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I'll draw u free concept art

Submitted by adie on

HEY!!! i cart seem to get a job doing what i love..[:(!] so Im giving it away free for a few months..[8] Im hopeing this will build up my folio..
Im best a charaters, but ill try and draw anything u want .
so please post your concept idears or email to me and ill post them here as fast as i can draw them ..Heres some quick sketches to give u an idears of my skills

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]knifer.jpg[/url]29.95 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]munkel.jpg[/url]30.76 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]poses.jpg[/url]32.89 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]bogglbird.jpg[/url]31.33 KB

Submitted by parka on Tue, 16/05/06 - 8:54 AMPermalink

Hi Adie,
If you would like then, i've got a job for you.
A friend of mine has asked myself and a number of other people to help in drawing some concept art for a film they're picthing to Lion's Gate films. Here's some info if you're interested:

126: The idea that man co-exists daily with a very real and very powerful spiritual realm, only levels of consciousness away from experiencing it. As consciousness rises closer to level 126, the protective borders the mind has erected to create a safe perception of what is deemed reality deteriorate, and nothing stands between man and all that surrounds him.

So far what i've drawn is basically this guys face where you can see through to his bones but you can always really clearly see his skin - sort of both elements of the face meshed into each other. What the guys want is something that shows that spiritual/unconcious realm seeping into the physical/concious.
For one of the characters, they've based his looks and persona around actor Philip Seymour Hoffman:
(Or just go on and google him to get your own results.)
So this guy, Philip (we shall call him), is dying of cancer of some description, so we see him in the hospital ward often. Anyway, some pictures to think of him in could be lying in a hospital bed surrounded by sort of misty, just discernable figures reaching into his chest/heart. Another idea could be the hospital room again, and you see Philip sitting upright in his bed, the angle from the doorway [bed end is facing the doorway] and you're sort of looking through some shadowy figure at Philip, who's looking straight back at the figure.
Anything that incorporates this guy being able to see the unseen to everyone else.
Let me know if you're interested, or even if you can start drawing asap, or if you need more info.
Reply here or email me.
Thanks heaps!

Submitted by adie on Wed, 17/05/06 - 7:17 AMPermalink

ok ill give it a go !!!! heres a quick sketch.. the evil dude is too heavy as i only used 1 color...
ill lighten him up a bit and add some bakground so hes see through and add some mood color if u like the sketch so far or ill just scrap it and start againt? It was the first thing that came to mind !..

sorry bit rusty havent been drawing as mutch as i would like lately

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]film_sketch-01.jpg[/url]
93.8 KB

Submitted by parka on Wed, 17/05/06 - 8:22 AMPermalink

NICE job! Very nice! [;)]You're definitely on the right track. I like the way you'd drawn the 'evil' guy. I forgot to mention, use as much shadow as you want to make it look all mysterious and scary [you seem to have gotten that though. thumbs up], and also that the figures [or evil guy...], they're anything ranging from angels to demons, or beings trapped in some unseen place, you know? Definitely on the right track though.
I love it! I'll send it to the guys and let you know what they think, then get back to you as soon as I hear from them, but until then just keep going with as many as you can think of and whatever idea comes into your head. Everything is good!
Thank you heaps by the way. Catcha,
P.s. Philip [cancer patient] looks awesome too. Keep it up!

Submitted by adie on Wed, 17/05/06 - 8:47 AMPermalink

thanks!! cool ill keep them coming

Submitted by parka on Tue, 23/05/06 - 8:20 AMPermalink

Sorry i haven't gotten back to you in a while but I emailed the guys and they LOVED your work! The emails didnt work out properly though [they just got your pictures and not my message], so at first they thought it was mine and I was REALLY confused! But I spoke to Matt and him and Michael were really stoked about it! I'll make a mental note to send them your email so they can contact you.
But yeah, great job champ! The pictures looked awesome. Just what they wanted.
Catcha later!

Submitted by adie on Tue, 20/06/06 - 5:14 AMPermalink

ok well thats ones done now so anyone else want some free drawings?? ..maybe u need to bump up your school foleo or what ever ??..just tell me what to draw and ill draw it !!!

Submitted by dishmal on Tue, 20/06/06 - 5:42 PMPermalink

I'm heading an indie team that is building an MMORPG based on vampires, werewolves, wizards, and humans. The setting is a futuristic dark ages (post-apocalyptic). We'd be interested in help with creature concept art.

Email me at if you are interested


Submitted by adie on Mon, 26/06/06 - 6:56 AMPermalink

ok i emaild u !! sory it took me so long havent been online all week

Submitted by tezcatlipoca on Wed, 02/08/06 - 2:12 AMPermalink

Hey, I'm an aspiring game developer in Canada.
I was born in mexico and am of Aztec descent.
At one time I was really into drawing, and I was good.
I'm just starting to get into it again now, and I'm finding it hard.
I can draw other people's creations fine but it's drawing from my head that i find hard.
So, I come to you in a desperate situation to try and lift my game concept in the air and get it going...

It's about an Aztec boy who is growing up in ancient mexico.
He is historically the son of montezuma II's nephew.
(even tho he didnt have one)
He would be around 18 years old and would be native.
You can take a look at any native really but, Aztecs are very extravagent and colourfull.
He is a kid that was denied a father because of certain matters.
His mother died and so did the name of his father.
When he finally figures out that his father is the emperor of the Aztec empire it's too late, and he has to watch his father get tortured to death by the spaniards.
So he would have to have a very dark persona.
His face and body paint should be darker than usual showing grief.
And also, he has a dog that his father (unbeknownst to him at the time) gave to him as a small child, so you could sketch a quick one of him too.
So yeah, he's an 18 year old warrior that grows up to kill hernan cortes and get revenge.

If you could draw ANY concept art for ANYTHING even relevent to this I'd appreciate it a lot.
Even Aztec landscapes.
I like your drawings and I think you could do really good.
My name is Ari Fregoso-Gonzalez but you can call me Alex Dow.
(dont ask [:)])
And ya, email anything you can give me right here:
Thanks, and again, I appreciate it.

Submitted by adie on Thu, 10/08/06 - 12:09 AMPermalink

Yo Ari !! heres a sketch of what came to mined ..didnt work from ref pics so its not very acurate,as far a Aztec costume go's anyway.. let me know what u think
I was thinking of a blue chiehuahua for his dog ?? there supose to have magic powers??
I think ?? I have 2 chihuahua myself ...I read this on some chihuahua site [:p]

but i think u are probly want a tuff dog ...maybe the dog could transform into difernt animals a lama to take u to farawy places, jaguare to kill stuff

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]mayanman.jpg[/url]
114.06 KB

Posted by adie on

HEY!!! i cart seem to get a job doing what i love..[:(!] so Im giving it away free for a few months..[8] Im hopeing this will build up my folio..
Im best a charaters, but ill try and draw anything u want .
so please post your concept idears or email to me and ill post them here as fast as i can draw them ..Heres some quick sketches to give u an idears of my skills

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]knifer.jpg[/url]29.95 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]munkel.jpg[/url]30.76 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]poses.jpg[/url]32.89 KB

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] [B]Download Attachment:[/B] [url=""]bogglbird.jpg[/url]31.33 KB

Submitted by parka on Tue, 16/05/06 - 8:54 AMPermalink

Hi Adie,
If you would like then, i've got a job for you.
A friend of mine has asked myself and a number of other people to help in drawing some concept art for a film they're picthing to Lion's Gate films. Here's some info if you're interested:

126: The idea that man co-exists daily with a very real and very powerful spiritual realm, only levels of consciousness away from experiencing it. As consciousness rises closer to level 126, the protective borders the mind has erected to create a safe perception of what is deemed reality deteriorate, and nothing stands between man and all that surrounds him.

So far what i've drawn is basically this guys face where you can see through to his bones but you can always really clearly see his skin - sort of both elements of the face meshed into each other. What the guys want is something that shows that spiritual/unconcious realm seeping into the physical/concious.
For one of the characters, they've based his looks and persona around actor Philip Seymour Hoffman:
(Or just go on and google him to get your own results.)
So this guy, Philip (we shall call him), is dying of cancer of some description, so we see him in the hospital ward often. Anyway, some pictures to think of him in could be lying in a hospital bed surrounded by sort of misty, just discernable figures reaching into his chest/heart. Another idea could be the hospital room again, and you see Philip sitting upright in his bed, the angle from the doorway [bed end is facing the doorway] and you're sort of looking through some shadowy figure at Philip, who's looking straight back at the figure.
Anything that incorporates this guy being able to see the unseen to everyone else.
Let me know if you're interested, or even if you can start drawing asap, or if you need more info.
Reply here or email me.
Thanks heaps!

Submitted by adie on Wed, 17/05/06 - 7:17 AMPermalink

ok ill give it a go !!!! heres a quick sketch.. the evil dude is too heavy as i only used 1 color...
ill lighten him up a bit and add some bakground so hes see through and add some mood color if u like the sketch so far or ill just scrap it and start againt? It was the first thing that came to mind !..

sorry bit rusty havent been drawing as mutch as i would like lately

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]film_sketch-01.jpg[/url]
93.8 KB

Submitted by parka on Wed, 17/05/06 - 8:22 AMPermalink

NICE job! Very nice! [;)]You're definitely on the right track. I like the way you'd drawn the 'evil' guy. I forgot to mention, use as much shadow as you want to make it look all mysterious and scary [you seem to have gotten that though. thumbs up], and also that the figures [or evil guy...], they're anything ranging from angels to demons, or beings trapped in some unseen place, you know? Definitely on the right track though.
I love it! I'll send it to the guys and let you know what they think, then get back to you as soon as I hear from them, but until then just keep going with as many as you can think of and whatever idea comes into your head. Everything is good!
Thank you heaps by the way. Catcha,
P.s. Philip [cancer patient] looks awesome too. Keep it up!

Submitted by adie on Wed, 17/05/06 - 8:47 AMPermalink

thanks!! cool ill keep them coming

Submitted by parka on Tue, 23/05/06 - 8:20 AMPermalink

Sorry i haven't gotten back to you in a while but I emailed the guys and they LOVED your work! The emails didnt work out properly though [they just got your pictures and not my message], so at first they thought it was mine and I was REALLY confused! But I spoke to Matt and him and Michael were really stoked about it! I'll make a mental note to send them your email so they can contact you.
But yeah, great job champ! The pictures looked awesome. Just what they wanted.
Catcha later!

Submitted by adie on Tue, 20/06/06 - 5:14 AMPermalink

ok well thats ones done now so anyone else want some free drawings?? ..maybe u need to bump up your school foleo or what ever ??..just tell me what to draw and ill draw it !!!

Submitted by dishmal on Tue, 20/06/06 - 5:42 PMPermalink

I'm heading an indie team that is building an MMORPG based on vampires, werewolves, wizards, and humans. The setting is a futuristic dark ages (post-apocalyptic). We'd be interested in help with creature concept art.

Email me at if you are interested


Submitted by adie on Mon, 26/06/06 - 6:56 AMPermalink

ok i emaild u !! sory it took me so long havent been online all week

Submitted by tezcatlipoca on Wed, 02/08/06 - 2:12 AMPermalink

Hey, I'm an aspiring game developer in Canada.
I was born in mexico and am of Aztec descent.
At one time I was really into drawing, and I was good.
I'm just starting to get into it again now, and I'm finding it hard.
I can draw other people's creations fine but it's drawing from my head that i find hard.
So, I come to you in a desperate situation to try and lift my game concept in the air and get it going...

It's about an Aztec boy who is growing up in ancient mexico.
He is historically the son of montezuma II's nephew.
(even tho he didnt have one)
He would be around 18 years old and would be native.
You can take a look at any native really but, Aztecs are very extravagent and colourfull.
He is a kid that was denied a father because of certain matters.
His mother died and so did the name of his father.
When he finally figures out that his father is the emperor of the Aztec empire it's too late, and he has to watch his father get tortured to death by the spaniards.
So he would have to have a very dark persona.
His face and body paint should be darker than usual showing grief.
And also, he has a dog that his father (unbeknownst to him at the time) gave to him as a small child, so you could sketch a quick one of him too.
So yeah, he's an 18 year old warrior that grows up to kill hernan cortes and get revenge.

If you could draw ANY concept art for ANYTHING even relevent to this I'd appreciate it a lot.
Even Aztec landscapes.
I like your drawings and I think you could do really good.
My name is Ari Fregoso-Gonzalez but you can call me Alex Dow.
(dont ask [:)])
And ya, email anything you can give me right here:
Thanks, and again, I appreciate it.

Submitted by adie on Thu, 10/08/06 - 12:09 AMPermalink

Yo Ari !! heres a sketch of what came to mined ..didnt work from ref pics so its not very acurate,as far a Aztec costume go's anyway.. let me know what u think
I was thinking of a blue chiehuahua for his dog ?? there supose to have magic powers??
I think ?? I have 2 chihuahua myself ...I read this on some chihuahua site [:p]

but i think u are probly want a tuff dog ...maybe the dog could transform into difernt animals a lama to take u to farawy places, jaguare to kill stuff

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url=""]mayanman.jpg[/url]
114.06 KB