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Brisbane Sumea Bash!

Submitted by redwyre on

I'm making rezn0r organise a gathering of all the Brisbane sumeans, most likely late this week/next week.

Sound good?

Submitted by rezn0r on Sun, 06/07/03 - 1:40 PMPermalink

Whos in charge here? Wheres my captains wages?

I'm pretty busy all this week with biz, but I'll start arranging things for something next week.

Lets get a headcount so I know how many to cater for. Post here if you're interested. Can't wait to meet everybody. [:D]


Submitted by Malus on Sun, 06/07/03 - 1:41 PMPermalink

Beer O'clock!!

Reznors shout!!

Submitted by redwyre on Sun, 06/07/03 - 1:42 PMPermalink

If you turn up, Scott will buy you a free beer!*

(*) Beer may or may not be real

Submitted by Malus on Sun, 06/07/03 - 2:01 PMPermalink

lol, I think I need to buy him and Lava Monkey a few this time actually. [:)]

Submitted by Major Clod on Mon, 07/07/03 - 12:45 AMPermalink

As long as there is a drink and somewhere to crash I'm there.

Submitted by Brain on Mon, 07/07/03 - 7:32 AMPermalink

I'm there with bells on. Or at least a hat.

Submitted by GooberMan on Mon, 07/07/03 - 7:16 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by rezn0r

Post here if you're interested.


Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 08/07/03 - 3:27 AMPermalink

Brain: Wear some pants too, thanks.

Long time no see GooberMan!

Submitted by kalin on Tue, 08/07/03 - 4:09 AMPermalink

Yeah, I'm up for it. (And second what redwyre said)

Submitted by Stoffle on Tue, 08/07/03 - 4:56 AMPermalink

I hereby post; agreeing with the above terms.

I fully understand that the above terms dictate that:
a) there will be beer
b) brain will be wearing pants

Submitted by Pantmonger on Tue, 08/07/03 - 6:33 AMPermalink

Hay Stoffle ,If your going to be there, Im in. (long time no see)


Submitted by Brain on Tue, 08/07/03 - 8:51 AMPermalink

I hope by pants, you don't mean Pantmonger. Might be comfy and all, but I ain't wearin' him.

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 08/07/03 - 10:33 AMPermalink

Nah, I think Malus is wearing him.

Submitted by lava monkey on Wed, 09/07/03 - 7:58 AMPermalink

we're not sure about that yet.. got a few ideas..
but we need to know how many people and what everyone wants to do.

Submitted by Malus on Wed, 09/07/03 - 9:07 AMPermalink

Redwyre: thats not nice, Pants will be wearing himself lol.

Submitted by Kezza on Wed, 09/07/03 - 10:50 AMPermalink

i need to know the when, the where and the woo/yay/houpla of this event.

Submitted by bradb on Thu, 10/07/03 - 4:32 AMPermalink

you can count me in, just let me know the details biatches (so long as its not at some stupid nightclub)
oh and for god sake with all this talk of guys with lack of pants someone invite some girls even if they are geek girls just so i feel safe

Submitted by redwyre on Thu, 10/07/03 - 1:02 PMPermalink

The way I see it happening is everyone gathers somewhere in the city, everyone can talk and stuff, and later on those that want to go and get sloshed can do so :)

If you have an idea of what to do, speak up!

so far only 11 people...

Oh, and just to be clear, everyone has to wear their own pants.

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 10/07/03 - 6:02 PMPermalink

lan then pub or pub then lan?

Submitted by Major Clod on Thu, 10/07/03 - 11:25 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Malus

lan then pub or pub then lan?

Drunken gaming is always fun :P

Submitted by Pointy on Fri, 11/07/03 - 1:53 AMPermalink

Oh.. Lan! I thought you said ian.
I was like "Who's ian?"

Submitted by redwyre on Fri, 11/07/03 - 8:06 AMPermalink

you crazy drunks will scare everyone away!

Submitted by Brain on Fri, 11/07/03 - 8:53 PMPermalink

Scare away the smelly CS rodents?


It's settled. Drunken gaming it is!! @;-D

Submitted by Pantmonger on Fri, 11/07/03 - 10:00 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Brain

Scare away the smelly CS rodents?

Only the threat of a wash can do that.


Submitted by fuzzmeister on Fri, 11/07/03 - 10:26 PMPermalink

Hey Scott & Ben seems you have got it going on in a big way - congrats & nice site (all professional like)

well depending on what the plan is for this event i'll be there and i'll let Matt know about it also.

LAN? where, how? wouldn't a public venue like a pub where we can have a few and talk dev be better?

Submitted by Major Clod on Sat, 12/07/03 - 9:32 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by fuzzmeister

LAN? where, how? wouldn't a public venue like a pub where we can have a few and talk dev be better?

I imagine we'll be meeting in a pub and doing the above, then relocating to one of the numerous lan places in the city, then going back out to have a few more! [:D]

Submitted by inglis on Sat, 12/07/03 - 8:48 PMPermalink

not in the city at the moment so i cant join...

but heres an idea-
go into queen st and for the guys who want to lan go to the underground place 'the bunker' then go to hooters....

Submitted by rezn0r on Sat, 12/07/03 - 9:20 PMPermalink

Or how about a lan and beer at the same time? I'll get back to you.

Probably some time during next week. Does anyone have a problem with holding the bash during the work week?


Posted by redwyre on

I'm making rezn0r organise a gathering of all the Brisbane sumeans, most likely late this week/next week.

Sound good?

Submitted by rezn0r on Sun, 06/07/03 - 1:40 PMPermalink

Whos in charge here? Wheres my captains wages?

I'm pretty busy all this week with biz, but I'll start arranging things for something next week.

Lets get a headcount so I know how many to cater for. Post here if you're interested. Can't wait to meet everybody. [:D]


Submitted by Malus on Sun, 06/07/03 - 1:41 PMPermalink

Beer O'clock!!

Reznors shout!!

Submitted by redwyre on Sun, 06/07/03 - 1:42 PMPermalink

If you turn up, Scott will buy you a free beer!*

(*) Beer may or may not be real

Submitted by Malus on Sun, 06/07/03 - 2:01 PMPermalink

lol, I think I need to buy him and Lava Monkey a few this time actually. [:)]

Submitted by Major Clod on Mon, 07/07/03 - 12:45 AMPermalink

As long as there is a drink and somewhere to crash I'm there.

Submitted by Brain on Mon, 07/07/03 - 7:32 AMPermalink

I'm there with bells on. Or at least a hat.

Submitted by GooberMan on Mon, 07/07/03 - 7:16 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by rezn0r

Post here if you're interested.


Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 08/07/03 - 3:27 AMPermalink

Brain: Wear some pants too, thanks.

Long time no see GooberMan!

Submitted by kalin on Tue, 08/07/03 - 4:09 AMPermalink

Yeah, I'm up for it. (And second what redwyre said)

Submitted by Stoffle on Tue, 08/07/03 - 4:56 AMPermalink

I hereby post; agreeing with the above terms.

I fully understand that the above terms dictate that:
a) there will be beer
b) brain will be wearing pants

Submitted by Pantmonger on Tue, 08/07/03 - 6:33 AMPermalink

Hay Stoffle ,If your going to be there, Im in. (long time no see)


Submitted by Brain on Tue, 08/07/03 - 8:51 AMPermalink

I hope by pants, you don't mean Pantmonger. Might be comfy and all, but I ain't wearin' him.

Submitted by redwyre on Tue, 08/07/03 - 10:33 AMPermalink

Nah, I think Malus is wearing him.

Submitted by lava monkey on Wed, 09/07/03 - 7:58 AMPermalink

we're not sure about that yet.. got a few ideas..
but we need to know how many people and what everyone wants to do.

Submitted by Malus on Wed, 09/07/03 - 9:07 AMPermalink

Redwyre: thats not nice, Pants will be wearing himself lol.

Submitted by Kezza on Wed, 09/07/03 - 10:50 AMPermalink

i need to know the when, the where and the woo/yay/houpla of this event.

Submitted by bradb on Thu, 10/07/03 - 4:32 AMPermalink

you can count me in, just let me know the details biatches (so long as its not at some stupid nightclub)
oh and for god sake with all this talk of guys with lack of pants someone invite some girls even if they are geek girls just so i feel safe

Submitted by redwyre on Thu, 10/07/03 - 1:02 PMPermalink

The way I see it happening is everyone gathers somewhere in the city, everyone can talk and stuff, and later on those that want to go and get sloshed can do so :)

If you have an idea of what to do, speak up!

so far only 11 people...

Oh, and just to be clear, everyone has to wear their own pants.

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 10/07/03 - 6:02 PMPermalink

lan then pub or pub then lan?

Submitted by Major Clod on Thu, 10/07/03 - 11:25 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Malus

lan then pub or pub then lan?

Drunken gaming is always fun :P

Submitted by Pointy on Fri, 11/07/03 - 1:53 AMPermalink

Oh.. Lan! I thought you said ian.
I was like "Who's ian?"

Submitted by redwyre on Fri, 11/07/03 - 8:06 AMPermalink

you crazy drunks will scare everyone away!

Submitted by Brain on Fri, 11/07/03 - 8:53 PMPermalink

Scare away the smelly CS rodents?


It's settled. Drunken gaming it is!! @;-D

Submitted by Pantmonger on Fri, 11/07/03 - 10:00 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by Brain

Scare away the smelly CS rodents?

Only the threat of a wash can do that.


Submitted by fuzzmeister on Fri, 11/07/03 - 10:26 PMPermalink

Hey Scott & Ben seems you have got it going on in a big way - congrats & nice site (all professional like)

well depending on what the plan is for this event i'll be there and i'll let Matt know about it also.

LAN? where, how? wouldn't a public venue like a pub where we can have a few and talk dev be better?

Submitted by Major Clod on Sat, 12/07/03 - 9:32 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by fuzzmeister

LAN? where, how? wouldn't a public venue like a pub where we can have a few and talk dev be better?

I imagine we'll be meeting in a pub and doing the above, then relocating to one of the numerous lan places in the city, then going back out to have a few more! [:D]

Submitted by inglis on Sat, 12/07/03 - 8:48 PMPermalink

not in the city at the moment so i cant join...

but heres an idea-
go into queen st and for the guys who want to lan go to the underground place 'the bunker' then go to hooters....

Submitted by rezn0r on Sat, 12/07/03 - 9:20 PMPermalink

Or how about a lan and beer at the same time? I'll get back to you.

Probably some time during next week. Does anyone have a problem with holding the bash during the work week?
