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Feedback from aie students 2005

Submitted by xyz on

I am interested to find out what grads are doing from AIE.

The website does not really show current work.


Submitted by KamoKid on Fri, 17/02/06 - 1:22 AMPermalink

hey hey,

yea, im AIE 2005, and im now at imaginary numbers in sydney working on tactica online. i actually picked up the position before i graduated. other grads are heading off to IRGurus, and are starting there within a week or two.

there are AIE grads at Blue tongue, Pandemic, Torus, IRGurus, Krome, ummm... here..., and thats just the start. MF and Irrational pick up AIE grads when they need them too.

... BUT .... AIE grads can also be found outside of the games industry, doing equally cool jobs at places like and many are at places like Simmersion, Dept of Defence, and some Architect places.

A few have gone onto uni.

... anyway, gotta go, and get back to it. games dont make themselves ya'know.


Submitted by pb on Fri, 17/02/06 - 10:44 AMPermalink

What's with so many people from defence working in games and vice versa!? I've been noticing this so much lately... Anyone got any theories (besides "its all cool tech stuff")?


Submitted by mattw on Mon, 20/02/06 - 9:28 PMPermalink

Some arts guys with Defence here in Canberra are working on Navy battle simulations and animating models made in CAD created by the engineers. Dep Defence also has a department working on their own in house training games, though I have only seen some fairly basic versions, which was quite a while ago too!

Submitted by BrotherEstapol on Wed, 22/02/06 - 1:30 PMPermalink

I did the screen course, but I still want to get into games.
At the moment I'm working on a Mod for Battlefield 2, changing the US Army into the Aussie Army, if you're interested at all check out this link:

Job-wise I haven't really started looking yet, as I want to get more content done for this mod so I've got some decent stuff to put in my reel.

I know one of the guys(I won't name names) from the Max night course got a job at Bluetounge, one of my mates rom my class is now at IRGurus, and another of my mates got a job at Catalyst.(that's defence contractor I think)
Aside from them, I'm not sure if anyone else as been sucessfull at getting a job, though I'd put most of it down to lack to motivation on their behalf...

Submitted by Bob Lives Here on Wed, 08/03/06 - 12:13 AMPermalink

Hi Im from the AIE 2004 Games course I did start work late last year (2005) for Midway (Formally Ratbag Games) but we go shut down around Christmas time [:(!].

And now ealry this year i am Happily employed with Krome [:)]

Neale Murray

Submitted by Jim on Wed, 08/03/06 - 1:34 AMPermalink


I did the programming course in 2005 and loved it. I got a job working at Firemint ( ) making mobile phone games after working a few weeks on the final project last year. Haven't done snake yet though :D

Submitted by picpoc on Wed, 08/03/06 - 1:45 AMPermalink

I've been with SG3D in Canberra for over a year now, but want to move to Melbourne, so currently looking for a job over there

Submitted by Digital on Wed, 08/03/06 - 3:35 AMPermalink

I graduated from AIE Canberra last year and started working at IR Gurus Interactive this month =)

Submitted by generalmayhem on Wed, 08/03/06 - 8:18 PMPermalink

I graduated from AIE Canberra in 2003, as part of the "Frost" team. With a great reference from Ian Gibson, our headmaster, I was quickly snatched up by IR Gurus Interactive, and have been working there for two years now.

Submitted by roadrunner on Wed, 08/03/06 - 9:17 PMPermalink

I gradutaed from the AIE game development art Diploma in 2005 and I am currently working at Redtribe.

Submitted by popawheelie on Wed, 08/03/06 - 9:19 PMPermalink

I'm a graduate from AIE 2005, I am employed by IR gurus with 5 other 2005 graduates from AIE (MELB), and around 6 from the previous year of AIE Atari house graduates.


Submitted by geoffeep on Thu, 30/03/06 - 7:48 AMPermalink

Howdy! I'm a 2005 art grad (dip screen, 3dsmax), and am at IRGurus with a bunch of other grads! AIE kicks butt :)

Geoff Lester

Posted by xyz on

I am interested to find out what grads are doing from AIE.

The website does not really show current work.


Submitted by KamoKid on Fri, 17/02/06 - 1:22 AMPermalink

hey hey,

yea, im AIE 2005, and im now at imaginary numbers in sydney working on tactica online. i actually picked up the position before i graduated. other grads are heading off to IRGurus, and are starting there within a week or two.

there are AIE grads at Blue tongue, Pandemic, Torus, IRGurus, Krome, ummm... here..., and thats just the start. MF and Irrational pick up AIE grads when they need them too.

... BUT .... AIE grads can also be found outside of the games industry, doing equally cool jobs at places like and many are at places like Simmersion, Dept of Defence, and some Architect places.

A few have gone onto uni.

... anyway, gotta go, and get back to it. games dont make themselves ya'know.


Submitted by pb on Fri, 17/02/06 - 10:44 AMPermalink

What's with so many people from defence working in games and vice versa!? I've been noticing this so much lately... Anyone got any theories (besides "its all cool tech stuff")?


Submitted by mattw on Mon, 20/02/06 - 9:28 PMPermalink

Some arts guys with Defence here in Canberra are working on Navy battle simulations and animating models made in CAD created by the engineers. Dep Defence also has a department working on their own in house training games, though I have only seen some fairly basic versions, which was quite a while ago too!

Submitted by BrotherEstapol on Wed, 22/02/06 - 1:30 PMPermalink

I did the screen course, but I still want to get into games.
At the moment I'm working on a Mod for Battlefield 2, changing the US Army into the Aussie Army, if you're interested at all check out this link:

Job-wise I haven't really started looking yet, as I want to get more content done for this mod so I've got some decent stuff to put in my reel.

I know one of the guys(I won't name names) from the Max night course got a job at Bluetounge, one of my mates rom my class is now at IRGurus, and another of my mates got a job at Catalyst.(that's defence contractor I think)
Aside from them, I'm not sure if anyone else as been sucessfull at getting a job, though I'd put most of it down to lack to motivation on their behalf...

Submitted by Bob Lives Here on Wed, 08/03/06 - 12:13 AMPermalink

Hi Im from the AIE 2004 Games course I did start work late last year (2005) for Midway (Formally Ratbag Games) but we go shut down around Christmas time [:(!].

And now ealry this year i am Happily employed with Krome [:)]

Neale Murray

Submitted by Jim on Wed, 08/03/06 - 1:34 AMPermalink


I did the programming course in 2005 and loved it. I got a job working at Firemint ( ) making mobile phone games after working a few weeks on the final project last year. Haven't done snake yet though :D

Submitted by picpoc on Wed, 08/03/06 - 1:45 AMPermalink

I've been with SG3D in Canberra for over a year now, but want to move to Melbourne, so currently looking for a job over there

Submitted by Digital on Wed, 08/03/06 - 3:35 AMPermalink

I graduated from AIE Canberra last year and started working at IR Gurus Interactive this month =)

Submitted by generalmayhem on Wed, 08/03/06 - 8:18 PMPermalink

I graduated from AIE Canberra in 2003, as part of the "Frost" team. With a great reference from Ian Gibson, our headmaster, I was quickly snatched up by IR Gurus Interactive, and have been working there for two years now.

Submitted by roadrunner on Wed, 08/03/06 - 9:17 PMPermalink

I gradutaed from the AIE game development art Diploma in 2005 and I am currently working at Redtribe.

Submitted by popawheelie on Wed, 08/03/06 - 9:19 PMPermalink

I'm a graduate from AIE 2005, I am employed by IR gurus with 5 other 2005 graduates from AIE (MELB), and around 6 from the previous year of AIE Atari house graduates.


Submitted by geoffeep on Thu, 30/03/06 - 7:48 AMPermalink

Howdy! I'm a 2005 art grad (dip screen, 3dsmax), and am at IRGurus with a bunch of other grads! AIE kicks butt :)

Geoff Lester