Hey Everyone. It's been a while. Howr y'all doin?
I say this everytime, but I'm really going to try to finish this time. I am a bit worried about the normal mapping (i've never done it before) - so if anyone can point me in the direction of the easiest and / or best way to do normal mapping, it would be much appreciated. Cheers.
So anyway, I have been working on a concept which is a bit different. I wanted to go a little retro... but somehow it didn't quite get all the way there. Ahh well. This isn't your standard "fighter" fighter... This one is a little different.
Let me introduce SHAZZA! As an undervalued receptionist, Shazza was made redundant when a perky 19 year old took over the front desk where she worked. Shazza (AKA Sharron Mclaren) was forced to take a job at a rollerskate restaurant to pay for her acting classes. She has found an opportunity to use the lethal combination of her tae bo, rollerskating and cappoeira in a fighting tournament. If she wins the tournament, Shazza will have enough money to never have to work at the rollerskate restaurant again.
[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="http://www.sumea.com.au/forum/attached/WAR-HEAD/20066723440_Shazza_Lank…"]Shazza_Lanky.jpg[/url]
139.45 KB
[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="http://www.sumea.com.au/forum/attached/WAR-HEAD/200667234511_Shazza_Man…"]Shazza_Manga.jpg[/url]
107.35 KB
So anyways, I did a kinda lanky version of Shazz to start with and then I tried manga style proportions. I think I might go back to the lanky style (or more of a western comic book style) when i start modelling her.
It's good to be back. Comments welcome.
Not too shabby. My favourite is the rightmost manga version, I prefer the glasses over the manga eyes.
I found most of what I needed to know in ben Cloward's tute - http://www.monitorstudios.com/bcloward/tutorials_normal_maps1.html
You'll see that posted a lot in the next few weeks. [:)]
JohnN: Yeah i would really love to get some animations into the final model, but i really suck at animation... And its going to be even harder to do cappoeira type moves with rollerskates. [xx(][?]
Bunny: Thanks HEAPS for the tutes! This is really helpful! I had a quick flick through and i plan to be doing some normal mapping tests this weekend... (Hopefully start modelling as well). As far as the style of the model, im not too sure still. I was going to go for a cartoony look and feel, so maybe the manga style will work better. [?]
I'll keep you posted. Cheers for your comments.
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