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Sumea Challenge #8 - SteinwayCG - CH#4

Submitted by steinwaycg on

hi, guys ~ I am a CGer in Brisbane, the following pix are my semi-finished works and working progress pix for SUMEA 2006, critique really welcomed~
First comes concepting and researching sketch  --------------------------

steinwaycg2006-09-21 21:50:39

Submitted by steinwaycg on Fri, 22/09/06 - 7:53 AMPermalink

Low poly model coming soon~ currently in Zbrushsteinwaycg2006-09-30 16:07:31

Submitted by steinwaycg on Fri, 22/09/06 - 7:56 AMPermalink

Some screenshot of ZBrushing stage --------------------------

Currently working on nromal mapping, update coming soon

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 22/09/06 - 9:34 AMPermalink

it looks good, but make sure you check with the rules on whether something anthopomorphic is allowed. check before its too late.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 22/09/06 - 10:28 AMPermalink

Yep, that's fine. Very nice work so far, keep on it!

Submitted by steinwaycg on Fri, 22/09/06 - 10:55 AMPermalink

To: Peter
thanks ~ I will check it carefully ~

To: Souri:
Wow~ encourage from admin  ~ tks

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 22/09/06 - 12:20 PMPermalink

Good job man - I like the more subtle detailing, and those sketches and studies are very nice.

Submitted by steinwaycg on Mon, 25/09/06 - 1:12 PMPermalink

thank~ just got a habit of visual diary,which I think is really good for us CGers I saw your concept days ago, pretty good! You must have fine arts background, am I right ?

Submitted by tojo on Sat, 30/09/06 - 6:36 AMPermalink

hey Shaofang..... great to see you entering!! great work.. didnt realise you were such a great drafstman .. although i wouldnt have doubted it!!

In continuation of our slang lessons;) yo'l be da grand #$%#ing master... your sh*t drops bombs on ol that other toy sh*t, straight up d.o.p.e. and $%%^#&'s will be reaching for there f*#$*ng watches when you be telling da time ;)

make sure you finish!!

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 2:10 AMPermalink

hey~ Tony dude,"Yo~ what's up, gee" glad you like it. I will keep practise the slang in office . Finally, I finished my little kitty~ here is my submission.

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 2:30 AMPermalink

ZBrush update first ~

I have to say it's great fun to be ZBrusher~ hehe

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 2:38 AMPermalink

Finished~! So lucky to have so many friends : Herman, Troy & Paul ...gave me so many support and made my SUMEA trip such a enjoy! Appreciate it guys Wish my work won't let you down, hoho

steinwaycg2006-10-01 10:51:10

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 8:48 PMPermalink

Here is my Submission

steinwaycg2006-10-01 18:21:32

Submitted by Neffy on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:12 PMPermalink

I really enjoy looking at the warm colours on this guy, Best of luck !

Submitted by souri on Mon, 02/10/06 - 12:15 PMPermalink

Well done, you're challenger #4!

Submitted by Kalescent on Thu, 05/10/06 - 4:11 PMPermalink

This is awesome man, totally proud of you and your first effort on a normal map character.

First Zbrush, First Normal map - awesome determination to make this in such short amount of time as you did ( i know you only began a few weeks ago )

Your a winner in my book man

Submitted by steinwaycg on Thu, 05/10/06 - 7:21 PMPermalink

Thanks dude ~ Lucky I got a support team with me during production and also, a small announcement here is my character V2.0 is under processing already, seems it's time to push to another limit ~ show you guys soon

hi, guys ~ I am a CGer in Brisbane, the following pix are my semi-finished works and working progress pix for SUMEA 2006, critique really welcomed~
First comes concepting and researching sketch  --------------------------

steinwaycg2006-09-21 21:50:39

Submitted by steinwaycg on Fri, 22/09/06 - 7:53 AMPermalink

Low poly model coming soon~ currently in Zbrushsteinwaycg2006-09-30 16:07:31

Submitted by steinwaycg on Fri, 22/09/06 - 7:56 AMPermalink

Some screenshot of ZBrushing stage --------------------------

Currently working on nromal mapping, update coming soon

Submitted by PeterDavis on Fri, 22/09/06 - 9:34 AMPermalink

it looks good, but make sure you check with the rules on whether something anthopomorphic is allowed. check before its too late.

Submitted by souri on Fri, 22/09/06 - 10:28 AMPermalink

Yep, that's fine. Very nice work so far, keep on it!

Submitted by steinwaycg on Fri, 22/09/06 - 10:55 AMPermalink

To: Peter
thanks ~ I will check it carefully ~

To: Souri:
Wow~ encourage from admin  ~ tks

Submitted by J I Styles on Fri, 22/09/06 - 12:20 PMPermalink

Good job man - I like the more subtle detailing, and those sketches and studies are very nice.

Submitted by steinwaycg on Mon, 25/09/06 - 1:12 PMPermalink

thank~ just got a habit of visual diary,which I think is really good for us CGers I saw your concept days ago, pretty good! You must have fine arts background, am I right ?

Submitted by tojo on Sat, 30/09/06 - 6:36 AMPermalink

hey Shaofang..... great to see you entering!! great work.. didnt realise you were such a great drafstman .. although i wouldnt have doubted it!!

In continuation of our slang lessons;) yo'l be da grand #$%#ing master... your sh*t drops bombs on ol that other toy sh*t, straight up d.o.p.e. and $%%^#&'s will be reaching for there f*#$*ng watches when you be telling da time ;)

make sure you finish!!

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 2:10 AMPermalink

hey~ Tony dude,"Yo~ what's up, gee" glad you like it. I will keep practise the slang in office . Finally, I finished my little kitty~ here is my submission.

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 2:30 AMPermalink

ZBrush update first ~

I have to say it's great fun to be ZBrusher~ hehe

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 2:38 AMPermalink

Finished~! So lucky to have so many friends : Herman, Troy & Paul ...gave me so many support and made my SUMEA trip such a enjoy! Appreciate it guys Wish my work won't let you down, hoho

steinwaycg2006-10-01 10:51:10

Submitted by steinwaycg on Sun, 01/10/06 - 8:48 PMPermalink

Here is my Submission

steinwaycg2006-10-01 18:21:32

Submitted by Neffy on Sun, 01/10/06 - 10:12 PMPermalink

I really enjoy looking at the warm colours on this guy, Best of luck !

Submitted by souri on Mon, 02/10/06 - 12:15 PMPermalink

Well done, you're challenger #4!

Submitted by Kalescent on Thu, 05/10/06 - 4:11 PMPermalink

This is awesome man, totally proud of you and your first effort on a normal map character.

First Zbrush, First Normal map - awesome determination to make this in such short amount of time as you did ( i know you only began a few weeks ago )

Your a winner in my book man

Submitted by steinwaycg on Thu, 05/10/06 - 7:21 PMPermalink

Thanks dude ~ Lucky I got a support team with me during production and also, a small announcement here is my character V2.0 is under processing already, seems it's time to push to another limit ~ show you guys soon