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ODST Prototype Experimental

Journal Category



I finally finished a full fledge test model from the ground up for our halo fan game called Downfall - An ODST Story or another title A Halo Fangame. This model was a bit of a challenge, i never actually modeled helmets or an ODST before, so trying to learn and analyse each of the different model pieces was quite a challenge. I also wanted to try and put our own spin on the model without causing too much changes that we all still remembered from halo 3 ODST. There were many technical problems and challenges i had to go through especially fixing clipping issues which I still need to fix upon the side areas due to substance painter acting up again as usual. This model will be a test bed for all our testing so while the programmers play around with this, I'll be tweaking and updating this model from now on especially playing around with rigging.