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Ally McLean

Ally Mclean (Rumu, Warhammer 40K Regicide, The Working Lunch‪)

12 Mar, 2021
In this podcast

Ally Mclean has done an incredible amount of good with her brief time in the industry so far. From humble beginnings in cosplay, she's reached for the stars and consequently, become one of Australia's shining stars in the game development scene. Ally joins Paul in this new entry of Dev Diary to discuss her journey, her many pursuits so far, and the ways that she is giving back to create a healthier industry.

Harmonious Co-Development in Large Teams: AAA Production Guide - Ally Mclean & Stefano Martincigh

Ally McLean
Stefano Martincigh
Wargaming Sydney
Speaker Date
Session type

Making games is hard! Making games with multiple teams spread across the world is... also hard.

Now try making games with large teams spread across the world AND fostering harmonious working relationships to make your products and your people sing.

Working as Product Manager and Development Manager in WG Sydney on co-development of a new AAA title, Ally & Stefano have learned a lot about what works (and what doesn't work) to create a happy and humming production environment.

In this session, they will share their top findings on planning methodologies, agreements and continuous team improvement to help game developers plan for the bigger picture.

GCAP19: Ally McLean - Thank U, Next: Embracing Change in Stormy Weather

Ally McLean
Speaker Date
Session type

Talk: Thank U, Next: Embracing Change in Stormy Weather

Speaker: Ally McLean

If there's one thing that's certain in the games industry, it's that everything changes. Companies rise and fall, new technologies and business models emerge, and "the way things are done" is in a constant state of flux. What was true when many of entered the industry or started degrees is no more. This dynamic environment isn't settling any time soon, so how do we learn to embrace the chaos?

In a year of particularly turbulent change in the ANZ games industry, this talk will present advice, strategies, stories and questions from people in our community impacted by change, and those making the change, to how we make games. This talk will dig into our community definitions of game development success, and reflect on what remains meaningful in an ever-changing environment. Also, there will be Ariana Grande.

Game Connect Asia Pacific 2019: Lighting The Way

Game Connect Asia Pacific is Australia's premier games development conference and a part of Melbourne International Games Week.

Situated in Melbourne, Australia during October, GCAP is world-renowned for its talks, collaboration, expression, networking and inclusive environment.

Video courtesy of GCAP and the Game Developers' Association of Australia.