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Old Event: IGDA Master Classes 19 June, 2pm-6pm

Submitted by LiveWire on

An invitation to game developers? pass it on:

For further details visit the [url="…"]Greater Brisbane IGDA chapter[/url]

Next event: What, who, when, where
WHAT: An opportunity for developers and hopefuls to learn more about each area of game development?how to get the job, change tracks, and how to advance in your career. Each area will be led by an experienced game developer, and open discussion is invited. See below for details.

WHO: Anyone active or actively pursuing a career in the game development industry. Those not in the industry and not yet fully dedicated to breaking in, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the wider community.

WHEN: Sunday, 19 June, starting @ 2:00 PM but see full schedule below.

WHERE: QANTM, 138 Albert Street, Level 9. Parking in a pay lot across the street.

2.00 ? 3.00
A session on conceptual design and stories, by:
John Passfield of Pandemic (recently of Krome)

2.30 ? 3.30
Programming code for games, by:
Brad Clancy of Pandemic

3.00 ? 4.00
How it all glues together and gets to completion, by:
Jon Cartwright of THQ

3.30 ? 4.30
Art asset management, environment and character modeling for games, by:
Jake Hempson and Bruno Rime of Krome

4.00 ? 5.30
Audio and Outsourcing:
Game audio and how to operate an outsourcing shop, by:
Mick Gordon of Lava Injection; Troy Nickel of Kalescent

4.30 ? 5.30
How to start a new games business venture, by:
David Grant of Electronic Games Queensland Cluster

Each session will last about an hour. Feel free to change rooms after the first half hour to catch another session, or stay for the whole session. There will be a free room for after-session informal chats and meetups.


If you think you?ll come, please give us an idea of the numbers by emailing j.turner (AT) to say which sessions you plan to attend. Please use the subject header ?IGDA master class RSVP?.

Submitted by Kalescent on Thu, 09/06/05 - 4:14 AMPermalink

Troy Sterling ? My last name is 'Nickel' - but any currency is good enough for me [:D]

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 09/06/05 - 5:09 AMPermalink

Yeah i was wondering why it said 'Sterling'. I'll make sure they get it right next time so you're not short changed, hehehe... sigh[:(]

Submitted by souri on Thu, 09/06/05 - 4:54 PMPermalink

Wow, this sounds like an awesome event. You'd be silly to miss it.

Submitted by Mdobele on Mon, 13/06/05 - 8:15 AMPermalink

Just to remind everyone it will make the IGDA's job just a little bit easier if you could please RSVP if you are coming. There are some great speakers giving talks so you would be CRAZY to miss it.

I'll see you all there.

Just drop a line to
j.turner (AT)

Submitted by palantir on Sat, 18/06/05 - 11:11 PMPermalink

WHO: Anyone active or actively pursuing a career in the game development industry. Those not in the industry and not yet fully dedicated to breaking in, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the wider community.

So am I correct in assuming that students like myself who hope to one day break into the industry but aren?t yet ready to dedicate themselves to job hunting should not go this and wait for a more appropriate event?

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 18/06/05 - 11:24 PMPermalink

no come along. if you want to get into games and want o improve your knowledge and skills - come along!

i think that line is a relic from the standard IGDA invite form. to me it reads: "if you're not that interested in games or not sure that's what you want ot be doing this is not for you". it would be expected that anyone who attends has some knowledge and interest of game dev - or they probably wont understand or be interested in the presentations.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 19/06/05 - 12:43 AMPermalink

Because nothings been changed here about this yet ill take it upon myself to clear it up - The session window thats available for myself and some of the crew tomorrow at QANTM will be a Q&A session for anyone to come along and ask anythign they like about what Kalescent Studios is up to or how we got established etc etc.

If you ever had any questions about how we operate, how we are staying alive, what you need to do to get work from us etc - then come along and ask away.

Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 20/06/05 - 9:45 AMPermalink

Thanks to everyone who came along, and thanks to the other 'masters' for there presentations. [:D]

Submitted by AntsZ on Mon, 20/06/05 - 8:10 PMPermalink

hey HazarD, thanx for the QA session, I didnt know much about outsourcing and I quite like it I learnt so much more, you guys did a great job and the models look excellent

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 20/06/05 - 11:32 PMPermalink

overall a sucessful evening i thihnk. thanks to everyone that attended and all the presenters aswell. i dont know how many students attended from the different UNIs, but i was dissapointed there weren't more there from qantm. i saw a lot of pass students and a few current ones, but students would have benefited so much from attending that it's a shame more didnt - particually those woring on final projects this year.

still, a great night, and a good indication of interest and potential for future events.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 21/06/05 - 9:29 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

but i was dissapointed there weren't more there from qantm. i saw a lot of pass students and a few current ones, but students would have benefited so much from attending that it's a shame more didnt - particually those woring on final projects this year.

Maybe Brisbane employers should ask "Did you go to the IGDA Master Class? Oh, why not?" during interviews [;)]

Submitted by Brain on Fri, 24/06/05 - 6:56 AMPermalink

Was definitely a good evening. Only saw half of John P's workshop as I was with a programmer who wanted to see the relevant session (which wasn't incredibly programming orientated, but still informative), but liked how it gave way to expansive thinking. Look forward to more of his stuff. Definitely got alot out of the business session. Didn't realise how very viable starting up a new game dev is right now in Queensland. Production was interesting, but made my way to art half way through, which wasn't bad. Learnt new bad stuff about the PS2 and saw a preview of Ty 3. Didn't get to Audio and Outsourcing as the art sesh went overtime, but wish I'd at least caught some of it.

So yeah, looking forward to more in the near future @:-)

Submitted by MarkMash on Sun, 17/07/05 - 6:28 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by HazarD

Thanks to everyone who came along, and thanks to the other 'masters' for there presentations. [:D]

Hey I'd just like to thank you and mick gordon for your lecture... I found it very helpful and was a great insight!

EDIT: oh and every other one I went to was great aswell.

Posted by LiveWire on

An invitation to game developers? pass it on:

For further details visit the [url="…"]Greater Brisbane IGDA chapter[/url]

Next event: What, who, when, where
WHAT: An opportunity for developers and hopefuls to learn more about each area of game development?how to get the job, change tracks, and how to advance in your career. Each area will be led by an experienced game developer, and open discussion is invited. See below for details.

WHO: Anyone active or actively pursuing a career in the game development industry. Those not in the industry and not yet fully dedicated to breaking in, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the wider community.

WHEN: Sunday, 19 June, starting @ 2:00 PM but see full schedule below.

WHERE: QANTM, 138 Albert Street, Level 9. Parking in a pay lot across the street.

2.00 ? 3.00
A session on conceptual design and stories, by:
John Passfield of Pandemic (recently of Krome)

2.30 ? 3.30
Programming code for games, by:
Brad Clancy of Pandemic

3.00 ? 4.00
How it all glues together and gets to completion, by:
Jon Cartwright of THQ

3.30 ? 4.30
Art asset management, environment and character modeling for games, by:
Jake Hempson and Bruno Rime of Krome

4.00 ? 5.30
Audio and Outsourcing:
Game audio and how to operate an outsourcing shop, by:
Mick Gordon of Lava Injection; Troy Nickel of Kalescent

4.30 ? 5.30
How to start a new games business venture, by:
David Grant of Electronic Games Queensland Cluster

Each session will last about an hour. Feel free to change rooms after the first half hour to catch another session, or stay for the whole session. There will be a free room for after-session informal chats and meetups.


If you think you?ll come, please give us an idea of the numbers by emailing j.turner (AT) to say which sessions you plan to attend. Please use the subject header ?IGDA master class RSVP?.

Submitted by Kalescent on Thu, 09/06/05 - 4:14 AMPermalink

Troy Sterling ? My last name is 'Nickel' - but any currency is good enough for me [:D]

Submitted by LiveWire on Thu, 09/06/05 - 5:09 AMPermalink

Yeah i was wondering why it said 'Sterling'. I'll make sure they get it right next time so you're not short changed, hehehe... sigh[:(]

Submitted by souri on Thu, 09/06/05 - 4:54 PMPermalink

Wow, this sounds like an awesome event. You'd be silly to miss it.

Submitted by Mdobele on Mon, 13/06/05 - 8:15 AMPermalink

Just to remind everyone it will make the IGDA's job just a little bit easier if you could please RSVP if you are coming. There are some great speakers giving talks so you would be CRAZY to miss it.

I'll see you all there.

Just drop a line to
j.turner (AT)

Submitted by palantir on Sat, 18/06/05 - 11:11 PMPermalink

WHO: Anyone active or actively pursuing a career in the game development industry. Those not in the industry and not yet fully dedicated to breaking in, please stay tuned for future events that reach out to the wider community.

So am I correct in assuming that students like myself who hope to one day break into the industry but aren?t yet ready to dedicate themselves to job hunting should not go this and wait for a more appropriate event?

Submitted by LiveWire on Sat, 18/06/05 - 11:24 PMPermalink

no come along. if you want to get into games and want o improve your knowledge and skills - come along!

i think that line is a relic from the standard IGDA invite form. to me it reads: "if you're not that interested in games or not sure that's what you want ot be doing this is not for you". it would be expected that anyone who attends has some knowledge and interest of game dev - or they probably wont understand or be interested in the presentations.

Submitted by Kalescent on Sun, 19/06/05 - 12:43 AMPermalink

Because nothings been changed here about this yet ill take it upon myself to clear it up - The session window thats available for myself and some of the crew tomorrow at QANTM will be a Q&A session for anyone to come along and ask anythign they like about what Kalescent Studios is up to or how we got established etc etc.

If you ever had any questions about how we operate, how we are staying alive, what you need to do to get work from us etc - then come along and ask away.

Submitted by Kalescent on Mon, 20/06/05 - 9:45 AMPermalink

Thanks to everyone who came along, and thanks to the other 'masters' for there presentations. [:D]

Submitted by AntsZ on Mon, 20/06/05 - 8:10 PMPermalink

hey HazarD, thanx for the QA session, I didnt know much about outsourcing and I quite like it I learnt so much more, you guys did a great job and the models look excellent

Submitted by LiveWire on Mon, 20/06/05 - 11:32 PMPermalink

overall a sucessful evening i thihnk. thanks to everyone that attended and all the presenters aswell. i dont know how many students attended from the different UNIs, but i was dissapointed there weren't more there from qantm. i saw a lot of pass students and a few current ones, but students would have benefited so much from attending that it's a shame more didnt - particually those woring on final projects this year.

still, a great night, and a good indication of interest and potential for future events.

Submitted by souri on Tue, 21/06/05 - 9:29 PMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by LiveWire

but i was dissapointed there weren't more there from qantm. i saw a lot of pass students and a few current ones, but students would have benefited so much from attending that it's a shame more didnt - particually those woring on final projects this year.

Maybe Brisbane employers should ask "Did you go to the IGDA Master Class? Oh, why not?" during interviews [;)]

Submitted by Brain on Fri, 24/06/05 - 6:56 AMPermalink

Was definitely a good evening. Only saw half of John P's workshop as I was with a programmer who wanted to see the relevant session (which wasn't incredibly programming orientated, but still informative), but liked how it gave way to expansive thinking. Look forward to more of his stuff. Definitely got alot out of the business session. Didn't realise how very viable starting up a new game dev is right now in Queensland. Production was interesting, but made my way to art half way through, which wasn't bad. Learnt new bad stuff about the PS2 and saw a preview of Ty 3. Didn't get to Audio and Outsourcing as the art sesh went overtime, but wish I'd at least caught some of it.

So yeah, looking forward to more in the near future @:-)

Submitted by MarkMash on Sun, 17/07/05 - 6:28 AMPermalink

quote:Originally posted by HazarD

Thanks to everyone who came along, and thanks to the other 'masters' for there presentations. [:D]

Hey I'd just like to thank you and mick gordon for your lecture... I found it very helpful and was a great insight!

EDIT: oh and every other one I went to was great aswell.