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A great example set by Tantalus

  • In my first and previous post in this game dev log entry, I had written that I wanted to do a game which was a collection of simple retro games. Unity released a new major release (2019.3) while I was putting the initial project together, and I…

  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

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  • (this is just a test, please ignore this entry)

    Here is some of my old work.. the first pic is of a 3d model of a human head I was working on about 2 years ago in 3dsmax, using nurbs. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't model a head with…

I currently work for

Submitted by souri on

I know it must be frustrating to apply for jobs or go for interviews and not receive a response at all. It's something which is pretty common when applying for local game developer openings, from the general comments written in this forum.

I've had a look at Tantalus's job page, and I think they're setting a great example for the rest of the local developers to shift up their part in the process..

quote:Tantalus has recently revised its HR practices and encourages previous applicants who have applied in the past (prior to 2004), and NOT heard back from us, to reapply, adhering to the requirements found under each description.

They're also by providing a [url=""]very useful FAQ[/url] which answers some very appropriate questions. It's something as simple as providing a FAQ which in turns saves the company from repeated application problems/questions..

Hopefully it'll get the ball going with the rest!

Submitted by Blitz on Fri, 05/03/04 - 8:27 AMPermalink

"CODE: Game Programmer (industry exp. only)

Come and join us at Tantalus. We offer a work environment unparalleled in Australia, complete with an office full of highly talented highly trained professionals who share your passion for making world beating games. And you don't need to have games industry experience to get a job at Tantalus."
Doh! Damn that copy&paste eh? :)

They also seem to have"lost" their generic programmer (3D/GBA) position criteria. Wether by intent or accident who knows (someone working at tantalus maybe!). They still have the generic artist positions there though.

As an aside, i set them my app/resume about 2-3 weeks ago (about 15th Feb...still 2004!) which addressed all the criteria they listed on their website for the 3D programmer position. Never got a reply from them though. Perhaps i didn't address the criteria quite well enough for their liking or something :P Or maybe it was unfortunately about 2 days before they reviewed their HR practices!
Ahh well, good to see them paying some measure of attention at least.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 05/03/04 - 7:38 PMPermalink

I enjoyed blizzards faq(s) - they'd gone to the trouble of not only doing a general employment/company faq but three that cover different job information topics; they are:

General job FAQ:
Covers things like material needed for application, their reviewing process, visa requirements etc

How to get a job at blizzard - case by case:
Goes on a case by case basis by position saying what you need, what's expected and how these skills and material apply etc. Also covers a bit of company culture.

Tips on creating your resume and portfolio submission:
What they like to see. How they like to see material presented, and just some general tips on presenting yourself for application.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 05/03/04 - 8:11 PMPermalink

I have always loved reading the Blizzard guides. They are written clearly, yet casually. The yare a fantastic example.

The Codemaster's one is very well done as well. They really went to a lot of effort to make sure that it covers pretty much everything.

I tend to find that most film based effects companies have really well done guides and FAQs as well. Although short and to the point, the Weta Digital FAQ has all the info you really need.

Posted by souri on

I know it must be frustrating to apply for jobs or go for interviews and not receive a response at all. It's something which is pretty common when applying for local game developer openings, from the general comments written in this forum.

I've had a look at Tantalus's job page, and I think they're setting a great example for the rest of the local developers to shift up their part in the process..

quote:Tantalus has recently revised its HR practices and encourages previous applicants who have applied in the past (prior to 2004), and NOT heard back from us, to reapply, adhering to the requirements found under each description.

They're also by providing a [url=""]very useful FAQ[/url] which answers some very appropriate questions. It's something as simple as providing a FAQ which in turns saves the company from repeated application problems/questions..

Hopefully it'll get the ball going with the rest!

Submitted by Blitz on Fri, 05/03/04 - 8:27 AMPermalink

"CODE: Game Programmer (industry exp. only)

Come and join us at Tantalus. We offer a work environment unparalleled in Australia, complete with an office full of highly talented highly trained professionals who share your passion for making world beating games. And you don't need to have games industry experience to get a job at Tantalus."
Doh! Damn that copy&paste eh? :)

They also seem to have"lost" their generic programmer (3D/GBA) position criteria. Wether by intent or accident who knows (someone working at tantalus maybe!). They still have the generic artist positions there though.

As an aside, i set them my app/resume about 2-3 weeks ago (about 15th Feb...still 2004!) which addressed all the criteria they listed on their website for the 3D programmer position. Never got a reply from them though. Perhaps i didn't address the criteria quite well enough for their liking or something :P Or maybe it was unfortunately about 2 days before they reviewed their HR practices!
Ahh well, good to see them paying some measure of attention at least.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 05/03/04 - 7:38 PMPermalink

I enjoyed blizzards faq(s) - they'd gone to the trouble of not only doing a general employment/company faq but three that cover different job information topics; they are:

General job FAQ:
Covers things like material needed for application, their reviewing process, visa requirements etc

How to get a job at blizzard - case by case:
Goes on a case by case basis by position saying what you need, what's expected and how these skills and material apply etc. Also covers a bit of company culture.

Tips on creating your resume and portfolio submission:
What they like to see. How they like to see material presented, and just some general tips on presenting yourself for application.

Submitted by Aven on Fri, 05/03/04 - 8:11 PMPermalink

I have always loved reading the Blizzard guides. They are written clearly, yet casually. The yare a fantastic example.

The Codemaster's one is very well done as well. They really went to a lot of effort to make sure that it covers pretty much everything.

I tend to find that most film based effects companies have really well done guides and FAQs as well. Although short and to the point, the Weta Digital FAQ has all the info you really need.