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Rockstar says L.A Noire reveal coming next month


Rockstar Games have responded to a question regarding Team Bondi's L.A Noire in their Asked & Answered section on the Rockstar website. It looks like the wraps are coming off for the secretive and long-in-development detective thriller with a big reveal expected next month. From the Rockstar website....

“Your latest word on L.A. Noire is that it is coming along "splendidly" and that we can expect more details very soon, but that was in September. I've been anticipating this game for ages now and I was wondering if you can provide any new information or when in fact you'll publicly provide more information. By the way, is it still on the PS3?” – received via Mouthoff

There will be something great to see soon - a proper in-depth look at the game and why it is so ground breaking and innovative, both in terms of the game's design and the amazing new technology to support it. Expect to see a long-awaited reveal via a big cover story next month.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 22/01/10 - 12:26 PMPermalink

I know that lots of people in the Australian industry are very critical of Team Bondi and the L.A. Noire delays, but I am really hoping to see it turn out great, no matter how long it takes.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 22/01/10 - 3:18 PMPermalink

A friend of mine works at TB and he says it does look good and should be ready for a mid-year release :)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 23/01/10 - 7:45 PMPermalink

L.A. Noire is a laughing stock among the staff at TB. Except the Soho untouchables who really think they have a fucking clue (lolno) and R* who think its srsbsns despite insisting on seagull management. Upper management are clueless morons, the leads are yes-men and the workers are whipping boys (and girls) too naive to know better.

Look for a 6/10 coming to a metacritic near you.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 27/01/10 - 2:43 PMPermalink

I work for a different studio but that doesn't mean I have to pick fault with any of the others. If we supported each other rather than being so quick to enjoy any potential faults then the industry would be stronger.

The negativity on this site nowadays is incredible. It's like people are enjoying the decline of the industry.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 28/01/10 - 9:00 AMPermalink

I think its a bit silly to say anyone is enjoying this.

People can be critical and speak out without enjoying it.

Its a dead end political tactic to accuse someone who has an opposing view that they are 'enjoying' negativity.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 28/01/10 - 10:56 AMPermalink

What is happening here is people are posting generic, negative opinions and offering nothing constructive in return. There is nothing more "dead end" than saying the ground-breaking "oh it's all down to bad management". What exactly does that mean? Underestimating of budgeting? Under-investment in technology/hardware? Over-expectations of milestones? Slow responses from out-sourced partners?

In truth the people posting these things don't know, they just want to be a part of this conversation to make themselves feel better. If they DID actually know specifics that were affecting this games development then they would obviously post them. As it is they just put "bad management" down and then nothing else.

So yes, I would say that people are enjoying this and will feel some weird satisfaction if LA Noire does not do well.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 28/01/10 - 2:32 PMPermalink

A generally negative obscure comment about something that is posted anonymously = TROLL
Pretending to be more than one person = TROLL
Being fired and posting negative statements about your previous company = TROLL
Trying to create a generally negative view of a project, team or person = TROLL
Making up things and pretending they are facts = TROLL
Interjecting half truths amongst lies = TROLL
Pretending you're part of a team or project and posting negative statements = TROLL
Bagging the entire Australian game industry = TROLL
Pretending you used to work someplace and making negative statements = TROLL
Receiving center link payments while still not getting the hint and looking for a job outside of games = TROLL

Smoking too much dope = TROLL
Thinking the world owes you something = TROLL
Thinking you know more than you do about a topic = TROLL
Bagging other people's hard hard work = TROLL
Destroying someone's reputation who has worked his whole life to build = TROLL
Trying to destroy someone's business who they have spent years building = TROLL
Feeling jealous instead of happy when someone is successful = TROLL
Taking prescription medication for depression or anxiety while still posting on Sumea = TROLL

This post is a TROLL


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 28/01/10 - 4:25 PMPermalink

If anything but praise is a troll, and backing up claims with evidence would get you fired... What do?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 28/01/10 - 6:05 PMPermalink

I've never worked on a game where someone was that dispensable, unless they really were that dispensable. Hmmmm, I mean crap! they would have to be pretty crap right ?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 28/01/10 - 7:17 PMPermalink

Youve never worked on a game wher esomeone wouldn;t get fired for whistleblowing or publically stating negative opinions on a game or company?

I assume you are fresh out of uni then.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 23/01/10 - 8:41 PMPermalink

LA Noire is a turning point for the AU industry, if this goes bad - we should see a very interesting next couple of years for the big guys. With another flop on our hands I fear for the likes of creative assembly, THQ and even kromes ability to secure big projects.

I think the time of the smaller casual game studios is fast approaching, because the larger folks are sweating employees like bullets, loosing projects, and generally like the poster above mentioned, churning out 6/10 games.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 25/01/10 - 6:16 PMPermalink

I dunno about that. I agree with the part about smaller projects doing better. With the AUD almost on par with the USD less and less licenses are coming into Oz. I mean Krome is currently without a license for the first time in forever and their foray into online distribution (Blade Kitten) just gets laughed at by MS and Sony for being so terribad (GJ "Space Captain Steve") so unless it's a hit on Steam, which would be completely arbitrary and unjustified, then they'll need to pull a new IP out of their hats or start releasing the Ty games on XBLA and PSN.

THQ's doing okay despite losing the Warhammer license and Creative Assembly are pretty much just Sega Australia so they have work coming in too.

Smaller titles like Puzzle Quest are definitely going to be way to go. LA Noire exists only because Rockstar lets it exist and if what we hear about the horrible quality of both the game and the management is true then Rockstar may not be so keen to repeat their experiment into third party Australian development. Six or seven years of development doesn't exactly scream "We know what we're doing." Although having said that maybe Rockstar don't actually know what's best either after everything we've been hearing out of San Diego and Vancouver.

I think Anonymous is right. Australia is not going to be home to AAA games until the government gets behind them like in France and Canada or our dollar plummets and we become the English-speaking part of Asia again. So get a couple of devs working for a couple of months on something that'll sell for a few dollars and go the Pop-Cap route.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 26/01/10 - 1:31 AMPermalink

That is one of the things that makes me wonder, with the amount of rtime that has been poured into Blade Kitten (basically like the resources of a smaller full retail game) Krome could have made 2-3 smaller XBLA/PSN/Steam games to try out new concepts. It was quite a while ago that Blade Kitten was first shown off wasn't it?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 26/01/10 - 7:22 PMPermalink

Does anyone know what has happened/been happening to that project?

Without trolling it didn't look like any effort was put into the trailer. Did they end up investing in that project at all?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 26/01/10 - 9:38 PMPermalink

You mean Blade Kitten? Sony and Microsoft refuse to publish it on XBLA and PSN because of how bad it is. A lot of time and money down the tube on that one. That's what they get for letting Steve make his neko jerkoff comic into a game.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 26/01/10 - 7:23 PMPermalink

Does anyone know what has happened/been happening to that project?

Without trolling it didn't look like any effort was put into the trailer. Did they end up investing in that project at all?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 25/01/10 - 8:03 PMPermalink

I hope it works out well, I really do. I hope it is the "break-out" title that people on this site and others have said that Australia needs -- and probably deserves to some extent. But if this game is a flop, then Team Bondi deserves all the wraith that they'll get from the locals and internationals; especially due to the damage such a whopping failure would wreak on the local industry and it's fragile if almost non-existent reputation.

...Blade Kitten... what a bad joke!