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Transformers Movie

Submitted by PeterDavis on

This is hard. I don't usually start threads in forums to vent, but I'll bite this time.

Why is it that SO many people think this movie is good? I simply cannot understand it. I'll paste what i wrote in another forum

"saw it tonight, and it was seriously, without a word of a lie, one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my life. The dialogue was terrible, the comedy forced and painful, the action sequences (by which i mean autobot vs decepticons) awesome but few and far between. the movie lacked logic, the plot had gaping holes.

The canon of the transformers was butchered and disrespected.

i seriously cannot stress how bad i think this movie is. I really tried to just sit back and enjoy a movie without complaining or being over-analytical. it was so bad it was hard to appreciate the awesome transformations and CG (which were both very awesome)

there are movies that dont take themselves seriously, but a transformers movie does not translate into that format.
it was a concept that had SO MUCH potential. and yet, this is what Michael Bay comes up with? Im not a super hardcore transformers fan - i can name maybe 5 total transformers if i think hard, and yet the movie just left me feeling robbed of $8, which is ridiculous, because its only $8

im finding it hard to believe how many people think this movie is good. not that they are not entitled to believe that, but i just dont see how..."

the transformers rocked. some of their dialogue was badly written and out of character, but their design and visual execution were superb. its just the movie they are in thats utter garbage.

Somebody needs to agree with me, because I'm starting to go crazy from utter disbelief that so many people love this movie.PeterDavis2007-06-30 08:42:06

Submitted by Killa Dee on Sun, 01/07/07 - 4:30 AMPermalink

Best movie ever. sry    *1 SPOILER REMOVED* sry

you say its the worst movie you have ever seen, have u seen jaws 4, 4 weddings and a funrel, weekend at bernies 2, blues brothers 2000, 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain, You Got Served, Epic Movie, Howling III, Battlefield Earth, BloodRayne? (i have more but i wont torture you with them right now.)

Killa Dee2007-07-01 21:58:11

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sun, 01/07/07 - 4:56 AMPermalink

its not the WORST movie i have ever seen, not by a good shot. But i, personally, thought it was garbage, except the action transformers shots, they rocked.PeterDavis2007-06-30 19:06:04

Submitted by shika on Sun, 01/07/07 - 7:51 AMPermalink

To be honest, I thought it was pretty average, 6/10 kinda film.
Having no empathy for the autobots didn't really help.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sun, 01/07/07 - 8:54 AMPermalink

i found it hard to have empathy for anyone, especially the humans, of which we saw far too much.

Submitted by Johnn on Sun, 01/07/07 - 3:51 PMPermalink

Some bad reviews on Transformers! Strange how it has been well recieved by the critical media. I was thinking about seeing it until someone pointed out who the director is and what other movies they were responsible for. From what has been said here, I think Mr Bay hasn't strayed from the tried and tested formulas he know.

edit: and bad Killa, BAAAD! posting a spoiler on details of the action in the movie.JohnN2007-07-01 05:54:09

Submitted by souri on Sun, 01/07/07 - 5:15 PMPermalink

Haven't seen the movie yet, but c'mon.. Michael Friggin Bay.

The Island
Bad Boys II
Pearl Harbour

and a whole lot of other turds....

Personally, I would love to see the original Transformers: The movie remade in beautiful CGI

Submitted by immellmann on Mon, 02/07/07 - 2:08 PMPermalink

I reckon it was pretty awesome. It was like watching the Transformers when I was a kid again. Granted it's not going to set the world on fire with its script, storyline, but neither do the cartoons if you watch them now. It's just a big kids movie. It reminds me of all the cool memories I had when I was a kid, and that's not a bad thing. And considering I walked out satified with my $15 being spent, is alot more than I can say for Spidey & Pirates 3

Submitted by Killa Dee on Mon, 02/07/07 - 2:22 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=JohnN] edit: and bad Killa, BAAAD! posting a spoiler on details of the action in the movie.[/QUOTE]

Opp's, you'll be happy to know I have disciplined myself with chocolate cake.   

Submitted by Maitrek on Wed, 04/07/07 - 4:01 AMPermalink

I thought it was pretty sucky. I didn't expect much going in, maybe that's why I'm less aggro about it ;) It had some slightly cool actions shots (not one sequence was put together well though) and if I were to be 'critical' the entire movie was basically bollocks.

None the less, I've seen worse

Two words -> Ghost Rider

Submitted by souri on Wed, 04/07/07 - 4:29 AMPermalink

I saw it last night and thought pretty much the same.

The visual effects were really cool, except when the action was a blurry mess. The robot designs are just too busy looking with chrome metal pieces every where, and when you add motion blur and the fast action of two of them bashing each other to the mix, it's hard to figure out what the hell was going on.

I knew when I was going in, I was going to see a typical Michael Bay movie, and I got exactly what I was expecting. Just like a lot of his movies, I think I would have loved this if I was 8 years old or so. I mean, it has everything a boy would wanna see, lots of explosions, tonnes of cool stuff, and a really mind numbingly simple story. Nothing extraordinary about the dialogue or plot, hell, a lot of it was pretty cheesy. ("Sam, push that cube into my chest".. gawd.)

That movie ruined the legend that was Optimus Prime though. None of the autobot (other than Bumblebee, and perhaps Optimus and Megatron) or decepticon characters got any character development at all. Seriously. They were just things in the background most of the time. I dunno, the biggest flaw about the whole movie was they set it up as a love story and most of the time is spent on these two young students (and not on the robots), and rather than having the guy pursue or prove himself in some way to gain her affection, it gets shoved into the background during all the action, and then bam, he gets the girl at the end.

Blah, what the hell am I doing. I'm trying to make sense out of a Michael Bay movie

Submitted by Neffy on Wed, 04/07/07 - 4:58 AMPermalink

I want a transforming yellow car thats awesome like that one in the movie.

I liked the story, they just modernized it I cant understand why people hate it.
my only complaints was that it was stupid to take the secret thingy into the city if you wanted to protect people. Just an excuse for special effects :P

Submitted by IronhideNT on Wed, 04/07/07 - 5:38 PMPermalink

It's ruined all my childhood memories in one mind-numbing hit. I'll say that.

The movie had so many holes, I began to start questioning the very concept of the Transformers - why bother Transforming when clearly they don't care about disguising themselves as they're wrecking things aimlessly.

I mean, as a kid I remember episodes where there would be crowds of people cheering the autobots as they "Transformed and rolled out"...but after that Bay disgrace I realised how much I took the series for granted. The Tranformers transform for no reason! I've been conned!

Holy sh*t I gotta change my username!

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 09/08/07 - 3:57 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=Neffy] I want a transforming yellow car thats awesome like that one in the movie.

I liked the story, they just modernized it I cant understand why people hate it.


Modernised it hey? hehe

So modern equates to badly written, cliche puns which lack any substance or relevance to there original source material?

That means Michael Bay is the new Andy Warhol. lol

In all seriousness I thought it would be what it was and thats ok, I can turn off my inner critic every so often for a few explosions and a hot broad but come on it's not a 'good' movie it was just a 'fun' movie.


my only complaints was that it was stupid to take the secret thingy into the city if you wanted to protect people. Just an excuse for special effects :P[/QUOTE]

I cracked up that they carefully hid the big fella and put his ultimate weapon in the next room with him....

This is hard. I don't usually start threads in forums to vent, but I'll bite this time.

Why is it that SO many people think this movie is good? I simply cannot understand it. I'll paste what i wrote in another forum

"saw it tonight, and it was seriously, without a word of a lie, one of the worst movies i have ever seen in my life. The dialogue was terrible, the comedy forced and painful, the action sequences (by which i mean autobot vs decepticons) awesome but few and far between. the movie lacked logic, the plot had gaping holes.

The canon of the transformers was butchered and disrespected.

i seriously cannot stress how bad i think this movie is. I really tried to just sit back and enjoy a movie without complaining or being over-analytical. it was so bad it was hard to appreciate the awesome transformations and CG (which were both very awesome)

there are movies that dont take themselves seriously, but a transformers movie does not translate into that format.
it was a concept that had SO MUCH potential. and yet, this is what Michael Bay comes up with? Im not a super hardcore transformers fan - i can name maybe 5 total transformers if i think hard, and yet the movie just left me feeling robbed of $8, which is ridiculous, because its only $8

im finding it hard to believe how many people think this movie is good. not that they are not entitled to believe that, but i just dont see how..."

the transformers rocked. some of their dialogue was badly written and out of character, but their design and visual execution were superb. its just the movie they are in thats utter garbage.

Somebody needs to agree with me, because I'm starting to go crazy from utter disbelief that so many people love this movie.PeterDavis2007-06-30 08:42:06

Submitted by Killa Dee on Sun, 01/07/07 - 4:30 AMPermalink

Best movie ever. sry    *1 SPOILER REMOVED* sry

you say its the worst movie you have ever seen, have u seen jaws 4, 4 weddings and a funrel, weekend at bernies 2, blues brothers 2000, 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain, You Got Served, Epic Movie, Howling III, Battlefield Earth, BloodRayne? (i have more but i wont torture you with them right now.)

Killa Dee2007-07-01 21:58:11

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sun, 01/07/07 - 4:56 AMPermalink

its not the WORST movie i have ever seen, not by a good shot. But i, personally, thought it was garbage, except the action transformers shots, they rocked.PeterDavis2007-06-30 19:06:04

Submitted by shika on Sun, 01/07/07 - 7:51 AMPermalink

To be honest, I thought it was pretty average, 6/10 kinda film.
Having no empathy for the autobots didn't really help.

Submitted by PeterDavis on Sun, 01/07/07 - 8:54 AMPermalink

i found it hard to have empathy for anyone, especially the humans, of which we saw far too much.

Submitted by Johnn on Sun, 01/07/07 - 3:51 PMPermalink

Some bad reviews on Transformers! Strange how it has been well recieved by the critical media. I was thinking about seeing it until someone pointed out who the director is and what other movies they were responsible for. From what has been said here, I think Mr Bay hasn't strayed from the tried and tested formulas he know.

edit: and bad Killa, BAAAD! posting a spoiler on details of the action in the movie.JohnN2007-07-01 05:54:09

Submitted by souri on Sun, 01/07/07 - 5:15 PMPermalink

Haven't seen the movie yet, but c'mon.. Michael Friggin Bay.

The Island
Bad Boys II
Pearl Harbour

and a whole lot of other turds....

Personally, I would love to see the original Transformers: The movie remade in beautiful CGI

Submitted by immellmann on Mon, 02/07/07 - 2:08 PMPermalink

I reckon it was pretty awesome. It was like watching the Transformers when I was a kid again. Granted it's not going to set the world on fire with its script, storyline, but neither do the cartoons if you watch them now. It's just a big kids movie. It reminds me of all the cool memories I had when I was a kid, and that's not a bad thing. And considering I walked out satified with my $15 being spent, is alot more than I can say for Spidey & Pirates 3

Submitted by Killa Dee on Mon, 02/07/07 - 2:22 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=JohnN] edit: and bad Killa, BAAAD! posting a spoiler on details of the action in the movie.[/QUOTE]

Opp's, you'll be happy to know I have disciplined myself with chocolate cake.   

Submitted by Maitrek on Wed, 04/07/07 - 4:01 AMPermalink

I thought it was pretty sucky. I didn't expect much going in, maybe that's why I'm less aggro about it ;) It had some slightly cool actions shots (not one sequence was put together well though) and if I were to be 'critical' the entire movie was basically bollocks.

None the less, I've seen worse

Two words -> Ghost Rider

Submitted by souri on Wed, 04/07/07 - 4:29 AMPermalink

I saw it last night and thought pretty much the same.

The visual effects were really cool, except when the action was a blurry mess. The robot designs are just too busy looking with chrome metal pieces every where, and when you add motion blur and the fast action of two of them bashing each other to the mix, it's hard to figure out what the hell was going on.

I knew when I was going in, I was going to see a typical Michael Bay movie, and I got exactly what I was expecting. Just like a lot of his movies, I think I would have loved this if I was 8 years old or so. I mean, it has everything a boy would wanna see, lots of explosions, tonnes of cool stuff, and a really mind numbingly simple story. Nothing extraordinary about the dialogue or plot, hell, a lot of it was pretty cheesy. ("Sam, push that cube into my chest".. gawd.)

That movie ruined the legend that was Optimus Prime though. None of the autobot (other than Bumblebee, and perhaps Optimus and Megatron) or decepticon characters got any character development at all. Seriously. They were just things in the background most of the time. I dunno, the biggest flaw about the whole movie was they set it up as a love story and most of the time is spent on these two young students (and not on the robots), and rather than having the guy pursue or prove himself in some way to gain her affection, it gets shoved into the background during all the action, and then bam, he gets the girl at the end.

Blah, what the hell am I doing. I'm trying to make sense out of a Michael Bay movie

Submitted by Neffy on Wed, 04/07/07 - 4:58 AMPermalink

I want a transforming yellow car thats awesome like that one in the movie.

I liked the story, they just modernized it I cant understand why people hate it.
my only complaints was that it was stupid to take the secret thingy into the city if you wanted to protect people. Just an excuse for special effects :P

Submitted by IronhideNT on Wed, 04/07/07 - 5:38 PMPermalink

It's ruined all my childhood memories in one mind-numbing hit. I'll say that.

The movie had so many holes, I began to start questioning the very concept of the Transformers - why bother Transforming when clearly they don't care about disguising themselves as they're wrecking things aimlessly.

I mean, as a kid I remember episodes where there would be crowds of people cheering the autobots as they "Transformed and rolled out"...but after that Bay disgrace I realised how much I took the series for granted. The Tranformers transform for no reason! I've been conned!

Holy sh*t I gotta change my username!

Submitted by Malus on Thu, 09/08/07 - 3:57 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=Neffy] I want a transforming yellow car thats awesome like that one in the movie.

I liked the story, they just modernized it I cant understand why people hate it.


Modernised it hey? hehe

So modern equates to badly written, cliche puns which lack any substance or relevance to there original source material?

That means Michael Bay is the new Andy Warhol. lol

In all seriousness I thought it would be what it was and thats ok, I can turn off my inner critic every so often for a few explosions and a hot broad but come on it's not a 'good' movie it was just a 'fun' movie.


my only complaints was that it was stupid to take the secret thingy into the city if you wanted to protect people. Just an excuse for special effects :P[/QUOTE]

I cracked up that they carefully hid the big fella and put his ultimate weapon in the next room with him....