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nVidia Videos

Submitted by myrddian on

Has anybody seen those new nVidia videos, that they have on their webpage?

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Thu, 14/11/02 - 12:45 AMPermalink

nope, when did they come out?

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Thu, 14/11/02 - 3:31 PMPermalink

Hey, do you have a link?

Submitted by myrddian on Fri, 15/11/02 - 9:05 AMPermalink

I think... the navigation bar on it sucks... I think it's like the second last Icon or something

I played poker with a Tarot deck the other night. I got a full house and four people died.

--Steven Wright.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Sun, 17/11/02 - 10:58 AMPermalink

yep there just ads, you think they would have some sort of amazing graphical effects to show off what their advertising, but no.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Wed, 20/11/02 - 9:49 AMPermalink

Those pictures are fantasic, she really looks beautiful. these pics are certainly good and all, but they are a bit of deception. "Look at what our graphics cards can do" is what they say, but really this kind of detail is only achievable in small scenes, sure these are realtime but theres only one major thing on screen, the fairy and if you've seen it, the wolfman, none of this is really applicable to games. It makes people think "wow this is what games will look like If I buy this" when really its nowhere near the truth. I'd be more impressed if they could show it rendering a scene with something like 30 or so 3000 poly models all on screen at the same time with a smooth frame rate, instead of one mega detailed character.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Wed, 20/11/02 - 11:02 AMPermalink

It's more of a showing off of the shader technology I think. You can see some of the skin bumpmapping (in the close up pic, shoulder area).. plus the hair which looks awesome.. oh, and the fact that the skin doesn't look like it's plastic.. plus there must be some funky effect happening with the wings.. [:)] and no jaggies in sight..

Some of the other demos are interesting too. Especially of that car which changes from new to a rusty heap.

I think the model is awesome.. I might just post some more images on her then.


Submitted by Blitz on Wed, 20/11/02 - 1:42 PMPermalink

As a young adult male, the first thing i noticed is ehr boobs look whacked. Now that we're done with that, it looks good, although i don't think the skin like that great. the closeups of the face are good, but the rest of the body still looks pretty plastic.
On the wolfman, i think it says in one of my books that he renders at about 8 fps or something.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Wed, 20/11/02 - 11:59 PMPermalink

Nah that wolfman demo renders really fast for me, somthing like 40 fps.
God damn, those facial expressions are great. the more I look at her the more real she seems.
And those large pics make great wall papers :) I wish I could see her back, I want to see how those wings connect up.
HMMMM looks like I may have to start saving for one of these cards.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Thu, 21/11/02 - 7:45 AMPermalink

quote: i don't think the skin like that great. the closeups of the face are good, but the rest of the body still looks pretty plastic.

The shaders are programmable, so it's not as much of a limitation on the card but more on whoever's programming it I guess.

Submitted by Blitz on Sat, 23/11/02 - 12:46 AMPermalink

Hmmm, according to isn't even perhaps someone is playing funny buggers...or maybe is slwo updating :P
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Sat, 23/11/02 - 3:50 AMPermalink

LOL Are they allowed to do that, damn smartarses :)

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Sat, 23/11/02 - 8:14 AMPermalink

Ah.. seems to be pointing to a French 3D magazine site now... earlier today there was an ATI all-in-wonder gfx card page there..

Submitted by myrddian on Tue, 26/11/02 - 2:26 AMPermalink

heh.... I wonder when nVidia will notice. Well the new pixel shaders as required for DX9 and OGL2 are meant to be reprogrammable, however nVidia went over the specifications.

I doubt that there will be anything that could use the nv30. So although impressive it would be hard to find anything that will truly use until anotehr year or so. Just like the GeForce 3

I played poker with a Tarot deck the other night. I got a full house and four people died.

--Steven Wright.

Submitted by Blitz on Tue, 26/11/02 - 12:31 PMPermalink

I think a lot of the difference in when a card is released and when apps that push it are released has a lot to do with the amount of time it takes to develop the apps. It can be hard to test new code when you don't even have the hardware yet.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by AndrewM on Sat, 30/11/02 - 6:26 PMPermalink


The emulator for the opengl extensions for NV30 has been out for a while now. Quite a few people have been playing with it. Obviously nothing like having real hardware to work on, but some people know what's going on, and a lot of people have had the DX9 Beta for quite a while now, so lots of people are already using DX9 HLSL (or Cg), and the new fx files which are really great. Lots of other kewl stuff in there too.

Andrew McGregor
Engine programmer
Tycom Studios

Posted by myrddian on

Has anybody seen those new nVidia videos, that they have on their webpage?

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Thu, 14/11/02 - 12:45 AMPermalink

nope, when did they come out?

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Thu, 14/11/02 - 3:31 PMPermalink

Hey, do you have a link?

Submitted by myrddian on Fri, 15/11/02 - 9:05 AMPermalink

I think... the navigation bar on it sucks... I think it's like the second last Icon or something

I played poker with a Tarot deck the other night. I got a full house and four people died.

--Steven Wright.

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Sun, 17/11/02 - 10:58 AMPermalink

yep there just ads, you think they would have some sort of amazing graphical effects to show off what their advertising, but no.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Wed, 20/11/02 - 9:49 AMPermalink

Those pictures are fantasic, she really looks beautiful. these pics are certainly good and all, but they are a bit of deception. "Look at what our graphics cards can do" is what they say, but really this kind of detail is only achievable in small scenes, sure these are realtime but theres only one major thing on screen, the fairy and if you've seen it, the wolfman, none of this is really applicable to games. It makes people think "wow this is what games will look like If I buy this" when really its nowhere near the truth. I'd be more impressed if they could show it rendering a scene with something like 30 or so 3000 poly models all on screen at the same time with a smooth frame rate, instead of one mega detailed character.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Wed, 20/11/02 - 11:02 AMPermalink

It's more of a showing off of the shader technology I think. You can see some of the skin bumpmapping (in the close up pic, shoulder area).. plus the hair which looks awesome.. oh, and the fact that the skin doesn't look like it's plastic.. plus there must be some funky effect happening with the wings.. [:)] and no jaggies in sight..

Some of the other demos are interesting too. Especially of that car which changes from new to a rusty heap.

I think the model is awesome.. I might just post some more images on her then.


Submitted by Blitz on Wed, 20/11/02 - 1:42 PMPermalink

As a young adult male, the first thing i noticed is ehr boobs look whacked. Now that we're done with that, it looks good, although i don't think the skin like that great. the closeups of the face are good, but the rest of the body still looks pretty plastic.
On the wolfman, i think it says in one of my books that he renders at about 8 fps or something.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Wed, 20/11/02 - 11:59 PMPermalink

Nah that wolfman demo renders really fast for me, somthing like 40 fps.
God damn, those facial expressions are great. the more I look at her the more real she seems.
And those large pics make great wall papers :) I wish I could see her back, I want to see how those wings connect up.
HMMMM looks like I may have to start saving for one of these cards.

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Thu, 21/11/02 - 7:45 AMPermalink

quote: i don't think the skin like that great. the closeups of the face are good, but the rest of the body still looks pretty plastic.

The shaders are programmable, so it's not as much of a limitation on the card but more on whoever's programming it I guess.

Submitted by Blitz on Sat, 23/11/02 - 12:46 AMPermalink

Hmmm, according to isn't even perhaps someone is playing funny buggers...or maybe is slwo updating :P
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by Fluffy CatFood on Sat, 23/11/02 - 3:50 AMPermalink

LOL Are they allowed to do that, damn smartarses :)

Lead paint: delicious but deadly!

Submitted by souri on Sat, 23/11/02 - 8:14 AMPermalink

Ah.. seems to be pointing to a French 3D magazine site now... earlier today there was an ATI all-in-wonder gfx card page there..

Submitted by myrddian on Tue, 26/11/02 - 2:26 AMPermalink

heh.... I wonder when nVidia will notice. Well the new pixel shaders as required for DX9 and OGL2 are meant to be reprogrammable, however nVidia went over the specifications.

I doubt that there will be anything that could use the nv30. So although impressive it would be hard to find anything that will truly use until anotehr year or so. Just like the GeForce 3

I played poker with a Tarot deck the other night. I got a full house and four people died.

--Steven Wright.

Submitted by Blitz on Tue, 26/11/02 - 12:31 PMPermalink

I think a lot of the difference in when a card is released and when apps that push it are released has a lot to do with the amount of time it takes to develop the apps. It can be hard to test new code when you don't even have the hardware yet.
CYer, Blitz

Submitted by AndrewM on Sat, 30/11/02 - 6:26 PMPermalink


The emulator for the opengl extensions for NV30 has been out for a while now. Quite a few people have been playing with it. Obviously nothing like having real hardware to work on, but some people know what's going on, and a lot of people have had the DX9 Beta for quite a while now, so lots of people are already using DX9 HLSL (or Cg), and the new fx files which are really great. Lots of other kewl stuff in there too.

Andrew McGregor
Engine programmer
Tycom Studios