Yes.. we have avatars now.. (those image thingies under your name, on the left)[:)]. If you want your own personalised avatar up, email it to me at .. Make sure it's 64x64 pixels in size, and either a (non-animated) gif or a jpg. Name it the same as your forum nick.. there's no need to put a black border around it as the forum code will take care of that.. oh, and if you email it to me, you *have* to put ******AVATAR****** in the subject of the email, or else I'll miss it. I get about 60 spam emails in that hotmail account per day..
Send me your avatars
Yes.. we have avatars now.. (those image thingies under your name, on the left)[:)]. If you want your own personalised avatar up, email it to me at .. Make sure it's 64x64 pixels in size, and either a (non-animated) gif or a jpg. Name it the same as your forum nick.. there's no need to put a black border around it as the forum code will take care of that.. oh, and if you email it to me, you *have* to put ******AVATAR****** in the subject of the email, or else I'll miss it. I get about 60 spam emails in that hotmail account per day..