Hi ya .. some wip's of my latest project.. where i'm working one of Giger's biomechanical images.. into a full 3d animated wall plate..
and a test render
off this original concept...
Cheers guys
Great start.
I second Moon Unit.
That will look tip top when completed.
That's some hardcore commitment.
Good luck!
Thanks for the comments guys... yeah I expect this to a hard project.. so much so that I don't think i'll be constucting the whole image as Moony suggested..
Instead i'll be localising contruction around what i've done already.. perhaps later on I could construct the whole thing...
I'm going to concentrate also on how the piece is animated and the atmosphere of the whole work..
I'll be adding in particle smoke systems and the such to bring out a real ambience that only a Giger piece deserves..
currently I am this stage -->
with some more animation -->[url]http://student.ci.qut.edu.au/~n4675215/weblog/media/3d3/giger_02.mov[/u…]
overall i'm going to go for a huge scale.. or the sensation of it... at the moment I'm playing around with Mental Rays Ambient Occluder shader or dirt map as some people know it...
hopefully I can pull of a real nice render at the end of it all..
Hi ya.. just an update.. now added some particle effects..
cheers guys.. more updates to follow ..:)
hehe, all I can say is you're a brave soul to be doing this in nurbs [8)]
it's looking good, I'd like to see more work in the shaders -- and perhaps consider linking stretchy strings of planes from piece to piece and masking in some specular and bumped goo.
eg, something along these lines:
Thanks for the comments..
denz --> yeah so far the texturing is pretty basic.. i'm just projecting the scan of have of Giger's piece directly onto the surfaces..
I have problems with the resolution as my scan is only as good as the book i got it from (ARh+) so you can actually make out the points from the orignal printing process..
styles --> I love that link you put in.. great stuff.. cool saliva.. and his work with the skin is great too.. Good idea that putting in gooey bits and the like.. might have to consider it for sure ;)
I guess I am brave using nurbs.. it's working out nicely thou.. I'm more interested in how the curves actually affect the final shape.. and that nurbs tessalate automatically helps heaps in the resolution of the render...
in the meantime here's a current render (600k)
This is testing out the final type of animation and cinematic I'm hoping to achieve.. so it should give you an idea of what the final piece should look like.. Things that didnt work out were the Fog effect ( I'm currently re-rendering as I type ) where i stuffed up the scale, so it tends to flicker too much..
Also I've extended out the length by two.. and dropped the camera down much closer to the surface.. so it hugs alot more :D
Hopefully will post the new render soon..
hmm well not that Iv looked at the movie(somehow dont have quickitme?? ) but the hole idea of gigers art work is that it looks like 2 things or more and is very organic where yours is just a copy of components and dosent look like mutch or have the flow of mutch of giger work..plus giger work has been copyed so many times its just not cool anymore,sorry but its true
pheeeeeeeeew, if you pull of that entire thing it will looks just amazing, good luck with that