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WIP - Monster with blades

  • Testing a Microsoft Surface for digital art along with Krita. The latter is proving to be a very capable drawing/painting program. In some aspects equal to - if not better than - Photoshop! MS Surface is good but not as good as a wacom tablet.…

  • I quick illustration depicting a true story (or so I am told) of a tank crew rescuing an australia soldier in the Vietnam war. Rough sketchy styling but required some research and accuracy as vetaran's seeing it would be critical. Painted in…

  • A recent game interface job I completed for an Adelaide based iphone/mobile developer. Final graphics included animation on the handkerchief as the rope moves and animated icons on the menu screen. Graphics are all based on photos then heavily…

  • It's not really directly game related but I thought I'd post it anyway (Let's pretend it's a character study). This is where my recent illustration energies had been going rather than into concept art related topics. Created for a charity Auction…

  • Revisiting the first fleet of ships for Tsumea Team C project. One new design with the other 3 polished/modified small to moderate amounts. Whilst the details are still loose I'm satisfied with the overall designs. fingers crossed the rest of the…

  • More thumbnails for Team C game. These are my first round of ships for the opposing team. More angular and blocky in form with a relatively raw/industrial finish compaired to the other set.

  • More thumbnails. These ones are variations working a single design idea.

  • update of potential artillery/ planet attack ship.

  • A small update on concept art for Team C project.

  • Some initial sketches whilst I warm up for the task of producing some concepts for tsumea's team C project.

Submitted by Johnn on

Well it has been a while since I last posted any artwork isn't it! Latest digital painting below. Not sure how much more refined I should make it. It will be presented with model sheets and (with some finger crossing) a finished 3d model in my portfolio/website that I am about to review in the hope that I can secure some work in the industry in the near future (any leads/tips etc regarding that topic appreciated too).

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]WIP_monster_with_blades.jpg[/url]
31.42 KB

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 21/03/06 - 5:18 AMPermalink

Looking good JohnN, good to see you posting again too! Personally the undefined feet are bugging me, id put some more detail down there. Ill leave the rest to people better qualified :P

Submitted by codyalday on Thu, 23/03/06 - 2:45 AMPermalink

Looking really sweet now JohnN, good design to it. The 3D version is going to be wicked.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 23/03/06 - 5:14 AMPermalink

looking good, much improved. Not quite sure whats going on with the neck there though.. he only seems to have one below his chin. And the sqaurish line along the spine confuses the issue more when it hits the back of the head.

Posted by Johnn on

Well it has been a while since I last posted any artwork isn't it! Latest digital painting below. Not sure how much more refined I should make it. It will be presented with model sheets and (with some finger crossing) a finished 3d model in my portfolio/website that I am about to review in the hope that I can secure some work in the industry in the near future (any leads/tips etc regarding that topic appreciated too).

[img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Download Attachment: [url="…"]WIP_monster_with_blades.jpg[/url]
31.42 KB

Submitted by MoonUnit on Tue, 21/03/06 - 5:18 AMPermalink

Looking good JohnN, good to see you posting again too! Personally the undefined feet are bugging me, id put some more detail down there. Ill leave the rest to people better qualified :P

Submitted by codyalday on Thu, 23/03/06 - 2:45 AMPermalink

Looking really sweet now JohnN, good design to it. The 3D version is going to be wicked.

Submitted by MoonUnit on Thu, 23/03/06 - 5:14 AMPermalink

looking good, much improved. Not quite sure whats going on with the neck there though.. he only seems to have one below his chin. And the sqaurish line along the spine confuses the issue more when it hits the back of the head.