I know a lot of you would appreciate this article on Gran Turismo 4 - it's a [url="http://www.motortrend.com/features/games/112_0311_gt4/"]rather indepth look at the title[/url].
Kill Bill - article on the anime sequences [url="http://www.cgnetworks.com/story.php?story_id=1824"]over at CGNetworks[/url]..
And surprise, surprise, [url="ps2.ign.com/articles/445/445835p1.html"]more sequels and licenses planned for 2004[/url] by the big publishers..
quote:Activision said it has plans to "franchise" True Crime: Streets of LA "for years to come."
Oh goody.. [:)] And another Tony Hawke game.. is anyone looking forward to those anymore? [;)]
On a rather happier note though, they're planning to do a sequel for Call of Duty, which is in my mind, one very damn fine game! I'm guessing they're gonna be covering a different war with the sequel, since COD pretty much covered D-Day in WW2.