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Sumea Challenge #6 -3D- whitetip - Challenger #26

Submitted by whitetip on

Racoon City goal. Many prisoners die of starvation in cells when guards fail to turn up to work. The townspeople have been infected by the 'T-virus'. Inmate A91-B7L011 is witness to the slow agonising death of his cell mates. He manages to stay alive with some supplies hidden in the cell.

Days later there is movement in the darkness of the prison, noises and groaning that are unnatural. The stench of bloated corpses is overpowering. There are rats now, strange rats with dead eyes. The blood does not flow or dribble as you might expect when they are stomped on, but is solid, thick and lifeless. They come looking for a meal but are slow, feeble and an easy target.

The bodies that have been inanimate and decaying for days are now moving! They stumble around fighting to get out of their prison cells. It is the first time inmate A91 has been glad to be locked up.

The rats do not stop and are in huge numbers as they feast upon the flesh all around. They constantly attack and eventually inmate A91 falls. The rats tear at his flesh. As they feed upon him, he can do nothing but scream. The virus takes effect quickly. The dead eyes open...

The electric cell doors sping open... the secondary power generator is offline. The inmates are free now. Free to search for their first meal as the walking dead...

This guy is a monster you might run into at the early stage of the game. A bit normal compared to some other things you might come across in later stages of the game but nice and decayed and freaky in a zombie way. The leg chains would slow him down to a lurch. The arm chains are his melee weapon.

Any thoughts?


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Submitted by shath on Thu, 02/09/04 - 9:29 PMPermalink


Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/09/04 - 11:01 AMPermalink

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip1.jpg[/url]
134.2 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip2.jpg[/url]
90.2 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip3.jpg[/url]
142.77 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip4.jpg[/url]
76.75 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip5.jpg[/url]
96.54 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip7.jpg[/url]
83.14 KB

Just missing the wireframeflat at the moment.. please email it to me asap.

Submitted by whitetip on Tue, 21/09/04 - 12:16 AMPermalink

First might I say thanks for the great comp. It got me learning 3D again.

This is the final model. It is a bit messy and imperfect but hey it was a good learning experiance for me. The concept has changed a little. The uniform is grey now, i wanted more of a contrast with the bloody/fleshy bit. I did not include the chains as i did not see why a person locked in a cell would have them on.

The photos were sourced from a book and digital photos I took. The book was the Collins Eyewitness Science: Human Body. The brain, ribs and leg muscle images were from the book. I combined them with the photos of myself in photoshop and painted over them.

Thanks for the help posting the pics Souri!

Posted by whitetip on

Racoon City goal. Many prisoners die of starvation in cells when guards fail to turn up to work. The townspeople have been infected by the 'T-virus'. Inmate A91-B7L011 is witness to the slow agonising death of his cell mates. He manages to stay alive with some supplies hidden in the cell.

Days later there is movement in the darkness of the prison, noises and groaning that are unnatural. The stench of bloated corpses is overpowering. There are rats now, strange rats with dead eyes. The blood does not flow or dribble as you might expect when they are stomped on, but is solid, thick and lifeless. They come looking for a meal but are slow, feeble and an easy target.

The bodies that have been inanimate and decaying for days are now moving! They stumble around fighting to get out of their prison cells. It is the first time inmate A91 has been glad to be locked up.

The rats do not stop and are in huge numbers as they feast upon the flesh all around. They constantly attack and eventually inmate A91 falls. The rats tear at his flesh. As they feed upon him, he can do nothing but scream. The virus takes effect quickly. The dead eyes open...

The electric cell doors sping open... the secondary power generator is offline. The inmates are free now. Free to search for their first meal as the walking dead...

This guy is a monster you might run into at the early stage of the game. A bit normal compared to some other things you might come across in later stages of the game but nice and decayed and freaky in a zombie way. The leg chains would slow him down to a lurch. The arm chains are his melee weapon.

Any thoughts?


Insert Image: [img]…]

Submitted by shath on Thu, 02/09/04 - 9:29 PMPermalink


Submitted by souri on Mon, 20/09/04 - 11:01 AMPermalink

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip1.jpg[/url]
134.2 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip2.jpg[/url]
90.2 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip3.jpg[/url]
142.77 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip4.jpg[/url]
76.75 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip5.jpg[/url]
96.54 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]whitetip7.jpg[/url]
83.14 KB

Just missing the wireframeflat at the moment.. please email it to me asap.

Submitted by whitetip on Tue, 21/09/04 - 12:16 AMPermalink

First might I say thanks for the great comp. It got me learning 3D again.

This is the final model. It is a bit messy and imperfect but hey it was a good learning experiance for me. The concept has changed a little. The uniform is grey now, i wanted more of a contrast with the bloody/fleshy bit. I did not include the chains as i did not see why a person locked in a cell would have them on.

The photos were sourced from a book and digital photos I took. The book was the Collins Eyewitness Science: Human Body. The brain, ribs and leg muscle images were from the book. I combined them with the photos of myself in photoshop and painted over them.

Thanks for the help posting the pics Souri!