Holy crap.. if the screenshots alone don't sell this game, then something's terribly wrong.. [:)] .. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/wow/screenshotindex.aspx?PageNo=1&Set=0
It's got a warm illustration feel to it all.. and everything has a 'drawn by hand' look to it, even the tree leaves and grass... Fantastic artwork..
too bad you'll have to pay to play.
if they made it free 2x more people would buy the game.
although they would need 2x more server power.
lachlan inglis
Showreel WIP: http://effectism.com/sample/
yeah your right :) its just i would rather keep that $20 (guessing) in my pocket. i'll wait and see how good it is :)
new gameplay video:
lachlan inglis
Showreel WIP: http://effectism.com/sample/
i downloaded the two gameplay videos and now i cant wait :)
it looks very promising.
i wont go out and buy it straight away, instead go around to a friends place and leech off them for an hour or so and see what its like :), but coughing up the money wont be as big an issue now :)
lachlan inglis
Showreel WIP: http://effectism.com/sample/
I agree Souri, its beautifully done, I need cable!!
Dean Ferguson - 3D/2D Artist