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Star Wars Ep3 *spoilers*

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  • Well, I'm making a game . I'm spending the next few weeks on making a small game to showcase the gamedev log feature on tsumea where any member can create a game entry and other members can post journal posts with art, music or just development…

  • Just a test #2. Still working on the new section.

  • So, I got a Commodore 64 when I was in the 4th grade. It came bundled with a Rolf Harris picture building program on casette tape which never loaded properly but from what I could tell by its box cover, you could build pictures from a selection…

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Submitted by souri on

Ok, who has seen it, and what did you think? I managed to catch it today with a friend at the cinema nearby. They had new sessions every half hour for the whole day for Star Wars! We got in at 3pm and were worried that we'd be flooded by school kids, but surprisingly we were the only ones in there. I can't tell you how much I prefer it like this. [:)]

There were a few things that erked me, Hayden's acting is only slightly improved, but it's still shaky and unconvincing in some places, and George Lucas does way too much landscape/cityscape panning between scenes. There's an incredible amount of eye candy and I love a lot of the designs in there with spaceships, cities, robots etc. Stuff to get inspiration from.

The action in the beginning was great, the story was a bit predictable but still enjoyable. Definately the best of the 3 prequals.

I know a lot of people/media say that games are catching up to movies, but this movie shows that the bar keeps getting raised in the movie industry for CG effects.


Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 31/05/05 - 8:27 AM Permalink

General Grievous made me laugh, so did Darth Sidious, in fact it was a big laughathon for me, so it was entertaining.

Submitted by Jason on Tue, 31/05/05 - 9:13 AM Permalink

General Grievous: "I'm gonna swing my arms like this... And if you get in the way, it's your owwwn fault."

thats what the script shouldve been. lol

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 31/05/05 - 9:51 AM Permalink

Err, I?ve got too much time on my hands? Here?s my review.

I enjoyed it. Though I?m not sure how much my love of CG influenced that opinion. It?s amazing how much the effects have improved since episode one. And there was some great design going on there ? I loved that lizard Obi-One rode, and the quick shot of the planet with those massive flowers, for example. Very cool.

I agree with Wiz in that General Grievous was ridiculous, though I suppose it looked okay.
General Grievous: "I'm gonna swing my arms like this... And if you get in the way, it's your owwwn fault."

thats what the script shouldve been. lol

LOL! [:D]

But seriously, I think it would have made much more sense just to keep Count Dooku (whatever his name is, played by Christopher Lee), who would have made for a more interesting villain for Obi-Wan in that battle sequence, then that stupid bug in a robot with lightsabers thing.

I was happy that the characters had more emotion then the previous two films, but it was still not up to the standard of the original trilogy on the character side of things. I mean just compare the romance between Anakin and Padme to Han and Leia?

I was disappointed with Mace Whats-his-name (Samuel L. Jackson) not really amounting to much. I was expecting something superbly cool from him for some reason.

Also I think it really needed more things connecting it to the original trilogy. There are many classic lines from the originals that could easily have been expended upon in this film, giving a much stronger sense of familiarity with the Star Wars universe and it?s characters. Instead Lucas simply used a couple of quick visual references to establish the connection with the original trilogy.

I just feel that the emphasis is on action and effects and not on the actual story, which is what made the original trilogy so great.

But the action and effects in Sith are spectacular, and make it an enjoyable ride. I?m mildly disappointed with the story, but thrilled by the action and effects. I?d give it 3 out of 4 lightsabers.

-And I loved the Frankenstein reference at the end.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 31/05/05 - 7:26 PM Permalink

i thought it was great. i was at the brisbane midnight session and took pleanty of photos (just a few below) and it was a great night. as for the movie - great. next to ot plot or story development, thogh i didnt expect much seeing as though it was pretty much just wrapping up everything. basically just a big excuse to go nuts with everything that's been developed so far. still, all in all i thought it was great, apart from the NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - that was just plain tacky. it was crap. it was ust BAD. an incoherent ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH! or even no sound at all would have been so much better.

but i've said it before and i'll say it again - there should have been more stuff with wokies!![:D]

sorry about the quality - had to compress it to post it.

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 31/05/05 - 11:54 PM Permalink

Yoda failed to kick ass, although I love the force-smiting of the 2 red Empirial Guards when he walked into face Palpatine - hes old and green, so I suppose ill let him off.

Otherwise the movie was unbelievably cool. Anakin's acting is still nasty as ever.

Mace Windu ( Samuel L Jackson ) never worked with a lightsaber In my mind - I too was expecting something great from him, although kudos to him for getting palpatine in a position that even yoda couldnt.

The lizard that OB1 rode was by far my highlight - the skin & animation was amazing. I also notice the way its muscles wobbled when it ran - great job to the team.

Submitted by mcdrewski on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:11 AM Permalink

My GF (not a computer person) made the comment that obi-wan's lizard mount was actually the worst part for her, in a kind of "can't they do ANYTHING without gratuitous CG any more?" vein.


Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:25 AM Permalink

yeah when i saw the lizard i sort of felt the same in a small way. i dont know how to explain what i felt, but it was like - "that looks sooo CG". cos it obviously was i guess [:)]. though i still dont see how a robot with even four lightsabers is any kind of thread. he was trained to use lightsabers, he wasnt a jedi (as far as i could tell). not to mention e was made of metal - pick the bugger up and toss him, or better yet squash him like those other two unlucky fellas! still, awsome action.

also, i too was expecting big things from Mace, as were most other people i know who had sen the first two and were waiting for this one. i mean jackson can be such a bad arse when he wants to be so i was expecting soe awsome saber action (my of us figured he would fight anikin - particually since he's supposed to be the jedi's greatest swordsman). oh well, his death scene was pretty cool!

Submitted by souri on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:47 AM Permalink

I was disappointed with what they gave Natalie Portman to do in this movie. She pretty much spent the whole thing in that darn apartment [:o)]. Oh, and I'm kinda puzzled at the way she died too. "Lost her will to live"?! C'mon!!

Actually, Anakin turned to the darkside way too quick during that Emperor/Jackson scene as well, I thought. Just wasn't convincing that he'd turn completely, just like that. Then straight away, he head off to kill some underlings?! :/

Submitted by Boroma on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:50 AM Permalink

I agree the lizard and the huge flowers were extremely cool. But something I found slightly disappointing was the change in Padme's character compared to the other 2 movies. In the others her character was one of a very confident and strong woman, but in this one she was just a weak, vulnerable pregnant girl. I didn't see the reason for her drastic change in character. Anyway I still really enjoyed the movie - and have seen it a couple of times again already. [:D]

Submitted by palantir on Wed, 01/06/05 - 2:21 AM Permalink

They probably should have left in the stuff with Padme going off to set up the beginnings of the rebellion ? it would have kept some of her character?s strength. Guess we?ll have to wait for the DVD for that.

I suppose I was expecting to see a bit more Samuel L. Jackson come through into Mace Windu:
"By order of the Jedi Council I?m placing your Dark ass under arrest motherf***er."

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 01/06/05 - 4:33 AM Permalink

A friend of mine was a little annoyed that grevious lost like he did, what with being a robot and made of metal and all that he said he should have won more or less. But the whole point of general grevious as far as i can tell was to show basicaly that they were experimenting with human/cybord technology to keep people alive (hence the small mount of organic parts still in him) before they made darth (who "they" is exactly im not really sure, im sure someone could tell you), so he wasnt perfect, he was the experiment and that's why he lost like he did where as ofcourse darth was a lot more sucessfull in his "life."

plot line debates aside i thought it was a cool movie, nothing to put up the top of the all time A list but a good movie none the less. Allthough anikin and padme together was... pretty bad, dialouge and acting wise.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 01/06/05 - 6:49 AM Permalink

I saw it at midnight as well.
Before it started two guys came out the front and had a saber fight, started amusing but then turned very lame, very quickly. However soon this other guy came down and he had this massive saber (when he must have made himself) and everybody cheered. Funny stuff

The movie was great.
The acting and dialogue was a bit bad in some scenes and like most peoople I cringed when vader did his NOOOO!
Grevious looked cool, especially his ride, that was awesome.
Anakins dark side turn was fast, but with limited time in which to tell it I guess its was alright (And I thought his motivation for the turn was good enough). And then end saber fight with OBi was really good, in fact I didnt really like it how yoda was fighting palpitine aat the same time and the kept switching over.
The final scene with the two planets at sunset was a really great note to finish on.

Ive seen it twice and plan to see it one last time at the cinemas in a few weeks.

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 01/06/05 - 7:03 AM Permalink

with reguards to how fast anikin turned, i agree. i forgot to mention that earlier. yeah he turned kind fast compared to what i was expecting - and i was really excited to see him turn after watching the previews and realising that they way he is turned is by the emperor making him see things from his point of view, so to speak. much better than crap like jedi academy where it's like: "you killed the good guy now you're bad". unfortunatly yeah, he did turn a little to fast but at least there was some thought into it. nobody just 'becomes' bad.

and i loved that final shot with the suns that caled back to ep 4 too. BUT WHY OH WHY would you put the final shot with darth stading on the bridge of the ship in the bloody trailer!!!! yeah, ok, you want to show darth - do you have to show one of the FINAL SHOTS OF THE MOVIE!?!?!?! i had a bad feeling about that shot the moment i saw the trailer. at least it didnt really spoil anything i guess.

Submitted by Mick1460 on Wed, 01/06/05 - 5:09 PM Permalink

Hey All!

Well, I went to the midnight session at Garden City and personally, not being the largest Star Wars fan in the world, I really enjoyed it.

What I liked:
* Man, I thought that battle at the start was fantastic. The good old rolling text followed by a fade to space and then a massive battle - wicked!
* To me, (again, comming from a non-hardcore fan) I thought that General Grievous was one of the coolest characters throughout the entire film.
* The music! Man, all the tiny hints and pieces of the famous themes hidden amongst the orchestration was a real highlight for me.
* The Millennium Falcon! - Did anybody see it flying around at the start! I didnt but my girlfriend pointed it out - top coolness points.

What I didnt like:
* The acting - do I need to explain???
* The sudden rush to tie up all the loose ends
* The corniness! - Gee, where to begin...(NOOOOOOOO)...(I love you more, no I love YOU more - FFS!)
* "We have just had a very expensive light saber fight all over the landing dock, up and down pipes covered in Lava, surfing on really hot Lava...but now I have the higher ground so your screwed!
* And, really, am I the only one that finds it odd that EP3 can have so many amputations in a film and escape an M rating, yet we have trouble getting NARC past OFLC?


Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 01/06/05 - 7:26 PM Permalink

i have never sen star wars as violent. i know it contains a lot of violence, but i think the fact that it's such a great action/mythic/fantasy/kids (and big kids) movie whatever, that the violence is overlooked by the views and not seen as bad. like its all not quite real. it's seen as a space fantasy, unlike many other films where the violence is more apparent or realistic.

dont know if you can make sence of what i'm trying to say there, but ti think that's the reason why star wars films get light ratings dispite the death and violence.

also, i've only seen it once, and i've been wanting to see it a second time at the IMAX theater on south bank. i went there last saturday witha friend (drove in from caboolture) only to find a very long line. i thought "that's impressive - its been out ofr over two weeks and there are still huge lines!" most likely cos it was on the IMAX screen ofcourse. unforunatly as we were halfway through the line for tickets an irritating SOLD OUT appeared accross the board. dang. another hour drive back home again. went and saw hitchhikers again with some friends that hadnt sen it et.

i'm going to see SW again on the IMAX screen this week end - only this time i'm booking in advance!

Submitted by shiva on Wed, 01/06/05 - 8:12 PM Permalink

quote:Originally posted by Mick1460
* And, really, am I the only one that finds it odd that EP3 can have so many amputations in a film and escape an M rating, yet we have trouble getting NARC past OFLC?

it didn't, it is rated M in australia

Submitted by Ponkavitch on Wed, 01/06/05 - 11:13 PM Permalink

I thought it was... um... Star Wars. As Something Positive said ?the delicate balance of pretty effects and piss poor acting?.
None of the original movies had good acting or a great scripts (but this below par even for SW).

As for every one saying that he turned to quickly I must disagree. He has been turning since episode 2. Any one else remember him wiping out a tribe of sand people? Then he got married and killed Dukoo etc. the bit with Mace when he "Turned" was when he finally decided that this was the only path that he could take to save to woman he loves. And he kills the younglings because he was told to and it will make him much more powerful in the dark side which he needs to save his woman. At least that?s what I think.

No I didn?t like the NOOOOOoooooo! Either.
The two other things that really pissed me off where;
R2D2?s super robotics when in the ?next? film he can barely stand up.
And Anakin force choking Padme. I know he?s being consumed by the dark side but his entire reason for it is to help her.

I also agree with the time line in this or somthing similar at least


Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 02/06/05 - 1:06 AM Permalink

but you've got to admit, R2D2 taking out those two driods at the start was pretty cool!

Submitted by souri on Thu, 02/06/05 - 6:21 PM Permalink

That page/website is a crack up. [:D]

Posted by souri on

Ok, who has seen it, and what did you think? I managed to catch it today with a friend at the cinema nearby. They had new sessions every half hour for the whole day for Star Wars! We got in at 3pm and were worried that we'd be flooded by school kids, but surprisingly we were the only ones in there. I can't tell you how much I prefer it like this. [:)]

There were a few things that erked me, Hayden's acting is only slightly improved, but it's still shaky and unconvincing in some places, and George Lucas does way too much landscape/cityscape panning between scenes. There's an incredible amount of eye candy and I love a lot of the designs in there with spaceships, cities, robots etc. Stuff to get inspiration from.

The action in the beginning was great, the story was a bit predictable but still enjoyable. Definately the best of the 3 prequals.

I know a lot of people/media say that games are catching up to movies, but this movie shows that the bar keeps getting raised in the movie industry for CG effects.


Submitted by Wizenedoldman on Tue, 31/05/05 - 8:27 AM Permalink

General Grievous made me laugh, so did Darth Sidious, in fact it was a big laughathon for me, so it was entertaining.

Submitted by Jason on Tue, 31/05/05 - 9:13 AM Permalink

General Grievous: "I'm gonna swing my arms like this... And if you get in the way, it's your owwwn fault."

thats what the script shouldve been. lol

Submitted by palantir on Tue, 31/05/05 - 9:51 AM Permalink

Err, I?ve got too much time on my hands? Here?s my review.

I enjoyed it. Though I?m not sure how much my love of CG influenced that opinion. It?s amazing how much the effects have improved since episode one. And there was some great design going on there ? I loved that lizard Obi-One rode, and the quick shot of the planet with those massive flowers, for example. Very cool.

I agree with Wiz in that General Grievous was ridiculous, though I suppose it looked okay.
General Grievous: "I'm gonna swing my arms like this... And if you get in the way, it's your owwwn fault."

thats what the script shouldve been. lol

LOL! [:D]

But seriously, I think it would have made much more sense just to keep Count Dooku (whatever his name is, played by Christopher Lee), who would have made for a more interesting villain for Obi-Wan in that battle sequence, then that stupid bug in a robot with lightsabers thing.

I was happy that the characters had more emotion then the previous two films, but it was still not up to the standard of the original trilogy on the character side of things. I mean just compare the romance between Anakin and Padme to Han and Leia?

I was disappointed with Mace Whats-his-name (Samuel L. Jackson) not really amounting to much. I was expecting something superbly cool from him for some reason.

Also I think it really needed more things connecting it to the original trilogy. There are many classic lines from the originals that could easily have been expended upon in this film, giving a much stronger sense of familiarity with the Star Wars universe and it?s characters. Instead Lucas simply used a couple of quick visual references to establish the connection with the original trilogy.

I just feel that the emphasis is on action and effects and not on the actual story, which is what made the original trilogy so great.

But the action and effects in Sith are spectacular, and make it an enjoyable ride. I?m mildly disappointed with the story, but thrilled by the action and effects. I?d give it 3 out of 4 lightsabers.

-And I loved the Frankenstein reference at the end.

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 31/05/05 - 7:26 PM Permalink

i thought it was great. i was at the brisbane midnight session and took pleanty of photos (just a few below) and it was a great night. as for the movie - great. next to ot plot or story development, thogh i didnt expect much seeing as though it was pretty much just wrapping up everything. basically just a big excuse to go nuts with everything that's been developed so far. still, all in all i thought it was great, apart from the NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - that was just plain tacky. it was crap. it was ust BAD. an incoherent ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH! or even no sound at all would have been so much better.

but i've said it before and i'll say it again - there should have been more stuff with wokies!![:D]

sorry about the quality - had to compress it to post it.

Submitted by Kalescent on Tue, 31/05/05 - 11:54 PM Permalink

Yoda failed to kick ass, although I love the force-smiting of the 2 red Empirial Guards when he walked into face Palpatine - hes old and green, so I suppose ill let him off.

Otherwise the movie was unbelievably cool. Anakin's acting is still nasty as ever.

Mace Windu ( Samuel L Jackson ) never worked with a lightsaber In my mind - I too was expecting something great from him, although kudos to him for getting palpatine in a position that even yoda couldnt.

The lizard that OB1 rode was by far my highlight - the skin & animation was amazing. I also notice the way its muscles wobbled when it ran - great job to the team.

Submitted by mcdrewski on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:11 AM Permalink

My GF (not a computer person) made the comment that obi-wan's lizard mount was actually the worst part for her, in a kind of "can't they do ANYTHING without gratuitous CG any more?" vein.


Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:25 AM Permalink

yeah when i saw the lizard i sort of felt the same in a small way. i dont know how to explain what i felt, but it was like - "that looks sooo CG". cos it obviously was i guess [:)]. though i still dont see how a robot with even four lightsabers is any kind of thread. he was trained to use lightsabers, he wasnt a jedi (as far as i could tell). not to mention e was made of metal - pick the bugger up and toss him, or better yet squash him like those other two unlucky fellas! still, awsome action.

also, i too was expecting big things from Mace, as were most other people i know who had sen the first two and were waiting for this one. i mean jackson can be such a bad arse when he wants to be so i was expecting soe awsome saber action (my of us figured he would fight anikin - particually since he's supposed to be the jedi's greatest swordsman). oh well, his death scene was pretty cool!

Submitted by souri on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:47 AM Permalink

I was disappointed with what they gave Natalie Portman to do in this movie. She pretty much spent the whole thing in that darn apartment [:o)]. Oh, and I'm kinda puzzled at the way she died too. "Lost her will to live"?! C'mon!!

Actually, Anakin turned to the darkside way too quick during that Emperor/Jackson scene as well, I thought. Just wasn't convincing that he'd turn completely, just like that. Then straight away, he head off to kill some underlings?! :/

Submitted by Boroma on Wed, 01/06/05 - 1:50 AM Permalink

I agree the lizard and the huge flowers were extremely cool. But something I found slightly disappointing was the change in Padme's character compared to the other 2 movies. In the others her character was one of a very confident and strong woman, but in this one she was just a weak, vulnerable pregnant girl. I didn't see the reason for her drastic change in character. Anyway I still really enjoyed the movie - and have seen it a couple of times again already. [:D]

Submitted by palantir on Wed, 01/06/05 - 2:21 AM Permalink

They probably should have left in the stuff with Padme going off to set up the beginnings of the rebellion ? it would have kept some of her character?s strength. Guess we?ll have to wait for the DVD for that.

I suppose I was expecting to see a bit more Samuel L. Jackson come through into Mace Windu:
"By order of the Jedi Council I?m placing your Dark ass under arrest motherf***er."

Submitted by MoonUnit on Wed, 01/06/05 - 4:33 AM Permalink

A friend of mine was a little annoyed that grevious lost like he did, what with being a robot and made of metal and all that he said he should have won more or less. But the whole point of general grevious as far as i can tell was to show basicaly that they were experimenting with human/cybord technology to keep people alive (hence the small mount of organic parts still in him) before they made darth (who "they" is exactly im not really sure, im sure someone could tell you), so he wasnt perfect, he was the experiment and that's why he lost like he did where as ofcourse darth was a lot more sucessfull in his "life."

plot line debates aside i thought it was a cool movie, nothing to put up the top of the all time A list but a good movie none the less. Allthough anikin and padme together was... pretty bad, dialouge and acting wise.

Submitted by Makk on Wed, 01/06/05 - 6:49 AM Permalink

I saw it at midnight as well.
Before it started two guys came out the front and had a saber fight, started amusing but then turned very lame, very quickly. However soon this other guy came down and he had this massive saber (when he must have made himself) and everybody cheered. Funny stuff

The movie was great.
The acting and dialogue was a bit bad in some scenes and like most peoople I cringed when vader did his NOOOO!
Grevious looked cool, especially his ride, that was awesome.
Anakins dark side turn was fast, but with limited time in which to tell it I guess its was alright (And I thought his motivation for the turn was good enough). And then end saber fight with OBi was really good, in fact I didnt really like it how yoda was fighting palpitine aat the same time and the kept switching over.
The final scene with the two planets at sunset was a really great note to finish on.

Ive seen it twice and plan to see it one last time at the cinemas in a few weeks.

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 01/06/05 - 7:03 AM Permalink

with reguards to how fast anikin turned, i agree. i forgot to mention that earlier. yeah he turned kind fast compared to what i was expecting - and i was really excited to see him turn after watching the previews and realising that they way he is turned is by the emperor making him see things from his point of view, so to speak. much better than crap like jedi academy where it's like: "you killed the good guy now you're bad". unfortunatly yeah, he did turn a little to fast but at least there was some thought into it. nobody just 'becomes' bad.

and i loved that final shot with the suns that caled back to ep 4 too. BUT WHY OH WHY would you put the final shot with darth stading on the bridge of the ship in the bloody trailer!!!! yeah, ok, you want to show darth - do you have to show one of the FINAL SHOTS OF THE MOVIE!?!?!?! i had a bad feeling about that shot the moment i saw the trailer. at least it didnt really spoil anything i guess.

Submitted by Mick1460 on Wed, 01/06/05 - 5:09 PM Permalink

Hey All!

Well, I went to the midnight session at Garden City and personally, not being the largest Star Wars fan in the world, I really enjoyed it.

What I liked:
* Man, I thought that battle at the start was fantastic. The good old rolling text followed by a fade to space and then a massive battle - wicked!
* To me, (again, comming from a non-hardcore fan) I thought that General Grievous was one of the coolest characters throughout the entire film.
* The music! Man, all the tiny hints and pieces of the famous themes hidden amongst the orchestration was a real highlight for me.
* The Millennium Falcon! - Did anybody see it flying around at the start! I didnt but my girlfriend pointed it out - top coolness points.

What I didnt like:
* The acting - do I need to explain???
* The sudden rush to tie up all the loose ends
* The corniness! - Gee, where to begin...(NOOOOOOOO)...(I love you more, no I love YOU more - FFS!)
* "We have just had a very expensive light saber fight all over the landing dock, up and down pipes covered in Lava, surfing on really hot Lava...but now I have the higher ground so your screwed!
* And, really, am I the only one that finds it odd that EP3 can have so many amputations in a film and escape an M rating, yet we have trouble getting NARC past OFLC?


Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 01/06/05 - 7:26 PM Permalink

i have never sen star wars as violent. i know it contains a lot of violence, but i think the fact that it's such a great action/mythic/fantasy/kids (and big kids) movie whatever, that the violence is overlooked by the views and not seen as bad. like its all not quite real. it's seen as a space fantasy, unlike many other films where the violence is more apparent or realistic.

dont know if you can make sence of what i'm trying to say there, but ti think that's the reason why star wars films get light ratings dispite the death and violence.

also, i've only seen it once, and i've been wanting to see it a second time at the IMAX theater on south bank. i went there last saturday witha friend (drove in from caboolture) only to find a very long line. i thought "that's impressive - its been out ofr over two weeks and there are still huge lines!" most likely cos it was on the IMAX screen ofcourse. unforunatly as we were halfway through the line for tickets an irritating SOLD OUT appeared accross the board. dang. another hour drive back home again. went and saw hitchhikers again with some friends that hadnt sen it et.

i'm going to see SW again on the IMAX screen this week end - only this time i'm booking in advance!

Submitted by shiva on Wed, 01/06/05 - 8:12 PM Permalink

quote:Originally posted by Mick1460
* And, really, am I the only one that finds it odd that EP3 can have so many amputations in a film and escape an M rating, yet we have trouble getting NARC past OFLC?

it didn't, it is rated M in australia

Submitted by Ponkavitch on Wed, 01/06/05 - 11:13 PM Permalink

I thought it was... um... Star Wars. As Something Positive said ?the delicate balance of pretty effects and piss poor acting?.
None of the original movies had good acting or a great scripts (but this below par even for SW).

As for every one saying that he turned to quickly I must disagree. He has been turning since episode 2. Any one else remember him wiping out a tribe of sand people? Then he got married and killed Dukoo etc. the bit with Mace when he "Turned" was when he finally decided that this was the only path that he could take to save to woman he loves. And he kills the younglings because he was told to and it will make him much more powerful in the dark side which he needs to save his woman. At least that?s what I think.

No I didn?t like the NOOOOOoooooo! Either.
The two other things that really pissed me off where;
R2D2?s super robotics when in the ?next? film he can barely stand up.
And Anakin force choking Padme. I know he?s being consumed by the dark side but his entire reason for it is to help her.

I also agree with the time line in this or somthing similar at least


Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 02/06/05 - 1:06 AM Permalink

but you've got to admit, R2D2 taking out those two driods at the start was pretty cool!

Submitted by souri on Thu, 02/06/05 - 6:21 PM Permalink

That page/website is a crack up. [:D]