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Any programmers still here?

Submitted by Swiftless on


I have noticed that no one has been posting here in the programming section. If we still have any game programmers here, care to let us know what tools you like to use? (Developing Environment and API's)

I will start off.

Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
API's: OpenGL w/GLSL, OpenAL, Win32, DirectX, PhysX

Compiler: Visual Basic 6.0
API's: OpenGL, Win32, Direct3D

Submitted by redwyre on Mon, 26/02/07 - 8:53 AMPermalink

Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
API's: OpenGL w/GLSL, OpenAL, Win32, DirectX, PhysX

VC6?? Do you realise that's a pre-standard compiler? Yucky! You should get yourself a copy of Visual C++ Express 2005 :)

Currently the rare coding I get done at home is in XNA Game Studio Express (aka Visual C# Express 2005), where I use XNA.

Submitted by Swiftless on Tue, 27/02/07 - 6:37 AMPermalink

I don't care if it is pre-standard. I don't like Visual C++ Express, and VC6 does everything I require.

So we don't have many programmers here? :'(

Submitted by Kane on Wed, 28/02/07 - 4:43 AMPermalink

I still wander these watery depths occasionally.

I started working full time before Christmas, and have been bogged down since then, and haven't had much time to do much in the way of programming for myself.

I did, however, download the Irrlicht engine and I am going through the tutorials. The only computer graphics experience I have is from a unit at University, but the Irrlicht engine seems strangely easy to use so far.

But yeah, I'm still around.

Submitted by Soul on Tue, 20/03/07 - 11:31 AMPermalink

I'm still lurking, but most of the other coders I knew who hung around here have either given up on games programming, or have real lives to keep them occupied.

As for compilers, I use Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, or GCC, depending on which platform I'm fiddling with. Used to use VC6, but 2005 is much better, and less expensive :)

Currently I'm using OpenGL, OpenAL and SDL but have previously fiddled with DirectX 9 & the Win32 APIs. It's all pretty much the same to me...

Keep on codin'!

Submitted by Kezza on Thu, 22/03/07 - 10:45 AMPermalink

I'm here, very occasionally. Usually when work drives me completely insane.

VC05ee usually, eclipse if I'm using my linux machine. Still got a preference of OpenGl because of more experience using it, but I've been trying out XNA of late.

Submitted by davidcoen on Thu, 03/05/07 - 1:20 PMPermalink

i have delusions of grandure of being a programmer.

home projects mostly tended to be application architecture with a little directX when eventually reached display, though once alpha at work is over, do want to at least start looking at some of my own code again, learnt a lot in the last 4 years of working as a programmer.

spare time side task at the moment (ie, about 6 hours a week) has been mucking around with second life (just got the viewer to compile) and making tools to export data into it from max...

Submitted by axon on Wed, 30/05/07 - 11:04 AMPermalink

Getting into DX10 and anything using the Geometry shader.

Just picked up Ogre3D for the first time and love it.
Used OgreHaptics to demo some ideas about using VR to train med students about anatomy.

Will soon be flat out with deformation and haptics on GPU related gear.

Will also soon explore Vista and DX10... till then am touching NVidia's CUDA and GLSL (for access to the Geometry Shader without DX10 (thru Vista)).

And if that's not a big enough mish-mash of technologies I've just finished my first J2ME project.

Series 40/60 Phone Stuff:
Eclipse 3.2, Nokia Series 40 SDK, S60 SDK, Carbide J.

Image segmentation using Boost uBLAS and STL.

DirectX9 C# & MDX, Ogre3D (OgreHaptics, oFusion), VC8 (& VC7).... etc

Wish there were 2 of me. Am also running and being a dad.

Submitted by Maitrek on Sat, 30/06/07 - 2:47 AMPermalink

Not really a programmer any more, I can do some programming but it's not my forte (I consider myself a mathematics student really). Tend to use VC++ Express edition, not overly familiar with any modern API's (I think maybe four or five years ago I played around with Win32 and OpenGL). I occasionally help out mr Soul up there ^^^ when he runs out of maths talent ;) (frequently)

Submitted by Soul on Sat, 30/06/07 - 2:07 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=Maitrek]I occasionally help out mr Soul up there ^^^ when he runs out of maths talent ;) (frequently)[/QUOTE]

I resent the usage of the word "frequently". "Constantly" would be more accurate

Posted by Swiftless on


I have noticed that no one has been posting here in the programming section. If we still have any game programmers here, care to let us know what tools you like to use? (Developing Environment and API's)

I will start off.

Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
API's: OpenGL w/GLSL, OpenAL, Win32, DirectX, PhysX

Compiler: Visual Basic 6.0
API's: OpenGL, Win32, Direct3D

Submitted by redwyre on Mon, 26/02/07 - 8:53 AMPermalink

Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
API's: OpenGL w/GLSL, OpenAL, Win32, DirectX, PhysX

VC6?? Do you realise that's a pre-standard compiler? Yucky! You should get yourself a copy of Visual C++ Express 2005 :)

Currently the rare coding I get done at home is in XNA Game Studio Express (aka Visual C# Express 2005), where I use XNA.

Submitted by Swiftless on Tue, 27/02/07 - 6:37 AMPermalink

I don't care if it is pre-standard. I don't like Visual C++ Express, and VC6 does everything I require.

So we don't have many programmers here? :'(

Submitted by Kane on Wed, 28/02/07 - 4:43 AMPermalink

I still wander these watery depths occasionally.

I started working full time before Christmas, and have been bogged down since then, and haven't had much time to do much in the way of programming for myself.

I did, however, download the Irrlicht engine and I am going through the tutorials. The only computer graphics experience I have is from a unit at University, but the Irrlicht engine seems strangely easy to use so far.

But yeah, I'm still around.

Submitted by Soul on Tue, 20/03/07 - 11:31 AMPermalink

I'm still lurking, but most of the other coders I knew who hung around here have either given up on games programming, or have real lives to keep them occupied.

As for compilers, I use Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, or GCC, depending on which platform I'm fiddling with. Used to use VC6, but 2005 is much better, and less expensive :)

Currently I'm using OpenGL, OpenAL and SDL but have previously fiddled with DirectX 9 & the Win32 APIs. It's all pretty much the same to me...

Keep on codin'!

Submitted by Kezza on Thu, 22/03/07 - 10:45 AMPermalink

I'm here, very occasionally. Usually when work drives me completely insane.

VC05ee usually, eclipse if I'm using my linux machine. Still got a preference of OpenGl because of more experience using it, but I've been trying out XNA of late.

Submitted by davidcoen on Thu, 03/05/07 - 1:20 PMPermalink

i have delusions of grandure of being a programmer.

home projects mostly tended to be application architecture with a little directX when eventually reached display, though once alpha at work is over, do want to at least start looking at some of my own code again, learnt a lot in the last 4 years of working as a programmer.

spare time side task at the moment (ie, about 6 hours a week) has been mucking around with second life (just got the viewer to compile) and making tools to export data into it from max...

Submitted by axon on Wed, 30/05/07 - 11:04 AMPermalink

Getting into DX10 and anything using the Geometry shader.

Just picked up Ogre3D for the first time and love it.
Used OgreHaptics to demo some ideas about using VR to train med students about anatomy.

Will soon be flat out with deformation and haptics on GPU related gear.

Will also soon explore Vista and DX10... till then am touching NVidia's CUDA and GLSL (for access to the Geometry Shader without DX10 (thru Vista)).

And if that's not a big enough mish-mash of technologies I've just finished my first J2ME project.

Series 40/60 Phone Stuff:
Eclipse 3.2, Nokia Series 40 SDK, S60 SDK, Carbide J.

Image segmentation using Boost uBLAS and STL.

DirectX9 C# & MDX, Ogre3D (OgreHaptics, oFusion), VC8 (& VC7).... etc

Wish there were 2 of me. Am also running and being a dad.

Submitted by Maitrek on Sat, 30/06/07 - 2:47 AMPermalink

Not really a programmer any more, I can do some programming but it's not my forte (I consider myself a mathematics student really). Tend to use VC++ Express edition, not overly familiar with any modern API's (I think maybe four or five years ago I played around with Win32 and OpenGL). I occasionally help out mr Soul up there ^^^ when he runs out of maths talent ;) (frequently)

Submitted by Soul on Sat, 30/06/07 - 2:07 PMPermalink

[QUOTE=Maitrek]I occasionally help out mr Soul up there ^^^ when he runs out of maths talent ;) (frequently)[/QUOTE]

I resent the usage of the word "frequently". "Constantly" would be more accurate