Well here's my meagre attempt for the challenge. I had originally intended to go the whole hog and create a highly detailed modelled but I was in the middle of a freelance thingy and just couldn't spare the time. So I found myself with the past couple of days to spare and decided to submit something, anything, even if it's crap. The model weighs in at a puny 1946 Polys even though we had a budget of 3500 but I didn't have the time to go further. Here are some shots of my model (switching to spooky voice mode) - The Betrayer...
Here's the mesh...
UVW Map...
The texture map...
The money shot (which has one of my digital matte paintings as a background)...
And finally a quick animated walk test 270kb (you'll need divx 5 to view)...
so much for showing your progress from start to finish on the forum.
but glad to see another entry :)
nice job as well. good luck.