I have not been here for a while, even though I have been meaning to.
Just wondering if anyone knows when, and if there will be a free play 2006, and if so when?
I am about to get a new job, and it would be cool, to let them know when i'll need that 4 day break, so i can go down to melboune, and enjoy the confrence, and meet up with the people i have seen at the last 2 events.
I would say it's very viable and the last 2 years attendance shows that clearly. Freeplay however isn't Nextwave's primary responsibility, the youth arts festival is, and I personally am much happier with an indie games conference being managed by the youth arts crowd than the game-dev crowd (even the IGDA).
Rather than looking for alternatives it would be much better to work with Nextwave. They're a friendly bunch and welcome ideas and input.
I understand funding for freeplay should not present problems.
Sure is going to be one (or there will be serious flames) [:)], but it's too soon to know when yet I think.
For the record my involvement with freeplay has been as a presenter.