Hei again, just practicing the skinning of faces.
Heres wat i got so far - about 2-3 hours texturing so far [:D]
comments and crits welcome, any tips on painting realistic skin - would be awesome.
ah , you mean the uv's.
i dont remember who mapped it, but they didnt check for this error.
although it is anoying - its not a big deal(unless i was putting on text) and with my luck the jumper uvw i bet, will be flipped also[xx(]
haha yeh - he does look like he is on drugs :)
i mite ask the modeller if i can alter the eyes. unless he looks cool like that?
Hey LOOM looking good but it look's like you have the eye's as a seperate element in which case you need to pull the top eyelid just above the top of the pupil and the bottom eyelid just above the bottom of the iris. That should help it alot e.g. just like you have in your texture [:)]
Anyway good work and keep on going with it.
Good work, it looks pretty cool. He sure looks like he's on PCP or something.