss the days when everyone had dialup...and as a result ppl posted links to small things.
*edit* aww im sorry cable, how could i be mad at you? For i have enjoyed you in the past. One day i shall enjoy your exquisite internet speedness day.