I was recently watching the gaming tv show, control freaks today and there was a competition to design a car in maya learning edition. If you win the competition you get your car published in the upcoming EA game, Need For Speed Underground. There was a link to a website which does not work, I just wanted to confirm the website from someone who saw it and make shure i have the correct website. the urrl was www.brainvision.com/controlfreaks The www.brainvision link checks out but it is a site on brain imaging things, not remotely related to a tv show.
I would appreciate any help or info on this competition as i would love to enter it
The info at the site doesn't say whether the model is to be based on a real life car or something designed from scratch. The only reason I'm bringing this up is because some people might design their own concept car while others will base their's on actual cars and then run the chance of not having it included in the game if EA can't licence that particular model... that is if they're planning on using the winner's model in the game.
I've emailed control freaks about the competition, asking them whether the car should be original or an existing one, and what they are looking for in regards to polycount. It says in the conditions that the entry does not have to be textured, so I'm guessing that EA won't actually be using your model, but perhaps building one similar that will work with the game.
I'll let you know what they've said when I get a reply.
From the screenshots on the NFS website, it seems all the cars are rice burners. Skylines, Celicas, Supras etc... I think the best bet would be to show them some Aussie V8 muscle.
quote:Originally posted by Red 5
I think they want people to learn Maya, therefore expanding their future userbase.
All free or personal edition products are for that specific purpose only! Those are just other keywords for a "demo", and they hope that when you use a product enough you will buy the full version when you get a job.
quote:Originally posted by Acer
Definately have to put a good aussie V8 muscle car in it. Im thinking a 1937 HQ monaro or a 351 gto phase 3! [:)][:)]I hope they use the original meshes we create, y would they have us make it with maya, not lightwave or max?????
Hehe, I think u mean 1973 Monaro not 1937. The Phase 3 would be nice, ooh yeah. Just wondering exactly what type of cars they'd want, it seems most of them are current model stuff :/
The Ford Australia site has some of those quicktime things where you can look at the car from different angles, that might help. Otherwise you might have to scoot on down to your ford dealership and take some photos :/ The Holden website have the proper 3D models, except I can't find any way of converting them to a usable mesh to base references off. The best I can get are prespective shots of the side, which are handy but its still not as good as proper orthographic views.
My mate owns a VT SS, so that could come in handy! :)
Got a reply from Control Freaks:
Hi Ryan,
There is no poloygon limit to the car you design as it won't actually be used for a game.
A "tuner car" is just basically a modified hoted up street car.
The model has to be entirely your own work.
Good luck,
Team @ Control Freaks
When they say entirely your own work, I'm 90% sure they mean a car not based on an existing one, as my question was: "Can the car be modelled on an existing car just 'hotted up', or does the car have to be an entirely new creation?"
Actually I'm liking that even better, its always fun making new cars.
It is a pity that your design won't be used in the game in any way.
I thought our model will be included in the game [V]. The ford site was a big help, it took me a while to find the 360 view. I got good Front Back Side shots.
""A "tuner car" is just basically a modified hoted up street car.
The model has to be entirely your own work.""
The way i interperet this is that the tuner car is an allready manafactured street car, just hotted up. And that the maya model and texturing must be our own.
Im not shure if this is correct but it is just how i guess it is. I will also send an email to confirm this, and to see what aspects of the model they are judging, eg Creativity, Model design, Visual Stunningness ect...
It would be good to know before we start!
Looks to me like there's a bit of misunderstanding from your query Major Clod, anyway I personally think the safest bet would be model a real life car...something they can relate to.
I also think (apart from supplying a nicely modeled car) a cool paint job would score some major points in this comp :)
I think they wanted 2 fast 2 furious style cars, they gave an example of a supra that look like the supra from the second movie, plus they also gave a link to the car designer/Adviser of 2 fast 2 furious. so it looks to be bodykits, intercoolers and 19s for everybody. They didn't say any thing about using real life cars or concepts though so i'll probably try both.
As for the Blueprints i use http://smcars.nd4spdworld.com/forum/index.php. They don't have many aussie cars (haven't really looked) and i think you have to be a member to get access but its still good.
I have seen an Ford Falcon Au V8 and a HK Holden Manaro, there is no category for holden so you have to go to Miscellaneous.