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AGDC 2005 Sumea Meetup

Submitted by Neilb on

Anyone interested in a catching up for a drink when AGDC is on? I was thinking Thursday night around 8:30pm.

Not being a Melbourne local I don't know the best place for cheap drinks close to Federation Square. Even if you're not going to AGDC it would be good to put a face to the name. Anyone interested and/or know of a good venue?

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 11/11/05 - 11:49 PMPermalink

the food court in south melbourne became a popular venue, then progessing onto pubs and such if people wanted to.

Submitted by lorien on Sat, 12/11/05 - 12:02 AMPermalink

Ahh moon, your grammar tells a few things [:)]

Hells Kitchen is off Flinders Lane, quite close to ACMI. Good beer, good food, awsome name [:)]

The Supper Inn is a fantastic place to eat, medium priced, really yummy, in chinatown.

Southbank is a pretty touristy area.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 12/11/05 - 4:23 AMPermalink

i'll be down thursday arvo so i'm in. dunno where to go though - i don't remember the names of any places from last year.

Submitted by Neilb on Sat, 12/11/05 - 4:52 AMPermalink

Yeah- Hells Kitchen - a group of us - Atari and AIE guyz and gals - went here last year. It was down a little lane and had a sushi(?) place next door I think. From what I remember drinks were slightly pricey but average for Melbourne. Cheaper than the hotel bar next to AGDC anyway.
It's a bit small for a big meetup but ok if there's less than 10....

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 12/11/05 - 6:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

Ahh moon, your grammar tells a few things [:)]

that im talking casually over the internet?

Submitted by Jacana on Sat, 12/11/05 - 6:00 PMPermalink

Mutant - I think you are thinking of the Robot Bar that was during FreePlay?

Submitted by lorien on Mon, 14/11/05 - 7:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by mutant_fork

Yeah- Hells Kitchen - a group of us - Atari and AIE guyz

Hi Neil [:)] Unusual to catch an AIE staff member and classmate in the forums... Senior Tutor at Canberra isn't it these days?

Never said I was going btw- just suggesting a venue [:D]

Edit: if there are interstate (and well known) sumeans who would like to meet without getting mugged [:)] send me a PM.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Mon, 14/11/05 - 12:01 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by MoonUnitquote:Originally posted by lorien

Ahh moon, your grammar tells a few things
that im talking casually over the internet?
Indeed, let us not be overly punctillious; there are [url=""]greater grammatical offenders[/url] to criticise.

I'll be in town for AGDC this year, so if anybody organises something, count me in.

Submitted by Jacana on Mon, 14/11/05 - 6:01 PMPermalink

Generally, we have aimed to hold the FreePlay and AGDC meet-ups at South Bank. It is an easy walk in the city, even people from other cities can find it, and there is plenty of room. Adding to that - South Bank isn't all that far from Fed Square.

The other handy thing about South Bank is that there are all types of foods there to suit anyone.

If you plan a meet-up, best to have one local person give a mobile number that people can contact if they are lost, late, drunk ;) After South Bank it's a simple walk up to Crown for drinks and games!

Submitted by Neilb on Tue, 15/11/05 - 1:22 AMPermalink

Whoops- you're right Jacana- it was the Robot Bar. South Bank does seem the go.

Howz it going Lorien? I didn't think after our chat at Freeplay 2004 our next meeting would involve mugging?![?] Unless that is some ancient Melbourne tradition to do with a Mugachino?

Do you really have to be well known? I would encourage everyone who's interested in a chat and couple of drinks to come along- whether you're an active sumean or lurker.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 15/11/05 - 2:48 AMPermalink

I wish I could make it to at least one of these [:(]

Submitted by lorien on Tue, 15/11/05 - 3:52 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by mutant_fork

Howz it going Lorien? I didn't think after our chat at Freeplay 2004 our next meeting would involve mugging?![?] Unless that is some ancient Melbourne tradition to do with a Mugachino?

No, though you guys did seem to bus in quite a few hecklers to the game dev grads tell all panel [:)]

The words:
Hells Kitchen
group of us
down a little lane
sushi bar

made me check your profile [:)]

Submitted by 0xBaaDf00d on Thu, 17/11/05 - 3:19 AMPermalink

Sumea meeet up again.. You guys from melbourne arent gonna puke down the steps again?? That was disgusting.

I only turned up to the last one by accident, and oddly enough will be in the vacinity again.. So I will try to pop my head in with a few of the guys from up here in Brisvegas.

Seeya in a couple of weeks :).

Submitted by LiveWire on Fri, 18/11/05 - 3:43 AMPermalink

Make sure everyone bings along their DS's to the conference too for some Mario Karting action!

Submitted by poppin fresh on Sat, 19/11/05 - 10:25 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

Make sure everyone bings along their DS's to the conference too for some Mario Karting action!

This sounds like a very good idea.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Sat, 26/11/05 - 4:38 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

Make sure everyone bings along their DS's to the conference too for some Mario Karting action!

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 26/11/05 - 8:41 PMPermalink

Don't forget: you only need one copy of the game between eight players, so even if you dont have the game bring along your DS's anyway - you'll just have to play in noob mode [:P]

Submitted by poppin fresh on Sun, 27/11/05 - 12:02 PMPermalink

Yes it is okay if you have no copy, you will just be forced to play as a shy guy.

I intend to play some mario kart on my flight down since I will be on a flight with a friend who has a DS and mario kart, maybe some randoms on the flight with DSs will join in too.

And if you have no DS don't feel left out, you can watch.

Submitted by Neilb on Tue, 29/11/05 - 2:23 AMPermalink

Well if we have it at southbank where are we meeting up? Food court?

Otherwise I would prefer meeting closer to Federation Square. The Transport Hotel looks pretty cool ( and they have sunshine chilli beer! A pint of Calton Draught cost $7 which does mean i have to pace myself which is probably a good thing.

What do ya reckon?

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 29/11/05 - 4:43 AMPermalink

we need someone who lives and/or knows Melbourne to act as a contact and supply their phone number. I'd do it, but i am neither from Melbourne nor do i know the area.

Submitted by sumeacool on Wed, 30/11/05 - 11:06 PMPermalink

hey dudes!
i'll be down in melbournitown from tonight.
send us an sms, i might be able to check my mail in time too.
i prob won't be able to wrestle my girlfiend's DS offa her so i'll bring my SP and just pretend i have wifi.
should be rad!

T: +61 0410614277

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 30/11/05 - 11:43 PMPermalink

For anyone that's interested, this is also on at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image from Nov 25 to Jan 29, so if you have a bit of time around AGDC it might be worth checking it out. I get in tomorrow arvo, so i'l probably go along before the AGDC opening address.

Stanley Kubrick: Inside the Mind of a Visionary Filmmaker[/url]
Full $12 Concession $8

Submitted by Neilb on Thu, 01/12/05 - 12:54 AMPermalink

Okay- so Let's meetup at the Transport Hotel Public bar at 8:30pm on Thursday night (1st dec). It's in federation square and if someone knows a better joint, then rock up and you can show us the way.

If you don't know where it is check out the website - go to 'public bar' and then 'location'. If you see a big bloke (me) and twinkletoes with red hair (not me) then say hey.

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 01/12/05 - 5:24 AMPermalink

As of today I have Advance Wars Dual Strike as well!

also, what time does the opening finish (i can get the AGDC website to load) - there is the cocktail party afterwards isnt there? Is that over by 8:30?

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Thu, 01/12/05 - 9:30 PMPermalink

Morning, just saw this post. I can't get onto the website for the AGDC either, but I'm guessing it starts tomorrow till sunday.

On that note... does that mean that this meet up is tonight [:0]

If so can someone reply to this if you all arn't sitting on a bus driving down here.

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 02/12/05 - 5:24 AMPermalink

Yep, it'd be tonight...

Heya cats and kittens. This chilli beer has me intrigued. I'll be along with my DS and severely lacking Mario Carting skills this evening.

Submitted by Daniel Rona on Fri, 02/12/05 - 8:39 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

For anyone that's interested, this is also on at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image from Nov 25 to Jan 29, so if you have a bit of time around AGDC it might be worth checking it out. I get in tomorrow arvo, so i'l probably go along before the AGDC opening address.

Stanley Kubrick: Inside the Mind of a Visionary Filmmaker[/url]
Full $12 Concession $8

Don't forget to check out the "Point and Tilt" exhibition while you are there as well!

Submitted by souri on Tue, 06/12/05 - 12:46 PMPermalink

Hey, so how did this meet up go?

Submitted by Neilb on Tue, 06/12/05 - 10:50 PMPermalink

Good- although I couldn't find anyone with a DS! We turned a bit late but met up with guys from Tantalus and Blue Tongue as well as quite a few students.

Submitted by Morphine on Wed, 07/12/05 - 12:39 AMPermalink

Wish I could have gone, the whole "Time off work" thing .. oh wait a minute ... I'm casual and on a contract ...
I should have realised sooner :<

Posted by Neilb on

Anyone interested in a catching up for a drink when AGDC is on? I was thinking Thursday night around 8:30pm.

Not being a Melbourne local I don't know the best place for cheap drinks close to Federation Square. Even if you're not going to AGDC it would be good to put a face to the name. Anyone interested and/or know of a good venue?

Submitted by MoonUnit on Fri, 11/11/05 - 11:49 PMPermalink

the food court in south melbourne became a popular venue, then progessing onto pubs and such if people wanted to.

Submitted by lorien on Sat, 12/11/05 - 12:02 AMPermalink

Ahh moon, your grammar tells a few things [:)]

Hells Kitchen is off Flinders Lane, quite close to ACMI. Good beer, good food, awsome name [:)]

The Supper Inn is a fantastic place to eat, medium priced, really yummy, in chinatown.

Southbank is a pretty touristy area.

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 12/11/05 - 4:23 AMPermalink

i'll be down thursday arvo so i'm in. dunno where to go though - i don't remember the names of any places from last year.

Submitted by Neilb on Sat, 12/11/05 - 4:52 AMPermalink

Yeah- Hells Kitchen - a group of us - Atari and AIE guyz and gals - went here last year. It was down a little lane and had a sushi(?) place next door I think. From what I remember drinks were slightly pricey but average for Melbourne. Cheaper than the hotel bar next to AGDC anyway.
It's a bit small for a big meetup but ok if there's less than 10....

Submitted by MoonUnit on Sat, 12/11/05 - 6:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by lorien

Ahh moon, your grammar tells a few things [:)]

that im talking casually over the internet?

Submitted by Jacana on Sat, 12/11/05 - 6:00 PMPermalink

Mutant - I think you are thinking of the Robot Bar that was during FreePlay?

Submitted by lorien on Mon, 14/11/05 - 7:17 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by mutant_fork

Yeah- Hells Kitchen - a group of us - Atari and AIE guyz

Hi Neil [:)] Unusual to catch an AIE staff member and classmate in the forums... Senior Tutor at Canberra isn't it these days?

Never said I was going btw- just suggesting a venue [:D]

Edit: if there are interstate (and well known) sumeans who would like to meet without getting mugged [:)] send me a PM.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Mon, 14/11/05 - 12:01 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by MoonUnitquote:Originally posted by lorien

Ahh moon, your grammar tells a few things
that im talking casually over the internet?
Indeed, let us not be overly punctillious; there are [url=""]greater grammatical offenders[/url] to criticise.

I'll be in town for AGDC this year, so if anybody organises something, count me in.

Submitted by Jacana on Mon, 14/11/05 - 6:01 PMPermalink

Generally, we have aimed to hold the FreePlay and AGDC meet-ups at South Bank. It is an easy walk in the city, even people from other cities can find it, and there is plenty of room. Adding to that - South Bank isn't all that far from Fed Square.

The other handy thing about South Bank is that there are all types of foods there to suit anyone.

If you plan a meet-up, best to have one local person give a mobile number that people can contact if they are lost, late, drunk ;) After South Bank it's a simple walk up to Crown for drinks and games!

Submitted by Neilb on Tue, 15/11/05 - 1:22 AMPermalink

Whoops- you're right Jacana- it was the Robot Bar. South Bank does seem the go.

Howz it going Lorien? I didn't think after our chat at Freeplay 2004 our next meeting would involve mugging?![?] Unless that is some ancient Melbourne tradition to do with a Mugachino?

Do you really have to be well known? I would encourage everyone who's interested in a chat and couple of drinks to come along- whether you're an active sumean or lurker.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 15/11/05 - 2:48 AMPermalink

I wish I could make it to at least one of these [:(]

Submitted by lorien on Tue, 15/11/05 - 3:52 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by mutant_fork

Howz it going Lorien? I didn't think after our chat at Freeplay 2004 our next meeting would involve mugging?![?] Unless that is some ancient Melbourne tradition to do with a Mugachino?

No, though you guys did seem to bus in quite a few hecklers to the game dev grads tell all panel [:)]

The words:
Hells Kitchen
group of us
down a little lane
sushi bar

made me check your profile [:)]

Submitted by 0xBaaDf00d on Thu, 17/11/05 - 3:19 AMPermalink

Sumea meeet up again.. You guys from melbourne arent gonna puke down the steps again?? That was disgusting.

I only turned up to the last one by accident, and oddly enough will be in the vacinity again.. So I will try to pop my head in with a few of the guys from up here in Brisvegas.

Seeya in a couple of weeks :).

Submitted by LiveWire on Fri, 18/11/05 - 3:43 AMPermalink

Make sure everyone bings along their DS's to the conference too for some Mario Karting action!

Submitted by poppin fresh on Sat, 19/11/05 - 10:25 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

Make sure everyone bings along their DS's to the conference too for some Mario Karting action!

This sounds like a very good idea.

Submitted by TheBigJ on Sat, 26/11/05 - 4:38 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

Make sure everyone bings along their DS's to the conference too for some Mario Karting action!

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 26/11/05 - 8:41 PMPermalink

Don't forget: you only need one copy of the game between eight players, so even if you dont have the game bring along your DS's anyway - you'll just have to play in noob mode [:P]

Submitted by poppin fresh on Sun, 27/11/05 - 12:02 PMPermalink

Yes it is okay if you have no copy, you will just be forced to play as a shy guy.

I intend to play some mario kart on my flight down since I will be on a flight with a friend who has a DS and mario kart, maybe some randoms on the flight with DSs will join in too.

And if you have no DS don't feel left out, you can watch.

Submitted by Neilb on Tue, 29/11/05 - 2:23 AMPermalink

Well if we have it at southbank where are we meeting up? Food court?

Otherwise I would prefer meeting closer to Federation Square. The Transport Hotel looks pretty cool ( and they have sunshine chilli beer! A pint of Calton Draught cost $7 which does mean i have to pace myself which is probably a good thing.

What do ya reckon?

Submitted by LiveWire on Tue, 29/11/05 - 4:43 AMPermalink

we need someone who lives and/or knows Melbourne to act as a contact and supply their phone number. I'd do it, but i am neither from Melbourne nor do i know the area.

Submitted by sumeacool on Wed, 30/11/05 - 11:06 PMPermalink

hey dudes!
i'll be down in melbournitown from tonight.
send us an sms, i might be able to check my mail in time too.
i prob won't be able to wrestle my girlfiend's DS offa her so i'll bring my SP and just pretend i have wifi.
should be rad!

T: +61 0410614277

Submitted by LiveWire on Wed, 30/11/05 - 11:43 PMPermalink

For anyone that's interested, this is also on at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image from Nov 25 to Jan 29, so if you have a bit of time around AGDC it might be worth checking it out. I get in tomorrow arvo, so i'l probably go along before the AGDC opening address.

Stanley Kubrick: Inside the Mind of a Visionary Filmmaker[/url]
Full $12 Concession $8

Submitted by Neilb on Thu, 01/12/05 - 12:54 AMPermalink

Okay- so Let's meetup at the Transport Hotel Public bar at 8:30pm on Thursday night (1st dec). It's in federation square and if someone knows a better joint, then rock up and you can show us the way.

If you don't know where it is check out the website - go to 'public bar' and then 'location'. If you see a big bloke (me) and twinkletoes with red hair (not me) then say hey.

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 01/12/05 - 5:24 AMPermalink

As of today I have Advance Wars Dual Strike as well!

also, what time does the opening finish (i can get the AGDC website to load) - there is the cocktail party afterwards isnt there? Is that over by 8:30?

Submitted by UniqueSnowFlake on Thu, 01/12/05 - 9:30 PMPermalink

Morning, just saw this post. I can't get onto the website for the AGDC either, but I'm guessing it starts tomorrow till sunday.

On that note... does that mean that this meet up is tonight [:0]

If so can someone reply to this if you all arn't sitting on a bus driving down here.

Submitted by Jackablade on Fri, 02/12/05 - 5:24 AMPermalink

Yep, it'd be tonight...

Heya cats and kittens. This chilli beer has me intrigued. I'll be along with my DS and severely lacking Mario Carting skills this evening.

Submitted by Daniel Rona on Fri, 02/12/05 - 8:39 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

For anyone that's interested, this is also on at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image from Nov 25 to Jan 29, so if you have a bit of time around AGDC it might be worth checking it out. I get in tomorrow arvo, so i'l probably go along before the AGDC opening address.

Stanley Kubrick: Inside the Mind of a Visionary Filmmaker[/url]
Full $12 Concession $8

Don't forget to check out the "Point and Tilt" exhibition while you are there as well!

Submitted by souri on Tue, 06/12/05 - 12:46 PMPermalink

Hey, so how did this meet up go?

Submitted by Neilb on Tue, 06/12/05 - 10:50 PMPermalink

Good- although I couldn't find anyone with a DS! We turned a bit late but met up with guys from Tantalus and Blue Tongue as well as quite a few students.

Submitted by Morphine on Wed, 07/12/05 - 12:39 AMPermalink

Wish I could have gone, the whole "Time off work" thing .. oh wait a minute ... I'm casual and on a contract ...
I should have realised sooner :<