I know most of you probably couldn't care less [:)], but it's something I found interesting. Quite possibly two of the largest online gaming news outlets/networks are going to be one gigantic borg-like entity.
[url="http://www.gamespydaily.com/news/fullstory.asp?id=5534"]Resistence is futile[/url].
While they are a portal for the same game news regurgitated on many sites, Gamespy actually do a lot of their own content as well - game reviews, conference and special reports etc, and the occasional lame "top ten" articles. [:)].. I wonder if Gamespy will adopt IGN's grubby subscriber only content scheme [:(]
yeah someone told me just earlier, cause im from a gaming website this is actually quite interesting
gamespy was more of a portal where as IGN was totally their own content. So i wonder what style the new site will have (and come to think of it, what they will call it...)