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3D Spaceballs


Frikkin gimmicks!!!!????

Well, actually nope.

I had the chance to try out the new range of Spaceballs (oh no... spaceballs! Damn, there goes the planet) while I was in Taiwan. Not to shabby, actually. Though I wouldnt say 'rush out and buy these invaluable tools', I would say... 'hot damn... this is kinda funky'.

Whats cool about them? Well, its just being able to zoom, pan and tumble the view simaltaniously (rather than one operation at a time) this gives you better spacial understanding for the scene. I found after ten minutes I was navigating like a pro and polymodelling quite well. The end result was not the advertised "30% speed increase" (you have to shift your hand to the keyboard too much for that) but a definate 30% improvement in the artistic results. The models I made just FELT better, more solid, more weighty. So yeah, actual results are better.

I wouldnt personally go for the space ball design... it forces your left hand (right hand if your a molliduker)into a claw shape, and causes a little strain on your outer tendons. Much better is the 'travelling' puck shaped spaceball (complete with funky blue led switches around the rim), which is instead held between thumb and finger. Being light and easy to 'tweak', as well as able to fit into a laptop case was coooool.

Since you have to pull the ball vertically to pan up, I found the thumb/finger configuration much better than the claw.

The price is inhibitive for studios, but if you get the chance do try one out for your home rig. Im personally adding one to my wish list... it fits right there between nvidea go fitted laptop and season seven of buffy.


Submitted by Brain on Wed, 22/10/03 - 7:20 PMPermalink

Aaight... further info perhaps?

Sir! The radar, sir! It appears to be... Jammed!

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 22/10/03 - 9:01 PMPermalink

we ain't found shit

Submitted by davidcoen on Fri, 24/10/03 - 12:11 AMPermalink

hmmn, using a mouse in one hand, and the other hand for keyboard shortcuts or space ball view manipulation could work, wonder if that is what they are pushing it as....

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Fri, 07/11/03 - 8:47 AMPermalink

Yeah, it doesnt replace the mouse.

I just need two more arms... one for mouse, one for spacepuck, one for keyboard and the other for regulating the coffee drip.

Submitted by Ionized on Tue, 11/11/03 - 10:31 PMPermalink

I remember the game versions of those things were all the rage a few years ago. Heres hoping the 3D version sticks around for a bit longer.

Hell I'll buy one, if only to nurture my hand into the shape of a deformed claw ;)

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Mon, 24/11/03 - 7:17 PMPermalink

Thats just it, no deformed claw on the traveller... your arm stays flat and you tweak it with your forefinger and thumb. Tres cool. No RSI.

Next time I am in Hong Kong Ill grab one and take it on tour with me.


Frikkin gimmicks!!!!????

Well, actually nope.

I had the chance to try out the new range of Spaceballs (oh no... spaceballs! Damn, there goes the planet) while I was in Taiwan. Not to shabby, actually. Though I wouldnt say 'rush out and buy these invaluable tools', I would say... 'hot damn... this is kinda funky'.

Whats cool about them? Well, its just being able to zoom, pan and tumble the view simaltaniously (rather than one operation at a time) this gives you better spacial understanding for the scene. I found after ten minutes I was navigating like a pro and polymodelling quite well. The end result was not the advertised "30% speed increase" (you have to shift your hand to the keyboard too much for that) but a definate 30% improvement in the artistic results. The models I made just FELT better, more solid, more weighty. So yeah, actual results are better.

I wouldnt personally go for the space ball design... it forces your left hand (right hand if your a molliduker)into a claw shape, and causes a little strain on your outer tendons. Much better is the 'travelling' puck shaped spaceball (complete with funky blue led switches around the rim), which is instead held between thumb and finger. Being light and easy to 'tweak', as well as able to fit into a laptop case was coooool.

Since you have to pull the ball vertically to pan up, I found the thumb/finger configuration much better than the claw.

The price is inhibitive for studios, but if you get the chance do try one out for your home rig. Im personally adding one to my wish list... it fits right there between nvidea go fitted laptop and season seven of buffy.


Submitted by Brain on Wed, 22/10/03 - 7:20 PMPermalink

Aaight... further info perhaps?

Sir! The radar, sir! It appears to be... Jammed!

Submitted by Aven on Wed, 22/10/03 - 9:01 PMPermalink

we ain't found shit

Submitted by davidcoen on Fri, 24/10/03 - 12:11 AMPermalink

hmmn, using a mouse in one hand, and the other hand for keyboard shortcuts or space ball view manipulation could work, wonder if that is what they are pushing it as....

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Fri, 07/11/03 - 8:47 AMPermalink

Yeah, it doesnt replace the mouse.

I just need two more arms... one for mouse, one for spacepuck, one for keyboard and the other for regulating the coffee drip.

Submitted by Ionized on Tue, 11/11/03 - 10:31 PMPermalink

I remember the game versions of those things were all the rage a few years ago. Heres hoping the 3D version sticks around for a bit longer.

Hell I'll buy one, if only to nurture my hand into the shape of a deformed claw ;)

Submitted by kingofdaveness on Mon, 24/11/03 - 7:17 PMPermalink

Thats just it, no deformed claw on the traveller... your arm stays flat and you tweak it with your forefinger and thumb. Tres cool. No RSI.

Next time I am in Hong Kong Ill grab one and take it on tour with me.