yeah, i havnt played CS:S yet but i saw a video and their absence was one of the first things i noticed! i dont play CS much but when i play that state i always seem to be distrated into shooting them. it's great fun.
i would be even better in CS:S though if they made them run away from you so you could chase them! (then they could give away your loaction too which would be cool)
what is a game without chickens........
my only gripe about 'halo' -- no chickens
my only gripe about 'vice city' --no chickens
although i have never been a counter-strike player...
..... my fondest memories in my youth ....... kicking and throwing the chickens in zelda 2...
good to know that they have even bothered to put a distance measuring device for chicken kicking in 'Fable'
my highest kick yet is about 8 metres..... i think...
(just a disclaimer to anyone who may get the wrong idea... i have worked in the poultry industry before...
from laying hens to catching them and shoveling thier crap ...... i have more experience with chickens than computer game making ....i could carry them ten at a time! .. not joking either.... have experienced amonia poisoning from working with the fumes from thier excrement and even spent a night in the watchhouse for an unpaid fine realting to a driving related offence whilst still wearing my poultry working overalls.... almost 9 hrs without a bath straight after the midnight shift.... i have always strived to be gentle and understanding when handeling live chickens....and buy only RSPCA eggs in support of animal welfare... and although i have chopped off thier heads and plucked thier feathers in the past... i maintain that i only did this out of practicality and not for any other reasons of mal-intent or any other sadistic rational.)