Redwyre mentioned that he was going to suggest an indie part of Sumea for you local independant game developers.. so throw me your ideas and suggestions here, and I'll see what I can do. What do you think? A section in the forum for independant game developers to discuss in? A special section on Sumea for IGD's, with details, profiles, and links to all the games in development, and whatnot? (I've built Sumea in a way so that it's pretty easy to add another section like this)...
Are there many of you IGD's out there? Give me a yell in this thread!
Some might find this an interesting read... [url][/url]
A link to projects in progress, or indie companies would be nice. I don't think theres any need for another forum (what would be discussed in an indie forum that wouldn't just as easily find it's place in the general or aus industry forums?)
CYer, Blitz