Well, doubt I'll end up finishing, but I thought I'd lazily do some scribbles now and then to see if I wanted to pursue this competition.
getting the style down and defining the master on the left hand side - right hand side is just exploration into ideas for the creature. Going for a cat/dog angelic being. It's all very open, loose, and messy (as is the ideas), but I think I'm going where I want to.
Further study into the final evolved form of the creature - I feel I'm getting closer to where I'm heading with this, which is good [:)]
Thinking of adding either a bow and ethereal arrows, or a large shield to keep with the guardian nature of the character (He's a protector, not an offensive or aggressive creature).
nice final stage, very good transition from the smaller winged dog thingy. I think you should give him a weapon of some sort even if you want to have the sheild aswell, it would look odd just to have a sheild to me. Not nescacarily a big sword or anything, could be a sicle, a whip or whatever takes your fancy :D
I'm really enjoying getting into this design - I think there's been a bit of creative poisoning over the last year in the online community where everythings a combination of evil/futuristic/demonic/babe - very barren idea wise. Feels good to do a good/angelic/protective character [:)]
I'm happy with stages 2 and 3, but I think stage 1 should be a bit more de-evolved - a bit more cute and small and wimpy
Another thing I was playing around with was a halo - the first doggy form had it in its mouth as a frisbee, second hanging onto it, and the third wearing it in the cliche hovering over head style... something to think about anyways [:)]
the 1st and 2nd change only slightly yet from 2nd-3rd well.... :P quite the change
yet in things like digimon their "evolution" takes quite a jump so its cool if thats what your happy with.
By the way i love the wings and the sort of stringy feathers at the end, ties in (excuse the pun) with the ropes around his arms/legs :D
awww... those first two are sooo cute.
The jump to the third is just a little too different (as you have commented), but i think it would be a real shame if you revised those first two.
If you extrapolate (or evolve i guess... :D ) the limbs and muscle structure on the second character, you could end up with something seriously sweet. At the moment, the 3rd stage looks a little too human (in form and proportions).
Model WIP
*edit: sitting at 1185 tri, about 80% done on the modelling. got 15 polys more to play with for a bit more muscle definition and accessories [:)]
thanks everyone for the crits and kind words; every comment gives me that little extra motivation to get it done and finish the comp [:)]
I've been very lax and slow with this, and I don't want to change that, but hopefully I won't have to compromise on quality of entry either.
got the model up to around 95% done and unwrapped, so that further 5% will come out in tweaks and bits of mesh surgery during texturing, so I suppose I can call the modelling finished for now. Should be good to be able to switch between modelling evolution #2 and texturing this one (evolution #3)
Love it. But even tho it follows your concepts very closely - I think the head is too small.
A part of me is wondering whether you've used the 'superhero' proportions of 10 heads which sometimes works. The problem is that the head doesnt match the body properly. The features are masculine yet very fine on the face but the body is quite bulky -- look at the size of the wrist and ankle joints. The disparity really shows in that side on shot.
Still, lots of personality and design in this one! A shame I'm not gonna be able to enter the competition I partly wrote! D'oh! (have had 'real world stuff to deal with).
looking in theme there :D
colour scheme is kicking 5 kinds of ass
maybe you could define the lower legs and feet a little better - and give him the defined pelvis common with that physique(only need to add a couple of polies for the last one, the smoothing group can do alot of the work for you).
Anyhow, looking great, it's my fave at the moment, simply because of the funky boxes.
Okay, A little slack to actually show it, but I've been modelling and unwrapping the second evo, so I thought I better show this texture WIP. probably 60%ish done, want to put in some more complimenting temperatures and balance the tones out more. Wings and chest are still all sketchy and very dodgey so I want to improve those too. (as well as do the parts I haven't even touched like the feet/hands)
edit: the character is full lit, but the scene isn't, just to show his texture a bit clearer instead of hiding it in evil GI or radiosity!
Holy crap, that?s looking awesome! You've really got the skills man.
Superb work.
(Wish I was that good?)
I know your professional, and I was just wondering, how many years have you been modelling for? By that I mean how long did it take you to get this good? (If you say about a year, then I'm just gonna give up!)
(Nice online portfolio, BTW)
Yeah!, i was waiting for your entry, you'd better finish it i mean model and texture or else [:(!]
oh and it looks great as always