reserving my spot...
am going to try curtins engineer character and possible if time permits some extra robot style characters.
curtins character
or maybe one of my many chars from the sumea concept forum or the droid designs i didnt get time to enter into the concept forum... ah descisions descisions.....
MODEL PHASE -> Droid Style Scout Class
beeen sooooo busy at work, so i thought it was about time to upload my progress on my model so far... as you can see started the droid character currently sitting around 3000 tris including weapons.
Scrapped the old arms they didnt look anything like my concept! (thats what happens at about 2 in the morn when u forget your reference)
comments and crits welcome.. will update next week with more model shots and *'hopefully* texturing as well
Nice modelling job. [:)]
I think the legs are cool and actually realistic as they are (they don?t need muscle after all ? and thin steel is very strong!), but the feet just need some scaling down. I quite like the concept of a robot/droid with skinny legs and largish feet to weigh it down and stop it from toppling over ? just not feet quite that large. Of course considering the size of that weapon, it does need some sort of counter balance.
Oh ? and I love the camera head ? ?big brother? is watching!
CONCEPT PHASE -> Droid Style Scout Class
Okay finaly got my concept done for the light scout style class. I wanted to go for a lankey robot design so I worked from some of my unused designs til I was happy with the rough form (one on the left) then began to work it to a final design that I was happy with (the one on the right) feels good a post up, hopefully more before the end of the week.