This is only interesting to those of you who have UT2004, but the news is that a community project has been given the ok to convert Unreal 2 XMP to Unreal Tournament 2004. As you might know, the developers that made Unreal 2 (and the XMP muliutplayer add on) is now defunct, and the master server for Unreal 2 XMP had been dead for quite a while now, making the purchasers of Unreal 2/XMP very sad pandas indeed. Anyway, it's great to see this game given a new lease of life - a lot of the maps were quite exceptional! I'm sure the game will be an improved experienced due to the improved netcode and vehicle support of the UT2004 engine..
On another UT2004 related note, they're going to be doing away with the cd/dvd check with the upcoming patch. You know how many times I've had to put the original play disc in the dvd tray since I've got the game? Lots. [:)] They're also removing the bug where you could lift the leviathon vehicle with a manta, and I'm kinda sad to see it go. Not because it gets rid of a serious flaw, mind you, but the general idea of it was actually promising where it encouraged teammates to co-operate and help each other do something. Apart from maybe repairing vehicles/nodes, or perhaps by chance getting some support in a battle, you're pretty much always doing things on your own, I think.
no it means an entirely new game type, where you need to steal the other teams artifacts, your base has power generators that need to be controlled in order to use turrets and vehicles as well as power up your artifact node. Plus its class based as well. I hope they port over all the weapons and vehicles, shit I hope they port everything over exactly how it is, XMP is damn good fun.
I'm very happy with how Epic have been getting rid of CD checks eventually with patches at some point after initial sales. It shows they are very community minded (while still keeping business sensibilities of having checks in the first couple months of release).
UT2003 removed the check with one of the patches. Dunno about unreal2 or the original unreals.
Ahh well, *looks at sig* :)
CYer, Blitz
interesting news, so XMP was a multiplayer add on for Unreal2... so does this mean simply more maps for Ut2k4 or what?