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My Firearm - A different kind of design.

  • It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog on what I’ve been up to. Mostly because I’ve been quite busy with all sorts of work. Thankfully the outcome of which is that I now have quite a deal of things to write about.

    First to talk about…

  • Hi everyone.

    I want to make a call out to find out who’s out there in the local scene. I’m on the lookout to see who’s available for a project I’d like to get started midyear.

    Project codename: Play-bit Heroes!

    The proposal:…

  • Hi everyone!

    Chris here from Roo Games.

    After the release of Mole - Quest for the Terracore gem! We've been hard at work on our next project for the iPhone.

    It's Called Power Surge!

    Power Surge has the player linking…

  • Hi everyone. After much hard work from the project mole team i'm proud to announce our game is now in the app store! Mole! You play as Mark the mole as you quest to find the fabled Terracore gem! Gameplay features: · An easy to play touch based…

  • Hi everyone.

    With Mole just about close to a month until it's iPhone release I wanted to show my thought process in how I went about designing Mole.

    One of the best ways to show you guys is to showcase the design document.


  • First off I’ll disclaim that as far as my experience at GCAP is concerned I was only a exhibitor. I didn’t attend any of the keynotes or talks. I sat in at the Mole table 90% of the time. The rest was spent talking to people and playing the…

  • [Note: This post is quite long. Just wanted to establish that so no one tells me to shorten it. :D ]

    Designerwatts' 7 rules of making your first team-based indie game.

    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to take the time to write out my…

  • Our submission for GCAPs indie awards.

    To be honest I didn't submit Mole in the hopes of winning awards. I'm more so interested in getting the opportunity to showcase the game to developers and publishers in December. At which point Mole…

  • Another busy month in the world of freeware game development.

    Due to the efforts of some very dedicated and skilled volunteer developers. There have been some noticeable changes to Tower City this month.

    Our talented enviornment…

  • Team name:
    Team Tower City

    Project name:
    Prototype Project Tower City

    Brief description & Target aim:
    Tower City is a freeware project created for promoting the volunteers who help to create the demo and to claim…

Submitted by designerwatts on

A different Kind of design: My fake Firearm weapon.

In my last year of high school I took a design technology class. Now my schools design tech class went to the museum and saw the top design exhibition. While there were many lovely and pretty designs yet they where all pretty much the same thing. Chairs and Barstools by private schools and obviously having parents invest hundreds of dollars into these projects. But the unfair crookedness of the exhibition isn?t the point.

Everything there was the same! Boring, Pretty and shiny but boring. So I thought to myself what would be a good item to make that no one else in Victora year 12 would attempt. A firearm!

So. I asked the teacher if it was legal to make a fake prop firearm. As long as it couldn?t be used as a weapon it was fine. And thus started the process.

The total time of the project was 20 weeks. From Criteria to design to prototyping to modifying to the final product. While not the prettiest weapon the process I went through was the most in depth in my school. And the making of this gun can be gauged as a typical process of design. I did research into older weapons. I had to learn metal cutting and crafting techniques. I drew over 4 prototype designs and made a tangible prototype to suss out what can and can?t work. From that I found 9 different aspects of the gun that needed modification and adjusted the design. I came across almost catastrophic setbacks and adjusted myself and the design to compensate.

I?ve scanned in some of the pages and some really bad web cam photos. But the point of all this is simple. As designers, or even wannabe designers like me. We don?t have to focus design purely on games and games alone. Applying design to different things shows some form of versatility.

A different Kind of design: My fake Firearm weapon.

In my last year of high school I took a design technology class. Now my schools design tech class went to the museum and saw the top design exhibition. While there were many lovely and pretty designs yet they where all pretty much the same thing. Chairs and Barstools by private schools and obviously having parents invest hundreds of dollars into these projects. But the unfair crookedness of the exhibition isn?t the point.

Everything there was the same! Boring, Pretty and shiny but boring. So I thought to myself what would be a good item to make that no one else in Victora year 12 would attempt. A firearm!

So. I asked the teacher if it was legal to make a fake prop firearm. As long as it couldn?t be used as a weapon it was fine. And thus started the process.

The total time of the project was 20 weeks. From Criteria to design to prototyping to modifying to the final product. While not the prettiest weapon the process I went through was the most in depth in my school. And the making of this gun can be gauged as a typical process of design. I did research into older weapons. I had to learn metal cutting and crafting techniques. I drew over 4 prototype designs and made a tangible prototype to suss out what can and can?t work. From that I found 9 different aspects of the gun that needed modification and adjusted the design. I came across almost catastrophic setbacks and adjusted myself and the design to compensate.

I?ve scanned in some of the pages and some really bad web cam photos. But the point of all this is simple. As designers, or even wannabe designers like me. We don?t have to focus design purely on games and games alone. Applying design to different things shows some form of versatility.