Hey all, Jason here aka Crystalmesh, just dropping by to say hi and nice site. I'm sure this place will get more popular each day as more and more artist's hear about it.
employ more people, get less crunch :)
I think that's what Microforte did with their Fallout2 game.. unfortunately after the game was done, most of them (graduates or students from AIE?) had to be let go.
So it's either
1> employ more people, get less crunch, boot the people after, save money
2> don't employ more people, work the asses off current workers, save money.
btw Bunny, what happened?
I was asking what happened with your job.. .. well anyway, all I read about the Microforte Fallout thing was from Gamasutra.. http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20010420/oakden_01.htm .. you might have to log in..
well, im just bitter as i was tring to get back into the game industry and not have to go overseas again....
Everyone, make sure you visit his site.. http://www.jasondalton.com .. some excellant work there