Dissecta have a summary up of the "The Year of Next Gen: Dissecta Report" event which was held last week in Melbourne. It included a presentation with Chris Mosely, CEO of studio RedTribe and Martin Wilkes, Game Manager at distirbutor Stomp Entertainment, who share their views on how next generation affects their respective businesses and what they are doing about it...
Chris: "I was told it was crazy to contemplate starting a games studio this late in the development cycle, but then again I was told exactly the same thing when I started Blue Tongue in 1995" said Chris, adding "today RedTribe boasts one of Australia's largest development deals, and has a new game that has just started development which will surpass this in size."
Does anyone know whether Dissecta are going to publish Chris Moselys' full speech or not? They've been saying they would for some time but nothing has happened.
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