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Western Character Model

Submitted by codyalday on

Recently started this character for a Half Life 2 Modification. Around 4200 polys at the moment. Comments and crits are appricaited. Going to be normal maped as well.

Edit : Updated model.
codyalday2007-03-26 05:05:41

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Thu, 29/03/07 - 9:10 AMPermalink

Nice work man, your getting better and better every day. Keep up the good work. I'd probably change a few little things. Hands a bit bigger, head a tiny bit smaller and the hat a bit bigger.

Like I said looking great :) Can't wait to see him textured?

I saw you were playing around with normal maps.. are you planning on Normal mapping this guy??

Keep it up Cody!UniqueSnowFlake2007-03-28 23:11:31

Submitted by codyalday on Wed, 02/05/07 - 6:28 AMPermalink

Started texturing this character. Been extremely lazy lately, hopefully get it done soon though.

EDIT: Another quick update. Coming together fair quickly now.

codyalday2007-05-02 06:41:13

Submitted by codyalday on Sat, 12/05/07 - 9:06 PMPermalink

Pretty much finsihed this character. Few more touch ups here and there and additional maps to be appllied.

Finished the character, fairly happy with him.
codyalday2007-05-14 22:39:03

Posted by codyalday on

Recently started this character for a Half Life 2 Modification. Around 4200 polys at the moment. Comments and crits are appricaited. Going to be normal maped as well.

Edit : Updated model.
codyalday2007-03-26 05:05:41

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Thu, 29/03/07 - 9:10 AMPermalink

Nice work man, your getting better and better every day. Keep up the good work. I'd probably change a few little things. Hands a bit bigger, head a tiny bit smaller and the hat a bit bigger.

Like I said looking great :) Can't wait to see him textured?

I saw you were playing around with normal maps.. are you planning on Normal mapping this guy??

Keep it up Cody!UniqueSnowFlake2007-03-28 23:11:31

Submitted by codyalday on Wed, 02/05/07 - 6:28 AMPermalink

Started texturing this character. Been extremely lazy lately, hopefully get it done soon though.

EDIT: Another quick update. Coming together fair quickly now.

codyalday2007-05-02 06:41:13

Submitted by codyalday on Sat, 12/05/07 - 9:06 PMPermalink

Pretty much finsihed this character. Few more touch ups here and there and additional maps to be appllied.

Finished the character, fairly happy with him.
codyalday2007-05-14 22:39:03